Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1325: Long-lost system prompts [third! 4D update, ask for a monthly ticket! 】

The nine prisons of the imprisonment, conquering the ruins of all walks of life.

Every small world is now caught in a fire.

Some worlds have been broken and become vassals of the prison. Some worlds are still resisting, and the blood is sprinkled for the final dignity.

The cruelty of the war has filled the entire sacred world for a time.

In this case, the prison actually launched the information on the deforestation of hell, and this information came out.

The entire martyr was in shock.

Is it really crazy to be in prison?

Actually, regardless of the hell, the **** is not a small world. Although this sacred heaven battle, the lack of **** performance, but the younger generation is weak, does not mean that the **** is weak.

The power of **** is still numerous.

Western Buddhism.

Above the heavens of the Buddha's light.

The huge golden Buddha disk sits on it, hands clasped together, and sings the Sanskrit.

The sound of terror sounds through the heavens.

Beyond the Golden Buddha, it is a dense army of imprisonment, they are facing each other, facing the Golden Buddha, waiting for the opportunity to break into the Western Buddhism.

Eighty-one stupas in the Western Buddhism, and at the same time burst into light.

In each of the stupas, there is a large St. Reilly suspension, providing majestic energy and forming a golden Buddha.

The practitioners of the entire Western Buddhist scriptures are sitting cross-legged, hitting the wooden fish, and singing the Buddha.


A large Buddha looked at the sky with a peaceful look.

Behind him, it is reflected in the color plate.

Suddenly, the Buddha’s gaze suddenly stagnate, his eyes open, and an unbelievable color emerges.

Outside the scorpio, the void is torn.

Among the camps of the Prison Army, there are several figures, and they are coming out.

The terrible pressure is sweeping the world.

One person is in the fire, as if the real fire burns the heavens, it is a top sacred horror!

There is another person shrouded in the darkness, and the looming figure seems to be integrated into the void.

"Fire demon ancestor... Shadow ancestor..."

In the eyes of the Buddha in the Western Buddhism, the Buddha’s eyes suddenly burst into a sigh of color.

next moment.

Buddha light sky!

The figure flies out of the small Buddha world.

Behind him is following the two great saints.

Three Buddhas, suspended in the void, two statues like a demon god.

The terrible breath in the violent collision, tearing the sky.

"The Buddha in the Western Buddhism World... You and I will enter the Star Wars, so as not to blame this world."

The fire demon ancestors opened their mouths.

His voice is quite soft, but it looks like a burning demon fire.

The top of the small Buddha in the Western Buddhism, Amitabha, sang on the lotus, and suddenly rushed into the sky and set foot on the starry battlefield.

The fire demon ancestors laughed and sneaked into the starry battlefield with the shadow ancestors.

The war broke out instantly.

The strongmen of the Western Buddhism and the Prison are looking up at the Scorpio, only to see the sky, the fire is everywhere, turned into a sea of ​​fire.


There are peerless powers fighting in it.

After a long time.

The sea of ​​fire disappeared and the scorpion split.

A sun-covered flame palm was photographed from it.

Shooting toward the huge Buddha that enveloped the small Buddha in the west.

boom! !

The whole west of the small Buddha world is a shock.

Later, among the practitioners, they were watching the huge Buddha of the entire Western Buddhist scriptures, and the inch was broken...

Infinite fire in the sea.

The three great Buddhas who entered the Scorpio, in the flame, turned into flying ash.

Eighty-one stupas, which collapsed at the same time.

The Western Buddhist small Buddha world, framed.


King Kong.

The roar of horror is deafening.

A strong man with a red fruit on his upper body was invincible, and he punched it out and went straight back to the prison.

The hands are torn apart, and a big sac of a prison is instantly torn into two halves...

Terrible breath, Megatron!

Behind the strong man, there is a densely sturdy man, slaps his chest and screams, cheering for the top of the King Kong community.

They laughed excitedly.

Seeing the retreat of the infernal strong being killed by their great saint, they were so excited that it was difficult to suppress.


The sound of laughter soon stopped abruptly.

The great sacred priests of the King Kong world are smashing and staring at the void.


The sky above the prison army, tearing the sky.

A young boy is standing on it, his eyes are calm, and his eyes seem to have strength.

"The ancestor of the hegemony!"

The Great St. of the King Kong Circle issued a blasphemy.

Later, the boy in the void aired a punch.

This punch is swaying toward the great sage of King Kong.

Above this punch, it covers the majestic blood and is full of vitality.

The blood is like a storm, and wherever it passes, many of the strongmen of the King Kong are directly evaporated by the power of this blood...

The hegemony of a vein, such as the King Kong world, the practice of the flesh, the incomparable body, can be invincible.

Hegemonic ancestors shot, Megatron.

The great saint of the King Kong community made an unyielding roar.

It is also a punch and a long sky.

The hegemony is on the gold body.

The two collide, this is a physical collision to the ultimate collision.

The void bursts.

Half of the King Kong circles are shaking, the ground is broken...


Under a punch.

The strong man in the King Kong world was instantly defeated.

"Fireflies also dare to compete with Haoyue, only the death...take down the King Kong world, prepare to assemble, and break into hell."

The tyrants of the tyrants are holding hands and faint.

The figure is in the void, disillusioned.


At the same time, in every small world, there are ancestors of the nine ethnic groups.

The battles that could have been supported, the momentary collapse, are defeated.

Xian kitchen world.

The saplings bloom without the brilliance, and the branches of one root sway in the void.

Every sniper will crack a little holy sniper.

The void is floating.

A huge triangular rhinoceros is suspended in it.

