Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1318: Chef's recipes [third! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

Nine-turning Dasheng assassination of Xiaosheng?

Is there such a shameless sacred world in the world?

In the distance, the infernal powers who intuitively looked at the state of the Forbidden City were shocked.

The eye of the dragon prisoner is a tight contraction.

The silver corner of the Golden Horn Prisons and others also could not help but take a breath.

Not only they, everyone was shocked.

On the shameless, the Black Temple is really the most shameless...

"This **** black demon!"

The dragon lord was furious, and the scepter of the eye of the emptiness was on the ground.

The next moment, the figure suddenly came out.

Flying towards the Forbidden City, watching him for a long time, finally could not help but join the battle...

Other prisoners are staying where they are.

Yu Ji’s eyes are full of worrying colors, but Xiao You is staying with the step, and the danger of the step will spread to Xiao You?

But her strength is not qualified to join the battle.

So she can only be anxious here!


The Dark Lord did not think that he had lost his hand!

From the last epoch to the present era... He only missed his hand once, and this time, it was the second time...

Even the last time he promised to be a prisoner of the Nine incarceration, when he shot and sneaked on the Pluto, he did not miss his hand and seriously injured the Pluto.

Make the Pluto Heaven hide under the coercion of the strong people of the Nine.

But this time, assassination of a small holy area, he actually failed? !

This is the second time he has failed since his debut.

The first time he failed, he still remembers that he was assassinated in the last era, the first strongman in the world.

It is a coincidence.

It’s also a cook...

However, in front of this cook, with the cook, where can you compare?

The two are simply the gap between heaven and earth!

Although he was tied to an era in the forbidden land, his strength has dropped a lot, and he is no longer at the peak, but it is impossible to assassinate a little one and still miss it!

Of course, he is the first assassin in the ruins.

After the miss, the moment is the return.

In the face, the attack of the steps, Xiaobai, Xiaoyou, naturally revealed a sneer of disdain.

That shovel is okay, at least with the fighting power of nine turns of the little holy.

But what about the cook and the woman?

However, turning to Xiaosheng one or two, I want to fight back against him?

boom! ! !

The Thunder slashed out and was easily lifted by the Black Devils.

The white figure suddenly retreated a few steps.

The arm of the step suddenly slammed out, wrapped in terrible power.

This punch, squatting on the face of the Dark Lord.

A bang, a muffled sound.

The black devil, grinning for a while.

The sneer continues to ring.

"Are you scratching me?"

The Dark Lord smiled disdainfully, and with his nine-turned sacred cultivation, even if he stood and let the little cook attack, there would be no damage.

The eyes of the step are indifferent.

A heart move.

It is intended to use the sword pot.

However, when the step was intended to be used, it was interrupted by the quiet voice.

The steps are slightly different.

Turning the head and looking at the past, it was discovered that the small secluded pupil was turned into a green color.


The eyelids of the step are suddenly shrinking...

A small slap of the palm slammed out.

Very fast.

The step took back the arm.

The next moment, the slap of Xiao You, fell on the face of the Dark Lord.

"Hey... are you a little girl, are you looking for death?"

The black magic sneer, his confidence is extremely strong.

That is due to the confidence in strength.

However, his words have just fallen.


A crackling sound.

A small slap in the face is lying on his face...

That slap, the concession color is slightly weird.


The black devil was slap in the face, and suddenly all of them were cold.

That feeling made him feel that there was a kind of numbness in his body and mind.

How does this feel?


A touch of greenish green flashed in front of his eyes.


The black devil suddenly stunned, and the scarlet eyes stared at Xiao You, as if he saw something incredible!

boom! ! !

The black devil's body flew out, accompanied by a tragic sound.

It fell on the ground in the distance and rolled continuously.

The small eyelids returned to normal, and the whole person was slightly worried.

She looked at her palm with a puzzled look.

It seems that some people do not understand how powerful their own palms are.

A slap can fly a big sacred.

Is it so powerful?

Xiaoyue squinted his eyes and was slightly in a daze.

Step by step, I looked at Xiaoyou.

Xiao Bai is screaming at the thundering flashing sword, and the palm-like palm scratches his bare head.

boom! !

A roar of resounding.

The dragon lord held the scepter of the eye of the emptiness and descended from the sky. The dynasty Erha was also coming quickly, and looked at Xiaoyu with amazement.

far away.

The black devil turned over and the green brilliance continued to spread across his face.

His eyes were full of horror, and he felt his face tied with a bandage, and the bandage on it fell off at a speed visible to the naked eye...

"Curse! This is a curse..."

The black devil's scarlet eye lifted up and looked at the far side of the step. His eyes fell on the little secluded side of the step, as if he were a ghost.

He seems to be obsessed with this curse.

It is like seeing the biggest taboo in the world.

This guy knows the curse of Xiao You?

Step by step.

The curse of Xiao You is mysterious, although his dishes can suppress the curse, but he does not understand the origin of this curse.

Even the Pluto Heaven and Earth can not be suppressed.

All along, the step of thinking, the secret of Xiao You curse may have to go to **** to know the reason, after all, Xiao You and Yu Ji are brought back from the prison of Pluto.

But I did not expect that this dark magic from the forbidden land of **** seems to understand the secret of this curse.

"The curse... is actually a curse..."

If the black magic is mad, then the killing in the eyes suddenly rises!

