Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1430: You are not qualified [first]

Ordinary demigod?

Everyone's face is very strange.

The picture displayed in the flame of Master Cheng is hard to imagine that the step is just an ordinary demigod.

The power of the master of the pressure master, even the power of the law has not been shown, enough to explain the genius of the talent of the step, afraid that it is not weak compared to the family.

Zhao Wuxu saw this scene, suddenly his eyes were wide and his mouth burst into a crazy laugh.

"I said I am embarrassed! This guy has been pretending!"

"He is cheating everyone! The colorful scorpio is also run by him!"

Zhao Wuji broke free from the shackles of the guards and screamed wildly.

His pot, finally got rid of it, no need to carry the pot!

Comfortable in my heart!

Master Cheng is very proud, and the character is awkward, even if he is beaten like a dog in the picture.

But he did not feel the slightest shame.

I only feel that this picture can make the step-by-side get into the land of nowhere, and his heart is very cool!

Luo Sanniang's face has already become a bit ugly, and she never thought that Cheng will actually expose this picture at the last moment.

Doesn't he even have a fig leaf?

Is there such an old shame?

I released the picture of my own pain, and I was proud of it.

Haven't seen such a fool!

This kind of mind-hearted person can't achieve great things after all!

Luo Sanniang is helpless.

Everything is going to end.

The young prince will also sell a face of the kitchen.

But in the end, it was pitted by Master Cheng, who also came from the kitchen of God, saying that this guy is not a pig teammate.

The younger brother’s face is indifferent.

The smile on his face slowly disappeared.

I narrowed my eyes and looked at Luo Sanniang and the step by the cold.

"Luo Sanniang, you are not authentic, is it really so good to lie?"

Shao Wang’s face was chilly.

Even with the look of Luo Sanniang's eyes, there is no such thing!

"Little prince... you listen to me!"

Luo Sanniang's glamorous face, his expression changed slightly, and he wanted to say something.

However, the young prince did not have the opportunity to speak to her.

The guards came here.

In the end, Luo Sanniang and the step are surrounded.

Among the ruins of the broken black iron cage, the step slowly stood up.

His face did not change at all.

Also wiped the blood stains from the corners of the mouth.

Of course, the blood stain is a fake, the illusion that the step is condensed with energy.

The face of the step is very calm, and there is no such thing as a panic because of this situation.

Step by step, I took a look at the young princes and looked at the strong people around me.

Finally, the eyes fell on Master Cheng.

"Luo Guanzhen should now regret that I blocked me at the beginning and didn't let me punch you to death."

The steps are faint.

His tone did not fall into despair in desperation.

Master Cheng’s face showed a sneer.

"Deceiving the young prince is a death sin! Can I let you like this swindler go unpunished?"

Cheng master squeezed his beard and said.

far away.

Zhao has no mad laughter and his eyes are full of killings.

"You are such a liar, you should die! Actually still want this young master to back the pot!"

The smell of Zhao Wu's body surged, and he wanted to shoot and kill the step.

This time, the young prince did not stop it.

The steps are faint.

Looking at Zhao without a trace, the corner of his mouth is slightly stunned, it seems to be disdain.

This situation is what Luo Sanniang does not want to see.

The importance of the step is self-evident.

The God Chef’s Palace will never bury the only hope here.

Ten masters are not comparable to one step!

"Luo Sanniang, you should not ask for help, unless the high-level chef of the kitchen of the kitchen, no one can save this kid."

The young prince is indifferent.

He gestured to guard the shot.

Luo Sanniang bit his red lips, and finally his body floated to the side of the step, wanting to help the step.

The people around me are up.

For a cook, Luo Sanniang is too hard to fight, actually dare to fight against the young master?

"Step by step, wait for me to drag these guards, you immediately flee, escape to the kitchen of the God is safe, although the young master is strong, but still dare not let go in the kitchen."

"As for my safety, you don't have to worry, they still don't dare to move me."

Luo Sanniang knows the voice and said to the step.

However, it did not receive a response from the step.

This made her heart a little anxious.


The step reached out and patted the shoulder.

Luo Sanniang a trip.

In turn, I saw the face of the step, it was a very confident face.

"No hurry."

"Less lord, you want to catch me? Why?"

Actually asked the little prince directly.

The young king’s brow wrinkled, and his power suddenly spread.

"You deceive the king and let go of the colorful scorpio."

"What evidence does the young prince have?"

The steps are still faint.

The wind and the lightness of the wind made the younger brow's brow wrinkled deeper.

He doesn't like the way of the steps, as if everything is in the chest.

"When the king does things, why do you need evidence?"

Shao Wang is indifferent.

"Oh." Steps licked his mouth.

