Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1332: The two armies battle [first! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

A sword light comes from heaven.

Kneeling on the barriers of hell, the barriers were covered with dense cracks, and the cracks spread and the barriers collapsed.

Hell, the strongest of the prison guards are both physically and mentally chilly, and some are cold.

They looked up and looked at the barriers of **** in sight. One inch of the broken pieces turned into crystal fragments, spilling from the sky, like a cold rain, cooling their hearts and letting them from the soles of their feet. Underneath, there was a chill.

Before the prison guards, thousands of miles of battlefields.

The wind and sand rose, and the sand flew.


As the barriers to **** slowly disappeared.

The sigh of the power of the prisoners finally emerged completely.

A warship, sprayed with energy, waiting for the most powerful impact, wanting to annihilate the hell.

On the top of every warship, there are strong men standing out, they are wearing armor, and they are magnificent.

This is the charge on every ship.


In the battle of the prison.

The sound of the drums resounded.

A shirtless man with his hands clasped with huge drumsticks and beat the bronze drums placed on the ship.

Every time you knock down, it seems that the drums will make a tremor.

This drum sound is deafening, and it makes people feel that the spirit is boiling.

This is the effect of the drums.

The assailors who stood on the bow of the warship suddenly looked bright and breathless.


Shouting and killing sounds resounding.

The assailors on every ship are leaping out.

The terrible breath rose from the sky and turned into a streamer, falling from the warship.


A loud noise.

Every assaulter fell to the ground, the ground collapsed abruptly, collapsed, and the cracks continued to spread.

Above the walls of the prison gate.

A Hell Powerhouse is also in a tight mood.

In the face of the prisoners of the prison, they naturally cannot admit defeat.

Lloyd's Prisoner, the hair of the puff is floating, she is wearing a black armor, and she will show her exquisite figure.

There is a small yellow flag in her hand.

Suddenly waving the small yellow flag, into the flag.

This small yellow flag rises up and floats on the sky, and thousands of streams are flashing.

It seems that there is a ray of light that rises.

With the roar of the small yellow flag.

Outside the prison guard, thousands of miles of battlefields suddenly roared.

Under the ground, there is a smashing array of light shining into the sky!


The charge of the Prison, suddenly like a head of the wild animal rushed into the formation.

boom! !

The roar is ringing.

These assaulters in the prison are not weak, and they are the strongest of the small five or six.

I rushed into the formation, and suddenly collided with the formation, and hardened against the formation.

On the Scorpio, the drums of the Prison are more and more fierce, and the drums are rushing, such as the storm, and suddenly fall.


Every drum sound seems to fall on the mind.


Some of the assaulters were crushed into pieces by the formation.

There are also the assaulters who hardly slam the impact of the formation, and want to break this battle out of a breakthrough.

The sound of roaring, unwilling roar, resounded through the sky.

Jinjiao lifted his foot and stepped on the wall pier of the city wall. The eyeballs stared at the assaulter in the battle. The muscles were shaking gently, and it was excited.

When Pluto Tianzang led the Hell army into Hell, the battle of the world, he did not participate, it was his regret.

In that battle, there were the world's strongest, the Pluto, the Hell, and so on.

But he has never seen it.

But this time, he will not be absent from the war.


A stormman was smeared with blood and rushed out of the battlefield of thousands of miles.

Holding a spear, the prisoner was shut.

The golden horn roared.

Grabbed a long iron knife, stepped on the wall pier, and the body suddenly flew down.

"The prison is dead... I am dead!"

boom! !

The golden horn burst into bursts, and the terrible repairs suddenly broke out.

Holding a long knife in both hands, violently descending from the sky, landed on the ground, feet on a solid ground, facing the red-eyed Prison Charger.

A knife is thrown out.

The knife is sweeping and flying.

In an instant, kill the assaulter for two!

The blood fog suddenly spread.

Above the Scorpio, the assaulter rushed out of the breakthrough.

The battleship roared.

On the other hand, one after another, the figure jumped down and fell to the ground, shouting and killing the sound, and for a moment, the dense and powerful prisoner was rushed into the battle.

The prison guard is above the wall.

Luo Ji’s face suddenly became pale, and the glory of Xiao Huangqi was bleak and smashed.

The army of those in prison rushed into the gap in the battle.

