Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1446: I, Xiao Tian, ​​why not? ! [Second more! 】

Oh la la!

The artificial lake blew open, and countless lakes seemed to have become heavy rain, constantly spilling from the sky and splashing.

The white hair step stands in the artificial lake, allowing the lake to drip above the body.

The terrible pressure filled the audience, so that everyone felt shocked, as if there was a big stone, pressed across the chest, it is difficult to breathe.

The high **** of Mohist?

The eyes of the five emperors suddenly lit up, and the body leaned back against the chair.

Higher gods are the top strength of a family. To be called a family, the family must have a high **** to sit down.

And the three top families, the family is even more full of gods sitting in the town.

Although this time only the high gods of Mohist appeared, it is already terrible.

Higher gods, that is not what the half **** can fight, even if it is the emperor, it is difficult to fight against the higher gods.

"It’s Mofeng, the high **** that Moh’s family had just achieved five years ago... Although it’s just a high-level god, it’s more than enough to deal with this kid.”

The old man opened his mouth and introduced the five emperors.

Basically, each family's high-end combat power, the royal family has detailed records.

The royal family has to rule the entire dynasty, and naturally it is necessary to have absolute control.

"Interesting... The high gods shot, this cook should not live."

The five emperors said that there was some regret in the discourse.

He is somewhat optimistic, and the semi-god is able to be so enchanting. If it grows up, it should be stronger than the lesser prince.

If you can conquer, you can really become your own help, against the emperor!

When I think of the emperor... The body of the five emperors is a trembling.

The horror of the emperor will only be understood by those who have faced it.

Although his five emperors are not optimistic among many emperors, he has a progressive heart!

He has a lot of resources. If you can recruit enough talents to be enchanting with your personality, you can't fight against the Emperor!

Everyone’s focus is on the artificial lake.

The ink marks sat on the ground, leaning against the wall of the Yingbin Building, and his face was fortunate for the rest of his life.

Soon, he is crazy!

"I am not dead! I am not dead!!"

The ink marks are crazy and laughing, and the eyes are full of excitement.

"Cheat me, no one? Kill me, the singer... You will leave the funeral! Want to kill me, next life!"

The ink marks are very rampant, and he is a man who is alive for the rest of his life!

The high gods of the Mohist family, he is qualified to be crazy...

He knows that he does not need to die!

The resentment against the step is also a complete outbreak at this moment!

His embarrassment to the talent of step-by-step has reached a peak, even surpassing the embarrassment of Xiao You.

far away.

Luo Sanniang’s face changed abruptly.

Was it finally provoked the high gods of the Mohist family?

This time... miserable!

Luo Sanniang sighed in her heart, she squeezed her fist.

I broke the jade symbol early, I don’t know where her reinforcements arrived... can I catch up.

Silver-white hair is spread out.

The white hair stepped out and felt the water droplets splashing, and the sword smashed slightly.


The flame burns, and those drops are suddenly evaporated.

The transpiration of the hot air is boiling and diffusing, making the shape of the step become a little fuzzy.

The high gods of the Mohist family did not show up.

But the pressure of terror is to pervade the audience.

How arrogant the higher gods are, and they want to kill the pace by air, giving the audience a major shock.

It is very quiet all around.

Except for the crazy laughter of ink marks, everyone is silent.

The pace is very strong.

In the realm of demigod, there are very few people who can achieve this level.

It is a pity that it is too unrealistic to fight against a family with one person.

The strength of the family is not what humans can compete with.

The white hair stepped slightly raised his eyes and the sword was bright.

"I am very happy to laugh?"

Step by step, I looked at the ink marks in the distance and laughed at the moment. The ink marks at the moment formed a sharp contrast with the appearance of the previous fart and urine flow.

"How about my smile? Do you dare to kill me?" The ink marks icy on the steps.

With the background, he has the confidence!

"What ability do you have to kill me in front of the high gods?!"

The ink marks spread their hands and seemed to be mocking.

The white hair step shook his head.

It’s no wonder that the host wants to kill him, and this is a sloppy look.

"If that's the case... then kill you first! What about the high gods? I am going to kill people, and the high gods can't stop!"

The white hair stepped open his mouth and revealed the tiger's teeth.

The words fell.

The body of the white hair stepped down slightly, and both hands pressed on the ground, like a tiger claw.

next moment.

Both hands slammed on the ground.

A bang banged.

Behind the white hair step, a giant tiger emerges suddenly, and the lake blasts and the water splashes.

The speed suddenly erupted, like a white light, bursting out in an instant, tearing up countless brilliance.


Under the pressure of the high gods, the steps are still shot out? !

This guy... is really a madman!

A powerful madman is really terrible!

Everyone is shocked.


The lake is constantly blasting.

