Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1444: You... very dead! [The fifth! Ten thousand eight update, ask for a monthly ticket! 】

The appearance of Luo Sanniang was beyond the expectations of the steppers, and naturally it was beyond the expectations of the Mo family and everyone.

However, some people are also at a loss.

They know the identity of the step, the chef of the chef's palace, and a chef who is very concerned about the kitchen.

Helping the God Chef Palace to crack the first pass of the seal, will naturally become the object of the chef's court.

Although Luo Sanniang is a Luojia person, it is the management of the God’s Kitchen, and he will naturally care about the steps.

It is also normal to appear on this help step.


Can the appearance of Luo Sanniang really save the pace?

Moh, after all, is the top family in the dynasty.

Whether it is strength or power, it is a huge thing, and it is not something that ordinary people can resist.

The step is just a half god.

Luo Sanniang is just a medium god.

"The three Mojige are old, can you give a face to the God's Court? Step by step is a person who is valued by the God's Court. If there is something in the Moh, it is impossible to say it."

"The Mohist should not want to have a relationship with the God's Kitchen, and let it go."

Luo Sanniang smiled and said.

She wants to talk to the Mohist family with ease and pleasure. Perhaps the Mohist family will give the chef a face.

However, her words just fell, and responded to her, but it was the cold voice of the three old ladies.

"Luojia witch, really when I am a good boy to bully, come to my Mohist family to kill people, say a bad relationship with the God Chef Palace, you can escape? What is my Mohist?"

An old sneer said, his eyes were cold and indifferent.

Luo Sanniang slightly glimpsed.

"Want to go? Let the cook hand over the woman who saved him!"

Ink marks are underneath, hoarse openings.

His eyes flashed and he stared at the steps.

As long as he absorbs the talent of the cursed goddess, by then, he will be able to surpass this **** guy, and even kill this guy hard!

Will give him the humiliation of the step, a hundred times, thousands of times to return!

Luo Sanniang is silent.

She knew that the step came by this trip to save the woman.

Ink marks actually have to give way to the woman, obviously it is difficult for some strong people.

Luo Sanniang turned his head and looked at the step.

It was the expression of the stepless expression of shaking his head.

Hand over a small quiet?

Nature is impossible.

"Oh! It’s gone, it’s ridiculous to keep a woman!"

"You are not qualified to be a enchanting person!"

The medium-sized gods of Moh’s family sneered in sneer. They felt a little speechless about the behavior of the steps. As a genius, they were as stupid as they were, and the future is not bound to have much success!

The ink marks are condensed, and all of them are shaking!

"If this is the case, then you will die! Killing you, you can also get the woman out! At that time, I will humiliate you, thousands of times, a hundred times of abuse on the woman!"

The ink marks were almost mad, and they roared against the steps.

This kind of words made the people who were present unable to frown.

Luo Sanniang felt a bit of disgust.

Mohist ink marks, known as commercial genius, but business is acting, naturally it is a bit dark, people throughout the dynasty know that the movement of ink marks is very dirty.

However, the appearance of such a nakedness is still a bit disgusting.

"Then I will kill you."

In the void.

In the face of the madness of the ink mark, the step is cold.

His eyes gradually stagnate, and there is a sense of surging.

"Let's go! It's hard to protect yourself, but also think about the murder! It seems that I have to scrap your repairs! Enter the dungeon and let you know what is **** on earth!"

An old anger screamed.

Step by step as a enchanting demigod, his talent is absolutely not ordinary, if it is able to draw out the talent of the step, into the body of the ink family, it is also a good choice!

Therefore, for a time, the eyes of the three old people looking at the steps were all flashing.

The Mohist's means of plundering talents has long been a secret in the dynasty.

Although this method violates humanity, the Mohist family has a big backing, and although the people in the capital are resentful, there is no way to take the Mohist family.

Who is called Xia Wei Shen, the emperor of the capital of the capital is from the Moh!

Otherwise, with the fierce means of the Mohist family, it must be destroyed by the major families!

The step does not understand the plans of these people.

But he felt their malice.

Steps raised his head and glanced at the three medium gods, and his eyes burst into cold and killing.

"Three old dogs!"

The step is scorned and the heart is angry.

The words fell.

Above the Scorpio is a thunderous sound, as if there are terrible fluctuations tearing the sky!

An old man squats in the sky, and the big hand is easy to take, and it is a horrible power.


The whole world seems to be falling apart!

"You Moh... It’s really lawless!"

Luo Sanniang also feels helpless, and the name of the God Chef’s Palace is a shocking existence throughout the capital.

Unfortunately, I met the Mohist family.

The back of the Mohist family is the emperor, and they are naturally not afraid of the kitchen.

If there is no fear of the power of the kitchen in the whole dynasty, then only the royal family!

