Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1399: Rolling victory! [First! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

What is special about shrimp? !

The dog really did not expect that the shrimp can eat the feeling of drunken pork.

He must have eaten fake shrimp!

It’s no wonder that the step-by-step kid is full of confidence. It turns out that he is still getting drunk and ribs.

Since you are drunk and ribs, you said early, say that the dog is still eating Dapeng meat, compared with drunk ribs, then what Dapeng meat is a fart!

At most, it’s a good fart!

The dog licked his mouth and licked it again. It was a few shrimps flying out of it. With the white mist of the cockroach, it was like a fairy.

A few shrimp entrances, the entrance is instantaneous, the taste of drunken ribs bursts instantly!

Not only the taste of drunken pork ribs, but also the tea and tea flavor that makes people feel calm...

The dog squinted, his body swaying slowly in the air, his tail swaying around, and his heart was immersed in the taste of drunken ribs.

The people around are shocked.

Do dogs like to eat shrimp?

Unreasonable, dogs should not like to eat meat and bones?

How can a shrimp that has a mouthfuled out of the bird meet a dog?

Is it an illusion that the dog and the step perform together, in order to win this kitchen?

Many people have no idea to come up with this idea.

Da Zhuang's gaze tightened and looked at the black dog's intoxicating appearance. As a chef, he was naturally able to distinguish a dish. After being eaten by the diners, the expression on the diners' face was true.

The intoxication of this black dog, no doubt, this shrimp, let the dog deeply intoxicated!

damn it!

Everything counts, he doesn't count a dog who likes to eat shrimp, doesn't like meat!

There are still dogs in the world who don't eat meat!

Pluto Erha and the fire demon ancestors are squinting, feeling the change of the taste of the shrimp in the mouth, open their eyes, the eyes are only left amazing, once again flew past, chopsticks with shrimps, ready to go to the mouth Send it.

Spicy bar!

The taste of the sea!

The dynasty Erha and the fire demon screamed at the same time.

The audience was once again surprised.

Eat shrimp and eat the taste of spicy strips? There is also this kind of operation.

And... what is the taste of the sea? !

The people present were very aggressive and didn't know what to say.

Let’s go.

In the void, it is utterly audible, leaving only the dynasty Erha, the fire demon ancestor and the dog lord are constantly eating the feeling of shrimp.

The elastic shrimp splatters in the mouth, as if it is gently tapping the wall of the mouth.

After a long time.

The shrimp is finished.

A plate of shrimp, only the lotus plate carved with the fruit of the fruit, the plate left with some milky white juice and scattered nine turn of the tea leaves, but the shrimp, but they are all finished.


The law roulette above the Scorpio has changed.

Actually began to slowly rotate, which seems to have the power of the law burst out, entangled in it.

From the dog, the prince, and the sorcerer's ancestors, there is a law of runes that rushes out and floods into it.

The glory of the stars emerged.

Obviously, it is to start the final score.

Everyone's eyes are attracted, and they are staring at the stars above the Scorpio. They also want to know, what is the outcome of this game?

In the face of a god-cooked dish, can the step boss continue to create miracles?

Da Zhuang took a deep breath and his body floated up and down.

The kitchen utensils are gone.

But the breath of his body is more and more depressed.

I don't know why, he has always been full of confidence, this time it feels a bit... crisis!

That's right... it's crisis awareness!

Inexplicable, he thinks this game seems to lose!

"Impossible! How could I lose? This guy is just a mortal... I am the **** of the kitchen!" The big eyes made a slap in the eye.


The evaluation of Pluto Erha came out.

The glory of the stars lights up on the sky.

The speed is slow, not rushing.

One star, two stars, three stars...

Everyone is holding their breath, staring at the stars on the sky.

Looking at the formation of a ray of light.

The eyes are full of horror!

Step by step, holding hands, but also looking at the stars on the sky, the radiance of the stars, faceless, calm and incomparable.

He is very confident, this self-confidence is like a shocking wave, impacting the big heart...

Let the latter hesitate.

This mortal... Why are you so confident? The mysterious power can't work on the dishes at all. Why is he so confident?

"My God! Eight stars!"

"No, no! Nine stars!!"

"The level is recorded!"


The surrounding audiences were wide-eyed and saw the brilliance of the stars under the wheel of the law. After the nine stars were lit, they were not blinking, they were sucking in the air and exclaiming.

Nine stars!

Actually the same score as Da Zhuang!

This shows that this **** is fighting with mortals... and suspense!

Steps are light and calm, standing calmly, looking at the stars on the Scorpio, the mouth is slightly picking up.

“Why?! Why can the shrimp in the area get nine stars! It can be equal to my Dapeng meat!”

Da Zhuang seems to be somewhat dissatisfied, depressed the voice and sent a question.

This question is issued to Pluto.

Pluto haha ​​raised his hand and touched his pointed chin, then licked his hair and revealed a gentle smile.

"Step by step young and young dishes... How to say it, maybe it is not enough for your Dapeng meat, but... there is a kind of silky taste, like a small stream lingering in the heart, you can feel What do you need..."

Pluto eyes seem to be shining.

Relish the taste of the shrimp.

He said it was fair.

Nine-turned Tiandao shrimp is really not as good as Dapeng meat in terms of spicy taste.

But... this dish has a unique meaning.

That kind of meaning may be said to be emotion.

An emotional dish, the eating of the wangwang Erha is very shocked.

He even tasted the taste of spicy strips from it!

It is the taste of the spicy bar that you dream of!

With open arms, the hair of the wangwang Erha is windless and automatic.

