Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1363: Listen to the battle of the three kings of Pluto! [Second more! Seeking a monthly tic


It is a weapon that is accompanied by the invincible of the Pluto Heaven. The material used in the legend is a kind of extraterrestrial meteorite, which is sturdy and incomparable.


This has no unfavorable Pluto, but this time it has suffered from Waterloo.

After being thrown out by Pluto's celestial collection, he flew toward him.

However, even the body that was heard was never close, but it was blocked by a terrible force.

The black air entangled, under the influence of the suffocating, the Pluto suddenly became distorted, and was slammed by a supreme force, and the solid body suddenly emerged with a fine crack.

The densely smashed down from the void and fell to the ground.


The roaring sounded, the ground was slammed and the deep pits emerged.

Everyone is sucking cold.

This first round of battle... no doubt, it was the death of Pluto!

Without any suspense, no one thought that the practice of Pluto's Heavenly possession was actually blocked by a move, and even the body that had been heard had never touched it.

This situation... is beyond everyone's imagination!

A prison party.

Greatly encouraged.

Fire demon ancestors, etc., excited.

They have been suppressed for so long, and finally they have turned over and spit out a sigh of relief.

Isn’t Pluto’s possession crazy?

Not very strong?

Nowadays, even the weapons that have been attacked are all stunned by the ancestors.

See what capital you continue to be mad!

Listening to the ancestors is the first person in their prison, but the means of quietly showing that everyone who suppresses is breathless.

There is that words...

"If you kill him, I will kill hell!"


Too domineering, as if to hear one of the singular emotions.

Listening to the longest relationship between the ancestors and the ancestors, long-lasting relationships, it is not necessarily impossible to produce an alternative feeling.

So when I heard this, everyone felt subconsciously, and listening to it was to find a place for the ancestors!

As if to say...

"You dare to kill my wife, I will kill hell!"


The thief's special stimulation! !

All the ancestors of the prison are excited and excited.

Pluto's eyes are still cold.

However, it was also a little shocked.

It’s been blasted when Pluto is not even close to it!

The materials of Pluto are very precious, but they are made of extravagant human and material resources.

Sturdy and sturdy, sharp and invincible.

It’s really awkward to listen to!

At the beginning, he was killed in the prison, and all the suppressed people did not dare to breathe. This did not appear, and he thought he was afraid.

Now, the first time I saw the power of listening, I feel that it is indeed a well-deserved name!

Step by step stood up.

He raised his head and looked curiously at the whisper of the void.

For this familiar name, the step has always been very curious.

The sound of listening is very good, very gentle, but it is a fight with the gentle voice of the dog.

However, this gentle voice, saying the domineering words, actually did not violate the sense of harmony.

Heaven and earth seem to be eclipsed at this moment.

There was only one figure left in the whole world, and that was the huge figure wrapped in the black air.

As if every move, can be involved in this side of the world and move.


Step by step blinked.

Looking at the black and screaming, listening and listening is also trying to break through the realm, is it successful?

Otherwise how could you come to hell?

The dog is also breaking through the realm. I don’t know what the final result is.

Step by step turned to look at the black temple behind him.

In the black temple, the array is in operation, and a huge vortex is spinning.

However, the fact that the step did not pay attention for too long was to refocus on the field.

This is a collision between **** and the strongest of the prison.

Hearing, it is called the first person in the prison, the strength is invincible, suppressing the heavens.

Pluto Heaven, the first person in hell, once inferior led the Hell army to kill the prison, the nine defeated.

Both of them are full of legendary colors, and now they are colliding, but it is to attract a focus.

Pluto Tianzang looked at it.

The corner of the mouth suddenly pulled.

His palms are working hard again.

Terrible strength, without hesitation.


The blood of the old ancestors blew down, and the slightest horrible sound resounded.


The world has changed in this moment.

"I said something... Didn't you hear it? I said... stop."

