Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1436: The whereabouts of the dog's lord [third! Seeking a monthly ticket~]

Back to the VIP building of the God Chef Palace.

The step did not immediately go to find Master Cheng.

Although the master of this process has gone out of his face, he has to die.

However, the step is not to care, sometimes, with absolute strength, let you conspiracy, no fear.

Of course, it is also because the step can't wait to see the little flowers.

Back in the luxurious room.

Luo Sanniang left the street with the step, and Luo Sanniang’s face was gloomy after leaving. Master Cheng feared that there was trouble.

The steps closed the door.

A heart move.

It is into the pastoral world.

That's right.

Before in the Pingyang Wangfu, the step was to take the small flowers into the pastoral world.

This is also the reason why Shao Wang can't find a small flower.

Of course, because the small flowers will be harvested into the pastoral world, it will cause a fierce wave of heavenly will.

This kind of fluctuation is obvious, so the step is to use the explosion to cover up the fluctuation.

Although in the end, it was exposed by Master Cheng, but now it is a perfect solution.

The mind broke into the pastoral world.

The wind is blowing.

The rich fruit is in the diffuse, pastoral world, it is the harvest time.

The steps fall, the feet are on the crisp grass, the grass is fragrant, the fruit is fragrant, the earth is fragrant, all come from the nose.

Step by step, take a deep breath.

In front of the wooden house.

The little flower has turned into a girllike appearance, and her body is bumpy. She sits on the wooden chair of Niu Hansan, clutching the spirit of the spirit of the spirit and rubbing it.

Niu Han San is sitting on the side with a smile, holding a fruit basket, the fruit basket is full of Lingguo, aura.

It seems that I saw the step, and Niu Hansan put down the fruit basket and rushed to meet the steps.

"Hey, step boss, what kind of wind has blown you?"

Niu Hansan is full of faces, and now the pastoral world is well managed. He hopes that the step can come every day.

Step by step, nodded, and a few words with Niu Han.

I can't wait to come to Xiaohua.

The eyelids became a bit sharp, and the steps stared at the flowers.

"Are you OK?"

Asked step by step.

The small flower opened its mouth and stuffed a whole fist-sized psychic into the mouth. The beautiful face showed a touch of satisfaction.

She looked at the steps, grinned and shook her head.

"I'm fine..."

"How can you be caught?" Step by step asked what he wanted to ask.

The little flower is stuffing a psychic into the mouth, she may be starved.

"In the emptiness of the void, we met another starry beast... We were washed away, and when I rushed out of the transmission channel, I was encircled!" Xiaohua said innocently.

She doesn't really understand what happened.

"Another starry beast? You mean, everyone is scattered? Dogs and Xiaoyou... are scattered?"

Step by step, I felt a bit serious.

I thought I found the little flower and I was able to understand the news of the dog.

What is the starry beast?

Step by step took a deep breath.

The step thought that there was only one, and I didn’t think there were two...

"It should be... but with the strength of the dog, there should be no crisis... but the little sister is not very clear."

Xiaohua’s mood has become somewhat low.

It’s really bad for the teacher.

Just after leaving the ruins, I suffered from such difficulties.

It’s all because of the starry beast, the frowning of the steps, and the sharp colors in the eyes.

The fierce beast is still not dead, even if he uses the destruction of the pot, it may not be able to kill the thing...

"Okay...you have a good rest, you can choose to stay in the pastoral world, or you can go out with me."

Step by step, watching the flowers, let her make a choice.

After all, the florets have been caught by the young princes, and the breath of the colorful scorpio is not covered.

Once out, it is likely to be exposed.

However, the step does not matter, he now has the confidence to protect the small flowers.

"I want to go out! I don't want to stay here!"

Small flowers hurry to open!

Niu Han three tears in the face, so many spirits can not keep you?

Steps respect the choice of florets, but in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, the steps stipulate that after the flowers are out, most of the time they will remain human.

The little flower naturally won't oppose it, and the head is flying fast.

In the pastoral world, trimmed for a while.

The step is to sit in the nine-turned Tiandao tea tree and close your eyes. The gods are in the strange meaning of the Tiandao tea tree, and gradually become more concise.

The stalks are swaying and the leaves are lush.

On top of it, a blooming and forgetful lotus is scattered in Guanghua.

Step by step has experienced a battle, just need to consolidate the repair.

Under the cultivation of the fairy tree and the heavenly tree, the sentiment of the step toward the law is more and more concise.

After the passage of time.

Step by step opened his eyes and he left the pastoral world.

For the time being, the floret was not taken out. The step was to let Xiaohua be the waiter of the restaurant. When the restaurant opened, let Xiaohua leave the pastoral world.

Stretched and stretched, and stood up.

In the luxurious room, took a shower.

Wrapped in a bath towel, the wet hair is still dripping with water, and the whiteness of the chest is barely exposed.

Rested for one night.

The next day, the step was to leave the room.

Walk in the VIP building.

Many people have seen the steps, they have recognized the steps, and everyone's face is full of awe.

Whether it is a **** or a god, whether it is a spiritual chef, or a local chef.

The record of the step by yesterday has spread throughout the gods.

In the current dynasty, most people are aware of the laws of the universe that are understood by the steps, and the law of reincarnation.

It is the defeat of the Pingyang Wangfu Shaowang.

Some people saw the steps and said hello.

