Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1470: Shoot enough? ! [The third! 】

Emperor, talented enchanting, 旷古烁今.

There are many sons of the Emperor, but only one can be called the Emperor.

It is also the most enchanting one.

Although the Emperor's seat, many princes are embarrassed, but the real chance to inherit the position of the Emperor, only the emperor.

The talent is enchanting, and comprehens the enchanting of the two laws of the universe.

Only the emperor can grow to the extent of the Emperor, even surpass the Emperor and become the god!

After all, even the Emperor is only comprehending a law of the universe.


A punch hit, such as the Qianlong Dragon, the void is constantly cracking, bursting open!

After this punch, there is an arrow, and the arrow is wrapped in the dragon shadow, accompanied by a fist, whistling out.

"Dragon Shadow Arrow..."

The emperor talked and laughed.


The arrow shadow disappeared abruptly, just like a shuttle.

Before the front door of the step, the void splits.

A golden arrow, the golden dragon that turned into a claw and claws, was drilled out and torn the world.

Shooting towards the nearest step.

The speed is too fast, and it is almost impossible for other people to react!

The bottom of the little princes are all sucking in air.

This is the law of the universe's strongest, the use of the law of space, the law is wrapped in the arrow, so that the arrow shoots out and shuttles the void.

If there is no means in the step, I am afraid that it will be the arrow in the moment... give it a hole!

Perhaps, the battle... is not over, it is coming to an end!

The young princes are somewhat awkward, because they did not use this trick when they were in the battle with the emperor.

Obviously, in the eyes of the Emperor, they are not enough to let him use this level of means.

The chill is surging.

The gaze of the step is condensed.

The next moment, raised his hand.

Above the palm, there is a yin and yang flow, and the dragon shadow arrow is caught.

Tearing and tearing! !

The sound of snoring is resounding, and Mars is splashing.

The dragon shadow arrow that traversed the void, with great power, rotates in the palm of the step, as if to break off the palm of the step.

The arrow keeps moving forward and rotating, and it is necessary to penetrate the head of the step.


After all, it was caught by the steps.

The arrow is far from the pupil of the step, even less than an inch.

The chilly concession's hair was slightly erected.

"A little means!"

The influence of the emperor's body began to rise, and he was still talking and laughing.

"Little Emperor Boxing!"

The face of the emperor became solemn and punched.

This punch does not entrap any rules, only the momentum is surging.

This is a pure momentum, and the breath of the Emperor is completely wrapped in this punch.

Facing the emperor, it seems to face the true supreme god!

This is a use of the potential.

This is the boxing method of the Emperor!

"The talents of the children are really enchanting, and the eight-year-old tyrants are the famous gods of the emperor. They are also superficial, so they can't display them, but they have changed the boxing method with great wisdom... they have the power of the gods, this little beast, Must lose no doubt!"

Huangfu stood on the phoenix car, and the face was filled with killing.

She was full of killings on the steps, ink marks died, and silver armor died.

The important people in her life are all dead in the hands of the steps, and her resentment against the steps has reached an endless degree!

If it is not the emperor to intervene, she must be removed from the kitchen!

Step by step, crushed the arrow.

The arm of the arm was pinched up, and the fist of the Shaodi, which was blown at the emperor’s fist, was smashed up.


The collision of meat and meat.

The pace only felt that the blood of his body was roaring.

God knows a stagnation, as if feeling like a silhouette of the world, almost let yourself crouch!

However, it is only a stagnation.

The look of the step is to become clear.

The step back took a step back.

Actually, he was forced to take a step back by the punch of the emperor.

Step by step, the second fist of the Emperor has been called.

This second punch is an uppercut, from the bottom up, to the chin impact of the step!

If it is bombing, I am afraid that I can fly my head!

The space seems to be shaking.

The people around you are ashamed.

The imperial power is too amazing, too terrible!

Even if the law of the universe is not applied, the emperor is also the leader of his peers, standing in the peak.

The inheritance of the Emperor is enough to make the Emperor overlook the peers!


"The battle has already fallen into the rhythm of the emperor. Once the Shaodi fist is hit, a punch is stronger than a punch, and the final step will be destroyed in the storm."

"It’s not a prince, it’s not yet started, it is the end."


At the top of the building, an amazing battle broke out.

Under the building, there are comments from many powerful people.

Everyone is deeply inhaled and can't help but send out emotions.

In the direction of Huangfu, many people laughed.

The **** prostitutes are giggling.

That is a smile that is disdainful to the steps.

The emperor is a high star, and the dust on the ground can be opposed. There is only one that does not support the force.

That is to be beaten to death.


Such as the sound of the waves.

The emperor's eyes are bright and bright, and he is more and more embarrassed.

One punch and one punch, like a storm, the momentum of the body is also more powerful and terrible, and constantly climbing like a ladder.

A terrible breath, almost to collapse the void!

"I am the emperor! God is the first person of the younger generation! What are you? Do you dare to fight with me?!"

The emperor screams!

Everyone was silent, and they could only watch as the steps were pressed and they couldn’t breathe.

Luo Sanniang pouted, her eyes filled with worries.

Pingyang Shao Wangye sighed a sigh of relief.

Emperor... strong terrible.

Shaodi Quan, there are a total of eighty-one punches, the number of ninety-nine.

Once the eighty-one punches are full, the last punch can even break the stars!

Even if it is a strong king, I am afraid that it will be suppressed.

The step by step is defeated by the bombardment. It is also a demigod. The step can feel the terrible pressure on the emperor.

However, the steps are not urgent, staring at the emperor with no expression.

The latter is crazy, punching and punching, not giving the stepping gas a gap.

Tear off!

The void is being cracked.

The last punch, blooming thousands of brilliance, crashed!

