Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1402: This god, very naughty

Can mortals kill God?

This basically has never been done.

Perhaps in the distant dynasty, there is a genius and enchanting genius that can do it.

Of course, the **** of the kitchen does not feel that this cook can kill the gods, a big world in a remote area.

It is not easy to be able to give birth to a **** who understands the laws of the universe. It is also difficult to think of a mortal who can kill God.

Even at this moment, he is already weak by the black dog.

But it is not something that mortals can offend!

God is God!

Representing the rules of the world!


The **** of the kitchen is roaring.

One palm collided with the step from the sky.

The sound of the explosion suddenly resounded.

Hearing, the eyes of the dog are all unacceptable.

Above the sky.

The Nether boat reappears.

Xiao You and others who were going back and forth stood on the ship of the Nether, and looked incredulously at the ruins that exploded in the green fire.

They never imagined that the step boss actually chose to do things, or did such a horrible thing, actually hit hard with a god!

He is crazy!

The green fire is rising all over the sky, and the entire ruins are shrouded in it, as if it had become a Jedi, a dead place where the souls stopped.

Hearing and taking a deep breath.

He is silent. In his opinion, in this abyss of dark green flames like the sea of ​​fire, the steps are obviously not living.

To be burned to ashes by flames.

That is the fire of the law, the flame of the power of the law.

It is the flame rule of the **** of the kitchen.

Who can live under the power of the law?

Even if you listen to yourself, you are not sure you can survive.

The dog squinted as if to see through the sea of ​​fire, but he felt that the step would not be so stupid.

Because the step gave him a voice, the excitement in the tone was not concealed.

Explanation... This **** of the kitchen has absolutely something to be excited about.

What will that be?

After the step is obtained... What changes will happen?


Rolling in the sea.

The white hair is floating.

The hot high temperature swept through.

However, the body of the step was covered with invisible fire, so the fire of the law could not be burned to him.

The **** of the weak kitchen is pressed by the white hair step on the ground.

The white tiger's mouth is rising.

Actually, the **** of the kitchen began to fight, the sound of the collision, the roar of the roaring sound, causing a burst of bursts.

However, after eating the cake, and adding the spirit of the body, the combat power of the step at this moment is not weaker than the demigod.

The **** of the weak kitchen, the current combat power may not be much stronger than the demigod.

Being bombarded by the gods of the gods, he is basically dying.

boom! !

The white hair stepping's fist is covered with invisible fire.

Every fist is under the boxing to the flesh.

Blowing on the face of the **** of the kitchen, the latter's entire face is a weird twist.

Of course, there is no way for the step-by-step to make a fist to the head of the kitchen god, but the steps are not urgent.

Just slowly kill the **** of the kitchen!

The **** of the kitchen can't believe that this mortal can actually survive the sweeping fire. What is this means? !

But as a god, he cannot fear a mortal.

Step by step, then he is a war!

The collision of boxing and boxing, the roar of strength and power!

This battle seems to have turned into a hand-to-hand combat.

The **** of the step and the kitchen fights at the bottom of the abyss.

No one saw this battle.

But the fierce battle is chilling.

Punch and punch again.

The fist containing the fire of God, squatting on the face of the **** of the kitchen, every time the attack, the breath of the **** of the meat hopper is destroyed.

After a long time...

The **** of the kitchen is finally unable to hold back.

Crashed to the ground.

The step stood in the same place, panting with a big mouth.

The white hair of the white hair step retreats, and the white tiger spirit returns to the spiritual sea.

The step took a deep breath and slowly walked over to the **** of the kitchen.

This guy in front of him is the **** of the **** of the kitchen. In fact, it is also a small half of the **** of kitchen.

But even if it is a sensible avatar, it also contains the power of a complete law.

And the power of this law is exactly what the steps need.

Step by step, I fell to the ground and seemed to be in front of the **** of the kitchen.

From the top down, there is quite a bit of condescending taste.

Looking at a **** like this, I can satisfy vanity.

Of course, this kind of vanity without eggs is not there for the step.

Raise your hand.

Above the palm, there is an invisible fire that begins to burn.

The **** of the kitchen can't see the fire, and the gods can't feel it.

This is the characteristic of the fire, but the temperature of the fire is actually there.

"People... You can't kill me, kill the price of a god, you can't afford it."

The **** of the kitchen that fell to the ground, looked coldly at the steps.

At this moment, he calmed down.

"If you kill me, my gods will be transformed into curses and will be entangled in your spiritual sea forever. You will have no more power in your life, and you will always be a mortal!"

The **** of the kitchen fights, it seems to make a curse.

This is a curse that makes people shudder, like a nightmare.

Very vicious.

But the steps are not moving.

Give a shot.

The invisible fire suddenly popped up by the steps.

It fell on the body of the **** of the kitchen, and the hot high temperature broke out!

The **** of the kitchen is stunned, looking at his chest, actually burned a gap!

"You dare!!!"

The **** of the kitchen is roaring!

However, there is no expression on the steps.

If the **** of the kitchen does not care about his chances, he will not return home, and will not fall into such a situation.

All of this is the **** of the kitchen, and it’s self-picked, and it’s a thousand miles to send people, don’t accept... Isn’t it sorry for him?


The **** of the kitchen is extremely angry.

Is he really going to be a **** who died in the hands of mortals?

Even if it is only the avatar of God, he does not allow himself to die so humiliatingly!

