Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1433: Reincarnation law... now! [Fourth! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

"If you can't even force your rules, isn't that shameful?"

The young prince holds a silver long sword and his feet are empty, his face is full of excitement, and his war is in vain.

The strength of the step-by-step has thoroughly aroused the war in his heart.

In the young generation of the dynasty, he was not in the eyes of the family, and the other young princes were in the process of retreating to the gods.

And the emperor, he is indeed not able to beat.

Therefore, on weekdays he wants to find someone to fight, basically can not find, he is also very confused.

It’s rare to meet the steps. This semi-god is a chef who can display magical powers. He seems to see the prey, and suddenly there is some joy in his heart.

The strength of the step is very strong and he has won his respect.

The full impact of the three guards who can hardly resist his father is enough to show the strength of his strength.

Therefore, let the younger brothers have a passionate heart.

To know……

Even if it is to suppress the three gods guards, the steps are still not showing the power of the rules they understand!

This made him even more excited.

If the force of the law of the step is not forced, let him go.

That time, his young prince, this time, is definitely a shameful loss!

Luo Sanniang's face suddenly changed.

Did not think that the young prince actually shot.

The young prince is the top enchanting younger generation.

Under the age of 100, they are all younger generations.

Moreover, the young prince still understands the existence of the law of the universe!

This kind of strong shot, the step is afraid that it can't stop.

Fortunately, the young prince is a reasonable person, so Luo Sanniang is relieved, because the young prince should not kill the step.

Maybe just seeing the hunter, I want to fight with the pace.

After all, the enchanting younger generation can meet the opponents of the same realm with their own battles. It is really rare.

Luo Sanniang is actually a force that is well understood by the strange steps.

According to the strength of the steps, the rules of comprehension should not be weak...

At least it should be the top rule!

If this is the case, the status of the step will be raised to a higher level!

The people around me are also very shocked.

Many people are laughing and laughing, but there is some joy in their hearts.

Although a rewarding feast, it turned into a battle.

However, it is not a bad idea to be able to see the young masters.

What's more, they also saw the enchanting steps, the demigods show the magical powers, and suppressed the three gods Pingyang Wei!

This makes them a lot of people are full of eyes, excited.

In the void.

The young prince dressed in a robes, wearing a golden crown, breathed into the air.

The silver long sword held, such as the silver dragon, constantly tears the light curtain on the sky.

He stepped on the air step by step.

Every step down, the breath of the body is constantly rising, more and more powerful!

When I walked to the front of the step, the breath of the young prince had reached a very terrible level.

That kind of pressure, even Luo Sanniang feels a little heart!

Step by step holding the keel kitchen knife, faintly looking at the young prince.

The eyes are very calm...

Shaking his hand, the step gently spit out a breath.

The horrible **** is pervasive.

The prince's mouth was slightly upturned, and his knowledge was also surging, colliding with the gods of the step.

A silent battle is a quiet explosion.

The battle between the gods is actually a dark tide.

Shao Wang’s knowledge is very strong. He is a descendant of the Pingyang God King. He has been trying hard to catch up with his father’s footsteps.

Therefore, we strive to practice and strive to be the strongest of the younger generation.

However, this time, it is a step.

The gods of the two are actually comparable!

"Interesting... really fun!"

The little prince laughed a lot.

Afterwards, my eyes condensed.

The law of destruction swept.


A sword can not help but say that it is convenient to move forward.

"I hope you don't let me down!"

Shao Wang is shouting.

Jianguang swept, it is a simple and simple sword.

This sword is the temptation of Shaowang.

The stepper did not use the chaos of the kitchen knife.

After all, it is a supernatural power. For him, the consumption is huge.

The basic display twice is already the limit, and his body can't bear the pressure of supernatural power.

Therefore, in the face of this sword, the step chooses to change a strategy.

The kitchen knife was closed.

Backhand, it is a basaltic pot.

The dark basalt pot is caught in the hand.

In the face of this sword of the young prince, I will greet him in one pot!

The sword collided with the pot.

A bang.

Swords reverberate in the void.

