Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1497: The Emperor shot [third! 】

Make a cake.

What is particular about is a good-natured, confession... is to look at luck.

The stepping party used the fire of the gods to bake the cake. Although there was no fundamental change in the cake, the power of killing the thousand laws contained in the fire was to wash away the cake, which made the cakes extraordinary. energy.

The dog's three dog heads have bitten a piece of cake.

Without chewing, swallowing directly, a steady stream of gas suddenly erupted and poured into the body of the dog.

The **** fire of the dog's body is getting more and more magnificent and rich, as if to cover the sky, it is terrible.

Above the sky.

Titan King smiled coldly.

He did not care about the behavior of the black dog.

Eat a cake?

What can be used to eat a piece of cake?

A piece of cake can't be beaten, and it's just a pie cooked by a half-god cook.

As the king of the Titans, he believes in strength.

In this chaotic universe, strength is respect.

If the Emperor is not strong, he will dare to punch the heavens and hit the gods.

However, the reason why the Emperor is called the Emperor is because of its powerful strength.

This point, his Thai Airways can not refute.


A palm is crushed, as if to break everything.

The dog screamed and shouted, as if to destroy the heavens and the earth.

The devour of the cake, the flow of the air, makes the atmosphere of the dog's body become much more powerful.


This is not the point.


One of the palms of Thai Airways contains the savage text of Xuanqi, which has the power to suppress the bones of the gods.

Therefore, if the black dog intends to use the **** to break his trick, he will definitely be shot by him.

And, this building will be erased by his palm!

He is the king of heaven, the king of heaven, who dares to confront easily?

The opponents have to pay the price!

boom! !

The dog's three dogs have **** out.

Sound waves impact.


The invisible power collided with the one that covered the sky.

The terrible roar, constantly sweeping.

On the scorpio, the eyes of the Thai space king suddenly shrank.

From the position of the black dog, he felt an unparalleled breath.

That is the breath of the law.

Hey! A loud bang, the **** of the palm disappeared.

Once again... it seems to be a stranger black dog.

Black dogs have three heads, and each head has a sinister force in the mouth.

The first head, the law of gray, swept, it was the law of space.

The second head is the law of the dog, the law of time.

The third head, implied, is the law of destruction of the earth and the law of destruction.

Three heads, three rules, three cosmic strong laws!


At this moment, not only the Thai space king, everyone in the room is sucking in air.

Including, the mysterious figure hidden in the void, also could not help but exclaimed.

Three cosmic strong laws?

How can this be? !

How can this black dog change so much?

Like the step, comprehend the two laws of the universe to be strong like the emperor, it is already considered a enchanting enchanting.

As a result, this black dog actually realized the three laws of the universe at this time!


Not comprehension...

The eyes of the Thai space king slammed a glimpse, and there seemed to be a flash of light in the eyes.

There are some weirdness in this, even if it is the supreme enchanting of the chaotic universe, it is impossible to comprehend the two laws of the universe to be strong in an instant.

Is it because of the cake?

The Thai space king is not stupid. When he thinks about it, he discovers the weirdness.

It is very likely that it is because of the cake...

The people around are not stupid, they are sucking in air.

Their eyes are full of brilliance and incredible color.

Three principles of the universe's strongest...

After eating a piece of cake, I realized two laws of the universe.

Others want to comprehend one, can't do it, this black dog... is it so terrible? !

Is it better for a dog? !


The dog’s sensation felt the power of expansion, which made the dog’s dog’s mouth uncontrollable.

next moment.

Raised his head and burst into a slap in the eye.

The three laws of the universe are strong... This is the real power of the step-by-step kid.

Look at the bones of the gods.

The figure suddenly rushed up and turned into a black-painted figure, and it shot through the void.

Tearing the sky, causing the emptiness of the void.

The gods of the gods smashed, and suddenly they rushed toward the Thai space king.

Everyone breathes a stagnation.

Rebellious, this black dog resisted!

The body of the Thai aerospace king was suddenly tense, on which the power of the majestic broke out.


"Although I don't know how the three laws of the universe are strong! But..."

"The king of heaven, you don't understand what it means!"

The Thai space king shook up.

The next moment, his flesh, suddenly burst out of thousands of brilliance.


On the head of the Thai space king, there is a law disc that emerges, and the law runes and beats.

"Thai Space King is also comprehending a law of the universe's strongest... Even if this black dog breaks out three cosmic strong laws, it may not be able to win, the gap is not so good to make up!" The strong people of the Titan Protoss are excited.


The law of destruction broke out.

The body of the Thai Space King suddenly skyrocketed, and with the palm of his hand, it began to expand.

Slowly swell.


The horrible barbaric is beating.

The next moment, the entire capital seems to have become small.

The Thai space king made a body and stood tall.

The entire capital is alarmed!

