Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1322: I have an arm [third! 4D update, ask for a monthly ticket! 】

The Dark Lord has never seen a big horror as a person who has experienced great winds and waves.

Being able to live from the last era to the present is enough to illustrate his ability.

Now, I didn't think that a two-turn Xiao San in the district would dare to threaten him. Is the little Saint now so mad?

Looking at the step in front of the restaurant, the darkness of the black devil's scarlet eyes is more intense.

The sword demon ancestors specifically told him to kill this little cook, he has not yet started again, did not expect that this little cook actually ran up to death.

In this case, then you can't blame him!

The black devil's eyes burst into a sharp light, as if there was a slap in the face of surging.

For example, two fire dragons swayed in the eyelids and swept across the sky.

Pluto Erha and Ying Long’s prisoner looked at the steps and shook their heads.

Although the steps are very strange and extraordinary, he is only a chef after all, just a chef who turns to Xiaosheng.

His growth rate is very fast, but... If you grow faster, you can't surpass the real realm barrier. Play against a nine-turn grand priest?

Even an ordinary great saint is not comparable to the pace.

Dasheng, already the world of meditation, is the most outstanding.

Any great saint has experienced countless hardships to grow up. They are the true masters of this world.

So when the step came out of the restaurant and let go of the rumors, Pluto Erha and Ying Long were only joking.

They didn't care.


The eyes of Pluto Erha suddenly condensed.

In the hands of the King of Pluto, suddenly a roll, the terrible sharp edge of the Confucius continued to condense.

In the next moment, with a slamming wave, the terrible destructive power is bursting out from it and rushing toward the distant black magic.

The red cloak behind it hunted.

When the foot stepped on the ground, the ground suddenly collapsed and turned into a huge deep pit.

Pluto is waving.

The will of heaven is surging, and that is the will of the small world that belongs to the condensed world of Pluto.

To achieve the great saints, you must unite your own will, and only in this way can you break free from the shackles of the ruins and walk in the stars.

This is also the privilege of the Great Holy.

"court death!"

The black magic eyes once again became cold.

The dagger slammed, and thousands of black mans swept into the sky, as if the whole world was in the darkness.

A bang.

The dagger and the long scorpion collided together, and suddenly a terrible terrorist explosion broke out.

The Dragon Prison Lord also flew out, and the eye of the emptiness swept up.

The ground was suddenly opened, the gravel rushed, and went to the black magic.

The dagger was swept again, and the horrible boulder that swayed on that day was like a tofu that was easily cut open and scattered.

Falling on the ground constantly collapsed.


The black magic swept swiftly.

He suppressed the curse of his body, and his combat power suddenly soared.

The figure is like a phantom, breaking into the turbulent flow under the void.

When it came back again, it was in front of Pluto.

The dagger's fluttering sweeps up, as if to plunge from the head to the feet of Pluto Erha directly into two halves...


An explosion.

Pluto Erha flies out like a teleport.

And behind him.

It was the outbreak of the slashing of the heads, and the entire ground was broken.

The waters of the Pentium River in the Huangquan River seem to have been cut off.

Terrible power!

Terrible strength!

All the strong players who watched the battle were stunned and could not say anything.

They are watching from afar, fighting at the Great Holy Level can only let them watch the battle far away.

Do not dare to approach!

Pluto Erha felt tremendous pressure.

He felt the banter in the Dark Lord.

That's right.

It is a joke.

After all, the black magic is a nine-turned sacred, strong him too much, to kill him, easy.

If it wasn’t because the Dark Lord had been invaded by a small curse before.

He may have already lost.

If there is no support for the lord's prisoner, he may have already died.

"Pluto Master... let go!"

Behind him came the image of Ying Long.

When I was in the throne, I was in a hurry.

After that, the body was traversed thousands of miles.

The figure of the Dark Devil was exposed.

The Dark Lord suddenly looked around and looked at the dragon with doubt.

In the eyes of Ying Long, it suddenly became a silvery light.

next moment.

A dragon shadow.

Ying Long was actually turned into a dragon, like a dragon, hidden in the void, the fleshy wing fan, as if igniting the storm of the heavens.


The eye of the emptiness of the eye is set in the middle of Ying Long’s head and turned into a silver eyelid.


In the silver eyelids, the cockroach shot a detailed silver light.

Silver light made a twisted dragon.

Xiaolong seems to have torn the sky, and straight toward the black magic.

"Good means... If it is the fur dog, I might still be afraid of a few points, but you are a big worm in this area... I am not afraid."

The black magic sneered.

next moment.

A roll of body.

Made a lacquered black tornado.


Above his head.

A small world emerges.

It was a small black world, wrapped in dark fog, and the whole world was shrouded in darkness of terror.

"Waimeng... When I was in the darkness of the black house, it was also the whole world of Megatron... but now it has fallen to the point of being insulted by a big insect."

The darkness of the black magic has emerged.

next moment.

The dagger in the hand is slowly pulled out.

Above the dagger is the power of the will of heaven.


On the silver dragon.

The black devil's dagger suddenly crosses.

Wrapped in the will of heaven.

The black mist is rolling, and the will of heaven will be turned into substance.

A loud bang.

The silver dragon was cut by the dagger for two halves...

The Dark Lord's figure is coming.

Suddenly approaching.

And the huge Ying Long on the Scorpio was killed together.

