Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1392: You can't find a **** like this!


The huge yawning sounded through the entire restaurant, making all the people in the queue unreasonable.

Everyone was squinting, and when they looked over, they saw a black dog that was squatting under the tree of enlightenment.

The black dog opened his mouth wide, his tongue curled out, his eyes were half awkward, and there seemed to be tears in it.

That is because of the tears that yawned.

Next to the black dog, there was a yellow-and-white short-legged dog squatting. He covered his face with dog paws and didn't want people to see him.

Obviously, staying with this **** dog that ignores the image makes him very uncomfortable.

The dog yawned and squatted down and continued to sleep.

After the gods, the only difference between the gods and the gods is that there are more yellow and white short-legged dogs around.

Nothing else has changed, I still love to sleep, and I still eat the drunken pork ribs every day.

However, this kind of life is what the dog lord likes.

The tree of enlightenment is swaying, and the lines on it continue to flow, as if there is a strong meaning that spreads out from it.

The dog-in-law was in front of the Enlightenment Tree, which made the Taoist tree change. The power of the dog's little rule seemed to have penetrated into the tree of enlightenment.


The implication of the enlightenment tree is no longer an ordinary sentiment, but a sentiment of the power of the law.

Although this sentiment is weak and infamous, even if it is a point, it is also like a treasure for the ordinary big saint.

This also makes restaurants more popular.

Countless strong people in **** are coming to the Huangquan store.

That battle of God has already spread throughout the hell, the bulge of Huang Quancheng was beaten, and the abyss outside Huangquan City was played. These are all legendary spread throughout the Hell continent.

Even in the ruins, this legend has been spread.

Of course, the ancestors of the Nine incarceration will not allow such things to happen, so they have shot and suppressed the spread of this legend.

After all, the lord of the ruins was taken away by the **** dogs, which is not a good thing.

Today's Hell Huangquan shop is outside.

A dense pile of strong people sitting on the dense disk.

Among these strong ones are Dasheng, Xiaosheng Peak, and even the dolls that just came out to learn to walk, there are all kinds of dishes sitting outside the restaurant, feeling the meaning of the Taoist tree spread from the restaurant.

The more you go, the more you can see the powerful existence.

Like Pluto Erha, like the Dragon Prison, like Huang Quan Dasheng, etc...

These strong, each person's identity is in the hell.

Azi holding a dragon, every day will come to the restaurant to eat.

Since eating the dishes of the step, Azi has fallen into madness.

She has already settled in Huangquan City.

Huang Quancheng is such a good place, she can't live without it, and she can't go to Huang Quancheng with a little dragon.

The clock is ticking.

In addition to the inferior broadcast of the Huangquan store in Heilongjiang Huangquan City.

There is also a news that makes everyone creepy across the ruins.

"There is a sacred kitchen in the nine people of the Prison, and it is destroyed by the family!"

The news came from the prison, and instantly swept the entire ruin like a storm.

Whether it is a prison or a hell, or other small worlds such as the surrounding King Kong, it is extremely shocking.

That is the pulse of the nine people in the prison!

Was it actually destroyed?

Do you dare to believe in this kind of thing?

Unless the gods shoot, how can you let the kitchen break?

And it’s silent...

When the people discover it, the corporal land is full of corpses and blood.

Some people even saw that the ancestors of the kitchen crouched in the ancestral land and lost their heads...

This picture was transmitted and spread throughout the ruins. Everyone who saw it was creepy and sweaty.

This news naturally passed to hell.

As a place to eat, restaurants often have to chat.


The curtain of the kitchen was opened.

The step came out with a dish and slowly walked over to a table and placed the dishes on it.

The diners at this table are the strongest of the top hives in Hell.

They talked to each other and their faces were left behind.

After the steps put the dishes in front of them, each of them showed a smile on the steps.

Who is dare to provoke the Huangquan store nowadays?

For the step boss, it is natural to express enough respect.

Step by step, no expression, nodded.

After turning around, I was planning to go back to the kitchen.

"It's too bad!"

"The picture, from the jail, the tens of thousands of people in the kitchen, was actually killed! The blood flowed into the river, the corpse was everywhere, the haze shrouded the heavens and the earth, and it did not linger for a long time."

"According to my uncle who was in prison, I said... The sky above the kitchen, the sorrowful call sign, it’s all the unsuccessful soul of the kitchen!"


The diners talked to each other.

The pace of the steps was suddenly a meal.

There is some confusion. Normally, he is not interested in this kind of news, but it involves the kitchen.

Steps have to be serious.

“Why is the kitchen a smashed? Why is it a culinary? The chef’s family is destroyed...”

Steps frowned, and thought of it.

He had planned to have time to go to the kitchen, and after all, it was a race that had been passed down for 10,000 years, and there might be some deep cooking.

Step by step, but with a mentality of learning.

However, before I went, the kitchen was destroyed.

Steps slowly, frowning, and listened to the things that were discussed at those moments.

But after hearing no news.

The convenience is to turn into the kitchen and continue cooking.

The night is deep.

The restaurant is closed.

In the kitchen.

The recipe is finished.

The rich drunken ribs are filled with scent and linger over the restaurant.

"Little black, have a meal."

Steps out of the kitchen, whisper.

Under the tree of enlightenment.

The dog who was screaming and sleeping suddenly got a sigh and woke up.

I got a big dog's eyes and confided my tongue. I was very excited.