In the wounds that were burned, the law runes emerged.

Seeing this rule rune, the eyes of the step are suddenly bright...

The fire is attached to it, and it seems that it is the most eager thing, and the steps can feel the eagerness and excitement radiated from the flame.


With the attachment of invisible fire.

The **** of the kitchen frightened and found that the law rune at his chest actually began to collapse, was dismantled, and was plundered and left...

The law of predation?

What a crazy thing!


The **** of the kitchen finally understands why the stepping party wants the black dog to breathe a sigh of relief. This is the power to plunder the laws of the body!

This mortal is actually so crazy!

Is he so sure that he does not have the power to resist?

"You are playing with fire!!"

The **** of the kitchen, the cold opening.

Although it is not known what the means of absorbing the power of the rules, the **** of the kitchen cannot allow such behavior to occur.

"Play with fire? Congratulations... guess it."

The pace seems to be a bit strange.

The **** of the kitchen sneered.

"Suck it, **** it... I will blast you sooner or later, the power of God, how mortals can control!"

The **** of the kitchen is laughing.

The steps are indifferent and don't care.

"Since you have asked for it, then I will take it boldly..."

Said the step.

The words fell, and the five fingers jumped.

Another five invisible gods fired out,


The **** of the kitchen that was originally powerless and fell on the ground.

The gaze is great and the horror is incomparable.

"I want to kill God! It is a price!!"

"Feel the curse from God!!!"

The **** of kitchen is roaring.

The words fell.

The whole sea of ​​fire is boiling.


A roar! !

The eyes of the **** of the kitchen are golden.


The next moment, the golden light straight shot, straight into the step.

For a moment, it was in the body of the step.


The brows of the steps were wrinkled and he was in doubt.

Spiritual sea.

The sky is sweeping.

A golden light rushed into the spirit sea, turning into a stream of light and galloping toward the center of the spiritual sea.


Jinguang dispersed.

It turned into the golden body of the **** of the kitchen.

The body is horrible.

This is the curse of the **** of kitchen.

The power that acts on the spirit sea...is also the glimpse of the **** of the **** of the kitchen.

The power of God is powerful and powerful, and it can crush the mind.

The step is nothing but a mortal. It has not yet condensed the gods. Only the gods, the **** of the kitchen is naturally fearless.

The **** of the kitchen did not think that it was so easy to invade the spirit sea of ​​the step.


It is like a dragon, flying fast.

Outside the body.

The steps frowned, and he seemed to sense the power of the mind.

That **** knowledge should be the **** of the **** of kitchen.

Going to your own spiritual sea?

Still can't wait to die?

The steps are quirky.

His spiritual sea is the most powerful place, and the **** of the **** of the kitchen actually broke into it, fearing that it is not necessary to do it yourself.

Therefore, the step of the mind moved and began to focus on the fire in front of the eyes.

The power of engulfing the law is a means to make the power of the gods stronger.

The step naturally does not give up the power of the law at hand.

With engulfing.

The body of the **** of the kitchen began to dry up.

Gradually lost the essence.

The rule rune was dismantled and turned into a silver dragon into the fire.

The fire of the gods burned, and the original invisible appearance actually showed the color slowly.

It turned into silver.

The silver flame is burning, quiet burning, and it seems to be cracking around the void.

The power of the fire is incomparably strong.

The step feels that the power of this fire is enough to threaten the gods.

After all... there are two forces in it.

The kitchen law of the **** of the kitchen and the law of fire.

Although this law does not belong to him, he can not regulate, but the power of the fire has increased a lot.

at last.

The body of the **** of the kitchen is completely dispersed.


The power of the law is all absorbed.

The silver flame is so violent that it burns quietly.

A heart move.

The silver flame suddenly changed and turned into a silver round.

This round is somewhat similar to the conventional round of the **** of the kitchen.

However, this round is made up of a silver flame, the temperature is very high, and the power of burning.

Give a shot.

The silver round wheel suddenly screamed and swung rapidly.

Shoot out.

Start spinning around the steps.

Soon, it was a tornado that turned into a sky.

The green flame that permeates the abyss is absorbed by the silver round and is quickly dispelled.

Above the sky.

The dog, the singer, Xiao You and others finally saw the appearance of the step, and did not expect that the step was not dead.

Everyone is a glimpse.

Falling down.

The silver round wheel was suspended in the hands of the step and turned into a burning silver flame. Then the silver flame became gradually transparent and disappeared.

Invisible fire, still invisible.

The dog's face fell suspiciously and looked at the steps.

"The **** of the kitchen? Did you run?"

Asked the dog's doubts.

Hearing is also a doubt in his heart.

Everyone looks around and seems to want to find out where the **** of the kitchen is.

A god, it is impossible to disappear from the air.

As for the steps, they are not convinced.

A good **** is a god, saying that it is a slaughter, does God not want to face?

The stepping back came back from the joy of absorbing the power of the law.

I heard a lot of questions from everyone.

"Where is the **** of kitchen?"

The step is to remember the **** of the kitchen that runs into his own spiritual sea.

I don't know the guy... How is the end now?

As for the doubts of everyone.

The step is to pull the corner of his mouth, then pointed to his head.

"God of the kitchen... I ran into my spiritual sea, very naughty."

Going to the spirit sea?

The step of the words fell.

Dogs, the look of the audience is a change.

A god's god's knowledge breaks into the spiritual sea? !

Steps are afraid to become a fool!

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