Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1369: Nine years! [The third! 4D update, ask for a monthly ticket! 】

Shock the big world? !

The words that were heard were so shocking to everyone present that this behavior was really crazy.

In fact, no one knows how to impact the big world, because it is all arranged.

Hearing as the strongest person in the prison, he arranged everything, and the integration of the ruins, so that the idea of ​​the ruins impacting the big world is also the first to be conveyed.

But before, not to say, including hell, the fairy kitchen industry has to be integrated into the prison to be able to impact the big world?

Without the **** and the fairy kitchen, can you still succeed?

What are you worried about when your ancestors are worried? Why do you feel that the development of things is so urgent?

The great ancestors of the prison are not fools, they can naturally sense the urgency from the ground.

This makes them suspicious.

However, I didn’t explain too much to them. I just let the people below do what he meant, and it’s okay to pass the message.

It is not a simple matter to want to attack the big world in all the small worlds.

Every small world has a will of the small world, and this kind of heavenly will combines the rules of each small world.

The big world is different, there are more small worlds, and that is also scattered.

It’s not a vibrating arm, the big world is established, the big world is really set up, and a lot of preparation is needed.

First of all, the will of the world in every small world needs to be sorted out. This kind of combing is not a fusion.

It takes a long time.

After combing, there will be a dominant will to connect other heavenly wills, so that these scattered heavenly will have a unified leader.

And this leader is the main body of the big world.

There is no doubt that the main body of the ruins of the world is the prison.

And **** has been removed.

In addition to this, it is necessary to motivate the law. The power of the law in the universe is mysterious. Only by the recognition of the power of the law can it become the big world.

The cognition of hearing is much broader than that of many people.

He knows that there are many big worlds in the sky, and the scope of these big worlds is very large.

That person once said that... This world is a world of three thousand, and only when it jumps out can it be eternal.

I didn't understand it at that time, but since I experienced the catastrophe, he understood the meaning of the man.

Not a big world, always a cockroach ant, sitting in the frog watching the sky, do not know the vastness of the heavens and the earth, do not know the vastness of the world.


The order to listen to has been released, and others may be puzzled.

But out of the enthusiasm for listening, everyone accepted the order to go on.

For a time, the entire prison was full of turmoil.

Centered on the prison, the storm swept through many small worlds around.

Of course, the **** and the fairy kitchen world are like being isolated by the storm, and a little bit has not been affected.


Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

The breakthrough of the step is completed.

The breakthrough of God's thoughts can be said that the cooking of the concession side has been enhanced.

In the pastoral world, it is a pure land of the step, and all the practice of the step seems to be based on the pastoral world.

Just like the small world that the Great Saints condense.

The small world of Dasheng is very illusory, although it is not big, but it is essential after all.

Can condense the will of heaven.

The idyllic world of the footsteps has already exceeded the scope of the ordinary great sanctuary.

The extent of the vastness is not weaker than the general nine-turn grand priest.

Back in the restaurant.

The convenience is to get out of the kitchen.

In the restaurant, Xiaoyou and Xiaohu have already been full, and the leftover cups are on the table.

Step by step, take the cup, go to the kitchen, and put it in the automatic dishwasher.

It is back in the room.

Rinse in a hot bath and feel the refreshment of the hot water flowing through the skin. The exhaustion of the body seems to be washed away at this moment.

That feeling is hard to say.

After bathing, waiting for the hair to dry naturally, the step leaning against the window, holding a cup, shaking the wine in the cup.

Enjoy fine wine and enjoy the beautiful night view of Huangquan City.

After a cup of wine.

The convenience is to lie down on the bed, the orderly breathing sounds all the way, and the step is caught in a deep sleep.

Although it is in the realm of the step, sleep is not so important to him.

The step can even stay asleep for a long time.

However, the step still retains this habit.

For the step, he only cares about the process of enjoying sleep. The kind of feeling of peace of mind is the reason why he likes to sleep.

On the second day, Step Fang really opened the door of the restaurant.

After a few days, Huangquan shop opened again.

