Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1342: The voice of the dog is heard in my mind [second! 】

The prison army was defeated.

The great saints of the prison are also retired because of the debut of the sergeant.

A fierce invasion of the war ended in a fiasco of the Prison Army.

Of course, everyone knows that this is not the end. Although the Prison Army is defeated, they will surely make a comeback, and the next time, it will be even more fierce.

This time, the most powerful of the ancestors and the nine prisoners of the Hell, did not participate in the war, although I did not know what caused the two to participate in the war.

But it is because of this that it is a chance to breathe in hell.

The patriarch of the hegemony has fallen.

This news, once passed back to the prison, is afraid that the entire prison will be fried.

The ancestors of the hegemony, the great perfection of the great sacrament, the soul of the hegemony, but ultimately fell into this war.

This is as shocking and shocking as a disaster for the strongest.

Losing the ancestors of the hegemonic body, the status of the hegemonic body will fall sharply, and even become the bottom of the Jiuzu.

Although there is still a big sacrament in the body of the hegemony, but the ancestors who can prop up the entire ethnic group are absent, but it is the one that makes the hegemony, and it is difficult to have such a power.

In the starry battlefield, it gradually became quiet.

Only the broken meteorites, and the great holy blood flowing.

The starry battlefield, the city of the Great Holy Sepulcher since ancient times, there are countless saints here.

This battle between Hell and Hell is comparable to the battle of the Pluto Heaven and the Prison.

There are countless great sacred monks in the war.

But in that battle, the fiasco was hell, and this time, the fiasco was in prison.

Hell, prison guard off.

Above the city wall.

The inferno of the **** are cheering with their arms raised.

Each of them is full of excitement and is excited to suppress their emotions.

This battle is not easy, and the **** side is also a heavy casualty.

Some family door valves have even been wiped out.

But this is the war. If it is not because of the step-by-step creation of the cake, this battle, the **** may not be able to hold it.

This battle is famous for making cakes.

A cake is made, and a cake turns the battle.

The prison guard is closed.

Looking at the battlefield where the dead air is filled, the smoke is soaring, the ground is paved with corpses, and the blood flows like a river.

Everyone is silent.

The cruelty of the war, at this moment, **** in front of them.

Ice St. a white dress, the glory of the ages, she stood on the wall, looking at the devastated land, a long spit out.

Steppers and others are standing on it.

Huang Quan’s sacred eyes squinted and his mouth was slightly upturned. It seemed that there was something good. He looked at the steps and stopped talking.

"Forget it, wait until you get back to the restaurant and talk to you."

Huang Quan Dasheng said with a grin.

Xiao You stood beside the steps and was silent.

Pluto is the order management after the war with Ying Long.

Although the war ended briefly, it does not mean that it is over.

The heart of the unified martyrdom of the prison will certainly not be annihilated.

So after the prison, it will definitely come back again.

At that time, it is with a more terrible murder, because at that time, it may be that the ancestors, the singers, and so on are all involved in the war.

On the side of their hell, they are lacking such strong.

The step seems to suddenly think of something, looking at Huang Quan Da Sheng and Ice St.

The two of them live the longest and may know.

"The ancestors said that the dog must take the last step? And it will definitely stop, what does that mean?"

Huang Quan Dasheng and Bingsheng glanced at each other and their faces were dignified.

"Big sister, let's talk about it."

Huang Quan Dasheng took a look at the ice saint and thought about it.

Ice St. nodded.

"Do you know why the war and the ancestors did not fight?"

Ice St. asked.

The stepping doubts shook his head.

This is also the point where the mind of the step is incomprehensible. If the ancestors and the sorrows listen to the war, the **** can't hold their attack.

"Because they can't, they can't fight..."

"At their level, the consideration is to go to the next level. That level is like a piece of fog, can't touch it, can't guess..."

Ice holy road.

"There was a time when Pluto Tianzang touched this level, but he gave up. He chose to fight the world and conquer the prison."