Although the Mohist family is not a royal family, there is a Mohist woman as the emperor, which is regarded as the nephew of the royal family.

This is also the place where the Mohist family is fierce!

Since you can't talk about it, let's do it!

She wanted to hit Luo Niang Mohists people, nor is it one or two days!


When the show was turned over, Luo Sanniang found a cabinet and the old man was killed.

Although her Luo Sanniang is not a demigod, she is a talented person and her combat power is not weaker than that of the old man.

She also understood the power of the nine laws and was not yet complete.


The power of the law and the power of the gods surged on the sky, causing a thunder.

Heaven and earth are broken, and there is a emptiness in the sky.

of course……

The Xia Wei Shen dynasty is much more stable than the ruins, and the space of the heavens and the earth is so strong that it cannot be torn.

Although the gods are fighting, the fluctuations have never spread!


Luo Sanniang is in awe of war.

There is also a surge of blood in my heart.

Her eyes flashed, she had found a helper, but she was fearless.

The pace is more violent.

He and the two cabinets were in the same battle. The battle was not divided, and the world was dead.

The law of reincarnation surges, motivating the power of the step, and the power of the step is more powerful...

"Let's get it! You are a enchanting arrogant, but... you are just a god!"

Mojiage old sneered.

Their power is endless, the pace is just a demigod, the power of the gods is motivated, the more they fight, the faster they are weak.

The two medium-minded gods shrouded into a big net.

The big net hangs down, and the inch is pressing hard, pushing the steps to the ground.

The repressed step is like to crush him.

far away.

The people around are silent.

The strength of the step is enough to shock everyone, although in theory the enchanting demigods can fight the middle gods, basically all are estimates of ordinary people.

There are still few battles that really show enchanting arrogance and medium gods.

This battle is a shock to everyone.

The opponent of the step is not an ordinary medium god!

Ink marks are laughing!

The eyes are full of excitement!

Abolished the step, will step into the dungeon, seize the talent of the step, bless your body!

The ink marks are excited when they think of them.

Mo Cang climbed up from the ground. He was the enchanting demigod of the Mohist family, but he was beaten on the ground by a punch.

This is a shame.

This is a never-ending shame, a demon on his path of practice.

He must erase these demons!

So Mo Cang looked up and his eyes were full of cold killings!

"Damn! I want you to die! Only when you die, can you wash my heart and humiliate!"

Mo Cang said coldly.

The law of gravity is motivated.


Around his body, the whole world seemed to be very heavy, and the ground was crushed.

The ink of the body that oppressed the body suddenly loosened the law of gravity.

The figure is like a spring.

This kind of pressure to the extreme, and then the means of breaking out, will make his speed burst to the extreme!

A loud bang.

The ground is constantly bursting open.

In the hands of Mo Cang, the law of gravity is compressed to the extreme, and compressed into a small ball in the palm of the hand.

As long as this small ball explodes in the body of the step.

Even if it is the extraordinary enchanting arrogance of the flesh, it will be killed in an instant!

The use of the law is incomparably mysterious, let alone his ubiquitous law of gravity!

In the eyes of Mo Cang, his law of gravity is not weaker than the law of the universe!


The void continues to blow up.

Mo Cang was like a cannonball, and it suddenly came near, and appeared in front of the steps that were oppressed by the two old gods on the ground.

dead! ! !

In the eyes of Mo Cang’s eyes, the eyes are smashing, and the eyes are all red!

The law of the universe is strong?

Go to special!

Mo Cang roared.

Then, the energy ball that is compressed to the extreme gravity law is going to the face of the step.

The step of being oppressed on the ground feels the approaching crisis.

A long spit out...

The face became indifferent.

"Screaming, come on..."

"The killing will kill, this ink family, you should kill..."

Step by step.

The words fell.

In the spirit of the step, there was a smirk of laughter.


Mo Cang’s means of killing is approaching.

When you want to bang on the face of the step.

The two old brothers who suppressed the steps suddenly jumped...

The black hair of the step was turned into a silvery white in an instant.

Raised his head, the silver-white pupil of the step was turned into a sharp sword, and the sword smashed the sky...

"Gravity law? What garbage can dare to offend?"


It seems as if the explosion of the sky is loud.

The breath of the step suddenly changed dramatically.

The two old gods were like to be torn by a white tiger, and suddenly they were pale and flew out.

White hair step, slowly stand up from the ground.

Facing the law of gravity under the ink.

A hand is extended.

Hey! !

A crackling sound.

The law of gravity is crushed.

And that Mo Cang is also pierced by the chest...

The white hair step, the sword and the sharp, the evil charm smile, the light fell on the trembling ink marks in the distance.

"Can be killed by the host named after the name... You... very dead!"

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