Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1358: Lei is now fine, and Tianzang is resurrected!

I never thought of...

The ancestors of the meditation are actually a woman!

That's right!

Is he actually a woman? !

Everyone was shocked. After discovering this fact, I felt that the whole world seemed to be full of deception.

That youthful, lively, cute and beautiful girl... is actually a ancestors? !

When I think of my ancestors, shouldn't the old man's cheeks fall to the bad old man on the ground?

One is a bad old man, the other is a cute girl... Why is the contrast so big?

How does this make people choose?

The great sage of the prison is still sucking in air.

The fire demon ancestors, etc., looked awkward, they have been with the ancestors for thousands of years, the result... the ancestors are women?

The old man who is stunned by his heart and who regards life as nothing... is actually a fake ancestor.

They feel that the world view has been subverted!

However, this is only the beginning of a subversive worldview.


They heard the spurt of the step.

"Small, let the old lady come to meet you!"

Old mother?

This self-proclaimed... is very meaningful.

Is there any secret that has to be said?

Everyone is laughing and laughing.

The step did not become a woman, but claimed to have changed...

Is this transformation also not contagious?

The previous steps are not like this...


The hair of the step was turned into a red color, and the feathered robe on the body became red immediately. The flames behind it spread out and the fire feathers flew in it.

The eyelids became soft, and the corners of the eyes seemed to be fascinating, looking at the ancestors.

"Small? You call me?" The girl was wearing a metal dress, and the bumpy body was quite charming.

At least it seems to be full of charm.

There was a sigh of anger on the girl's face, and it seemed that she was shouted and was very angry.

"Who is shouting?!"

I took back the palm of my hand on the chest of the step, and the girl’s face showed her anger, her hands on her hips, and she stood up.

Like a demonstration, he shook his chest.

The red-haired step is also angry, his hands are akimbo, and the fire feather behind him seems to be quite fascinating.

The pace of learning the girl's appearance is also quite a good chest.


There is nothing good about it.

In the long-awaited look of the girl in the dress, the red-haired step snorted.

"The capital of the small host is not enough..."

"I can't suppress this little cockroach, the old lady hates it!"

Suzaku is jealous.

Spiritual sea.

The steps touched the squeak of Suzaku, and suddenly it was speechless.

If he has that capital, he still has it...

The golden dragon is watching with relish.

"Small host, not this handsome dragon nonsense, you should let this handsome dragon, such a girl, Ben Nicholas Shuai Long can play ten hands!" Gold Dragon talks.

In the distance, the white tiger squats at the corner, and the screaming of the arrogant, seems to be unrelenting disdain for the golden dragon.

Xuanwu is squinting and seems to be fighting.

Stepping into the corner of the mouth, he continued to sense the outside situation.

Although the ancestors became a girl, there is no doubt that the age of this girl is definitely not as young as her appearance.

Yes, the exact old witch, after all, has lived for tens of thousands of years.

The strength is real and there are some, and the strength of the ancestors of the ancestors is even stronger than the previous one.

So, can Suzaku be able to fight it?

There is also some uncertainty in the mind of the step.

However, since Suzaku dares to... It should be justified.

"Small host don't worry, Suzaku's big cockroaches... Keke, Suzaku big sister knows that the droplets of your gods have not completely dissipated, relying on the power droplets, she can exert the strength, enough to deal with that little cockroach. ”

Gold Dragon said.

Divine droplets?

Step by step, then the eyes lit up.

Perhaps, the spirits should be more familiar with the use of the gods droplets than he is.

Therefore, this time, he can take a good look at how strong these instruments are for the use of divine droplets.

Step by step took a deep breath and held his hand, so I looked at it.


"I thought I could deal with me if I changed my personality. If I expected it to be good, you would swear at me, and the power of my people should not belong to you, not your strength, and cannot last long. ......"

The girl in the dress is holding her hands on her hips and keeps her chest.

"In this case, what do you take with me?"

The words fell.

The figure of the girl in the dress was suddenly moved.

If the shifting is like a shadow in the sky, swaying through the road.

Those afterimages, as if in an instant, wrapped the shape of the red-haired step in it.

The power of terror makes the heavens and the earth constantly violently roar.


A buzzing sound.

A girl in a dress, a palm again shot to the red hair step.

Under this palm shot, the void seems to have turned into a vortex like a depression.

The power of a palm, twisting the world.

boom! !


The red hair step was a cold cry.

Do not hide, lift a palm, and collide with the palm of a girl.

The roar is ringing.

The figures of the two men flew out in the void.

The residual droplets in the body of the step are enough for Suzaku to exert a terrible strength.

The battle between women is terrible.

Although this sentence is ambiguous.

However, the pace at the moment is really a bit of a woman's charm.

Pluto is always looking at the face.


Above the sky.

The dressing girl and the red-haired step are constantly colliding.

Their palms touched the palm of their hand, and they slaped and slaped toward the two sides.

The slaps collide, making the voids collapse.

The girl in the dress of clothing broke out with the power of the greatness of the great saint, and the pressure was amazing.

There is a tendency to suppress the red hair step.

Her palms, elbows, and long legs were turned into the sharpest weapons.

Every time you attack, you will let the red hair step to eat.

The speed of the two is very fast. When they traverse in the void, they can only see a continuous collision of silver and a red light.

I bumped into it from here, and then collided there from here...



The two hands in the hands, the mouth is still lingering.

It is like a confrontation of a city shrew.

However, if the two come and go, it will be a big sigh, and you will come and go.


The palm is opposite the palm.

A majestic is a burst of breath.

On the top of the girl's head, the small world emerged.

The power of the mysterious slogan makes the power more terrible.

And the red hair step, the eyelids flash.

