Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1480: Black and white two old by the hammer [the second! 】

A dog licking the root of the bone, this painting is somewhat strange.

However, the point is not this, but the dog, who dared to face the old.

Black and old are the peaks of the middle gods, and the laws they have learned are approaching five hundred.

What this means means that the strength of the black and old, almost reached the level of the superior god.

The superior god, the strength of strength, thorough, is the top power in the chaotic universe.

There is not a few superior gods in every god.

Because, in hundreds of worlds, it is not easy to be able to give birth to a superior god, which has led to the scarcity of the number of superior gods.

The amount of deformation becomes a qualitative change.

Those who can become the king of the upper class, are not talented, even enchanting, their combat power is very powerful.

Some may be comprehending the laws of the universe, and some may have a big chance.

In any case, the superior **** is terrible.

Although the black and white two old are not the superior gods, once they join hands, they can fight for the king of the gods. This gimmick is enough to make everyone fear and fear.

And this dog, actually did not know the life and death of the roots of the bones is rushed up, as if the moths are like fire.

In fact, in addition to the step, Xiaohu, Xiaoyou and others have trust in the dog.

Others are not optimistic about this black dog.

A dog in the area... is about to become a dead dog.

The black old sword is strong and radiant enough to sweep the entire god.

At that time, when the Xia Wei gods fought against the parties, the black and old black swords, and the white old white swords, stalked the world, thirsty for countless gods and blood.

Even the two men joined forces and wounded a superior god, which made their prestige more prominent.

Compared to black old.

This black dog has no impressive record.

After all, this is just a dog without any name.

of course.

If the ink cannon is alive, it may be a fart!

Only he knows how terrible this black dog is!

In the ancient mysterious world, many of the finest gods were chased by the sergeant, squatting with the gods and legs.

No one dared to eat a bone of this dog.

Because don't look at the dog's bones lifting weights, but that is the **** of bones.

Not to mention the power of the laws contained in it, the power contained in the bones alone is enough to crush everything!

boom! ! !

Thousands of black sword rains, covering the sky, seem to form a storm, constantly screaming.

The dog is very simple, pure and harmless, licking the roots, the bones are very dazzling in the black.

White old is suspended above the sky.

In this chaotic universe, there are many people who can force them to join forces, but this dog can't.

A dog with a high level of strength needs to join forces. If they have been together for so many years, they will live.

The emperor's eyes are cracked, and a face is a little distorted.

"Kill this dog! Kill the step! Kill the chef's palace!"

The emperor is roaring.

Tianfengyu was pushed to the extreme, and the suppressed summer was constantly retreating.

But the summer's gaze shines in the cold, she is not in a hurry, she is looking for opportunities, in one fell swoop to take this fascinating goods.

on the ground.

The step has already taken out the Xuanwu pot.

There is a dog, and the step knows that all the storms are over.

This is the confidence of the dog.

What he needs to do is to cook the drunken pork ribs, and wait for the dog to solve the two old men. After returning, the beautiful American eats a drunken rib.

The steps are not rushing and rolling up the sleeves.

After that, my heart moved.

Take out a piece of dragon meat.

This is the dragon meat of the three-clawed dragon. I heard that the gods can get the five-claw real dragon meat in the dynasty, and the step feels that there is a chance to go with Luo Sanniang.

If the five-clawed real dragon meat is made into a drunken pork rib, the taste is absolutely delicious.

The keel kitchen knife rotates and cuts the dragon meat into pieces.

After that, hot oil, under the pot.

Step by step in cooking without urgency, and on the Scorpio, the terrible battle is finally completely collided.

The black sword instantly tears down.

Collided with the bones caught by the dog's dog's claws.

boom! !

A loud noise.

On the scorpio, the black and old black sword erupted.


The black old eyes suspended in the void suddenly changed.

No matter how raging his sword, when the bones are close to an inch, they all collapse.

The laws that are integrated in the sword are constantly escaping.


What is going on? !

The black old heart trembled and suddenly became shocked.

The next moment, the eyes of a glimpse, seems to think of something.

God bone?

Can you be immune to the power of all laws?

The creeps, the old man wants to understand all of this, and suddenly burst into the air and burst up.

His figure was moving in the void.

The black sword vacated and was held in his hand and killed the black dog.

With a tear, the void was torn apart and opened a huge mouth, and countless horrible turbulences smashed through the tearing mouth.

Everyone **** in air.


This is the veteran-level powerhouse of the Black and Old, Xia Wei Shen Dynasty. At the beginning, he helped Xia Wei Shen to fight for the Quartet!

These strengths are simply alarming!

Even if the Mohist family is dead, as long as there is black and white, the status of the entire Mohist is still supreme.

No one dares to provoke!

Under the eyes of the public.

Black and black dogs fought together.

Everyone thought that this battle should be without any suspense.

In fact, this battle is indeed without any suspense.

However, it is not the same as everyone thinks.

The crushed side is not a black dog.

It is black and old!

It is the black old who has grasped the power of nearly five hundred laws!

boom! !

