Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1468: I heard that you are looking for me? [First! 】

Step by step opened his eyes, his heart was clear, and he just felt as if he had broken into a vain.

That feeling is very weird.

If you eat the law, you can understand a law.

This is enough to explain the anti-day effect of the law.

But... In fact, if you eat the law, you are not 100% able to comprehend the law. Of course, there are cases where you eat the law and have no effect at all.

This time, the step is the second time to eat the law, but he is lucky, still ups and downs to the law sea, and realized the dense three thousand rules.

In the birthplace of the law of the universe, the step is once again accepted by the law.

As for what is the law, the stepners themselves have to wait for a while.

He spread his hand and moved his mind, and suddenly there was a fuzzy law on the palm of his hand.

The power of the law seems to be filled with eccentricity, and the concession has a slight frown.


Among them, the step seems to have heard a dragon.

The snoring concession’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The next moment, the keel kitchen knife in the hand actually emerged directly.

The power of the law seems to be attached to the keel kitchen knife, making the power of the kitchen knife constantly enhanced.

This feeling is wonderful.

This is not a reincarnation rule that was understood before the step, but a new law.

But... the power of this law is not bad.

And it fits with the keel kitchen knife.

Steps sank and began to feel the wonders above the keel.

Under the sensory sense of the step, the space around the keel chopper seems to be slowly twisting and cracking.


Step by step took a deep breath.

Waving the keel chopper, the space was torn open and opened a big mouth.

This move, the concession side of the gaze of thousands of glory.

"This is... the law of space?"

Step by step in the heart.

As in the space law that is understood in the summer, the space law that the step-by-step understanding is powerful for space is enormous.

Some incomprehensible in my heart.

The step did not think that he would actually understand the law of the universe, and it is the law of space.

In fact, no matter what the step is to understand the law of the universe, he will be very excited. There is no weak law of the universe, and every law of the universe has its own existence.

Of course, because it is just the reason for comprehension.

Coupled with the limitations of the steps, his understanding of the law of space is not as thorough as the understanding of the summer.

Give a shot.

The space in front of the finger is slowly twisted and collapsed.

The law of space is mysterious and terrible.

Coupled with the reincarnation rules that the step-by-step understanding, perhaps, the pace of today...the combat power is much stronger than before.

With joy in the heart, the steps began to play the rules of space.


The emperor has gone out!

This news, such as the torrential floods, is quickly spread, so that everyone is spiritual.

The strongest of the enchanting demigods!

Comprehend the existence of two laws of the universe's strongest, this enchanting, the future must be the successor of the gods.

He is the vane of the younger generation.

As soon as the emperor was out, the younger generation of the entire emperor was eager to move.

A lot of enchanting, but also a lot of customs, they have to challenge the emperor, in order to obtain the supreme honor.

As long as they can challenge the victorious sons, the glory they receive will make them famous in the records of the dynasty.

Therefore, the emperor's customs clearance is a major event.

Many big things that enchanting people are concerned about.

The sound of the road broke through.

Outside the building of the God Chef's Palace.

The emperor held his hand and the gentle moonlight sprinkled on his face, and his face was shining, very warm.

Step by step.

The emperor walked slowly and stepped into the building of the kitchen of the kitchen.

As time passed, the sound of the air broke through.

A half-devil enchanted from all directions in the direction of the gods, gathered around the building.

Some people stand on the roof, in the moonlight, standing down, the robes fluttering.

Some people have a strong face and are full of strength.

Some people stand in the same place, just like a wild behemoth.

The emperor entered the kitchen of the gods, and the strong men who wanted to challenge the emperor were all following up.

God Chef Palace Building.

level one.

Emperor's hand, wearing a loose robe, the hair is scattered, and he is very sultry.

When he stepped in, he attracted many people in the building to exclaim and swear.

The Emperor looked like a torch, swept the audience, and finally looked like a blazing brilliance, projecting into the distance.

Straight into the distance, like to see everything in the distance.


A group of people fell.

Bring a roar.

The strong people in the kitchen of the Gods are all chilling.

They are ignorant of the strong people who surrounded the emperor.

"It is the young prince of the various royal palaces. These are the top enchanting gods in the dynasty of the dynasty! Are they all here? Is it because of the emperor's sake?"

"The emperor will go out, these young princes will naturally not give up the opportunity to challenge..."

"Every time the emperor goes out, isn't this the case? There must be a big fight."


The strong people of the God's Kitchen Palace whispered.

Some people are very excited, because they are able to see with their own eyes, they are very excited.

To challenge the emperor and defeat the emperor is an honor that no one can resist.


A young prince looked like a torch and stared at the emperor as if he was staring at the prey.

The strength of this young prince is extremely tyrannical, and it is also a fascinating demigod, but he has learned more than one law.

"The power of the emperor, such as the thunder and ears, today's World War, ask the emperor to enlighten me!"

This little lord's eyes showed excitement.

The next moment, it is the burst of the atmosphere of the whole body, and the impact of the emperor.

I want to fight with the emperor.

Outside the kitchen.

In addition to the challenger, there are many people who watch the fun.