A punch, want to kill the pace!


The emperor is indifferent.


Step by step on the foot, the eyes bloomed.

It's now!

In the spirit of the step, the sea was turned upside down.

The sacred entity opened its eyes.

The power of the whole body was mobilized.


With a bang, the arm of the step is on the arm.

Invisible fire is entwined on it.

I waved my fist and slammed into a fist with the emperor's peak!

Hey! ! !

The voids of the two sides have burst open!

Everyone **** in the air, feels the mightyness of the emperor, and is shocked by the iron of the step!

The strongest punch of Shaodi’s boxing, the stepping party actually chose to hit hard...

Is this a fool? !

Everyone feels stupid!

The void is scattered.

However, it is in the midst of incredible people.

The emperor has stepped back!

The violent storm pressed the emperor of the eighty-fight fist, in the last punch collision... Retreat!


The emperor quits several steps in a row, stepping down every step, and the void bursts.

The steps are not moving.

There is a silver flame burning on the arm.

In the flame, the force of the law of floating and sinking is surging!

"How can it be!"

The Emperor's heart was shocked, he was actually repulsed, and was repulsed when he was the strongest.

This feeling is as uncomfortable as dropping a fly in a bowl of porridge.

Just like the high dynasty, the same grievances were interrupted!

The Emperor stared at the steps and stared at the expressionless face of the step, taking a deep breath.

This guy... is deliberate!

Step by step, he smashed his arm, and resisted the Emperor's eighty-one fists. He felt that his fists were a little numb.

Have to say that the emperor is really strong.

If it weren't for his arm's arm mutation, it might have already lost.

"You are very excited..."

The emperor calmed down the emotions in his heart.

He knew that his state of mind could not be disturbed by the steps, the guy was deliberate.


The golden longbow came out again.

"You really have a lot less than the waste of the lord. It is worthy of me to use more means."

The emperor said.

At this moment, he showed his arrogance and showed it to the fullest.

This is the emotion that a emperor should have.

Underneath, the words of the Emperor, so that the younger brothers are blushing, and their hearts are blamed!

But what can they say?

No one can take it anymore!


The emperor pulls the bow.

Guanghua gathering, one, two, three...

Three golden arrows emerged.

"I see you can block a few..."

The emperor shouted.

Above the top of the head, the laws of space are filled and rolling, as if to be boiling.

Tear off.

Three arrows tore the sky.

The law of space is enshrined.

Instantly disappeared into the air.


Everyone is wide open.

Hold your chest in your hands in the summer and hold up the towering top of your chest.

Her eyes narrowed and she licked her mouth.

Apparently, she realized the rules of space and saw the tricks of the Emperor at a glance.



After the brain of the step, the void exploded.

An arrow shot out.

The step has slightly measured the head.


However, the step has just turned his head, his front, and the void is also blasting.

A golden arrow roared out.

Under the feet, the void burst, and there are arrows that roar.

Three directions, three arrows, block all retreats!

No matter which arrow is blocked, the step will be pierced by other arrows.


A young prince shivered.

If he is, he can't resist it, and in an instant it will be shot into a sieve...

However, it is under the eyes of everyone.

The face of the step is as usual, there is no change...

He lifted his eyes.

The corner of the mouth is slightly pulled up.

A heart move.

A black pot suddenly emerged.

The black pot rotates.


The arrow stabbed the black pot. Even if it was a terrible arrow, it couldn't break the black pot, only a burst of gold and iron.

Raise the arm and step forward.

The arrow in front of the front door flies and looks at the emperor.

"Do you have this means? Nothing..."


The sky is empty.

The emperor holding the longbow suddenly narrowed his eyes.

"This can block... you really didn't let me down, no wonder dare to be my mother."

The emperor smiled lightly.

"That's the trick... how?"

The emperor said.

If the sound is thunder, it will explode.

At the next moment, the longbow in his hand spun, suddenly became bigger and slammed into the air.

The Emperor raised his foot and stepped on the bow.

Two hands pulled the bowstring...


"Space arrow rain!"

The emperor said.

Broken his hand.

Suddenly, it was dense and numerous arrows shattered.


One inch of the distance from the footsteps, all the voids are blown up, and the arrows are drilled out of them, and they are tied toward the steps.

Just for a moment.

In the eyes of everyone.

The step is convenient to be shot into a sieve, the body is covered with dense arrows, like a hedgehog.

Luo Sanniang gave an exclamation.

The young princes are all sucking in the air and shuddering.

Even in the summer, I was slightly blind and felt a little shocked.

Combining space rules with arrows is really a good idea.

Huang Fu’s mouth was picked up, and the beauty was revealed.

Also, it is really strong!

That little beast, you are also an opponent!

The dragon shadow arrow at an inch distance, let alone the step, even if it is a big perfect god, you must drink it!


This battle is over...

The emperor loosened the longbow and sighed.

Sure enough... he was out of this move and no one could stop it.

I thought I could block a few moves, but now it seems that he wants more...

Life... lonely as snow.

The emperor is emotional.


"You shot enough? It's me..."


The faint sound is completely empty.

The face of Emperor and other people suddenly became stiff.

The arrows were tied into the hedgehog, and the arrows suddenly burned.

The silver flare is dazzling and dazzling.

In a short while, the arrows disappeared.

The figure was revealed.

In the shadows.

The law of reincarnation swept, and the heavens and the earth began to roar.

The law is compressed to the fist of the step.

Looking at the emperor.

Step by step, a punch!

"It’s my turn when I’m shooting enough..."

Yin and Yang reincarnation!

The words of the step are falling, and the whole person is a stay.

When he woke up, the fist was already enlarged in his eyes.

With a bang, a step by step, slammed into the abdomen of the emperor...

The whole world is silent.

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