The diners who are coming and going are simply crazy. The strong family members who stayed in Huangquan City line up insanely, wanting to take the lead in taste of the craftsmanship and dishes.

The remnant of Pluto has not returned yet.

Almost three days later.

Tianzang came back in a hurry and landed in front of the restaurant.

Before he talked to the step, he left for three days, but now it is time.

Tianzang, naturally, is a person who speaks a lot, so he left the gentle township and came to the restaurant to be a waiter.

Pluto Tianzang is a waiter, which makes many family members feel like a ghostly horror...

So there are often many weird things happening in restaurants.

For example, Tianzang carries dishes until a table.

Everyone on the table will stand up and be respectful and respectful of the heavens.

No matter how the sky is blocked, it won't work.

They can't accept the service from the Tianzang adults.

That is the master of hell, it was the invincible existence.

This situation has led to some disruption in the order in the restaurant.

However, the step is also clear, this is a normal phenomenon, it is good to get used to it for a while.

And the truth is true.

Everyone was crazy after the news that Tianzang adults had become a waitress in the store.

The whole **** of the **** is coming crazy toward Huang Quancheng.

Huang Quancheng is also the glory of this.

Huang Quan Dasheng returned, he held a green jade altar, and sneaked around in the restaurant.

It is very pleasant to have a dish and drink.

This kind of life has already replaced the grass, and it has become a joy to his heart.

The strong men such as Pluto Erha and the Prison Lord are constantly coming.

Although Tianzang did not agree to serve as Pluto, they are still full of respect for Tianzang.

Under such circumstances, the development of Huangquan City has become one of the three central cities of Hell.

Huangquan City is also constantly expanding.

The ridiculous Huangquancheng area is also gradually widening, and various high-rise buildings have risen.

The population migrated and was densely packed.

Steps also enjoy this day.

During the day he practiced cooking, and at night he left the restaurant and went shopping in Huangquan City to enjoy a variety of **** food.

Sometimes, I also think about how to cook novel dishes.

The chef is actually a career that requires imagination. Only with rich imagination can you create new dishes.

Years are sinking, time passes.

Time is always passing through this unconscious life.

Three years later, the dog returned.

As soon as I entered the restaurant, I shouted a word that was drunk and ribbed.

The dog master finally stabilized his cultivation, and also obtained a lot of refined, between the dog's eyes flashing, as if to kill the starry sky.

These three years are beyond the expectations of all **** people.

There was no action in the weird prison, no invasion, no war, everything became very peaceful.

This is a bit strange. Is it really because of a battle that both sides have chosen peace and development?

Of course, if it is really peaceful, it is naturally very good.

The mighty hells are eager to do this.

Three years, three years, three years...

This is the longest time that the step has arrived in this different world.

For a total of nine years, they are all in the Huangquan store.

Occasionally, the willows will close the store door, leave the Huangquan store, let Xiaoyou open the Nether boat, walk through the ancient cities of Hell, and find the deliciousness that belongs to hell.

There are also mountains that go through the hustle and bustle, and the land filled with crises, looking for rare game and delicious.

It’s really good to experience the feelings of hell.

On this road, the pace has also learned a lot, and the cooking has gained a full growth.

These nine years are nine years of recovery from hell. It is also a crucial nine years for the steps to consolidate the level of cooking and cultivate sentiment.

Pluto Erha is forced to step into the Ghost King again, leaving the three layers of Ghost King Guan, Pluto Heaven, and the Dragon Prison, all forcing him to go.

In the eighth year, Pluto Erha finally came out, and his cultivation also smoothly rushed into the nine-turned holy.

The speed is very fast, but this is actually not very easy. It is very difficult and even dangerous to die.

However, Pluto Erha can come over and Tianzang is happy.

The rest of the time is naturally to consolidate and repair.

And after passing through Ghost Wang of Ghost Wang Guan, there is only one dream left in his life, that is, eating spicy strips and eating spicy strips that can never be eaten.

For nine years, for hell, it was only a short moment.

After repairing to the holy place, Shouyuan has long been incomparably far away.