In this case, the concession side is still slightly uncomfortable.

Did not go to the kitchen of God.

Step by step out of the VIP building, intend to wander in the gods.

Luo Sanniang did not come to him today, and the step is not very concerned.

After all, Luo Sanniang is a manager of the God’s Court, and there are still quite a lot of things.

Sitting on the dragon carriage, in the sound of the driver's whip, the dragon carriage slowly moved.

The speed is slow, much slower than Luo Sanniang's warship.

Step by step, there are some luxury warships that miss Luo Sanniang.

However, there is also the advantage of riding a dragon-drawn carriage, which is to be able to see the view of the dynasty in the close-up.

The driver's atmosphere is not dare to go out, but the step is from the VIP building of the God's Court Palace. The identity is definitely not what he can touch, so he only needs to pull the car.

The steps are also happy.

In a short while, the Long Horse Car came to the industry of Luo Sanniang, before the commercial building.

Step by step, got off the car and paid the source stone.

In the dynasty, the source stone is the only one, and it is also a common trading currency.

After the opening of the restaurant in the step, it should also use the source stone as the transaction currency.

Source stone is an important cultivation resource.

In the dynasty, many families have strong industries, in order to earn the source stone to increase cultivation resources.

Step into the commercial building.

This commercial building is very prosperous and there are all kinds of shops in each floor.

Among them, there are many food stores.

Each floor has a different cuisine.

The pace is idle.

I went around the shops one by one.

Anyway, he now has a lot of source stones. The kitchen is very generous, and he is never jealous of the source stone.

The chefs of these restaurants are not low in level, and they are basically prefecture-level chefs.

In fact, there is no level of prestige chefs, and they are not too daring to open restaurants in such a prosperous business district.

Travel through the restaurants and taste the food.

The prefecture-level chef, who has become a self-contained one in the kitchen, has his own style, and every kind of food cooking is superb.

At least in terms of taste, the steps can't pick up any big problems.

At this level of cooking, cooking is not just about the surface.

More is the ingredients, the emotions contained in the dishes that have been cooked.

The higher the level of cooking.

The emotions contained in the dishes are more and more important, and can determine the quality of a dish!

Catch the chopsticks.

The step was a piece of lion head contaminated with juice.

Put the lion's head in the mouth and take a bite.

The juice splashed out, and the meat was filled in the mouth.

This meat is obviously not ordinary meat, and the mixing of other ingredients is just right.

If you say the only flaw, maybe there is only a knife. From the perspective of the knife, it may be a little second.

There are full dishes in front of the steps.

As an excellent chef, you must learn with humility and not be too proud.

Even a very ordinary chef, his cooking skills are brewing.

Da da da……

Luo Sanniang swayed and came.

It is not difficult for her to understand the trails of the steps.

When I learned that the step was in her commercial building, I stepped over the long red boots.

When she saw that the steps were so delicious and delicious, Luo Sanniang could not help but laugh and cry.

"You still have a mood to eat and drink... Cheng old man escaped."

Luo Sanniang picked up a fragrant wind and sat on the opposite side of the step.

The lion's head is stuffed in the mouth of the step, and the meat is thick and fragrant.

"Hey? Have you escaped?"

"The old man's interpersonal relationship is good. He bought the relationship in the cage of the God's Kitchen, and escaped overnight. However, the old man should not have his face in the dynasty."

"Of course, you still have to be careful. The old guy is narrow-minded and may be looking for revenge. After all... you snatched everything that belongs to him."

Luo Sanniang grabbed the chopsticks and sniffed the aroma deeply. She picked up a piece of meat and stuffed it into the pink mouth.

"I grab it by strength, why should he take revenge?"

The stepping party pulled the corner of the mouth, faint.

After that, the convenience is to put down the chopsticks.

Luo Sanniang smiled, too, in the kitchen of God, it was originally speaking by strength.


As soon as she saw it, she seemed to feel some serious eyes on the steps.

Luo Sanniang doubts.

Step by step, the serious look, watching Luo Sanniang burst into a heartbeat, and carefully watched the liver and did not live up to the pounce and jumped up.

This little young... is it...

"Luo Guan things, there is something to trouble you."

Step by step thought, said to Luo Sanniang solemnly.

"What is it?" Luo Sanniang's heart was a little disappointed, but still questioned.

"I need you to help me check some news..."

Step by step, I thought about the information of Xiao You and the dog lord Luo Sanniang. It turns out that Luo Sanniang is still credible.

"Well, this thing is wrapped in my Luo Sanniang." Luo Sanniang took a bulging chest, from the channel.

“In addition, when is your restaurant open? Do you really want to find a professional decoration team for you?”

Luo Sanniang blinked and looked at the steps.

"Open tomorrow." Steps.


Luo Sanniang stunned, his eyes became more and more suspicious, and the steps to eat, drink and drink did not see him decoration, can really open tomorrow?

Such a good shop, if it is wasted by the step, she will be a little distressed.


Luo Sanniang seems to think of something, holding a smooth chin, looking at the steps.

"Your deeds spread yesterday. Many people have found me here. I want to introduce you to you..."

"There are princes, family members, and a few family's fascinating goods... Do you want to see them?"

Luo Sanniang Road.

Step by step to eat the last dish and wipe the mouth with a white cloth.

Looked at Luo Sanniang with a blank expression.

"Don't see, help me push it all."

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