It’s like a tremor in the sky.

The black old sword and the dog's bones are huddled together.

The sword that cuts the iron and mud, did not cut off the bones in the dog's hands.

Instead... the black sword was broken!

That's right, it's the collapse of the red fruit.

The black sword was smashed and swung in the air, and the ground was covered with a huge gap.

Countless people were shocked and constantly retreating.

They looked up in horror and looked at the picture on the sky.

This look, more and more shocking.

Because, the black and old, the incomparable black and old.

On the sky, I hugged my head.

That's right, just holding your head and running away.

And the black dog is carrying the roots of the bones, chasing after the black old man, constantly groaning.

Press Black and Old in the air to blast!

Every time the black and old body is smashed, there will be a burst of void and the sound of bone fracture.

Black and old are even more sullen.

Hey! ! !

One of the bones picked up, and the cockroach squatted on one of the black and old legs.

The black and old legs were suddenly blown up by the cockroaches and turned into blood fog.

King of the blood, blood stagnant!

Black aging is a meteor, falling from the sky to the ground, a bang...

The wolf is very incomparable, and it falls to the ground and is horrible...

People around you are like a chicken.

This... is lost?

Almost half of the feet have to step into the black and old realm of the king of the gods, so they are beaten and beaten?

The three paws of the dog’s paw stood in the void, and one paw licked the bone and yawned.

In the next moment, the figure slammed down like a meteor.

The bones, the cockroaches fell to the ground and the black old man went up.

Black and old creeps, a death of thought instantly enveloped his body.

That's right...

The feeling of death.

If you are caught in this bone, he will really die!

One of his legs could not recover, and the power of the gods contained in the bones suppressed the regenerative power in his body.

The power of the law is also suppressed...

The strength of this black dog is not strong, but ... the bones in the hands are too strong, it is a force to break the law, no matter who you are, the unified bones collapse!

A white light flashed in an instant.

The white old man landed, grabbed the black and old figure, and vacated.


The bone of the dog's lord squatted on the ground.

A loud noise!

The whole dynasty, the dynasty, was at this moment, and it trembled fiercely.

The terrible vibrations, the constant shaking, everything seems to collapse.

A fine crack spread from the ground.

The defensive formations created by the family members around the world collapsed at this moment!

The homeowners are all pale and back a few steps.

They were shocked, they were just bombarded by Yu Bo, and they were so miserable!

No wonder Black is going to be stumped by a bone...

What dog is this? !

Is there such a enchanting dog in the world?

No... No... The dog’s strength is not strong, but he relies on the **** of the day.

Mainly the gods are too bad!


Everyone in the capital is terrified.

Some houses collapsed directly.

Some people, sitting on the ground, trembled...

Luo Sanniang and Shao Wangye were stunned and terrified.

This dog... is it familiar with the steps?

The step still actually knows the existence of such awesome?

One stick smashed the Mohist family, and one stick hurts the black and old in the black and white!

This dog...reverse!

The dog-in-law licked the bones, and the dog-in-law seemed to be sharp and sharp, and swept a little around, and then his paws raised.

The long leg bones are hung on the back.

Step by step on the ground, walking slowly, taking a enchanting catwalk, the dog's buttocks twisted.

However, the whole audience is ashamed, and they dare not say anything.


far away.

There is a scent that swept over.

The stepping pot starts, there is a chaotic pot, and the drunken ribs cooked in the step are more perfect.

The dog is only smelling the smell of this drunken ribs, the dog's paws are soft, and the catwalk is getting more and more walking.

Oh, la la la.

The pot is topped and the soup is splashed.

Step by step, the steamed pork ribs were poured out of the pot.

Pour into the blue and white porcelain bowl.

The little fox's nose moved and some of his mouth groaned.

However, the dog scent smells, mad like a gallop, all the way to the roots, and instantly squatting in front of the step.

The tongue is swallowing, and the color of excitement in the eyes is uncertain!

In the distance, a group of people stared at this scene.

The peerless black dog was bought out by a pot of ribs?

"Hot eat."

Stepped down the spatula, wiped the water stains in his hand with a white, clean white cloth.

After the dog’s dog’s nose moved, he was the bottom of his head, his face was close to the bowl, his buttocks twisted around, and he licked the blue-and-white porcelain bowl, and he ate it.

Still really eaten?

This is still in the battle...

The surrounding family members do not know what to say.

This completely ignores the black and white.


With the help of Bai Lao, the legs of Hei Lao's break slowly recovered.

The black and old black face became pale, but there was anger in the eyes.

"Get together!"

Black Laosen said coldly to Bai Lao.

The next moment, the two men pointed at each other.

The black and white swords flew in the air, hovering in the air, entwined together, exuding a terrible power.

Instantly skyrocketing, blooming without power!


Black and old, white old eyes are deep.

The top of the two, the law of the sky is floating.

Terrible power bursts in an instant...

The fighting power of the superior **** king suddenly bombed down toward the dog.

Want two swords... 斩 black dog!

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