"And listening to the ancestors should have reached this level. As for the ancestors, the ancestors may be worse... However, the ancestors need to protect and listen to the unhindered, so this time the conquest of **** did not come."

The step listened and nodded blankly.

"So, what do you mean, is the dog's lord at that level? How can the lord be able to claw out?"

Ice long long eyelashes shook slightly.

Looking at the steps, he said: "The **** dog should have just stepped into that level... so it can be easily separated and help to get out. When it is critical, a bit of interference can lead to failure."

Step by step meditation, it is no wonder that the ancestors of the meditation will be so horrified after learning that the dog is entering that level.

"When the sound is stabilized... I will vacate my hand, fearing that it will destroy the breakthrough of the **** dog." Bing Sheng said.

Step by step nodded, maybe the dog also has his own plan.


This battle shocked the small worlds around the ruins.

No one thought that the prison had been attacked with full force and was actually resisted by hell.

Even the ancestors and horns ancestors died in the starry battlefield.

The strongmen of the King Kong community excitedly squeezed their fists.

Their King Kong world was attacked by the ancestors of the tyrants. On the flesh, the King Kong world is much weaker than the hegemony.

Unfortunately, today's King Kong has also become a vassal of the prison.

However, this does not prevent them from being excited when they learn about the tragic death of their ancestors.

The small world of the Western Buddhism, the world of travel, and so on, are all boiling.

Unstoppable Hell, actually ate in a battle with Hell.

Hell is not a hell, even if there is no Pluto Heaven, it is still not arbitrarily provoked.

But they also know that Hell blocked the invasion of the prison, only temporary.

The goal of the prison is to unify the ruins, making the entire ruins into a big world, and the prison is the center of the big world.

The prison is never going to give up the encroachment of hell.

Not long after, when the big world plan was launched, **** couldn’t hold the crazy attack of the prison.



Huang Quancheng, Huangquan shop.

In front of the restaurant, it was once again in full swing.

The battle was over, and the famous cakes that made a big splash were resounding throughout the hell. Now everyone in **** knows the name of the cake made by Huang Quan.

That is enough to reverse the magical food of the battle.

But unfortunately, the owner of the store, after the end of the war, cut the sales of the cake.

Originally, each person could buy three pieces a day, and now only one piece can be bought.

However, most people are not complaining, as long as they can buy them, they are very happy.

Some family door valves are also specially sent to wait in front of the store.

As long as the restaurant door is open, they are buying cakes.

Sufficient enough cakes will surely come in handy in future wars.

Every family door valve is not stupid. This time the war **** seems to be a victory. However, the crisis is only clear to the **** people themselves.

Once the prison is attacked again, **** is absolutely unbearable to live.

Because the prison will attack again, there will definitely be more powerful strong people. At that time, there is no **** of the top powerhouse, and it is definitely unstoppable.

Although it is said that war is not only the top powerhouse, but if the top powers are not matched, how can they resist the living?

In this world, after all, people with strong powers have the right to speak.

Jingle Bell……

The curtain of the kitchen was opened by the steps.

The step came out of it.

He rolled up his sleeves, revealing his white arms, his hands holding a basket of made-up cakes, and the steaming cakes are now the best-selling dish in Huangquan.

With a bang, a basket of cakes was placed on the table of the restaurant.

This is the last basket of cakes today.

The cakes made by the steps every day are also limited, almost three or so baskets. If they are sold out, they will not continue to be sold.

The diners who lined up could not wait.

Pay in one hand and deliver in one hand.

The cake was made to be bought.

Some people buy the cakes for the sake of making the cake.

Some people buy cakes, simply for the deliciousness of the cake.

Excluding the magical gas of creation, the delicious taste of the cake is also made by many people.

Some people, specializing in the miles, come to spend tens of thousands of crystals, just to taste the taste of a piece of cake.

When the last piece of cake was sold out.

The convenience of the step is to tell the diners who are still waiting in line. Today's sale of cakes is over.

Of course, some people feel sorry.

Some people are still waiting in line, even if they don't make cakes for other foods, they are worth lining up.


