Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1389: Dog lord... clearance [second! 】

"I am God, God said, have light..."

Hearing the mellow sound, at this moment, he won the game.

Originally, he also regretted that he had attacked the gods with the source of the warship.

However, when he truly felt the power of God, the rest of his heart...only the incomparable excitement and satisfaction.

It turns out that...the power of God is so powerful.

Nine turns to the great saint, the great perfection of the Great Saint... In the eyes of God, it is dust.

Waves can be shattered.

He enjoys the power of God. He even regrets some, why not break through and feel this power.

It seems that the heavens and the earth are in the midst of his feelings of control.


The body that listened to it seemed to bloom and shine, as if the entire **** was covered.

That light, dazzling and dazzling.

Comprehending the law of light, listening to it, is like being a spokesperson of light.

Hearing and closing his eyes, his body has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The flesh is stronger than the half-god. I don’t know how much. Each cell, every drop of blood seems to be formed by the energy of light.

He can no longer be called the flesh and blood, but the body of energy.

Today, he is not dead, and truly out of the mortal category.

The flesh is hard to destroy, and even if the broken arm is broken, it can be reborn in an instant.

This is the power of God!

His spirit is in the sea.

Suspended the heart of God.

The heart of God is the source of the gods condensed by the power of the law. In fact, it is not very appropriate to call it the heart of God.

The name of God's heart is that he listens to the name of this thing.

At the moment of becoming a god, he understood, what is this radiant thing, what makes him gain the supreme power...

It is a **** nuclear.

The core of God.

Shennuo hangs the spirit sea.

And around the nucleus, it is constantly condensing droplets.

The power in his body is undergoing earth-shaking changes, the blood is purified, and the energy is purified.

At the end of the purification, it will turn into a drop of milky white droplets suspended around the nucleus, infiltrating the nucleus.

This is divine power.

The power of God... Soon, his body will be filled with divine power.

Hearing and squinting, he feels the power of the body.


He opened his eyes and looked at the steps on the wall.

The step slowly straightened up the body.

The eyes stared indifferently.

"Are you dissatisfied?" Hearing a slight slap in his mouth, he seemed to smile with a mockery.

Looking at the entire Huangquan City, everyone who crouched in front of him, he could not help but smile.

Give a shot.

Suddenly a spherical white light flashed toward the step.

In an instant, the light is shining.

"The **** of light."

Hearing faintly.

The ray of light rose, and the gaze of the step suddenly shrank.

next moment.

The convenience of the step is to find that he is covered by a cylindrical beam of light!

The brows of the step suddenly wrinkled, and the keel kitchen knife turned in the hand, and the squatting squatted on the light column, but it was humming and could not be broken.

"The power of God, you must not defy."

Hearing faintly.

"Let's stay, wait for me to help the **** dog cut off the connection with the laws of the universe, I will handle it again."

The little boy looks like a chuckle and a little naughty.

The next moment, the figure suddenly turned into a streamer and flew away to the restaurants in the distance.

Step by step, staring at the physique of listening.


Step by step.

Suddenly saw a silvery sky shining from the sky, bursting out from the restaurant.

Above the sky.

A burly figure floated, the creaking sound, and the metal wings slammed.

The white mechanical eye is constantly flashing and staring at it.


Hearing and staring at Xiaobai, his eyes suddenly burst into inexhaustible light!

"You are so embarrassed... dare to appear, eat my heart of God! You dare to come out!"

When I heard Xiaobai, I remembered the heart of God who was eaten by Xiaobai.

Even with his current state of mind, there is a undulation.



Hearing a finger.

A bond of light suddenly burst out.

After becoming a god, he will comprehend the gods. He naturally understands his own skills.

Xiaobai is suspended above the sky.

It took so long to devour the heart of God, and at this moment he finally completed the digestion.

The white body is also turned into a silvery white, more coquettish.

The metal wings behind it hummed.

The next moment, actually began to reverse together, gradually turned into a spear.

The spear is painted black, and it is covered with lines, and is backed by white, like the breeding of chaos.

Faced with the shackles of light that I heard.

The white palm-like palm slammed up and grabbed the spear behind it.

Against the light group, what is embarrassing is to go down.

boom! !

An explosion rang out.

Xiaobai’s figure suddenly flew out and tumbling continuously in the void, causing the void to burst, and countless voids looming and hitting him.

"You are so... combined with the heart of my god, it really is a lot stronger!"

Hearing his eyes cold, the killings are surging.

Xiaobai turned up.


Behind the scenes again.

Later, behind the white, the flag of a pole.

The flag is stretched out, and under the wind, the hunting sounds, but it makes Xiaobai more and more heroic.

"You are more thoroughly integrated than the meditation... Unfortunately, the heart of God is broken. If you let the heart of God be integrated, you may still be able to become a god, but unfortunately... you are in my eyes. Is a pile of scrap copper!"

Hearing cold and authentic.

Quitting again.

Two white lights burst out and flew away toward the white of the void.

On the wall of the wall, the brow slammed.

The heart of God should be the source stone that Xiao Bai obtained from the ancestors.

I did not expect to let Xiaobai get such a huge breakthrough.

Today's Xiaobai, the single combat power is afraid that it has reached the half god...

Unfortunately, I heard it as a god.

The demigod and the **** are only one word difference, but the level of power is different.

This point, the step can be clearly felt.

I can't stay here.

Step by step took a deep breath.

