Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1335: Pluto Heaven! [First! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

a punch.

Almost killed the fire demon ancestors.

That is the fire demon ancestor, one of the nine strongest prisoners, nine turns to the great holy, repaired to heaven, Megatron world.

However, it was in an instant, even if it could not be avoided, it was almost destroyed.

The flames of the whole body were bleak and dark, and they were almost knocked down from the starry battlefield. It was terrible.

The dragon prisoner and other people breathe a stagnation, not only him, the great sages of the dragons who play with the dragons see the horrible strength of Huang Quan Dasheng, they are all unable to breathe.

Is this the great saint of hell?

How is it so terrible?

Do you have a power bonus when you lose your hair?

Is bald stronger?

Those Western monks in the small Buddha world, aren't they all going to heaven?

A loud bang.

It’s like a comet sweeping.

The smashing fire demon ancestor blasted out, and the cockroach squatted on a meteorite that flew past, and the meteorite was collapsed into a huge pothole, almost blasting the meteorite. wear.

Oh, la la la.

The fire demon ancestors smashed and climbed out of it.

His chest was deeply sunken, as if the mucus-like mucus was flowing, it was his blood.

For many years, since the last siege of the Pluto, I was stabbed out of a hole, blood, and he never flowed through the blood.

But nowadays, it was bombarded by Huang Quan’s great punch.

"You are looking for death!"

The eyes of the fire demon ancestors have completely become cold and killing.

far away.

The tamer ancestors have already been shocked.

The strength of Huang Quan’s eruption made him scared, and the repressed breath, like a big stone, slid across his chest, making him afraid to show up.

He doesn't quite understand why the repair of Huang Quan Dasheng will become so powerful!

"Do you know why I am so strong? It's all because of you..."

Huang Quan’s eyes are all melancholy and suspended in the void.

He raised his hand and touched his bare head, and his heart was filled with grief for a moment.

"Three thousand troubles, one thing is lost, what a heartbreaking thing..."

Huang Quan Da Sheng long sighed, this situation, only with tyranny, can express his heart's anger.


The words of Huang Quan Da Sheng fell.

The figure suddenly flies past the void like a phantom.

The ancestors of the tamer have shrunk.

The body shape burst.

However, his body has just moved, and the face of Huang Quan Dasheng appears in front of him.


The tamer ancestor was frightened, how can he stop this speed?

"Give me death!!"

The ancestors' ancestors were very anxious, and their sleeves were stunned. A black shadow suddenly came to the Huangquan Dasheng.

It was a dark snake with incomparable darkness. The snake scales shone with light, and the black letter was spit. At first glance, it was extremely poisonous.

This long snake shot out, biting it, even if it is a great saint, I am afraid that it will be uncomfortable.



The snake's head was pinched.

The sacred head of Huangquan is bright, as if under the stars, reflecting the brilliance of the stars.

The thumb and forefinger pinched up and slammed hard, and the long snake was directly pinched by the head of Huang Quan.

"You snake, mouth is so big, is it laughing at the holy?"

Huangquan Dasheng no expression, cold and cold.

The tamer ancestors watched their snakes pinched their heads, and they felt very sad in their hearts.

It is a rare species, and the entire cemetery has only this poisonous snake.


But I have not waited for his heartache to finish.

A punch is suddenly magnified in front of his eyes.

Bounced above his chest.

The eyes of the tamer ancestors are so large that everything seems to be still at this moment.

His body was picked up and there seemed to be blood coughing out of his mouth.

A bang.

The body suddenly fell back, wrapped in a blast, but also squatted on a meteorite.

Two punches, flying two two-turned Grand St., Huang Quan Dasheng touched his bald head.

His eyes are melancholy.


Under the starry battlefield, in the clouds.

The sound of breaking the air exploded.

The figure of the road was drilled out of it.

The long hair of the ice saint is floating, the wind is perfect, the white gauze on the body is light, and the whole person is like a peerless fairy.

The sword demon ancestors stepped on the starry battlefield with a silver sword.

Other ancestors such as the Horns ancestors followed.

Far away is the yellow spring shrine that stands in the sky.

The terrible spread of the atmosphere seems to be shocking.

The sorcerer's ancestors shivered and felt a little unbelievable.