The fire is shining.

Cooking in the kitchen is going on in the heat.

At the end of the war, the business of the small store was once again better.

Xiao You was temporarily a waiter, helping the side to serve the dishes, but it saved a lot of trouble.

The little fox sometimes helps Xiaoyou, but it is quite well-behaved.

The steaming braised pork, the crystal-clear meat in the light, makes the mouth of the little fox mouth slobber.

Being a waiter is also a torment, especially for small foxes.

Therefore, after the little fox couldn't help it, he ran back to the pastoral world.

Occasionally, Huang Quan Da Sheng came to the restaurant, and just ordered a loaf of wine, sitting at the table.

Holding the sapphire altar, the mouth touches the mouth of the jade altar, gently licking the wine, and even just infiltrating the lips.

Then I enjoyed eating like a big mouth.

This kind of life is quite comfortable for Huang Quan.

At least, it’s much more fun than the days when I only knew the grass.

Pluto has finally recovered from being free.

Now, if there is nothing to do, go to the Huangquan store, and continue to entangle in the side of the step, just for the spicy.

However, there was no trouble for him, and the spicy bar was still given to him.

Then, he was carrying a spicy strip, in the restaurant, picking up with some moments.

After a while, I swallowed a bit of spicy food, and I was so happy that I was indulged.

Because of a small shop.

The remote Huangquan City, which was originally left unattended, seems to be the central city of hell.

All major families are sending strong families in the family to buy houses in Huangquan City.

Some of the strong-skilled people also came here and gathered in Huangquan City.

The surrounding towns, the surrounding cities, are constantly migrating.

The bleak Huangquan City, gradually expanding, has become a big city.

The original forbidden city, that is, the mouth of the city owner of Huangquan City now has to laugh at the roots of the ear.

He came from an unknown small city owner from afar, and suddenly became the famous big city owner of Hell.

And all this is just because of a restaurant.

Of course, he is also a frequent visitor to this restaurant.

The day's business is over.

However, the nightlife of Huangquancheng has just begun.

On the street, a variety of steaming snack stalls were put out.

On both sides of the street, there are pedestrians, lanterns, lanterns, and a variety of gourmet snacks.

Because of a restaurant, which led to the commercial trade of Huangquancheng, Huangquancheng seemed to become a famous food city in hell.

A variety of distinctive foods are gathered in Huangquan City.

And at night.

Today's steps will not be in the restaurant.

Then there will be a small quiet, holding a small fox, out of the restaurant.

Sway to the streets of the city that never sleeps.

It’s good to taste the food of **** and feel the customs of hell.

Hell is vast, but there is no time for him to finish him.

I have only been to the goddess city before, but now I am only swaying in Huangquan City.

But for the step, it is enough.

The prosperity of Huangquan City has brought food from all over the **** to this place.

The name of the food city is well deserved.


Steps will also eat a variety of food.

The celebrated Huangquan City is very atmospheric.

Xiao You followed behind the steps and looked around curiously.

On both sides of the street, there is a steaming stall.

Among them are a variety of food, small stall owners, are also cooking food.

"Boss, how can I sell this?"

Step by step looking at a small stall, surrounded by a group of people.

The boss smiled and opened the flower and traded.

Step by step to the front end, pointing to the snack food made in the pot, asked.

"Young man, this is the special food of hell, from the black rice in the south of hell, very delicious... Do you want a copy?"

The boss smiled and looked at the steps and explained.

The step nodded.

Delivered the crystal, took the black rice bran, and took the bag with the black rice bran and ate it together.

On the roadside stalls, there are many kinds of food, what are the chicken feet, the steaming tyrannical snails, the oily facets, etc...

The people who watched were dazzled.

Just when the step is to eat with a small and beautiful meal.

The pace of the step is suddenly a meal.

There was a sound in the mind.


Step by step.

The voice was gentle and full of magnetism, but it was loud and clear in the mind of the step.


The step listened to the sound and gave a slight glimpse.

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