"The source of the curse, you are the source of destruction! You should not exist in this world! You must die!!"

The bandage on the black magical face was scattered.

The next moment, a crazy burst of fire came.

The green curse of his face is constantly eroding, and his power is constantly declining.

However, his killing of Xiao You has reached a very terrible degree!

Even when compared to the assassination step, it must be strong!

The small faint face is white.

The brows of the steps suddenly wrinkled...

The dragon prisoner shouted.

The eye of the emptiness eye swept out.

"Black Devil! The old man will avenge the old Pluto today!!"

boom! !

The eye of the emptiness slammed up and the ground suddenly exploded.

The black magic bombing from the blast came and went.

To nourish and nourish...

In the scepter of the Eye of the Void, a terrible black ray bursts out of it, pointing to the Dark Lord.

The black magic eyes mad, raised their hands, but they just caught the black rays.

The ray of madness bursts and continually shoots in the hands of the Dark Lord.

But they can't break free from bondage.


The black devil is raging and roaring.

The Dragon Prisoner is not hiding, and the Dark Wars are together.

The eyes of Pluto Erha have already become red.

Holding the Pluto is killing.

His old man was the best in the world, led the army to kill the prison, but in the end it was tragic.

All this is because this black magic assassin!

Therefore, Pluto Erha, revenge is necessary today!

"Take me all!!"

The black devil is raging, he just wants to kill Xiao You, just want to kill the girl who bears the source of the curse...


The war broke out instantly.

The Dark Lord and the Pluto Erha also have a battle with the Dragon Prison.

Actually it is difficult to solve.

Pluto Erha has the bonus of Pluto A, plus the seven-turned sacred-level lord of the lord, and the nine-turned sacred black demon who is riddled with this curse, has a tie!


This time it was the unscrupulous shot of Da Sheng.

The battle swept away, the ruins of the Forbidden City once again fell, and the ground collapsed.

The infernal powers in the distance have already seen it, sucking in the air, not knowing how to express their shock at the moment.

Hell seems to be at this moment, completely smashed into the battlefield.

Huangquan shop, even under the big holy air, is also safe and sound.

This makes many people secretly surprised.

There are such magical situations.

In the restaurant.

Step by step, turned a look at Xiao You.

It was discovered that the face of Xiao You became pale again.

The brow suddenly wrinkled, and the array of hands appeared, soothing on the small forehead.


On the small body, the cursed snake suddenly spit the letter, wrapped around the small body.

This curse... seems to have recovered some more?

This can't be done...

The face of the step is condensed.

I took a look at the big battle that broke out outside.

Then he took a small quiet and sat in the chair.

I took a deep look at the outside fight and turned and stepped into the kitchen.


"Special reward missions are released, is the host accepting?"

Regardless of how the step asked how to answer the system, it finally sounded.

Serious and serious words are heard in the minds of the steps.

Just opened the steps of the kitchen curtain, the face suddenly condensed.

“What is the special reward task?”

Step by step took a deep breath and asked the system.

The information of the previous generation of hosts appeared, and the concession side was somewhat complicated.

“Complete the mission and you will receive special rewards for the system.”

The system answered seriously and earnestly.

The step is silent for a while, and this answer is different from the no answer.

"What is the mission?"

“Special reward task: cooking dishes in the kitchen recipes, three cups of chicken.”

System track.


One step at a time, never imagined that at this time, the system proposed a task, actually let him cook.

and many more……

Suddenly, the front of the step was suddenly condensed, as if there was a brilliance of brilliance.

“Kitchen recipes... What is this?!”

Step by step, I took a breath and couldn't wait to ask.

However, this time, the system did not answer him and fell into silence.

"Does the host accept the task?"

"Three cups of sacred chickens have the power to suppress the power of the curse. Does the host choose the task?"

The system said seriously.

Step: "..."

The system is deliberate, knowing that you want to suppress the curse in the small secluded body, so deliberately released this task?

This is to let him have no way to refuse!

Step by step always feels that this task is a bit weird, mainly because of the timing of his release... It is too coincidental.

Suddenly, the stepping heart moved.

"Is there any sequelae for this task?"

Step by step, asked.

The system was silent for half a moment, and it was the opening: "The dishes in the kitchen recipes, the special success of cooking, the failure of cooking...kill."

“Friendly reminder: The dishes in the kitchen recipes have magical effects for the first time.”

Cooking failed... obliterate? !

This statement of the system, the concession party is all in place.

However, according to the system, if you can complete this dish...may be able to completely suppress the curse in the small secluded body?

If this is the case, the step-by-step look at the distant pale, leaning against the small secluded chair, and took a breathless expression.

"System, if it is cooking, with my current level of cooking, how many success rates?"

The step asked an important question.

The system did not answer immediately and seemed to be calculating.

After a long time.

System opening: "After rigorous calculations, if the host's cooking level is the cooking of the recipes, the success rate is 20%."

Percent... twenty?

System, are you funny?

The stepless expression of the step of the mouth, the eyes suddenly flashed fine.

"Okay, I accepted this task."

The success rate of 20% means at least that you still have hope. If there is hope, then you have to fight together.

Although steady and steady, although it is good, but wants to go higher, steady... not necessarily good.

The chest of the step seems to have a group of flames, burning at this moment.

Regardless of whether the system is intentional or something.

There is only one idea at the moment.

That is... to engage him.

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