The prince's gaze shrinks, and his own sword does not break the black pot.

He understands the law of destruction, while the law of kendo is his second law, the top rule under the law of the universe.

These two rules are covered in his sword, and they don't break a pot.

It seems that the pot of the step is absolutely extraordinary, and the grade is not too weak compared to the silver dragon sword in his hand!

This is even more interesting!

Jianguang swept.

Constantly impacting.

The two met on the Scorpio.

In fact, it has always been that the young prince is attacking, and the step is defending.

In the face of the sword of the sky, the steps are just with a black pot.

Xuanwu pot, sturdy and incomparable, the step is not worried that it will be smashed by the sword of Shaowang.

The picture seems a bit strange.

The look on the face of the people is also inexplicable.

This fight... seems a bit strange.

The little prince was hit and hit and found the strange.

Some people are not angry and angry.

The law of destruction is surging.

The next moment, the terrible pressure suddenly came.


The silver dragon rises into the sky and suddenly becomes a five-claw silver dragon with claws and claws.

Convenient for the move is the impact.

This is a sword that contains the power of the law, and is the law of the universe!

Step by step, take a deep breath.

It also felt a terrible pressure.

The law of the universe is indeed strong.

The step does not know whether the Xuanwu pot can block.

Raise your hand and grab the side of the pot of the Xuanwu pot with your hands and keep it in front of you.

The five-claw silver dragon slammed down and hit the basaltic pot.

A loud bang.

The sound of the silver dragon roaring shocked for nine days!

Step by step suddenly felt the terrible destruction of the sword.


The feather robes suddenly fluttered in the wind, and there seemed to be a red-red Suzaku screaming behind.


The body shape of the step was laid down from the void.

It fell to the ground.

The legs stepped on the ground and fell into the ground.


The sword is like a rain.

Around the steps, the pits of the hustle and bustle, and the numerous explosions on the ground...

The power of this sword, even if it is the inferior god, is afraid to be killed!

Everyone **** in air.

"Small prince, this is really true..."

"It’s a sinister! The power of a sword, horrible!"

"After all, the law of the universe is strong!"


The people around me were very surprised and exclaimed.

The law of destruction and the kendo are inherently well matched, and together they are almost invincible.

Even if it is a step, the previous step of making a big splash is also being crushed!

Perhaps this is the rarity of the young prince!

Smoke is rolling...


The young prince holds the sword, and the sword is transformed into nine silver dragons constantly lingering around him.

The sound of the dragon's voice resounded from time to time, as if singing.

"Nine-turn swords, this is my sword."

The young prince looked at the light and stared at the steps.

The smoke rolled away.

Showing the shape of the step.

On the ground, people around are far from watching.

Step by step 甩 甩 Xuanwu pot, feel the great power transmitted from the palm.

Being crushed, it is really wrong, not his style.

Steps spit out a sigh of relief.

Standing up, put away the Xuanwu pot.

And the eyes of the step are also at this moment, slowly becoming sharp.

This scene makes everyone feel a glimpse.

Should the steps be serious?

"Little prince... It seems that you really want to see my rules."

Step by step to breathe a sigh of relief.

Said faintly.

His voice is very dull.

But to everyone's ears is to make everyone's curiosity mobilized.

They are all staring at the steps!

"Yeah... let the king see it!"

The little king’s mouth smirked.

Nine silver dragons wrapped around him.

Against his body, the light blooms.

far away.

Zhao had no blood and smashed up from the ruins. He was very embarrassed and covered with dust.

I forgot a look at the fear, the distance between the distant and the younger brother.


Steps... It’s terrible!

That punch, fear is always his nightmare!


Zhao's body is stiff.

His eyes widened and he looked at the distance with horror.

There, a more and more terrible pressure, from the side of the body... slowly lingering.

Above the head of the step, the rule runes begin to condense.

The step of not exerting the power of the law finally shows the power of the law!

And the law appears in the moment of the rune...

The whole game is a stalwart!

Inhale the sound of cold air, one after another!

The younger prince is even more stunned...

Reincarnation rules? ! !

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