How could the repair of Huang Quan Dasheng be so strong?

It feels like a breakthrough, reaching a higher level?

Is it a great sacrament? !

That's the only realm that has been achieved!

The beautiful face of Ice St. also showed some horror. Looking at the naked head of Huang Quan, he blinked his eyes.

"Hey, big sister, you are here."

Huang Quan Dasheng saw the ice saint and suddenly grinned.

The ice sacred face was restored to the cold, and he looked at Huang Quan’s holy sacred look. He also looked at the distant place and was beaten by the fire demon ancestor and the tamer ancestor.

"Huang Quan Da Sheng, although you are the Holy Hell, but you have always been detached from the world, why do you want to blend this thing, this is not good for you."

The sorcerer's ancestors stepped on Jianguang, and his eyes stared at Huang Quan.

In the past, Huang Quan, he would not care, because although it is also a nine-turn grand priest, but not too much between himself.

However, today's bald Huangquan Dasheng...power is beyond imagination.

Even more powerful than listening.

This kind of opponent can fool and walk, and then quickly flee...

"If you eat someone's mouth softly and promised to help, you have to help..."

Huang Quan said,

He lifted the piece of cake that had not been eaten in his hand and continued to bite.

Ice St. suddenly saw the familiar cake.

Isn't the hot cake made for her?

"Step by step Xiaoyou also gave you a piece of cake, big sister, eat, eat fast, eat it will be invincible."

Huang Quan said,

At the corner of the ice holy mouth, I looked at the reflective bald head of Huangquan Dasheng, and looked at the made-made cake in my hand. For a time, my heart was somewhat unacceptable.

"Don't eat, don't eat..."

Bingsheng waved his hand, and his heart was secretly glad, and he was almost fooled by the steps.

Fortunately, I came to see it, otherwise I ate the cake, and my peerless face became bald. Who should I talk about?

Ice St. chose to refuse.

Huang Quan is a little sorry.

This regretful expression fell in the eyes of the ice, and the more I felt that the old guy was bad.

Actually, I want to make the glamorous self become a bald head. It is really a sinister heart.

Boom! ! !

The fire demon ancestor and the tamer ancestor re-emerged.

The six ancestors surrounded Huang Quan Dasheng and Bing Sheng in the void.

The terrible murderousness was almost drawn together, leading to the starry battlefield and the storm sweeping.

In the distance, Ying Long’s prisoner and others have already fought.

They are concerned about the battle of the nine-turned Great Saints, and they are shocked.

Six great saints attacked two great saints...

This scene is simply shocking.

The war broke out instantly.

The fire demon ancestors and the tamer ancestors rushed toward Huangquan Dasheng.

The sword ancestor and the shadow ancestor are also joining the battle.

Four nine turns to the big holy, fighting light head Huang Quan.

The roar of the sound blew in the void.

The ancestors and the ancestors of the ancestors were together with the Ice Holy War.

The terrible power boiled and swept through the starry battlefield, and the stirring world was constantly roaring.

The terrible breath swept through, crushing the meteorites, and disturbing the turbulence in the stars.


Hell, before the prison guard.

Several great saints entered the starry battlefield, but they let the many **** powers in front of the prison guards breathe a sigh of relief.

And the step has also cooked the cake.

A few baskets of made-up cakes were placed on the wall.

The heat of the sky rises to the sky.

"Sell the cake, sell the cake."

Looking at the underdog army that was constantly being suppressed, the shouting shouted.

His voice was not loud, but it rang all over the city wall.

The strong men of **** suddenly moved.

Some strong people rushed up, saying nothing, paying for the cake.

I bought a cake, ate a cake, and they also joined the battle. There was no time and no time to step.

Those who bought the cake re-entered the battlefield and blocked the enemy for their comrades.

Grab the bite of the cake, and the sound of the card sounds through the battlefield.

"Brother! The buddy blocked you, you quickly went to the boss to buy the cake, bought the cake, let's take the cake together and walk the world!"

The strong man who bought the cake blocked the attacking of the strong one without the cake, and said with a deep face.

This scene is constantly happening on the battlefield.

As the strong guys who bought the cake rushed into the battlefield, the situation reverted again, and the army of the prison was repeatedly attacked.

This scene, let the strong of hell, morale suddenly skyrocketed.

