Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1416: Rolling [second! 】

The law of the runes swept, the terrible gods suddenly came, and instantly filled the scene, suppressing the audience.

Clouds and mountains are big, and their eyes are shining, as if they have torn the sky.

A palm was photographed from above the sky, and the target pointed to the step, trying to kill the guy who offended their cloud mountains.

The gods shot, the power is natural.

The whole ground seems to collapse, and the terrible power makes people breathe.

The old village chief was shaking and almost fell to the ground.

Step by step, standing still, no change in color.

Although the big world where Xia Wei Shen is located is more prosperous than the ruins of the big world, the overall strength is higher than the ruins of the world, but the gods are not so common.

To become a **** is the power to understand the law, and the power of the law is very mysterious to ordinary people, and it is not something that ordinary people can comprehend.

Therefore, demigods and gods are still high-level existence.

Like Yunwu Mountain, the entire Yunwu Mountain is considered to be the most powerful force in the vicinity, but only the big master is a god.

The other few are the most powerful, but they are only half-god.

A god, in the Xia Dynasty, can even enter the DPRK as an official. Of course, if it is an ordinary god, the official position won will not be much higher.

However, if you become an official of the dynasty, it is basically a step into the sky.

The big master of Yunwushan, if it is not because of crimes, can not choose to be a robber.

boom! !

The old village chief shivered.

The power of the gods made him even unable to afford the slightest desire to resist.

Too strong, the power of the gods is terrible!

It’s like the heavens and the earth are going to collapse.


In the eyes of the great head of Yunwu Mountain, thousands of brilliances were issued.

One palm is photographed toward the head of the step, wanting to completely obliterate the step.

Xiaobai holds a spear, and his eyes are shining in the eyes of the machine.

The step raised the palm of his hand slightly, but stopped the action of Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, other people, you pack up... this god, give it to me. I also want to see, now, my fighting power?"

Step by step.

Xiaobai seems to understand the words of the step.

His eyes flashed.

The body shape suddenly disappeared in the same place.

When it reappears, it is in the distance, going to a semi-god-headed rush.

It was a big fight with many robbers.


The big master is not angry and laughing, this demigod, actually trying to resist his own **** by his own power?

This guy is too small to see the gods!

Gently spit out a breath.

The bird feather robes suddenly rolled over.

Throughout the village, the crowd was stunned.

In an instant, I came to the front of the big master and faced God with no fear.

The power of terrible laws came to the fore.

A little bit of chill is permeated.

The wind and snow swept over the sky.

"The law of wind and snow!"

The eyes of the big master flashed, and they took a hand toward the step, and suddenly there was a frosty snow dragon on the sky.

Wrapped in the snow, rushing toward the step.

Want to use the power of the complete law of the gods to crush the steps.

On the side of the suspension of the sky, the bird's robe is sweeping.

A heart move.

A silver flame suddenly appeared in the palm of your hand.

The flames burned quietly, and even if the snow was violent, it still failed to affect the flames in the hands of the steps.

Facing the majestic snow-capped dragon.

Step by step and exhale gently.

It seems to be blowing a flame.

The silver flame suddenly swayed, and there was a complete law of force that emerged.

boom! !

The fire suddenly became violent.

Turned into a silver Dapeng.

Dapeng spread his wings, and in the twinkling of an eye, the wings were close to the wind and snow dragon.

Under the burning of Silver Dapeng, the snow-capped dragons melted and gradually disappeared.

"What is this flame?!"

The face of the big family suddenly changed, sucking in a cold air.

As a god, he did not think that his law of wind and snow would actually melt in the flames.

Even if it is the law of fire, it is not so easy to melt his rules of wind and snow!

The figure exploded.

The big master feels a crisis.

The step brings him an infinite crisis.

"Do you know how to hide?"

A slight twist on the corner of the square.

The bandage spread.

The arm suddenly emerged.

Raise your hand and wipe it on your arm.

Suddenly, the flame entwined it and began to burn.

For the robbers, the step naturally has no good feelings. Before leaving the life of the two masters, it is only to attract these robbers.

Moreover, he needs the warriors of the robbers to go to the dynasty.

Although the step is very confident in the strength of the dog.

But he still has some concerns. After all, the divine dynasty is no better than the ruins.