However, nine years is not short, at least for the step.

His restaurant has gained a cumulative amount of time, which is an accumulation of sales.

The sales of the system reached a critical point, and the steps have a feeling that they will soon break through...

This is because the steps have not cooked any exotic dishes.

Did not get too much increase in the crystal.

This natural breakthrough in water is the norm.


This day.

The Nether Ship tore the Scorpio, suspended in the high-rise buildings of the Yellow Springs.

Step and others fell and returned to Huang Quancheng.

Xiaohu has grown up a lot now, and has re-aggregated a tail. He has made four tails from three tails, and his strength has become much stronger under the cultivation of countless delicious dishes.

Xiaohua found the **** from the fairy kitchen shop and found it himself.

The cultivation of this colorful scorpio has also increased a lot now, perhaps because of the food.

The appearance of the little flowers has become more and more charming.

The cultivation is also stepping into the great holy place.

After all, the colorful scorpio is an ancient beast, and the strength after adulthood is not even weaker than the previous dog.

In other words, as long as a small flower is a year old, it is capable of having a great perfection.

This kind of powerful potential stock, the pace will naturally not let go.

What's more, with the growth of small flowers, this girl has become more and more beautiful, and even became a moving landscape in Huangquan City.

Attracting the attention of countless people.

Let countless people flock to the Huangquan store, just to be able to see it.

However, the little girl of Xiaohua is not a descendant of the beast.

Cold and arrogant, more indifferent than the starting side.

After learning the clothes with Xiao Bai, she was contracted by her.

Every day, nothing has to come up with something to wear...

Da da da……

Walking on the streets of Huangquan City.

The streets of the night are filled with rich aromas, which come from street stalls.

These stalls are open at night, which is a barbecue stall that has been set up in the kitchen industry.

Xiao You, Xiao Hua, and the three people walking slowly.

The little fox is shaking his four tails cheerfully, constantly groaning on the road.

The white snow-like white fox looks very attractive.

Huangquan shop under the night.

The restaurant door is also open.

In front of the door is a collection of all the celebrities in Huangquan City, they are surrounded by restaurants in front of the restaurant.

During the day they did not dare, afraid to be defined as trouble, throwing clothes.

But in the evening, they are crazy...

Not because of anything else, because the waiter of the restaurant, the name of the lady killer...

These ladies are all fascinated by the gods of the sky.

In this regard, Tianzang is also very helpless.

He actually wants to be a low-key waiter, facing the sea and spring blossoming.

A quiet day.

However, his handsome face is doomed to his extraordinary.

Even if you just be an ordinary waiter, you can linger in the night like gold...

A bang.

The restaurant's door is closed.

Isolated the Pluto and the celebrities who are constantly screaming.

It’s no wonder that the steps and other people who came back from the trip have already seen it.

The dog-in-law is under the tree of enlightenment, snoring and sleeping.

Even if it became a god, the dog is as lazy as ever.

The body is also growing horizontally.

Step into the restaurant, cooking drunk ribs, dragon blood rice and so on.

After eating and drinking, everyone returned to their room.

Start preparing for a new day.


Innocent starry sky.

Suddenly a burst of cockroaches spread.

A silver-white metal battleship seems to be slowly moving from the depths of the stars.

The battleship was made very delicate, and every part was crafted.

The battleship as a whole is very large, divided into nine layers, as if emitting a light blue light, the side of the battleship is surrounded by a layer of energy cover, guarding the metal battleship.


The top of the battleship.

A metal door slowly opens from the bottom up.

A figure took the hand and walked out of the battleship.

Standing at the front end of the battleship, looking directly at the starry sky, the horizon is instantly wide, the picture is suddenly elongated, and the one that catches the eye is...

A huge continent of hell.

"The new world that was born... Is it here? Unfortunately, nine years ago, the man directed the coordinates, so when I came here, it was still a small, scattered world, thinking that I found the treasure, I did not expect it ten years later. Arrived here, it has become a big world recognized by the law of the stars... It is really wonderful."

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