Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1404: Sea of ​​law

Hell, Huang Quancheng.

Huangquan shop.

The vagueness is like a piece of paper that has been burnt, and there are hollows coming out.

Step by step, stepping out of it, the body of the feathers robe fluttering under the wind.

Feet on the solid ground of the restaurant, the foot feels a little loose.

This time, the **** of the kitchen, although the dog is out of the claws, but in the end, it is still the hands of the hands, only to swallow the power of the law of the **** of the kitchen.

For the step, this is actually a very dangerous experience.

As the audience said.

Even if the **** of the kitchen is left with a sigh of relief, it is still God, the supreme, the incomparable God, not the average person can deal with.

Let the dog-in-law take a sigh of relief from the **** of the kitchen and deal with it personally. If you can’t beat it, then it’s really overturned.

Fortunately... the steps finally completed everything as planned.

The fire also completely swallowed up the power of the two laws.

There is one more than the power of one of the laws that I envision.

Standing outside the restaurant.

Step by step, raised his hand and held out an index finger.

A silver brilliance bursts above the index finger.

It was a silver flame, like a silent lotus flower, slowly floating on it.

The night is deep.

Above the night, the blue sky is washed, and only one round of the moon plate hangs on it, blooming and shining.

The city of Huangquan is very lively, even in the middle of the night, it is still like a city.

The entire city is filled with the aroma of charcoal and food.

At night, it is the most lively time in Huangquancheng.

This situation has continued for ten years.

And there is a tendency to form a cultural atmosphere.

In Huangquan City, during the day, it belongs to a restaurant, and at night, it belongs to a family stall.

The fire was extinguished.

Step back and look at Huang Quancheng, gently spit out a breath, turned and stepped into the restaurant.

Opened the door of the restaurant.

Step by step, open the chair and sit in front of the restaurant.

At night, the steps are not open, but it does not prevent him from enjoying the cold.

Dogs, listen, and Tsang Erha are also returning.

They are all looking at the steps.

The dog is okay, and he returned to the tree of enlightenment, and squatted there and slept.

It sounds like a little boy, and his face is extremely strange.

The **** of the **** of the kitchen has penetrated into the minds of the steps, but there is no way to ban the steps. Instead, the concession is made into a bun.

Ghosts know what the gods are!

However, when I think about it, I am also amazed.

After all, the step was to get the man who passed on the man.

As a follower of the man, it is natural to know that the man’s horror...

If you think about it, the extraordinaryness of the steps will be justifiable.

Xiao You holding the little fox standing behind the step, the night wind slowly boasted, blowing the hair of the people floating.

Take a cool look for a while, step by step and lie down on the chair.

After a while, he opened his eyes and sorted out the proceeds.

This time he went to hell, his harvest was quite rich.

Not only the sacred fire, but also the power of the gods to engulf the two laws.

Although the power of these two laws, he can not control, but, after all, is the power of the law, ordinary people can not even imagine what they imagine.

The step is contemplative, what is the power of the law?

He remembered the reward for promotion, a rule of fruit.

This time the reward, in addition to the kitchen **** set pieces, is only the rule of law.

The original step did not care too much about this fruit, now it seems...

It seems that this fruit is not ordinary!

A heart move.

On the palm of the step, there is a slow glow.

Then, the energy gathers, and this violent energy seems to crush the void.

A seven-colored fruit is in the hands of the steps.

The fruit looks a bit like a tomato, but the color is colorful.

The juice droplets flow like a fine art.

This is the law.

In the restaurant.

Under the tree of enlightenment.

The dog opened his eyes and looked over doubts.

Hearing is a big eyes, incredible looking at the rules of the hands of the party.

He was able to feel the great temptation emanating from the colorful fruit in the hands of the step, which tempted him to extricate himself.

He has an intuition, with his god's strength, if you eat this fruit, the strength may be even higher!

This is very unusual!

So he was very eager for this fruit, and even showed some greed.

This greed is directed at this fruit.

He wants to take this fruit for himself!

Step by step, holding the fruit, faintly stunned and listened, the eyes, watching the stunned body.

After that, I dare not have any extra moves.

Hearing the cold sweat, he is now a prisoner, but he still dares to move this mind.

No need to step, just the **** dog, a paw can shoot him.

In fact, my heart is very clear.

Although the **** dog is sleeping, but with the sleep, the **** dog is more and more mature in the grasp of the law of time.

Today, I am even more of an opponent.

After all, even the **** of the kitchen that understands multiple laws is not the opponent of the **** dog.

What is the use of a **** who understands the common law?

In the face of the sight of the step, I can only smile and smile.

Step by step took back his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Looked at the law of the fruit in the eyes.

Then open your mouth and bite the fruit.


The sweet and sour flesh is the entrance.

The entrance was instantified, and a stream of light was drilled into the mouth of the step and spread continuously.


It seems as if there are colorful brilliance.

Sitting on the chair, his face suddenly changed.

boom! ! !

The steps of the steps are all made into colorful colors.

The bird feather robe has no wind and automatic.

The mind seems to be drawn by a supreme force, instantly crossing thousands of miles.

It is like flowing in a long river of time and space.

A bang.

The mind of the step suddenly stopped.

Everything that is presented in front of you is actually an endless seven-colored ocean.

However, among the seven colored oceans, there are various kinds of exercises to fly.

These practises are constantly changing their appearance, becoming a beast, becoming a human being, becoming a flower, sometimes a stream...