Like the iron ride trampled, the trample will be trampled.

This is the first wave of attack in the prison, the attacker is the strongest under the little holy land of the nine ethnic groups in the prison, this is also the main force of the war! !

After the Golden Horn smashed the Prison Charger.

The eyes are bright.

Grabbing the corpse of the corpse on the back, the hand trembled, the fan ushered in the storm.

Suddenly made a huge iron fan of several meters high.

The golden horn stared at the army that had been rushed, and the terrible killings seemed to be a giant beast in the sky above the army.

The eyes of the golden horn are red.

Dagu came together, grabbed the iron fan, and slammed it down.

boom! ! !

The tornado was picked up and turned into a long dragon, which was crushed toward the battlefield.

Hey! !

It is like a white pass, where a tornado passes, there is a strong person who is involved in it, accompanied by miserable.

In the battle of the prison.

There were nine turns of the little sacred out of the air, suspended in the void, facing the huge tornado.

He reached out and his hand slammed a piece.

Later, the soil on the ground flew away and climbed over the tornado, wrapping the entire tornado.

Soon, a mud dragon appeared in the battlefield.

The nine-turn Xiaosheng of the prison has finally shot.


The gate of the prison gate is open.

After the gate of the city, the army waiting for it was shouting and killing, wielding a spear, and slamming the big knife, pushing the army of imprisonment.


The drums can't be less.

The prison guard was closed, and Luo Ji had a pale face, and there were eight-faced drums around him, dancing like a fairy in the drums.

Every drum knocks down, there will be exciting drums.

The horn of the assault resounded and matched the sound of the drums.

The army rushed.

Shouting and killing the sound.

Thousands of miles above the battlefield, the two armies rushed from the two sections of the battlefield.

Like two dams that collapsed, the river was pouring water, and the waves crashed into the sky and collided.

boom! ! !

When the two armies touched each other for a moment.

It’s like a skybreaking, the sun and the moon are dull!

The battle started instantly.


The breath of every strong person is an explosion.

All kinds of means are exerted, constantly bombarded, and fight against the enemy!

The cruel war was a moment to show his horror.

There is a strong prisoner who has been bombarded, and a **** strong man has been cut off from his limbs...

The blood is flying, the miserable picture is suddenly filled with the world.

However, the battle between the two armies was deadlocked.


Among the voids, there was an old man who was pale, and his sleeves seemed to have black long snakes.

"The strongman who is the one who tamed the beast."

The old man said faintly.

next moment.

Among the ships.

A strong prisoner in a cloak rushed out.

These strong people are all in a small holy place.

After rushing out of the warship, it leaped from the sky.

Dozens of figures, each face is indifferent.

Falling from the sky, when they approached the ground, they crushed the jade.

The roaring beast's voice was deafening, and a terrible beast appeared under them.


On the ground, the ground collapsed, and the strong ones of these taming beasts, riding on the beasts, rushed like a huge wave.

As soon as you enter the market, you will suddenly enter the uninhabited territory. The strongest in **** is not an enemy.

The beast was beaten into a minced meat by a paw, and the strong man on the beast was pierced by a spear.

The blood of the war is vividly displayed at this moment.

The silver horn is wearing armor and stands on the wall.

The fierce beast watching the veins of the beast enters the scene, and his cynical face suddenly becomes dignified.

He raised his hand and slammed it over the wall.

Suddenly, there were fluctuations in the entire city wall.


On the wall, a deep black hole emerged.


The silver horn stands on the wall, and the silver corner reflects the light.

As the sound falls.

In the dark black holes on the walls, there was a wave of Xuanqi’s volatility.


next moment.

The whistling sounds.

It seems as if the void is torn apart and it is constantly falling apart.

A huge black arrow smashed from the black hole in the wall.

The goal is directed at the beastly team of the prison.


The fierce beast clawed the ground and raised his body.

However, the scorpion scorpion came in abruptly, coming in from the chest of the beast, and the strongman of the tamer on his back was also pierced into a transparent, **** shot, such as the river sweeping.

A loud bang, the giant beast landed and slipped out of the distance.

The roots of the gods are flying fast.

These are all the great powers of the exhibition, such as the fierce beast that enters the uninhabited nature of the beast.


In the battle of the prison.