The golden brilliance above the body spread to the body.

This is the power of the divine droplets, which is fully utilized by Suzaku.

Although there is not much left in the power of God, after making full use of it, it will make Suzaku be able to compete with the girl in the dress.


The two men fought.

Terrible fluctuations swept across the audience...


The girl in the dress is suspended on the sky.

There was a slap in the face.

"Da, don't waste time with you, it will be enough to play with you for so long."

A girl in a dress smiled coldly.

next moment.

Her eyes are suddenly bright.

The armor on the body creaked and changed dramatically.

Behind it, there are actually six pairs of metal wings.

The metal wings are fanned.

On the chest of a girl, it is a constant gathering of dark purple energy balls.

The energy of a grain floats in it and finally condenses into a basketball-sized energy ball.

Around the dark purple energy ball, the void is dead...

"One trick... solve you."

The girl in the dress raised her head and her eyes showed a cold arrogance.

Then, holding the dark purple energy ball in one hand, making a parabolic posture, a long leg raised high, as if to reach on his head.

The next moment, the body rushed forward!


With the roar of terror!

The dark purple energy ball suddenly snarled toward the location where the red hair stepped.

Wherever he passed, he pulled a dark silk thread, which was a cracked void, and the vain flowing out!

"Blow up, everything is blown up!"

The girl in the dressing clothes laughed, the squiggles of the laughter trembled, and the twelve metal wings trembled in the air.

The red-haired step stared at the dark purple energy ball.

The energy ball seems to have turned into a roaring dark purple dragon.

The dragon opened his mouth and destroyed everything.


On the body of the red hair step.

All the energy of the divine droplets is mobilized.

The flames behind it trembled and the fire feathers flew away.

The velvet rope that bundled the hair of the step broke, causing the red hair to float around...


The body stands straight in the void.

Spread your hands to the sides and your feet are entangled.

The red hair stepped up and opened his mouth... and gave a loud gar.

boom! ! !

The fire suddenly emerged.

The fire of the sky swept through and turned into a flame Suzaku who wanted to return by the wind.

The red-red flame is like illuminating the whole world.

The dragon scorpion, Suzaku hovered.

The two go straight up and have a fierce confrontation and collision in the void!

as predicted.

In the eyes of everyone sucking in the air.

Two terrible attacks were collided together.

No one thought of these two women... Oh, a woman and a cook can actually achieve such a terrible degree!

got windy.

The breeze is slowly.

Suddenly turned into a hurricane.

boom! !

The sound of the silence of the world was loud and loud.

The dark purple dragon and the red-colored Suzaku entangled.

Turned into a huge ball.

Half dark purple half reddish.

The two are entangled in the scorpio, the roar is constant, and the tremors continue.

The ground, constantly broken, the broken gravel was shattered again, and it became a powder and scattered.

Heaven and earth seem to be silent at this moment.

Everyone is looking at this scene with a sluggish look.

Only a terrible ball filled with devastating energy is left in the eyelids.


The imaginary explosion did not happen.

The dark purple energy and the red energy are entangled with each other. In the end, the huge energy ball is getting smaller and smaller, and getting smaller and smaller...

The "wave" sounded, and the silence was in the void.

This is a kind of energy attack that is full of destruction, and it has disappeared like this!


The red hair step fell to the ground.

The hair fluttered, the red gradually receded, turned into a black paint, and the charming gesture on the face disappeared, turning into a blank expression.

Spiritual sea.

Suzaku returns, but her appearance seems to be a little tired.

The step did not say anything, Suzaku has tried his best.

The ancestors of the Ming dynasty are too strong. After all, this is the ultimate strength of this world, reaching the level of great perfection.

It’s good to rely on the residual power of the droplets to do this...

What should I do next?

The steps are also somewhat frowning.

Do you want to use the third drop of divine power?

That's the last drop, even if it's a step... it's a bit of a pain.

The power of the divine droplets made him obsessed, but once he used it, it was once less.

Steps really don't want to use...

I used it before, to suppress the curse in the small secluded body, and to find the way back, but this time...

Take a deep breath.

Looking at the slowly recovering the clear sky.

The gaze of the step is indifferent.


The flowering branch of the girl’s laughing clothes trembled, and then she looked at the steps.

"I can feel that your power has disappeared... Without this power... I want to kill you, it is like crushing an ant..."

The girl in the dress is pouting, and the color of her face is once again emerging.

"Hey, I don't kill you, I don't want to vent my hate!"


The six pairs of metal wings behind the girl's girl trembled.

Later, it was like a breeze.

Teleportation generally appears in front of the steps.

Shaking a towering chest, pointing to the eyebrows of the step, is to point out a finger.

The fingertips of that finger, the dark purple energy is surging!

At this moment, everyone has changed.

Small secluded holding a small fox, the pupil is suddenly tightened, under the pupil, the green brilliance is surging.

Tsinghua Erha climbed up and witnessed the split.

Ice Sheng long sighed.

In the face of absolute power...

They also felt a desperate.


There was a roaring sound coming back.

The sound of rumble is deafening.

Above the sky.

Thunder is now.

Among the Thunder, there are palaces in which they stand.

The supreme punishment suddenly appeared...

Thunder penalty? !

After a glimpse of the steps, what seemed to be thought of later, a slight slap in the corner of his mouth.

The movement of the girl in the dress is also a stagnation.

next moment.

Subconsciously looked at the direction of the black temple.


Clear footsteps sounded.

A burly figure stood at the entrance.

A blink of an eye.

The teleportation is in front of the step.

The girl in the dress is a little worried, and seeing this burly figure is suddenly excited: "Tian Ming..."

However, the words have not been shouted, a huge fist instantly slammed into her face...

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