Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1379: Dongpo real dragon meat, complete [first! 】

Azi will never forget, the delicious dragon platoon, the soft taste of the entrance, that is the only sustenance of her heart when she is in love with the battleship of Alpha.

A Zhuang's dragon platoon is very delicious, his craft is very good, is the most powerful chef Azi has seen so far.

It is a city chef from the Xia Dynasty to the dynasty!

Without comparison, there is no harm.

Because there is a strong pearl jade in front, so Azi has no extravagance for the cooks of the step, A-like dragon row, but not the average person can cook.

However, looking at the look of the people around him, Azi feels that he still doesn't talk as well.

As the Romans do, these people have never seen the world, and it is better to pretend that they have not seen the world.

Pluto Heaven hides gently against Azi.

"Alpha's warship has been destroyed. If you want to go back to the mysterious world, you can't go back. It's better to stay here..."

Tianzang said with a smile, "Exactly, you can taste the culinary skills of the boss and use food to sweep away the haze and pain in your heart."

Tianzang is very handsome, at least Azi was fascinated by the face of Tianzang, and did not know what to say, and he agreed to it.

Xiaolong didn't seem to feel the maliciousness from the dog, so he entered the restaurant and smashed on Azi's face.

The crowd continued to ask Azi some news and knowledge about the big world.

The step into the kitchen.

There is a real dragon meat, and the pace is naturally ready to cook the dragon meat.

The piece of meat was buckled out of the bronze box and buckled on the chopping board.

Steps reached out and pressed on the meat, some stiff.

This is a square piece of meat. It should not be too big compared to a three-clawed dragon. The adult three-clawed dragon has a half-god level and a large body, which is not much smaller than a candle dragon.

This piece of meat is not much.

The step put the square meat on the chopping board.

The golden streamer flashed.

The keel kitchen knife suddenly emerged.

The meat pieces were washed once. The convenient step was to place the square piece of meat on the table and the keel chopper slashed down.

Meteor cutters bloom like flowers, cutting this square piece of meat into nine pieces, the same size.

This is the real dragon and the meat of the gods, although the divine energy has been lost a lot.

Not enough steps in the process of cutting, you can still feel the surge of energy from the pavement.

This feeling is very unusual.

Into the pastoral world, picked some Lingguo and Lingshu.

Go back to the kitchen.

The steps are ready to start arranging ingredients.

Have a casserole with the system, cut off the scales and onions, slice the **** and place it in the bottom of the casserole.

The scaled onion is placed first, and the sliced ​​ginger is stacked on top of the scales.

In this way, once cooked, it will not make the dragon meat stick to the pan.

Of course, the pot is set up, and the convenient step is to process the cut meat.

Ignition, hot pot.

The spring of life boils in the basaltic pot, and it is hot, and the heat is rising, bringing a bit of sweetness.

Step by step, put nine pieces of three-clawed real dragon meat cut into cubes into the pot, drowning, removing the blood stains on it and so on.

After rinsing with water, remove it and place it in the casserole.

This pot is also a bit of a particular thing, it is not a casual place to put the meat on it.

Put the meat skin of each piece of meat down and place it in the casserole. Nine pieces of meat are piled up in a pile, and they look like a nine-square grid. It looks a bit pleasing to the eye.

Pour wine, oil, soy sauce, soup, spices, etc... into the pan...

After the seasoning has passed over the skin, it is covered with a casserole lid.


A group of white flames spurted out like a dragon, and plunged into the bottom of the basaltic pot, and began to burn.

The hot high temperature is released, and it is constantly burning and surging.


The high temperature blooms, making the casserole seem to be discolored at this moment.

The three-clawed real dragon meat is a semi-god food, which can not be made at will.

Otherwise, if the meat is not cooked, the pot will be exposed, and it is easy to make the gas in the pot itself lose, so that it will not be worth the loss.

Step by step, his hands were narrow, his eyes were suddenly rushing out, and for a moment, the casserole was shrouded.

It seems as if it has penetrated into the Xuanwu pot.

Everything in the pot is under the mind of God, and it has come out.

The mind of the step is pouring in.

It can be felt that the seasonings in the pot are boiling, and the liquor and oil juice are boiling, constantly splashing and slap on the meat.

Among the meat pieces, it seems that there is a sound of dragons and gongs, and a virtual dragon emerges like a gas, squatting on the sky.

The teeth are claws and roaring constantly.

The step did not give up, the mental strength is still constantly locked, as if a hand clenched the long dragon.

boom! !

The lid of the casserole seems to be churning.

The fire is boiling between the rocks, making the dragon meat tremble.

After a long time.

The step of the gods, the flames are reduced.

Start with a small fire and slowly stew, so that the stewed meat will be very soft and peaceful.

The mind of the step can feel that the dragon meat in the casserole has begun to change constantly...

Slightly expanded, the meat is smooth and smooth.

It took a lot of time to simmer on a small fire. After half an hour, the step was to end the stew.

Uncovering the casserole, a rich fleshy scent emerged from it.

Because the skin is facing down, there is no change in the dragon meat.

I ordered a stew with the system. After washing the stew, use the chopsticks to clip the loin in the casserole. This time, the meat is facing up and placed in the stew.

It looks like a nine-square house.