Luo Ji excitedly laughed.

The hair of the puff seems to be shaking.


She danced long-sleeved, long-sleeved drums, exuding the sound of deafening drums, and the drums were deafening, and the blood in the body seemed to be boiling.

Yuji looks surging and looks at this scene with excitement.

She pulled out the epee behind her, took out the cake and took a bite.

The crispy cake was bitten open, and the gas of creation suddenly poured in.

Yu Ji’s eyes suddenly brightened.

next moment.

Grab the overlord's epee and slam it away in the distance.

The tyrant of the tyrant is like a meteorite. It quickly breaks into the battlefield and smashes a strong man into two halves!


Yuji stands on the wall and looks bright.

Her one hand waved.

The Naha squad actually continued to walk through the battlefield.

A temperament of gas, so that she has acquired the top-level creation, the sword of the sword.

What is important is that Yu is not an ordinary sword, even if it is a tyrant who is over 10,000 pounds, it can still be defended.

This scene is very scary.

A tyrant of the tyrant, like a fierce beast of the tyrant, shuttles through the crowd, constantly swelling out of a **** fog.

Change the situation on the battlefield.

The prison army was reluctantly retreating.

Every strong person is extremely incompetent, and they never imagined that they actually collapsed.

They did not lose to the army of hell, but lost to a piece of cake.


In the prison of the war above the Scorpio, there was a strong man who burst into a burst.


Above the warship.

There is a mysterious energy gathering.

Then an energy ray is coming over the wall of the prison guard.

I want to kill all the strong people who are locked in the prison.

This ray is the ray of the warship, and its power is comparable to that of the Great Holy.

At the moment, Pluto is very curious about the cake of the step.

There is no doubt that this cake must be the time when they entered the black hall.

He actually missed such a fun thing, and suddenly felt very sorry.

But fortunately, I can still buy now.

Take the cake that was thrown over by the step.

The steaming cake is held in the hand, as if it has a warm feeling.

Very magical.

After a bite, the card is crisp.

The crispy epidermis bites down, making the eyes of Pluto Erha suddenly bright, and the tender meat is more delicious.

However, the smoldering gas in the entrance to the entrance is the one that makes Pluto Erha.

"What about the creation of cakes?"

Pluto Erha took a deep breath.

The next moment, I blinked and found that nothing changed on my body.

"Say good creation?"

Pluto is always forced.

"Is the king's luck so good that it can't be controlled?"

Pluto haha ​​touched the smooth chin and indulged a few.

Above the city wall.

Several homeowners of the family door valve closest to Pluto Erha, both legs are a little soft, trembled and looked at Pluto.

Their eyes are full of horror, and after the horror, it is a complete enthusiasm.

They raised their hands and couldn't even say anything.

"Ming...there are kings...the adults!"

Several family gates suddenly crouched on the ground, their heads on the ground, and trembled.

"Hey, I am here, you don't have to be so big."

Pluto is somewhat aggressive.

Then the eyes suddenly lit up.

Is it true that the self-made creation is the legendary king tyrant, the gas is shaking, the heavens surrender?

Sure enough, this kind of creation is in line with his identity as Pluto.

The gaze of the step was a little weird and glanced at Pluto.

Xiao You had already raised his hand and held his mouth, his eyes full of incredible colors.

She was so shocked for the first time.

A glimpse of Yu Ji, the skill of Yu Jian is not flexible.

Watching behind the horror of Tsang Erha.

There, a burly figure emerged.

The burly figure is a bit fuzzy, but just standing there is making everyone feel terrified.

Not because of anything else.

Just because of the identity of the figure...

Pluto Heaven.

Pluto Erha finally came back to God. These guys were not afraid of themselves. He slowly turned his head and looked behind him.

The neck is a stiff...

I rub...

His creation...not a bad day, it is scary.

Can his dead old man be made to be recruited?

Pluto Tianzang opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a star-studded disillusionment in his eyes. The terrible breath gradually filled, causing the surrounding heaven and earth to collapse and collapse...

The faint gaze fell on the body of Pluto, and at that glance, the legs that could be scared by Pluto Erha were soft, and almost sat down on the ground.

"Old... old man, long time no see..."

"So smart, are you always out of breath?"

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