The pace of the pace is getting faster and faster, as if a tiger is galloping on the lake.


The sound of anger is resounding.

Scorpio is tremor, such as the thunder blows.

Later, another energy finger fell from the sky.

"My Mexican family, you can kill it!"

The higher gods are angry.


The white tiger rushed fast, suddenly stationary, and quickly turned, and the finger point, the artificial lake suddenly exploded, and the terrain suddenly changed.

However, the explosion.

The white tiger is still saving, and the speed is extremely fast.

"Kill me? Infatuation!"

The ink marks are still laughing, and there are high gods guarding him. He doesn't think the step can kill him!


A finger of one root fell down.

The gods of the higher gods are very strong, and they seem to limit the actions of the steps.

However, the steps have not been affected at all.

It is like a constant traverse of lightning.

The distance between the step and the ink mark is approaching at a speed visible to the naked eye!

No one feels that the step can kill people under the pressure of higher gods.

Although the enchanting demigods can kill people more and more, it is because their laws are very powerful.


The power of the ontology is too weak.

Although the increase in the law is numerous, it is limited.


A finger clicks again.

The roar of terror, the raging waves, rolled up the wind and the wind whistled.

"Dead! Let's die!"

The ink marks are squinting and full of resentment!


The energy of one root fell, and the entire artificial lake turned into a ruin, and the steps were also bombarded.

Splash between water...

Cover the sky.

The rolling water waves are surging.


Everything is quiet.

The energy fingers are not falling.

"Did you die?"

Someone said.

Because they did not find the breath of the white hair step, the subconscious thought that the steps were obliterated by the high gods.

The five emperors are also curious.

The old man sitting next to him blinked and felt a little strange.

The dawn was slightly picked up, and then the gods released.

Roar! !

In his sense of consciousness, there was a white tiger roaring.

The old man was shocked and his eyes narrowed!

Scared the old man!


The void in front of the ink marks suddenly exploded!

Then a slender arm suddenly reached out and grabbed his neck, and pressed it against the wall of the Yingbin Building.

A bang banged.

The wall of the Yingbin Building suddenly exploded a large hole.

The entire welcome building is shaking...


Maybe the high gods are not expected, and such a thing happens!

Under the attack and bombardment, the step is still not dead!

The ink marks are wide open and I feel incredible.

"You... how dare you?!"

The ink marks trembled.

He did not understand why the step-by-step dare to kill him under the pressure of the high gods!

The white-haired step-by-side sword is slightly condensed, and the corner of the mouth is slightly picked.

"I, Xiaotian, what are you afraid?!"

The words fell.


The palm of the white hair step is suddenly forced.

The body of the ink mark was suddenly pinched!

A bang banged.


The remnants of the ink marks rise to the sky.

The white hair stepping hand is a little bit, and a **** fires out.

Instantly swallows the soul of the ink mark.

In the burning of the fire of God, the soul of the ink mark was suddenly burned out, and gradually disappeared into the void with the horror.

And at the moment when the steps killed the ink marks.

The terrible high gods thunder broke out!

boom! !

A golden figure suddenly fell from the top of the sky.

It seems like a comet has fallen to the ground.

Terrible pressure, so that everyone can't breathe...

The entire Yingbin Building is at this moment, completely collapsed, and the inch cracked!

The old man's eyes are condensed.

Take a shot.

An invisible law force wrapped the body of the five emperors, and instantly traversed a hundred miles away, watching the battle from afar.

The five emperors are trembled, and this is the power of the higher gods.

Just coming, it is destroying the earth!

"Mofeng is only the first place to enter the high gods. The control of power is not proficient. The limit of the high gods is the fusion of the eighty-one rules, but this ink peak is only a fusion of thirty-six... ""

The old man is faint.

The heart of the five emperors was shocked. The old man around him was his teacher. His strength was unfathomable. This tone seems to be stronger than this ink peak.

The strong man who blooms in the golden mans looks like a golden man.

His whole body has a dazzling golden awning.


As a high god, a younger person was actually killed under the eyes!

This is a humiliation for him!

Unforgivable humiliation, only to smother the steps, can be a shame!

There are rules on the top of his head, and the Golden Wheel emerges. In the Golden Wheel, there are thirty-six laws. The thirty-six laws are gathered into one palm and rushed toward the step.

Of course, the main rule is the first rule of this higher god, the law of King Ge!

That moment, like Jin Ge Iron Horse, the horrible killing of the gas, shocking the world!

Under this palm, everyone's heart collapses!

Luo Sanniang suffered from the aftermath of the aftermath, spewing out a blood, and flew out, and the scorpion fell into the distance.

The flattering face, with a guilty color, stared at the center of the explosion with fear.

Higher gods...horror like this? !

This kind of attack...

Step... I’m afraid it’s really going to die!

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