For example, five emperors, such as the old man around the five emperors, etc...

They are all in order to be able to see the emperor's style.

The gentleman's mouth was gently lifted, and he seemed to be a gentle person.

For the challenge of the few princes around, the Emperor narrowed his eyes.

"It seems that you have been waiting for me for a long time..."

The emperor said.

"Let everyone wait... It’s really a shame, but unfortunately, you are not my opponent."

The emperor smiled softly, but the words were confident and rampant.

Those few princes, the eyes are all erupting.

Some people surged and launched a Thunder attack.

At this moment, the hall of the God Chef’s Palace suffered extremely terrible attacks and attacks!

A group of enchanting demon gods instantly started.

Breathing, stirring the wind.

The power of various laws spreads, and some of the lesser kings comprehend are the laws of the universe.

The emperor is not moving, and intends to be an enemy.

With his strength, I can do it.

This scene is spectacular, and many people are exclaimed and feasting.

The defensive formation of the God Chef’s Palace was opened, so that the building would not be destroyed in the battle of the Emperor and others.


Of course, the young princes are proud.

They did not choose to besiege, but the charge of one person after another.

They rushed to the emperor's side, and they collided in an instant, the collision of flesh and flesh, the force of the law and the impact of the power of the law.

After a chaos.

The power of numerous laws.

Every enchanting and half-god shocked, facing the emperor, but they were all fiasco.

The emperor talked and laughed, and step by step.

Go slowly.

The few princes around are defeated.

To lose one person is to change one person, all the enchanting and demigods are suppressed, and after the vomiting blood falls, they turn over and go.

Some people are at a loss, some are awe.

After all, the emperor is the emperor.

The invincible existence of the demigod.

Up to now, the Emperor has never shown real strength. Every time the Emperor goes out, it will lead to chaos.

But the ultimate victory is the emperor, and even a lot of enchanting demigods, even the emperor's second cosmic strong law can not force.

In the kitchen of God.

A burst of wolverine.

The emperor talked and laughed.

The surrounding little princes and other people showed a bitter smile. They stood up and bowed their hands to the emperor.

The emperor smiled lightly.

Afterwards, his eyes turned and fell on the strong people around the kitchen.

The Emperor bears his hand and his head is scattered, his eyes are fascinating.

"In the next dynasty, Xia Yi, come to ask the **** of the palace."

The emperor is faint.

Although the tone is indifferent, but the words are still full of confidence.

This confidence makes the people around me shiver.

The strong people of the God’s Court have changed suddenly.

At the beginning, the blond woman who was responsible for the reception step was even more alarmed.

The atmosphere was quiet.

Feel the silence of the God’s Court.

The emperor shook his head faintly.

He spread his head and continued to move forward. He walked all the way and soon walked out of the first floor of the kitchen.

Embarked on the second floor.

Arriving on the second floor, a terrible pressure came on, and the eyes of the emperor were all condensed.


"Emperor, please come back..."

The raging sound of the sound is full.

The strong man in the kitchen of God does not know when it has appeared.

That is an old man.

It is one of the elders of the God's Kitchen, a strong and powerful man.

He stood there, and the terrible breath was raging and letting the heavens and the earth die.

Great and full of gods, the power is amazing.

In the face of a great conspiracy of oppression, the emperor is very calm.

As a prince, even if he is a great god, he can fight!


However, the emperor's eyes are awesome.

He came here on the trip, not to fight these undead.

His goal... is the step.

He only needs to fight with the steps, ruining the heart of the guy, everything is easy to say.

Enchanted demigod?

Can there be more enchanting existence in the world than him? As long as you fight with him, the defeated ones will have doubts about life.

A heart move.

The golden energy begins to converge.

Soon, in his hands, he gathered a golden long bow...

With a bang, the bow was straight, and it was directed at the old man in the kitchen.

The smell of terror spreads.

The bang banged.

The arrow above the longbow is shot out, tearing the void in an instant, causing the void to continually collapse!

The great perfection of the God’s Kitchen Palace has shrunk slightly.

"Space law?!" The old man spit out a sigh of relief.

The palm of the hand patted in front of him, and then the forces of the laws of the road were superimposed.

Want to resist that arrow.


The collision broke out.

The entire Shenchu ​​Palace building seems to be shaking.

The defensive array made an overwhelming sway.

The old man in the kitchen of the kitchen has stepped back a few steps.

The face was amazed.

"It’s not the prince of Emperor, it’s really enchanting..."

The old man was very emotional.

These enchanting, it is terrible.

The adult master of the palace, afraid that it may not be able to deal with it.

Although the step can kill the gods, the strength of the emperor is not weaker than the ordinary god.

After all... Comprehend the two laws of the universe, how terrible it is, never seen before.

The void slowly splits.

In the summer, walk out of the void.

Her figure was graceful, and she looked at the emperor and took a deep breath.

The emperor was nodding for the summer.

Later, the Emperor looked up and looked into the distance.

There, clear footsteps rang out.

A thin figure, step by step, not coming slowly.

Step by step, looking at the emperor with the expression of the head, the corner of the mouth was slightly pulled.

"I heard...you are looking for me?"

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