The reddish dragon skin is like a jelly, trembling, slightly shaking, chopsticks seem to be shaking.

After the meat is placed, the soup in the casserole is poured into it.

Hey, the soup is poured into the stew, which makes the stew become full.


After the stew is placed, it is placed in a basalt pot and steamed in a basalt pot.

The cooking time is not long, but it is only a quarter of an hour.

Step by step opened the Xuanwu pot cover, the steam of the steam, like a dragon like a dragon rising into the sky.


Many people are actually paying attention to the situation in the kitchen.

Azi tells the story of the big world to everyone, while the other is to lock everything in the kitchen.

Her nose moved, but she found that she did not smell anything about the dishes.

This is incredible for a chef.

To know……

When A Zhuang was cooking, the fragrance of the dishes and the fragrance were dozens of miles. The entire battleship seemed to be the flavor of his cooking.

At that time, when she was the most difficult, the throat would continue to flow with the fragrance.

Not only her, but even Xiaolong, etc., will be uneasy to flap their wings and want to taste delicious.

Of course, Azi is impossible to let Xiaolong eat.

Contrast the state of A-Zhu cooking, and compare the state of cooking this time...

The gap between the two seems very obvious.

After all, a little fragrance has not emerged, but it is also a technology.

Of course, other people are very much looking forward to it.

Really dragon meat.

I don't know what kind of delicious food the step boss will make.


In the basaltic pot, it is boiling.

Steps take the stew from the pot and place it on the stove top.

Brewed for a while.

While taking advantage of this time, the step is to prepare a flat circular plate and start to arrange the set.

The spirits and vegetables, the elixir are ready, cut into pieces, and the pieces are piled around the plate, as if the petals of the lotus flower are piled up.

One flower petals are like blooming.

On the other hand, the stew is placed aside.

Wait until the set is finished.

It is the cover that uncovers the stew.


A seven-color brilliance shot from the stew, very dazzling, people can not help but indulge in it.

The dishes that will shine, this is already the basic operation of the step.

Carefully pinch out the pieces of meat in the stew.

If the skin of the meat is frozen, it will be crystal clear and radiant, reflecting the color of the oil juice.

Against the movement of the chopsticks, the flesh on the skin is shaking like a ripple.

Nine pieces of meat were clipped out and placed in a long-distance plate.

Placed in the middle of the lotus petals.

A total of nine pieces, set up a nine-square grid.

It looks like a sunflower.

The rich aroma is emitted from the meat.

However, these scentes were shrouded in the steps of the gods, and all were compressed into the bowl.

Looking at the meat in the step, there are some intents.

This is true dragon meat, he has not tasted it himself.

Oh la la...

Pick up a spoonful of juice and pour the sauce onto the meat, making the meat more crystal clear and steamy.

Take a silver lid and cover the meat in the plate to cover it up.

All the fragrances are also blocked by the steps, which makes people feel no smell.

After all this, the dish is finished.

This dish is the famous Dongpo meat in the past. Of course, the method of the step has not changed too much. The only change is the ingredients.

However, it is also the ultimate enjoyment to make Dongpo meat with dragon meat.

Carry the disc.

Step out of the kitchen.

Uncovering the curtain, the bell on the curtain, suddenly sounded a jingle.

In the restaurant.

Everyone who was negotiating stopped the words, and his eyes turned and fell on the steps.

"Is the dish good?"

Everyone is in the spirit.

Staring at the round dish in the hands of the step, swallowed a bit of saliva.

The dishes in the step are very exciting.

Pluto is waking up from the circle, not knowing if it smells the fragrance of the dish.

The dog lord who has been squatting under the tree of enlightenment is also spirited and spits his tongue.

Looking at the people around him eager to try, Azi suddenly licked his mouth, and sure enough, they have never seen the world... A plate of dishes gave them excitement.

Good to eat, can you eat Azhuang's dragon row?

That’s Azhuang’s good food, which is Azhuang’s well-established specialty in the dynasty.

However, Azi also understands that after all, it is too remote, but it is a corner of Xia Wei Shen, a world that has just condensed into a big world.

Ordinary can not be ordinary.

"Step boss, what is the name of this dish?"

Although Pluto's Tianzang only has the body of the scorpion, his taste still exists. To enjoy the deliciousness is also the ultimate happiness for him.

Step by step to see everyone.

The final gaze fell on Azi's body.

Because from Azi, the step can feel a kind of disdain.

This is not a deliberate disdain, but an inadvertent exudation, disdain for his dishes.

This concession spirit is very familiar. This kind of disdain is very familiar. It is that people who have eaten more dishes can only show it.

Perhaps in the eyes of Azi, his cooking is not enough to praise?

A corner of the mouth of the step, Azi has not seen the world, the step does not blame him.

But this dish can definitely conquer everyone.

Step by step to sweep the audience, the corner of the mouth slightly pick.

In the eyes of everyone watching.

The step slowly uncovers the lid of the plate.


The heat is surging, and in the hot air, it is a kind of rich meat.

Azi watched, and he was stunned at the moment when the scent came out.

The brilliance of Guanghua from the plate to the sky...

She is looking at it!

"Dongpo Zhenlong meat, finished."

Step by step to uncover the lid, the meat is fragrant, shiny and faint.

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