The sound of listening to the warm voice resounded again, but there was a little more chill in the discourse.

The chill is surging.

Pluto Heaven is a sneer without fear.

"If you have the skills, you will shoot!"

Pluto Heaven hides and talks.

next moment.

His eyes suddenly brightened up.

The ankles were on the ground, and the ground was trembled and roaring, as if it were going to collapse.

The body of Pluto Heaven hides and squats, like a cannonball, and rushes out into the sky!

With the incarnation of the flesh, the repair of Pluto's celestial collection seems to be a bit stronger than it was at the beginning.

The atmosphere of suppressing the heavens has risen steadily.

The ancestors in their hands were suddenly smashed by the sky.

Oh la la...

It collapsed like a void.

The body of the ancestors seems to have collapsed by this throw.


God is surging.

The atmosphere of the sky is skyrocketing.

Boom! !

Suddenly, the pieces of the broken King of Pluto that fell on the ground suddenly rose to the sky.

Accompanied by whistling.

The sound of the gongs resounded and gathered in the void to become a brand new Pluto.


A burst of noise.

A sword light screamed on the sky.

The body of the sword demon lord turned into a sly body.

For the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty to resist the glimpse of the sky, the body was instantly bombarded!

The fire demon ancestors and other identities recognized the identity of the sword ancestors, and saw that the sorcerer's ancestors were actually made into scorpions, they were all slightly shocked, and their faces were quite ugly.

Later, they looked less ignorant of the ancestors' gaze.


The invisible power is spreading.

The body of the ancestors who suddenly smashed the body of the ancestors was bound by a force. Even if they didn’t even shoot, they stopped the body of the ancestors and dissolved the energy that Tianzang left in it.

Slowly falling down.

Suspended before the black gas.

The ancestors are very weak.

Her head was almost crushed and covered with cracks.

The long eyelashes trembled, and the ancestors opened their eyes and saw the black gas in front of them...

"Oh, listen... you... finally come..."

There was a smile on the corner of the ancestors' ancestors, and there seemed to be a smattering of colors in the eyes.

The black air is lingering, covering the body that is listening.

Make him full of mysterious colors.

It is this mystery that is even more awesome.

Of course, at this moment, everyone is not found in the fear of the people. He listens to the side of his body, and the expression of the sorrowful head of the low head is a bit strange.


The silk thread suspended above the body of the ancestors in front of him was as dry as it was.

The energization of black made the tentacles float out of it and touched the ancestors.

It seems to be caressing.

"What is your heart of God?"

The sound of the sound of the sound is full, echoing in the ears of the ancestors.

The eyelashes of the ancestors suddenly trembled.

Afterwards, my eyes widened and it seemed to be an incredible color...

"Don't you come to save me?"

The look on the face of the ancestors is somewhat ugly.

"Of course, it is to save you... But the heart of God cannot be lost."

The sound of listening is as warm as ever.

The people around you are listening to the arrogance of a face.

They found that the plot seemed to be somewhat unexpected.

"No!! You came for the heart of God! You are not trying to save me!!"

The emotions of the ancestors suddenly agitated, as if they had sent out the strength of the whole body.

The actions that Pluto's Tianzang originally wanted to attack were all stopped.

The fire demon ancestors and others are also taking a breath.

The face of the step is slightly weird.

Huang Quan’s great saint fell and fell to the side of the steps and others.

In his hand, he grabbed a sapphire altar and drank a sip of wine.

"There has been a lot of love and hate since ancient times, this hate is endless... good poetry, this situation is really perfect."

Huang Quan Dasheng grinned and smiled, his eyes widened and his emotions.

This poem is too late to prevent, the steps are not thought of, Huang Quan Dasheng, this rough only knows that the guy holding the grass actually read poetry?

This rounded force made him install so pure.

Pluto Erha is obviously also interested in the love and hate of the ancestors.

Looking with great interest.