Today's steps...cooking, cooking, delicious!

A plate of drunken ribs, almost let the dog lord swallowed his tongue.

The original 无 无 无 趴 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是 也是

Have you eaten yet?

The stepped side put a bowl full of dragon meat drunk ribs in front of the dog.

He glanced at it and sighed.

Hearing is also... poor dog.

So, I found a small porcelain bowl, and I took a few pieces of drunken ribs from the dog's plate into the bowl, and then placed it in front of the audience.

Hearing, I was moved to almost cry!

This little cook, good guy!

Steps looked at him, stood up, walked into the kitchen, and continued to produce new dishes.

The dish tonight is... Spicy Blood Lobster.


The scent of drunken pork ribs is extremely rich and lingering, as if it has turned into essence and made a turn in the air.

After the collapse of the disintegration.

Hearing the deep smell, the dog's nose shook.

Suddenly, the scent got into his nose and let him listen to deep obsession.

"Good fragrance!"

I am satisfied.

However, just as he was full of anger, a sharp eye shot from the side.

That look, like a sharp arrow, instantly pierced the heart of listening.

"You...what are you doing?"

Hearing the dog hair and exploding, he was very wary.

"This is my drunk ribs!!"

I listened to the small short legs and pulled the plate to my side.

The dog is sneer, and the fat in the body seems to be tremble.

Hearing, there is always a bad feeling.

This feeling is extremely bad.

"Your drunk ribs?"

The gentle and magnetic sound of the dog is full of sound.

But this sound is to let the audience shake.

"That is the dog's my drunk ribs, all of them are dog princes!"

The dog opened his mouth and revealed his white teeth.

shameless! ! !

Hearing when he wants to cry without tears, he knows that this fur-skinned dog will never let go of his drunken ribs!

The drunken ribs that smelled like a scent... After eating it once, let him succumb to the drunken ribs, the unforgettable drunk ribs...

I have to stay away from him.

"You are my **** slave, your drunk ribs are my drunk ribs, my drunk ribs or my drunk ribs... understand?"

The dog’s tongue is rolled up, and a piece of fragrant drunken ribs is rolled up. Let’s chew it, and I heard it.

Hearing grief and anger, he watched the drunken ribs on his plate less, and his heart was like a knife.

"You are a fur dog... you are so skinny... you can't find a bitch!"

Hearing all the trembling, the hair is shaking.

"Ha ha……"

However, such a vicious curse does not care for the dog.

"This life is full of drunken ribs, do you want a bitch?"

Dogs said.

If you are so shameless, you can say it. What can he say?

He is also desperate.

At last.

There is only a small piece of drunken pork ribs contaminated with sauce in the blue and white porcelain plate.

I don’t want to cry, no bullying!


The night falls.

Step out of the restaurant.

Gently put the restaurant door together and slammed.

Xiao You is also following his side, holding a small fox and staring at him.

It is obvious that the step is not expected to come to Xiaoyou.

Looking at the latter, on the latter's eyes, suddenly pulled the corners of his mouth and licked the latter's head.

It is to directly tear the void and step into it.

Xiao You is also keeping up with the pace.

Today's steps...

It is very simple for him to turn the big holy level and tear the void.

The void is broken.

Step and Xiao You walked out of it.

The foot is on the solid ground.

"Well? Hell?" Xiaoyou seems to have some doubts, and can't help but scorn.

"Yes... here is the prison." The face of the step is very dignified.

"Well, the family of the kitchen, I want to know... Why is the kitchen of the kitchen broken?"

Said the step.

After that, it is the first to go ahead.

Little secluded and stunned.

Hurry up is also keeping up.

The fact that the kitchen is destroyed by the family is often discussed in restaurants, so she naturally knows.

It’s just that she didn’t think that the step would be interested in this kind of thing. Is it because the chef was killed?

Da da da……

The soul is only miserable, and the white soul is sweeping on the sky.

The cold atmosphere is constantly permeating.

Step by step walking in the kitchen of the kitchen, the face of the white remnant of the soul is swaying toward him, and flying far away.

The steps are very calm, holding hands and walking slowly.

With his current sacred cultivation, the ghosts of the district are not in the eye.



Step by step, a gaze, looked into the distance.


The bodies of the ground were piled up, and the burning stoves were burning.

Among these flames, there are smoldering fires, fairy fires, and some low-level flames, but there is no doubt that they are burning.

It seems that there is an indestructible grievance that needs to be burned.

The body was covered, the head and the body were separated, and the faces of the bodies were full of panic.

In addition to the dead bodies on the ground, there are messy plates on the ground... The food in the plates is piled on the ground.

These foods have been repeatedly eroded by what power, lost their spirituality, and have been sour and smelly.

This is an incredible thing for the strong chef.

The kitchen is also a fairy kitchen, and the cooking dishes can basically be done for a long time.

It is impossible to rot in this short period of time.

There must be something for it, which has led to all of this.

Small and frowning, the rancid smell in the air, makes the chest a little stuffy.

"Step by step... let's go, it's already dead."

Xiao You opened the road.

The little fox in her arms also used her claws to lick her nose and nodded.

After watching the week, I couldn’t see why, and I sighed.

Nodded, turned and planned to leave.


At the moment he turned, his eyes narrowed sharply.

He turned and was facing Xiao You.

And behind Xiao You...

There is actually a burly figure, escaped from the gods to explore ... quietly standing there!

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