Big and strong biting teeth, ghosts have emotional dishes!

The emotion of a dish!

Even if he is the **** of kitchen, he has never heard of the fact that dishes can have feelings.

The dishes are dead!


With a sigh of relief, the strong gaze moved to the body of the fire demon ancestors. Before the fire demon ancestors ate his dishes, the shocking and intoxicating mood did not seem to be a fake.

Perhaps, the fire demon ancestors will have a miracle.

Above the law round, the scoring stars belonging to the fire demon ancestors emerged.

Start slowly lighting up.

Stepped up and looked at the round.

Is the score of the fire demon ancestors?

Perhaps this will be a decisive key score!

Everyone is watching.

The fire demon ancestor is also curious.

He didn't know how many points he gave to the shrimp in his heart.


The kind of taste that makes his heart move, makes the fire demon ancestors have some emotions.

If you can personally rate this dish.

He hopes to be 10,000 points.

Because this dish... really gave him an unprecedented experience.

Say it is a dish, or a feeling that transcends the soul!

The taste of the sea, I finally know!

One star, two stars, three stars...

Under the gaze of everyone.

The star rating of the fire demon ancestors is constantly lit.

In a short while, it is very ridiculous.

Ten stars, juxtaposed in the sky, dazzling and dazzling.

Ten stars... all lit up! ! !

Everyone is watching dull.

I was shocked and shocked.

I do not know what to say.

Full of stars!

It’s incredible that all ten stars are lit!

Da Zhuang is a shock of his body, even if his god's vision is shocked and unattached.

"Ten stars?!"

Sure enough... everything is fake!


The big eyes are red, and the terrible breath bursts out on his body, as if thundering, to blast everything.

The fire demon ancestors trembled and felt an unprecedented fear.

This fear made him feel trembled!

"I... I said, can let the flames of my fire demon go out, it is the most delicious dish! This dish of shrimp... done it!"

The body of the fire demon trembled and shivered, and could not help but say.

"I am a fire demon, I have never felt the taste of the sea, because I can not experience the feeling of the warm sea water across the throat, but when I eat shrimp, I feel the taste of the sea..."

The fire demon ancestors closed their eyes, and the flames on their bodies were all uncertain.

He let my fire go out, then this dish... is perfect!

Ten stars...not too much!

Humph! ! !

Big and angry.

A fist slammed down.

Underneath, the entire family of the kitchen was completely collapsed and turned into a ruin of the land.

The cracked stone is cracked...

The terrible breath is like an oven.

The fire demon ancestors trembled, this time is the return of God, the big man in front of him is a god!

Although he was angry, he did not say anything.

After all, there is a law round, the fire demon ancestors can not be fake.

But he is still very upset!

Finally, his eyes turned and locked in the black dog.

The only hope now is this black dog.

The black dog only played eight stars for his Dapeng meat.

Explain that this dog is very picky, how many points will the shrimps of this step be given to such a picky dog?

The evaluation of this dog is the ultimate key!

So far.

The big and strong star score is already behind a star.

To win the kitchen, only... the dog’s evaluation is six stars...

In that way, Da Zhuang will be able to win with a one-star gap.

If it is seven stars, because of the advantage of being the first to taste the dishes.

Even if the number of stars is flat, the winner is still the starting point.

The pressure of big and strong is great.

Pinch the fist.

The powerful virtual shadow that emerged behind Da Zhuang seems to obscure the sky.

Even God, at these moments, is still excited.

They will also expect miracles to appear.

Step by step, spit out a breath.

Keep a dog for a thousand days, use a dog for a while...

Dog, don't let me down.

I thought of the heart of the step.

The mind fell.

The law rune is entangled from the dog's body and rushes into the law round.


It seems that there are thunders in the roaring roar.


The law round on the Scorpio has once again revealed ten stars that have never been illuminated.

This star is a score of the dog.

One star, two stars, three stars...

Under the eyes of the public.

The brilliance of the stars gradually lighted up, and soon... it was nine stars!

Nine stars?

The result came out.

No delays.

However, this result has refreshed everyone's worldview.

Nine stars.

The dog's score for the big Dapeng meat is only eight stars.

Instead, the score for the step shrimp was nine stars.

This shows what!

This shows that the shrimp in the step has won this victory in a crushed position!

Do dogs not like to eat meat?

When did the shrimps win the favor of the dog? !

Not only big and strong, everyone is so aggressive, because they guessed the beginning, but everyone guessed the wrong ending!

Dogs evaluate nine stars...

Make the score of the step, crushed the big and strong!

This kitchen fight, step by step!

The ending is out.

The power of the law on the Scorpio is also the final evaluation.


It seems as if there is a terrible breath.

The wheel of the law suddenly roared, and the body that was moving toward the big body was spinning away...

Rubbing and rubbing...

In the eyes of all, the strong body is slowly crushed from the lower body... slowly crushed...

Da Zhuang’s eyes stared at the black dog and the step.

"My Dapeng meat...how could I lose!!"

Big and low.

The **** of the kitchen behind the body is roaring.

It was a reluctant roar. He was a god, and he lost to a mortal in cooking!

The dog sticks out his tongue and licks his mouth.

"Do you think that it is ordinary shrimp? Can eat the shrimps that are drunk and ribs... definitely not ordinary shrimp!"

The dog said.

" Lost to drunk ribs...you don't want to."

"The opportunistic mortal... I won't forgive me!!"

Big red eyes are snarling.

His flesh is constantly crushed by the wheel of the law.

at last……

With the roar of the roar.

The big head is also completely broken.

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