The next moment, the eyelids of the step suddenly changed.


After the eyelids of the step are turned, the black hair is turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Originally on the step of the light column, suddenly straightened up the body, picking up the corner of the mouth, the chin slightly raised.


"Oh... In my eyes, it’s all rubbish."

The white hair step is proud of the opening.

As soon as the words came out, all the people above the walls were forced to do so.

The squatting Azi is even more stunned.

God is rubbish?

Where does the self-confidence of such expansion come from?

The white hair stepped out and squeezed, feeling the strength of the body, and nodded with satisfaction.

The power of the small host is getting stronger and stronger, and the power he can play is stronger.

Looking up, the sword stared at the distant suspension, and the back of the ring appeared, and the corner of the mouth disdained.

A heart move.

Suddenly on the side of the white hair step, there was a white tiger stove, and the stove was open, like a tiger's head roaring.

Grabbing the white tiger's day stove, the white hair step, the shackles of the light is squatting down.

boom! ! !

If you can't do it, then two times...

After two times, the bound light column was suddenly smashed.

The scattered light is drifting.

The white hair stepped three thousand white hairs, under the backdrop of scattered light spots, such as Zhu Xian.

Of course, it would be more like if you don't have a stove.

Holding the stove, the white hair stepped up the chin and opened his mouth to reveal the tiger's teeth.

Later, the stove that was caught is taken out!

boom! !

Heavy stoves weigh tens of thousands of pounds.

Throw it in an instant, and follow the back of the singer.

However, after listening to God, the knowledge of God is more and more perfect.

Turning around and flexing a finger, it is an aperture that spreads out.

The aperture was shrouded in his surroundings, which turned into a thick light obstacle avoidance.

The hob is on top of the barrier and there is no harm.

"Do you still admit your weakness?"

I listened to the white hair step, cold and cold.

The white hair stepped up to the chin, cold and arrogant.

"In my whispering eyes, you god, but garbage..."

The words fell.

The little white in the distance moved.

The white mechanical eye blooms with thousands of gods.

A bang.

A banner behind it suddenly flew out.

Tearing off, falling from the sky, inserted behind the listener.

The flag is inserted in the void, but it is actually a cloud of the sky.

Hearing the scorpion, he was locked in the white body.

He took a look.

"The annihilation of light!"

A huge circular light rushing out.

The light group was in the position of Xiaobai, and it exploded.

The whole piece of void suddenly distorted and disappeared, leaving only the violent emptiness.

Roar! !

It’s like a dragon.

Small white spears pierced.

Spurs out the position of the flag.

Between the moments.

The distance is thousands of miles away, and the flag seems to be a fixed point.

Xiaobai is like a silver dragon flying fast!

Through the body that listened to it, the flag was raised.

boom! !

The attack struck the barrier of the light that was heard, but it did not break the barrier.


The body that listened to it was shocked by an irresistible force. When it was picked up, the body could not move!

I am listening to myself!

The white hair stepped into the corner of the mouth.

"Iron! Good job!"

Roar! !

Three thousand white hairs instantly expanded.

Behind the steps, there is an energy white tiger emerging.

The white tiger slammed into the rush.

Wherever you go, the void is broken!

The people in Huangquan City were shocked.

No one thought that the owner of Huangquan’s shop was so strong, and he wanted to force the gods!

Roar! !

The sound of the Tigers shocked Tianyu.

Hearing from the stun of being picked up, his eyes suddenly shrank.



The power of the law is lingering in the palm of his hand.

next moment.

It was taken to the white tiger.

In the palm of the hand, a straight beam of light burst out, and instantly passed through the white tiger, causing the latter to collapse in the void.

The white hair stepped on the ground, and the horse stepped back a few steps. Every step stepped down and the walls were broken.

The white mechanical eye flashed again.

There is no retreat.

Boom! !

Three consecutive flags fell.

However, this time, I will not be recruited again.

Hearing almost crazy, he became a god, and he was still in the middle of a trick, which is a shame for him!

The power of the law is shrouded.

In the palm of his hand, he once again fired a beam of light.

Go towards the little white.

A bang.

Xiaobai resisted with a spear and was instantly shot!

The figure is like a cannonball, flying out of Huangquan City, falling to the outside, smashing the ground.

However, it was unscathed, turned over and vacated again.


The white hair of the white hair step retreats, and the stepping side resumes the indifference.

Looking at the screaming screams of the scorpio, the mouth of the mouth was slightly twitched.

"Insulting God, die!!"

Hearing his gaze and killing, he is locked in the way.

However, the self-picked one on the step, the disdainful laughter, makes him more mad.

"Oh... it’s too late."

Hearing the words, the pupil slammed.

Later, I turned around and looked at the direction of Huangquan store.


The beam is connected to the starry universe.

From the innocent universe, there is a white stream of light shining from it.

Just as you listen to the breakthrough...

In the chaotic universe, there is finally a **** who has mastered the law of the strongest time... Responding!

boom! ! !

The milky white stream falls from the sky.

In an instant, it was hit in the Huangquan store.

The horror of the light suddenly exploded... Surging!

Hearing and taking a breath, his eyes tightened.

A bang.

Within the Huangquan store.

A enchanting, black dog with a catwalk... slowly walked out.

In the eyes of the black dog, it seems that there is time to flow, and the years are floating.

The eyes of the dogs, the sly look of the suspension on the sky, can not be heard... listen.

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