Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1438: Restaurant opening [second! 】

A chaotic pot method...

In fact, the pot is a must-have skill for the chef. Basically, every chef is very familiar with it.

The pot is the foundation, the beginning of learning cooking, the first thing to learn is the pot.

But in the days that followed, the chefs didn't care so much about the pot.

Few people will specialize in learning the skills of the pot.

This time in the inheritance of the seal, encountering the skill of the pot, the step is also very unexpected.

However, the step is not to ignore this pot skill, the chaos of the pot, this inheritance directly into the mind of the step.

It's okay to use the skills in your mind to perform.

Oh la la!

Diamond-like sand and stones are flying in the air, shining in the air with a little bit of light.

With the increase in the number of pots, the step is also feeling the more powerful the pressure on the gods.

It is like a grinding disc, which is constantly turning, forming a huge oppression of the gods and crushing the gods.

Luo Sanniang stared at the steps.

She can feel the change of breath on the step.

This change made her feel scared. She was worried that the step would be as violent as the former chef.

In that case, it is a huge loss to the God’s Court!


It is a very sensitive number.

However, this figure has not been stagnant for too long and has been replaced by new figures.

Seeing the change in numbers, everyone could not help but spit out a sigh of relief.

There is no doubt that the step is not as violent as the previous chef.

This has made many people feel a lot in mind.

But they also did not relax.

Not in a hundred violent, may be violent on other numbers.

They don't know what the step and the previous chef had experienced.

Perhaps the same as the first heavy seal assessment task.

It’s like how much to wave to the knife...

However, these are their guesses.

They can only know the specific news after they have completed the assessment.

The numbers are constantly changing.

Soon, the number is beating into two hundred, and there is no stop, continue to go up...

Three hundred, four hundred, five hundred...

The change of numbers is like making everyone's heart tighten a string.

The string seems to be broken at any time.

"Eight hundred! Not stopping!"

"The one hundred before was violent..."

"It’s not the first person who broke the seal of the seal. It’s really enchanting!"


The surrounding chefs have gradually emerged from fear and become much settled.

They began to exclaim and were shocked by the strength of the pace.

"Nine hundred and ninety..."

Everyone saw that the face of the step has become bloodless!

"nine hundred ninety-nine!"


Just when the number jumped to 999, everyone’s eyes could not help but condense...

Later, a strange wave of energy spread out and filled the audience.


It has always been like a meteorite.

After the body was shaken a bit, the white face suddenly became red.

Those who were drained of the gods, after completing the small task, quickly returned to the spiritual sea of ​​the step.


The knowledge of the back-feeding seems to have improved by a certain level in strength.

Step by step, I felt that I had a lot of gods.

His original knowledge was only ten miles away, and this is already the standard of most of the gods in the dynasty.

After the back-feeding, the gaze of the step has reached a hundred miles.

This level of knowledge has long been beyond the realm of demigod.

The power of the gods is scattered.

The pressure that hangs over everyone's mind is gradually spreading.

Everyone stares at the steps, full of fanaticism.

The step is not dead, he has passed the test of the second pass bearing seal!

Luo Sanniang's body brush was in front of him, she stared at the steps, her face was worried and excited.

Worried, I am afraid of any accidents.

Excited, because the steps have actually supported it...

"How? Do you feel any discomfort?" Luo Sanniang asked quickly.

The other chefs around him also flocked, and all of a sudden they blocked the steps.

They are also very curious... What happened to the step.

The color of the steps is very light.

There are still techniques in the mind of the chaos.

However, he is not able to perform in reality.

Obviously, without completing all the tasks, the step can't get the complete chaos.

Gently spit out a breath.

I glanced at a group of people around me.

Steps tell the things that they know.

When it comes to the chaos, everyone is crazy.

That is magical!

If you want to comprehend the magical powers, you can only become a **** king, or you can understand the law of the universe.

Today, there are shortcuts.

That is the sentiment from the inheritance seal, which is an opportunity for the present.

Even Luo Sanniang is somewhat heart-warming, but she also knows that she is not a chef and cannot understand the magical powers.

"Friendly reminder, this assessment is very dangerous. It is best for ordinary people not to try... Otherwise, the former chef's end is the end of you."

Step by step said seriously.

He felt that this matter must be emphasized.

Luo Sanniang’s face is also serious.

Every step of the way says danger, it should be really dangerous.

However, Luo Sanniang did not act to block.

Because she glanced at everyone.

When these chefs learned that the steps were able to comprehend the magical powers, they were so excited that they could not hear any words.

The temptation of Shentong is too great for them.

The step did not say anything.