The people looked at the huge figure in horror, and the terrible atmosphere filled them, so that they could not help but crouch.

Some strong people are also shivering under this pressure.

too strong!

This is the power of the king.


The Thai aerospace king, who made the top-ranking Titan giant, looked like a torch.

One finger is to go to the dog who is galloping out.

That one finger.

The void is constantly cracking, the terrible explosion is roaring.


The dog-in-law is holding the bones of the gods, and the blood-colored lines on the bones of the gods seem to be alive, and they are beating constantly.

The explosion suddenly occurred.

The power of countless laws is pervasive.

The three laws of the universe are too strong, too top!

However, the laws of the Thai Space King are stronger.

A universal law of the universe plus a thousand common rules is enough to make up for the gap between the laws of the strongest.

The **** radiance and the khaki brilliance flowed over the sky.

boom! ! !

The sky is torn.

It seems as if the chaotic universe is coming.

Above nine days, there was a wheel of law emerged.

The wheel of the law seems to tear everything.

Leading to the tremor of the void.

This is the rule of punishment from the chaotic universe.

The collision of the two laws has exceeded the limits of this world.


A tear is heard.

A thunder fell from the sky.

The body shape of the dog's body flew out, and it continued to rotate in the air, and suddenly fell on the building.

The buildings are shaking.

Step by step, holding hands, faintly watching the dog.

The hand trembled.

The blue and white porcelain plate flew out.

"A dragon is drunk and ribs."

Said the step.

The dog master took the drunken ribs, opened his mouth, and slammed it, and all the drunken ribs suddenly poured into his mouth.

The dog slid out his tongue and licked his mouth.

The breath of the body recovered again.

Thai space king, still standing on the ground, terrible breath, as if to bomb this world!

"There is actually a way to block the king's finger... the avatar of the Titan giant, the horror of power! The high gods in the district can actually block!"

The Thai space king Wang Xiaoguang shrunk slightly.

This made the killing in his heart suddenly flourish.

This black dog's talent is a bit enchanting, and the cook.

If these two guys stay in the Xia Dynasty, it is not a good thing for the Titans!

and so……


The Thai space king Wang Jingguang is a condensate.

The next moment, took a step.

The Titan giant, standing on the ground, almost rushed into the clouds.

He shook his fist and the thousand laws spread.

boom! ! !

The terrible roar suddenly exploded.

Shenwei came.

The direction of the palace.

A figure, holding hands, slowly coming out.

It was an old man with white hair floating around.

He is very old, very old, and his body is almost decaying.

His eyes are turbid, but he is full of luxuries.

Black armor saw the old man and was pleasantly surprised.


The faces of the Faerie and the Titans are all changed!

Xia Wei Shenhuang, finally still shot!

The Thai space king slammed his head and looked at the old man.

Even if the old man is as old as it is, it still becomes the focus between heaven and earth!

"Enough... I am making trouble in the capital, looking at the face of the Titan, and spare you a life, but the death penalty is exempt, the living sin is difficult, and you are broken, so that you can use it."

The sound of the magnificent Emperor's grandeur sounded up and shocked the world.

Everyone is sucking up the air.

Broken arm?

The Emperor of the Emperor, actually want to break the arm of the Thai Space King!

Will this... cause war between the two great gods? !

"Broken me?!"

The Thai aerospace king has shrunk.

"Respect you are the Emperor, give you a few faces..."

"Are you really a **** of the peak?"

The Thai space king is cold and cold.

Titan's body, a fierce move, actually punched toward the Emperor.

Everyone has changed color.


Thai space king... Is it a fight? !

are you crazy!

That is the Emperor, representing one of the top powers of the world!

Thai space king, how dare you start!

The dog and the step are also narrowing their eyes.

"This old man... Deterrence seems to be a little bit weak." The dog returned to his fat body, chewing on the mouth and chewing the ribs.

The step is no expression.


Black armor is unstoppable.

Pingyang Wang, Tianlong Wang, the masters of all major families are showing anger!

The direction of the palace.

The emperor glared at him.

The father of the gods, but also dare to disobey, this is from the king of the Titans, I do not know life and death!

The Emperor has absolute confidence in the Emperor.

The gods are indifferent.

Thai Air’s counterattack was beyond everyone’s expectations.

The Emperor is also somewhat surprised.


It’s just a little scary.

"The big rebellion, the following commits, the sin plus one... break your limbs!"

The Emperor is faint.

His voice seems to be a little weak.

The Thai aerospace king is superb, today... he wants to fight the Emperor!

boom! ! !

A punch in the sky.

The huge Titan in the sky is like a terrifying giant.

The fists beat the chest, and then the squatting.

The Emperor’s eyes were murky and he coughed.

Faced with a punch from the Thai space king.

Slowly extended the palm of your hand.

The palm of your hand is raised, and a slap in the face!

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