The corner of the triangular rhinoceros was crushed by slamming, and the eyes were dark and uncertain.

"The kitchen of Xian... will be leveled sooner or later, we will retreat, assemble the army, attack the hell..."

The deafening sound is heard on the fifth floor of the kitchen.

Later, the horrible army of the Prisons has retired.

The branches of the fairy tree are swaying, oh.

Soon it was a figure of a branch.

The figure stands at the top of the fairy tree, as if looking into the distance.

The Ditai leader, the red fruit, is standing on the side of the branch, and his eyes are also uncertain.

The robbery of **** has come.

This time, how should **** be spent?


It’s been half a month since the last great jihad.

However, in the past two weeks, the whole **** has not been relaxed, but it has become more and more urgent.

It seems that everyone has a sharp sword hanging above the head.

This makes every strong person in **** feel a sense of crisis.

They also know that this is a prelude to the coming of war.

The power of the prison to launch war, to attack the hell, this is absolutely a disaster-like news for the mighty inferno.

Although **** is strong.

But the prison is stronger...

Whether the **** can resist the attack of the prison is really not accurate.

If Pluto is still there, they may not be worried.

After all, Pluto is a treasure, and the wind is perfect, it is the pride of hell.

However, the sky has been degraded. Today, the new generation of Pluto has also achieved great sacredness, but it is still in the stage of growth and cannot stand alone.

And the prison has the sacred ancestors of the nine ethnic groups, so the inferno strong people feel a haze over the top of the head.

The Forbidden City has been rebuilt.

I took a new name, called Huang Quancheng.

Today's Huangquan City has become the hottest area of ​​hell, and countless **** powers have gathered here.

After all, Huang Quancheng is the safest place in hell.

The **** dogs, Huang Quan Dasheng, the peerless powers of the two hells, are here, even if the war is up, they can find some comfort.

Of course, the most bizarre is the mysterious small restaurant in Huangquan City.

Huangquan shop.

Starting from the door, there are long and narrow teams lined up.

These people are all from the Hell's family door valves, the strength of these door valves is very strong.

But nowadays, these family door valves are waiting in front of the restaurant.

In a short while, some people in the restaurant came out, and these people were filled with satisfaction.

boom! ! !

Someone walked out of the restaurant.

Drunk walking a few steps, then sitting on the ground, actually began to break through.

The entire Huangquan City was covered in thunder and punishment.

In the restaurant.

The steps frowned.

Looking at the narrow team outside, the corner of the mouth is also a stroke.

After the prison of war announced the war against hell, **** was boiling.

The infernal powers who were not eager for the improvement of strength were madly rushed to his shop.

Spend a million crystals to buy the best Huangquan Nai wine.

This has led to a significant increase in the sales of the best Huangquan Nai wine.

This makes the stepper feel extremely weird. This is the promotion of the wine sales of his small shop.

Should he thank you for being in prison?

The strong people who drank the best Huangquan Nai wines broke through.

Huang Quan Dasheng sits in the restaurant and plays the jade altar.

He was not willing to drink the wine from the jar. He would rather spend a million crystals to buy and not want to drink his own wine.

This strange behavior is also a concession.

Looked at the wine in the jar, and the toilet gently spit out a breath and covered the cover.

No longer sell Huangquan Nai wine.

His eyes looked at a group of people who were waiting in line.

The light-looking opening: "The best Huangquan Naihe wine has been sold out, from now on, no longer sell the best Huangquan Nai wine."

The voice of the step is not big, but under the blessing of God, it spread throughout the city of Huangquan.

The strong people who are lined up outside the restaurant, each face is very ugly.

The things that many people are worried about have finally come true.

The best Huangquan Nai wine is limited after all, they are hesitant because of this, so people who buy wine later, after all, can not buy wine.

Many people are gone.

Some people complained to the steps.

Some people even crouched in front of the store, crying and crying to buy a drink, and even doubled the price.

However, the step is still rejected.

It is not that he does not sell, but the remaining wine steps will not be sold again.

Steps know their thoughts, the war begins, the higher the strength, the greater the chance of survival.

However, the step has the principle of stepping.

Closed the door of the restaurant.

The convenience is to enter the kitchen.

Start cooking.

In a short while, the steamed pork ribs came out of the kitchen.

Placed on the table.

The dog has already set his feet on the table and looks forward to it.

The steaming ribs are on the table, and the drunk juice is shining under the light, which attracts the taste of the dog.

The sly dog ​​is drooling DC.

Jingle Bell.

The steps went out of the kitchen again.

This time, his plate was filled with a bowl of succulent dragon blood rice.

Although the curse of Xiao You has a lot of integration, it still needs to be suppressed. Dragon blood rice is no better.

As for the little fox.

On the other hand, he prepared a plate of bursting beef **** and a dumpling dumpling.

This day.

After the dog was finished drunk and ribs, he left. This way, no one knows where the dog went.

Xiaoyou was full and went back to the room to sleep.

And the little fox, a few bursts of beef pills.

The eyes suddenly widened.

Behind the buttocks, a bulging bag emerged, and the white fox's face was red.

With a bang, the third tail was pulled out from behind the buttocks.

The tails of the three white storks smashed in the air, and the little fox squinted and excited.

Step by step, Enron sat at the table.

Oh, la la la.

Pour the wine into the porcelain cup.

A glass of wine into the abdomen, suddenly there is the essence of the sweep in the belly of the step.


"Congratulations to the host to complete the prescribed turnover tasks, and now begin to advance..." The serious and serious words of the system resounded in the minds of the steps.

On the eve of the infernal attack on Hell, in the mind of the step, the reminder of the long-lost system was finally resounded.

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