Go with the hand.

The assessment is divided into three.

The first weight is nine hundred and ninety-nine times.

The second, the pot is nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine times...

The third is... the pot is ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine times!

Each task is different, and the difficulty of the test is multiplied.

The first heavy assessment, the step can pass, but the second heavy pot nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine times, the step is not the slightest grasp.

Therefore, the step has not chosen to continue the assessment.

Instead, I left.

Anyway, the assessment of the three tasks does not overlap.

As long as you complete a task assessment, you can continue to assess...

Just, it is not allowed to fail. Once it fails, the gods collapse, and the other is... Fallen!

Luo Sanniang left with the step.

The step directly went back to the deluxe room and he needed a break.

As for Luo Sanniang, I went to the top of the kitchen.

This important thing naturally needs to be made clear.

The second day.

Just dawn.

Sitting in the square for a whole night, slowly opened his eyes.

The slightest bulging consciousness was also restored, and the stepped part spit out a suffocating gas.

The sudden increase in the knowledge of the gods naturally requires the habit.

So it took a night to consolidate.

Standing up, stretching and stretching, the mind is ringing the serious and serious voice of the system.

"Host please note that the renovation of the restaurant has been completed..."

Is the decoration finished?

This is not unexpected.

I don't know what style the restaurant will decorate.

According to the system's urine, it should not be a gorgeous style, it may be very simple.

Pushed the door of the deluxe room.

Step out of the room.

He walked on the spacious avenue of the VIP building and looked indifferent.

It is very quiet in the kitchen of God.

This is a bit of a weird side of the concession.

However, I was suddenly stunned in my heart. I was afraid that these chefs had learned about the inheritance of the seal and tried it.

Stop them, the pace is naturally impossible, the temptation of magical power is too big.

Only the steps can do, I wish them good luck.


Luo Sanniang did not appear.

Step by step on the dragon carriage, the driver swayed the long whip, the dragon carriage was galloping out, and the moment went away.

Time did not last long.

The step was soon to come to the estate of Luo Sanniang, which is the building.

He said that today's restaurants will be open.

Embarked on the building.

The brilliance of the transmission array flickered, and the step quickly came to the top floor.

The restaurant's door is locked.

Step by step, he came to the door.

A jingle sounded.

The metal door of the restaurant, which was engraved with the mysterious texture, suddenly roared and slowly opened to the sides.

The front of the step was suddenly bright.

Step into the restaurant.

Once inside, it was impacted by a brand new decoration style...

This is completely different from the style of the previous restaurant.

Compared with the restaurants in the past, luxury is much more expensive.

Transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, gold bricks and tiles, as well as vertical standing floor lamps, small table lamps emitting dim light...

and many more……

This restaurant...some is a different style than the previous restaurant.

There is not much in the restaurant.

Hold four tables tightly.

Step by step, walking in the restaurant, as if to appreciate, the new restaurant decoration style is unobstructed.

Everything in the kitchen has not changed much.

Xiaobai has stood at the door of the kitchen waiting for the step.

Overall, the step is satisfied with the renovation.

Rarely, the system made such a decoration so generously.

The restaurant also has a small balcony.

That is because it is located on the top floor.

There are several chairs on the balcony.

Step by step, pull a chair, lean on it, feel the wind blowing, and the face suddenly appeared a pleasant color.

After a long time.

The convenience of the step is to breathe a sigh of relief.

It’s time to start business.

The temporary task steps of the system can still be remembered clearly, opening a branch in the capital of the Xia Dynasty.

And there are temporary mission rewards.

It is also a rule of law!

The law is fruit!

The steps to think of the law, the eyes are not a bright light.

Before he ate the law, he traveled in the sea of ​​law and realized the law of reincarnation.

I don't know if I can eat another law, can I let him hit the gods smoothly?

Jingle Bell……


There was a sound coming from outside the door.

The restaurant's door opens automatically.

Luo Sanniang and several figures walked in from the door.

The steps are slightly different.

"Mr. Bu, let's join the show, the new store opened, how can it be so quiet?"

Luo Sanniang is far from the step and laughs.

At her side, it is followed by some people.

The bodies of these people are soaring and stunned, and their identity is also unusual.

Luo Sanniang came to the side of the step, watching the steps on the chair, and blinked.

Suddenly, her face was colored.

"Step boss, you let me help to probe the news... there is a result..."


The step from the chair stood up, and his eyes jerked and looked at Luo Sanniang.

Referring to this question, Luo Sanniang does not seem to know how to open, the look on his face is somewhat tangled.

"The result of the investigation... is not good news, does Mr. Step know?"

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