After some battle, the results soon appeared.

After all, Ying Long is still a lot worse than the nine-turn grand priest.

A meat wing was cut off and turned into a human body. It fell from the top of the sky, and the dragonfly fell on the ground, and the ground was completely collapsed.

The dynasty of the dynasty, the body of the dynasty, arrived quickly, and the dragon that fell to the ground was raised.

The dragon that should be more and more at this moment seems to be in jeopardy.


The Dark Lord laughed in the void.

The next moment, the goal is to lock in the body of Pluto.

"This big insect is hurt, then it should be you..."

"My black hall has been quiet for so long, and it is time to deter the world."

The Dark Lord is cold and cold.

After that.

A dagger is slamming out.

The black heavenly will is flowing, as if to crack everything.


The goal is directed, Pluto.

The dynasty of Erlang screamed, and the breath above the body skyrocketed, as if to scatter the clouds.

The Pluto, held in the hand, refers to the Dark Lord.


"Are you ignoring me?"


A faint sound sounded up.

This sound instantly lingered in everyone's ear.

The Dark Lord stayed a little.

The action of Pluto Erha was also a stagnation, and I looked at it with doubt.

Not just them, but everyone in the distance watching is stunned.

Then I got up.

This little cook... is it crazy?

This is a great jihad. What does a two-turn Xiaosheng insert into his district?

Dasheng can easily kill it!

Everyone around them sent out the sound of cold air, and they all felt that the steps were crazy.

However, is the step really crazy?

The steps are not crazy...

In the spirit of the step, the droplets floating above the golden books suddenly began to evaporate.

This droplet, the system called it the **** of the gods.

Is it the droplet of the **** of the kitchen god?

It sounds like this...

Moreover, from the fact that the spirits are eager for this, it must be a good thing.

So, the step is going to use a drop to see...


Under the control of mental power.

The golden droplets began to evaporate.

Slowly evaporate at a rate visible to the naked eye.

In a short while, it is completely disappeared into the spirit of the sea.

The spirits look at the steps and use a drop of divine droplets, each of which reveals a faint color.

The golden dragon is even more so sad.


boom! !

Evaporated a drop of the **** of gods.

Step by step slowly raise your hand.

There was a rush of heart in my heart.

As if inadvertently, I felt a sense of supremeity.

This breath spread to the whole world, and it was all over the place.

A pair of eyes seemed to open their eyes from the chaos and suddenly projected onto the body of the step.

The pores of the step are all blasted, tightened...


An invisible wave suddenly covered the entire body of the step.

The concession felt the power of a sea, filled with his body.

This feeling is the first time in history...

boom! ! !

The breath of the breath spread from the body of the step.

It seems as if it has been turned into a smash, and it has spread.

next moment.

Everyone was shocked.

Falling to the ground, the dying lord of the dragon prisoner gaze, and the incredible look of the step.

Pluto Erha is taking a breath of cold, and he is in doubt.

The black magic eyes stunned and felt the power of the whistling wind... The breathing was stagnant.

"This breath...the feeling..."

The dark magical eyes reveal a violent color.

"I finally understand why the sword ancestor must have killed me! Your breath... exactly the same as the one who used to be!!"

boom! ! !

next moment.

A scream.

The terrible roar of screams exploded in the void.

The sound of the bang is rolling.

The figure of the Dark Devil rips the sky and steps into the emptiness of the void.

Coming quickly toward the pace.

Less than half a breath.

The black magic is from thousands of miles away, approaching the steps.

Above the top of the head, the small world of black mist is tumbling.

Heaven will roar.

In front of him, he turned into a lacquered black dagger.

On the dagger, Tiandao will be surging.

"Familiar atmosphere, but it is not the person of the year... The sword ancestor wants to kill you, because you have not grown up!"

"You who turned to Xiaosheng, even if you have the inheritance of that person, you can't resist a great saint!"

"So... you can die, you have to die, the witch... you have to die!!"

Rumble! !

The void is broken.

From a thousand miles away, it turned into a gully-like void, and the violent void energy came straight to the ground.

I want to thoroughly penetrate the steps.

There is no expression on the steps.

On the arm, the yin and yang are constantly flowing.

The evaporating golden power droplets seemed to fly quickly to his whole body.

There seems to be a huge suction in the arm, constantly inhaling the energy of the gods.

The arm of the step is turned into a golden color, and the brilliance of the brilliance...

That Guanghua, dazzling, seems to have turned into a hot sun.

This power is enough to destroy the land.

The whole person in the step is to become indifferent, as if the use of the divine droplets makes his heart become numb and indifferent.

Pluto Erha and Ying Long squinted and sucked cold.

In the distance, the strong players watching the battles are shocking, and they feel that the steps will die.

Thousands of miles collapsed and emptied, indicating how strong the black magic is? !

This move may not save the bones of the bombardment!

Just an instant!

The black devil is approaching, killing the sky, pointing to the steps!


The black magic said coldly.

The dagger crosses and the heavenly will flows on it, and the void is broken.

Face this dagger.

The stepless expression of a breathless breath.

Evaporation of a drop of divine power, let the step feel that it seems to be above all else at a certain moment.

Look at the dark magic of the cockroach.

Step by step.

"If you turn the Great Saints to destroy the heavens and the earth, I will send you one...the arm."

The words fell.

Jin Guang’s punch was to go out to the Dark Devil.

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