"The pace is young and young, I feel that you have a big event... The purpose of this hearing does not seem to be to ruin the ancestors, but to the source stone that Xiaobai just made a show."

Pluto Erha is very wise to analyze the road.

"Why did Xiao Bai take it with his strength, and then he said, why didn't he listen to his ancestors?"

Stepless expression of the step.

"Please believe in the true feelings of the world, there is still truth in the world."


God's special world still has true feelings, and Pluto Erha looked at the steps and felt that the step and his emotional intelligence were not above a grade, lonely.


The ancestors of the Ming dynasty sent out sputum, and after that, they coughed, coughed up blood, and blood swept the sky.

Her state is really bad.

A black energy poured into the body of the ancestors.

Helped her to stabilize her injury.

"Where is the heart of God?"

Hearing the warm voice again asked.

However, the ancestors of the meditation are sneering and not answering.


A sigh.

From the mouth of the listener.

There seems to be helplessness in the sigh.

After the fire demon ancestors and others listened, they felt a horrible creep.

"You have a good rest, the heart of God can't be lost, I will find it back."


The words fell.

A black gas seemed to be entangled in a string, entangled the body of the ancestors, and pulled him behind him.

The great saint who listened to the pulse, hurryed forward.


On the sky, the atmosphere changed again.

His eyes are locked on the body of Pluto.

"The heart of God? You guess you are not here?"

Pluto Heaven hides and holds the Pluto, and the corner of his mouth is slightly upturned, revealing a sneer arc, and seems to know what he wants to ask.


As his words fell, the breath of his body began to skyrocket, and in a short while, it reached a very terrible degree.

Just like suppressing the void.

The metal body seems to follow his mind as well.

The sound of squeaking sounded.

It became more and more burly.


Step on one foot.

The void is bursting.

This sound is deafening.

The next moment, the Pluto's celestial beings were turned into a meteor, and they flew toward the location where they heard.

Pluto is rising.

"Pluto is breaking through the sky, and it’s broken!!"


Awesome energy gathering.

Suddenly, the infinite energy surges, and the huge shackles that cover the sky are gathered above the sky and swept away toward the hustle and bustle. Wherever they pass, the emptiness of the sky is filled with turbulence.

The power of this attack is terrible.

At the front end of the mang, it is the sky holding the Pluto!


In the black air, a black gas burst out.

As if it were a black spot, it was shot towards the King of Pluto.

Collide together.

Pluto’s possession of a long time, suddenly collapsed!

Pluto's eyes are condensed!

Although a trick was broken, he did not have the slightest surprise.

The long squat waved and swept again.

"Pluto is breaking the sky, and the second is holy!"


The same is a black dot.

The hit of the Pluto Heavenly possession will be killed and once again bombarded!

The opponents on the Scorpio shocked everyone, and everyone did not seem to think that the unstoppable Pluto Tianzang seemed to be crushed.

However, Pluto Tianzang still did not give up.

The body seems to be hot and transpiration.

"Pluto is breaking the sky, killing God!"

The sound of the explosion trembled.

next moment.

A huge cockroach seems to fall from the sky.

I’m going to scream at it.

Under this trick, the fire demon ancestors and others are all stunned, and they dare not move...



It is the first person in hell. Before the strength, it is not weak compared to 10,000 years ago!

The three kings of Pluto, the power of destruction!

Watching his old man show his fame and killing tricks, Pluto Erha eyes are also full of talent!

The steps are also gazing, watching seriously.

This level is really scary.

Black and entangled, as if there is a pair of eyes watching the Pluto.

It seems to have heard the sound of the explosion of the sky.

The warm voice made a sneer.

"Killing God? Just by you?"

next moment.

In the black air, the slow escape is coming.

A yellow-and-white furry short claw was struck from it, and a trick that slammed into the Pluto's celestial sacred, fluttering.

"Killing God? Mania..."

"Try it out... what is God!"

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