This gesture makes the younger prince more angry.

A loud bang!

"Less prince, let me teach you this stinky boy!"

Zhao Wuxie couldn't help it anymore, and his body suddenly came out of the air. He separated his palm and released the law of engulfing. He was the head of the step.

Want to completely kill the step!

The anger in Zhao’s heart was suddenly raised to the extreme.

Luo Sanniang snorted and wanted to stop.

However, it was blocked by a burly figure.

The young man's body shape is like a teleport, suddenly appeared in front of Luo Sanniang, slightly side of his head, holding hands, a faint glance at Luo Sanniang.

"Luo Sanniang, look at it first."


The void seems to be crushed and crushed.

Zhao has no trace of speed.

The law of engulfment has reached its limit, and the void is causing it to collapse.


This time, Zhao Wuzhen is a real anger. This time, the means is absolutely different from the previous one.

Under one blow, you will kill the step!

The people around me also exclaimed.

Although Zhao Wuxie is only a demigod, but after all, it is a family of the family, comprehending the top rule under the law of the universe, and engulfing the law.

The strength can be wary, the power is shocking!

Although, the people of the dynasty dynasty know that Zhao has no traces, is cynical, does not learn nothing, but the capital of others is there.

Zhao has no traces.

Everyone feels that the steps may have to be killed by a single shot!

The half-god of ordinary point, in the face of Zhao no trace, will be spiked in an instant.

Perhaps the step is not an ordinary demigod, but it is absolutely impossible to fight against the family.

Master Cheng’s eyes widened with excitement!

The step is to suspend the void.

The bird feather robe is hunting.

next moment.

The step raised his hand.

Above the arm, there are yin and yang in the air.

A punch, instantly blasted!


With a timid drink.

The fist of the step was instantly blasted over the palm of Zhao Wuxie.

The phagocytic law on it, at this moment, was actually kicked by a step!

Like a fragile glass, it usually collapses.

Rub some, spread the crack road of the turtle!

boom! !

The air waves are flying.

Zhao’s eyes are sharp and wide.

An unrivaled force emerged from the flesh of the step.

Good physical strength? !

Is this kid in front of me aware of the law of strengthening the flesh?


Zhao has no trace in the void, but actually spit out a blood.

The terrible strength of the arm smashed into his body, almost causing his body to crack!


The repressed roar resounded.

In the eyes of everyone.

Zhao Wu's body was actually shot down from the void, accompanied by repressed embarrassment, from the top of the sky, the living fell to the ground.

The ground suddenly burst open...

Because of the terrible strength of the impact, the ground is constantly shattered!


Everyone can't help but **** in the air, I feel a bit unbelievable!

A punch?

What's the special punch that defeated the family?

Although Zhao Wuxie is one of the weakest of the family, it is also a child.

The young prince is also a slight glimpse, and it seems that some did not expect.


The younger prince has a corner.

It seems to find something more interesting than the colorful scorpio.


Zhao has no trace of blood flowing from his mouth, his eyes are shining, and the whole person is angered.

He is a family member of the family, and he is actually beaten by a half **** who does not know which scorpion he ran out of!

How can this kind of humiliation endure? !

"I want to break your bones and break your inch!"

Zhao Wuxie has never been so angry.

In front of so many people, in the face of the little lord, in the face of Lolo.

He must be shameful!

The law of engulfing skyrocketed and lingered in his body.

Zhao's appearance seems to have undergone tremendous changes, and the engulfing law is condensed, making him a vicious beast.

The beasts skyrocketed and opened their mouths like a black hole.

"The law of engulfing is the top rule..."

"I don't know what the law of this cook is. I used to take advantage of the flesh and let Zhao Shizi eat a small loss. This time, Zhao Shizi does not fight with him. This little cook is afraid of losing."

"To the realm of the gods, the power of the law is fundamental..."


The people around me are constantly talking.

Although the law of engulfment is not as good as the law of the universe, it can be crushed compared to the common law.

This little cook has never shown the power of the law so far, fearing that the law is nothing.

Roar! !

The law of engulfing swept through, as if Zhao’s body was turned into a roaring sky, wanting to devour all things.

The figure is swept up.

The beasts suddenly came to the front.

Within a hundred miles, there are terrible pressures!


Zhao has no trace of roaring.


The step is under the impact of the engulfment rule.

As if it were a boat, it must be destroyed at any time.

But the pace is very calm.

Suspended above the sky.

Slowly raised the palm of your hand.

In the palm of your hand, there is a silver flame that quietly emerges.

"You, I am not qualified to let me use it..."

The steps are faint.

The words fell.

After a short shot, the silver flame suddenly burst out.

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