"This is where?"

Step by step took a deep breath and felt extremely unbelievable about everything in front of him.

His **** desires to sink into the spirit sea.

However, it is surprisingly discovered that his spiritual sea seems to be isolated from God.

The four major spirits are not connected, and the spiritual vortex is not sensed.

The only thing that can be sensed is the ups and downs of the kitchen recipes, the golden luster that blooms.

"The land that the host feels is the sea of ​​law... The law of chaos is the sea, the land where the law was born..."

The system is serious and serious.

Explain everything for the steps.

When I heard the familiar voice, the step was suddenly loose.

At this time, it is only beginning to look around.

The sea of ​​law...

Have you eaten the law, do you want to begin to understand the rules?

Step by step blinked.

If this is the case, then it must be excellent.

The heart of the step suddenly moved.

The achievement of the demigod needs to understand the law, but there is no difference between the demigod and the great saint.

Therefore, if you want to achieve a half-god, you may need to do something to understand the law.

It is not necessary to achieve sufficient turnover.

I have figured it out, and the inside of the step is a bit hot.

If you can achieve a half-god, the pace will feel that your cooking may increase more.

After all, what the demigod has is God.

God knows that cooking is more advantageous than God.

Perhaps this is the precious thing of the law.

Can help them understand the rules.

I have figured it out, and the convenience of the step is a move, as if a dragon is like a swim in the sea of ​​laws.

Feel the power of those pavements as if they were real laws.

These rules are numerous.

There are laws of fire, there are rules of water system, there are rules of ice, rules of storm, etc...

There are thousands of rules.

The three thousand rules are so vast that it is really not just to talk about it.

However, the ordinary rules are naturally invisible, and the steps that you want to comprehend are... the cosmic strong law like the dog.

Perhaps only that kind of law can make your strength stronger.

Also let yourself be more secure on the way to the next kitchen god.

Constantly drifting.

The three thousand rules are left behind.

The step suddenly suddenly looked empty.

Five huge beasts appeared in front of me...


The gaze of the step suddenly shrinks.

Dragon, Phoenix, Xuanwu, White Tiger, Kirin...

The step was staying.

Above the five beasts, each exudes a majestic atmosphere that is much stronger than the force of the law that was seen before.

"The law of the universe is strong!"

Step by step, taking a deep breath, a little excitement appeared on his face.

Is this the law of the universe that is understood by the dog?

Time, space, destruction, life, reincarnation... Five Great Laws!

Of course, these five strong laws are recognized, and there may be Xeon rules that have not been excavated, but these are the roads of experience that previous people have gone through.

The minds of the steps are surging and spreading, covering the past with the five strong laws.

If you can comprehend one of them, it will be of great benefit to yourself.

A law gives me the opportunity to comprehend the law.

This is really not to be missed for the step.

Sitting on the empty wall, facing the seven-color ocean.

Around the body of the step, there are thousands of regular runes.

The sacred shadow of the beast that is condensed by the law is also slowly approaching...


Outside the ruins of the world.

In the sky.

In the calm void, there are stars circulating.

Suddenly, the starry sky shook and slowly emerged a blue-blue hole.

After the hole, a warship slowly came out of it.

This is a black-painted warship, and I don't know what the material is.

There is a flag on the ship, and the flag is written on the flag.

This shows that this warship is a warship sent by the gods.


The warship slowly galloped, and it seemed that the speed was not fast, but in a flash, it was tens of thousands of miles, and it was flying towards the ruins.

The line of sight is zoomed in.

I can see the dense shadows on the ship.

The breath of these people is very majestic.

This warship is very huge, like a mountain, crushing the void.

The cabin is open.

A team of people walked slowly.

Headed by, it is a man who is more beautiful than a woman. In front of this man, any peerless beauty is going to become dull.

The people around are looking at the man in front of him in awe.

"Adults...the world of the meditation, it is here."

A gentleman said to the glamorous man in front of him.

Three thousand blue silk is scattered, and the eyes are like silk. The skin is like chaotic white jade, which gives off a sparkling luster.

The man has a negative hand and the body proportion is perfect.

No matter which angle you look at, it is a perfect person.

The man walked before the ship board.

The eyes are calm.

Looking at the hand, the line of sight seems to have traveled thousands of miles away and landed on the huge world of the ruins.

Later, his mouth was slightly tilted.

That smile, the country is poured into the city.

"The ruins, I... come back."

The words fell.

The battleship suddenly burst into the air, crossed the void, and fell towards the land of the ruins.


Xian kitchen world.

The fairy tree swayed violently and the branches flew.

Slamming the void, as if the void is slamming and smashing.

Oh, la la la.

The branches swept and turned into a human figure.

The eyes of the figure looked at the vast sky, staring at the void.

Ditai landlord fell on it and sucked in air.

He can feel the uneasiness and fear of the fairy tree.

This feeling has never been seen before.


The silhouette of the fairy tree is open.

The words fell.

The sky in the kitchen of the kitchen suddenly made a roar!

A burst of darkness covered the horizons of everyone.

Ditai's main eyes are tightening.

Feeling that the heart is being held by an invisible big hand, it is almost pinched.

The fifth floor of the kitchen.

Above the sky.

A lacquered black warship that traversed the entire sky, suspended from it, and thousands of terrible energy bursts from it, causing the void around the ship to collapse.

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