Seeing the scene of the reincarnation of the nine-turn small sacred anger!

Shooting and killing.

Above the **** prisoner.

There are also the top nine of the family door valves, and the little screaming is angry.

Nine-turned Xiaosheng, also rushed out, and played together.

The collision bursts instantly.

The collision of the nine-turn Xiaosheng level has been very difficult to be underestimated!

In the blink of an eye, it entered a climax.

The collision between the army and the army.

The confrontation between means and means.

At the moment, it is the mutual fight between the top powerhouse and the top powerhouse.

The war started instantly, and the war between Hell and Hell broke out instantly.

Rumble! !

Above the sky.

There is a great saint who is finally unable to sit still.

A big turn of the prison, shot.

Dasheng shot, the pressure is different, the terrible heavenly will will roll on the sky, let the strong side of the **** side of the battlefield stunned.

The strong guys in the prison guards are also sinking.

The thing they are most worried about is still happening.

The great saints of the prison are shot, and the great saint of **** is much worse than the prison. If the great saint is crushed, then the **** is really finished.

Some of the world's door valve powerhouses are pale.

Some people bite their teeth and have already pulled out a piece of steaming cake, ready to fight.

However, the sound of the explosion suddenly appeared on the sky.

The two figures flashed from the sky.

"Is it really my hell?"

A burst of water, such as thunder and lightning.

Pluto Erha wore the Pluto A, and came out of the air. The black Pluto was on the top of the sky, and it seemed to turn into a long dragon roaring and sweeping.

A pole of Pluto waved and swept the heavens.

At this moment, Pluto Erha is like a god.

Above the sky.

A long shot swept out.

The long ray was turned into a half-moon arc, swept past, and the sacred sacred sacred shot was thrown away.

The small world of Pluto is emerging, and a magnificent world is reflected in the heavens, and the will of heaven is rolling in it.

Thoroughly crush the will of the heavens.


A little bit of sorrow in the prison of prison vomited blood and flew out.

The head of the dynasty Erha wore armor, his eyes were cold, and he held a long scorpion.

Raised his head and faced a ship that was suspended on the Scorpio.

The long scorpion lifted up and pointed at the other side.

The sword ancestor is indifferent, stepping on the silver sword light, he is far-sighted, looking directly at the prison guard, seems to be spying on something.

"The second and the second are all shots, and the guy is killed."

The sword ancestors faintly said.

The sound suddenly dissipated and rang through the heavens.

next moment.

Among the ships.

Actually, there were eight figures coming out of the air. The eight little saints shot at the same time, and the breath was continuous, as if they had turned into a huge wave.

Pluto is always a glimpse.

Compared with **** and hell, the gap is worse than the number of great saints.

The other party’s shot is a two-for two turn and a small turn.

On the side of hell, only the prince Erha is a small holy.

On the wall.

Many of the world's door valves, Xiao Sheng, looked at each other, they bite their teeth, and many people took out the steaming cakes.

Rubbing and rubbing a crack.

Each of them has bitten down the cake.

A piece of creation into the heart of the field.

The nine-turned little sages who ate the cakes have changed their breath.

boom! ! !


Huangquan shop.

Step by step, squinting, lying in the chair, the wind blowing, the whole **** of the sky, are shrouded in a black.

Small secluded holding a small fox, it seems a little impatient.

Suddenly, Xiaohu jumped out of Xiao’s arms and jumped into the arms of the step.

Step by step opened his eyes and looked at the doubts.

It was discovered that Xiao You was grievances watching him.

The step suddenly pulled the corner of his mouth.

"Want to go... just go."

Step by step, looking at Xiao You, know what she wants, said faintly.

In the dark, dark eyes, suddenly flashed.

Later, the Nether boat suddenly broke out.

Xiao You looked at the step and jumped into the Nether ship.

Sitting on the bow of the Nether Ship, the hair is fluttering, beautiful, with a hint of indifference, and the wind is perfect.

Hell, after all, is the home of her Nether Woman.

Guarding the home, her Nether Lady is equally obligatory.


Step by step slowly stood up from the reclining chair, feeling the soft hair of the little fox, watching the Nether ship go empty, and silent for a moment.

Later, the step turned and entered the kitchen.

Take out the casserole and dry pot...

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