I want to join them with the dog brother as soon as possible.

When the foot is in the void, the knowledge of the step suddenly erupts.

In the spirit sea, it seems that the waves are rising, and the body shape of the step is crossed across the sky, and the distance is approached.

"court death!"

Dadang didn’t think that the step would actually dare to get in.

Although the strange flame made him a little jealous, but ... just a jealous!

He is a god, can you be afraid of a god?

Reach out and wipe it around your waist.

A long shot suddenly emerged.

There are red dragonflies on the long guns, red dragonflies fluttering, and spurting out, as if the sky is piercing all the holes.

A shot came straight to the head of the step.

The wind and snow suddenly swept away!

when! ! !

Stepping up the arm, facing the red rifle, it was a punch.

The two collided and made a roar.

The terrible force broke out, but the face of the big man was changed.

The terrible power and the burning power of the step fist made his face suddenly become very ugly.

He found that his power of law seems to be unable to do anything!

Although he only realized the **** of a law.

However, good is a god!

"Damn! I am God!"

The big master was furious, and the red scorpion gun was stabbed and smashed out.

Every gun flower pierces a black hole from the void.

The corner of the square is rising.

The war is in vain.

Feeling on the void, once again smashed out, facing a **** is not flashing.

The law of reincarnation emerges on the arm, even if it is not a complete reincarnation, but the breath is only one.

It is the law of the big master of suppression that can't be done even.

The latter is also a panic that looks very incomparable!

"The law of the universe is strong?!"

Dadang’s face is a ghost!

This young man in front of him is actually a enchanting man who understands the laws of the universe. !

No wonder, with half-deal cultivation, you can be war god!

Those who understand the laws of these laws can not always be theories!

The keel kitchen knife emerged.

Rotating in the hands of the step, the golden light shook.

"One knife... 斩仙."

The steps are faint.

Suddenly, the back seems to have emerged a burly figure.

A knife is like a scorpion from the sky, where the knives have passed, all the inch cracked.

The backhand of the big master is a shot, and the law of wind and snow is running to the extreme.

The roar was blasting.

The knife and the red scorpion gun collided together.

The big master is like a cannonball, and it is quickly laid down from the sky.

The sly fall on the ground.

The ground shattered a deep pit.

The people in the entire village are stunned.

The robbers around are also inexplicably inexplicable.

Half-God... actually gave God the Scorpio? !


Step by step, a finger.

The silver fire suddenly jumped out of the sky, and quickly smashed, and the blink of an eye fell on the body of the big master.

The sound of miserableness resounded.

The big master was wrapped up by the fire.

Only the tragic left.

The robbers around were chilling, as if they were watching the demons.

Their great master, such a powerful presence, a true god, was killed at this moment!

That's right...

The flames are burned out.

Their great masters did not escape even the gods, but they were burned to ashes.

on the ground.

Xiaobai is like a demon god.

Rushing into the robbers, constantly rushing, like no one can stop him.

The banner fell.

The long gun provoked, like a raging dragon.

The bodies of the robbers suddenly burst into tears...

Constantly cracking, blood fluttering, the soul of the soul fleeing, is also absorbed by Xiaobai.

This moment of white, like a demon god, the pressure on the audience.

Although Xiaobai did not comprehend the law, but... his combat power is not weak and half-god, even worse than the average god.

Step by step, then Xiaobaiqiang!

The village is a man.

Looking at one person and one glimpse, the robbers of the Vibrant Mountain of Megatron will be rushed to death.

They only think that everything in front of them is so illusory.

Shenhuo flew back to the hands of the step.

Once again, the fire of the power of a law is swallowed up, and the pressure on it is stronger.

However, nothing more than that, there may be no unnecessary changes, it may be because the power of this big master is too weak.

For the robbers in Yunwushan, there is no sympathy for the steps.

They have a lingering death.

There are countless of them in Tucun, and after all, they have been subjected to sanctions.

Second, when the family was staring at the fallen big master, and the numerous robbers who died and wounded, the body shook like a sieve.

next moment.

Xiaobai’s gaze turned.

A spear suddenly magnified in front of his eyes, and instantly put his head in the hole!

The villagers are shocked.

The robbers of the Yunshan Mountain, which made the villagers resentful, were killed.

Fight, to crush the situation... to end.

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