Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1510: Call Huafeng... Eat! [First! 】


The horrible sound of the screaming phoenix resounded through the sky, and in this dark night, it became extremely fierce.

The black flame is covered by the muddy soil and completely extinguished.

The strong people around them are showing a shocking color.

They are the top powerhouses in the dynasty, and each one is a thoroughman.

Here, there is no weak, the weakest of them are the middle-aged kings, but they can compete in the ranks of the gods!

However, even the middle **** who can fight the king of the gods, never imagined that there are such enchanting things in the world.

With the strength of the half god, press the top blood beast king.

Moreover, looking at the action of the demigod, it seems that I still want to give the dark blood phoenix...

The phoenix is ​​beautiful.

Even the blood phoenix is ​​full of the ultimate beauty, the blood phoenix feathers are bloody, combed neatly and glamorously.

However, today's blood phoenix is ​​like a chicken that has been plucked, miserable.

Those soils with water were photographed on her body, mixing her into a clay chicken.

Blood rushes out.

The breath of blood phoenix began to weaken and weaken, and it is getting weaker...

For the first time, she felt terrified. As the top powerhouse in this ruin, this time, she felt awkward...

She feels that she may be dying.

The blood phoenix opened his mouth, wanting to spray a thin flame, burning everything, the black flame is spitting, so that the surrounding soil is beginning to evaporate.

In the void.

Step by step with one hand on his stomach, one hand flapping in the void, the soil is constantly shot, and squatting on the blood phoenix.


Hunger in the abdomen calls for constant, and the steps are also a little uncomfortable.

He never felt so hungry. As a chef, he always kept himself full.

Because, being a chef, making yourself hungry... always feels shameful.

But this time, it is hungry to the point where you can't control yourself.

Why are you so hungry?

The step is also very doubtful, is it because of the understanding of the law of the universe?

But it shouldn't be.

Step by step to eat the law, understand the law of the universe, but have not felt such hunger.

Is it because of the fusion of the gods and the gods?

This is somewhat possible. After all, his body is only half-god, blending the gods and gods, and the power consumption in the flesh is huge.

This may be the main cause of his hunger.

Since you are hungry, eat it!

This blood phoenix, in the eyes of the step, seems to have become a steaming phoenix.


"I still want to struggle?"

Stepping out of the tongue, rubbing his lips, the corners of his mouth pick up slightly, revealing a gentle smile.

Look at the black flame that is constantly ejected from the mouth of the Phoenix.

The phoenix can be nirvana and can be born again.

Perhaps this blood phoenix is ​​going to show this kind of operation.

But... In front of a chef, let's show you how to show, after all, you can't change the essence of your food!

The step raised his hand.

In the palm of his hand, a silver flame suddenly emerged.

The silver flame radiates hot heat.

On the other hand, the space seems to be distorted, and the power of the dense laws is flowing and surging on it, as if to emit terrible fluctuations.


Step by hand and shake.

The silver flame turned into a little sparrow.

The silver sparrow flapped its wings and flew away toward the **** phoenix underneath.

Blood phoenix-like eyeballs suddenly shrink.

She felt the flames on her body slammed tightly.

I wanted to resurrect the fire, but the flame was retracted into her body...

what happened? !

The blood phoenix is ​​a little scared and sluggish.

The next moment, she saw a silver sparrow with wings.

The sparrow is flying very fast.

Dangling on the top of the blood phoenix's head...



The horror of the blood phoenix suddenly resounded.

The entire body was wrapped in a silver flame.

The laws and runes are constantly emerging and circulating in the heavens and the earth.

Above the sky.

The eyes of the step are slamming.

It's now.

The figure fell like a cannonball on the ground.

The palm of the hand was photographed, and the earth was soaring.


Step by step mud made a huge mud ball, wrapped the body of the blood phoenix.

The moisture in the mud ball is instantly evaporated.

Among them, there is a fire red in the looming.

It was baked.

At first, the blood phoenix will struggle.

But as time goes by... the struggle of the blood phoenix becomes more and more powerless.

In the summer, I couldn't believe my mouth, but there was only a panic, what happened to this special!

Looking at the blood phoenix wrapped in the mud ball, she felt a little messy.

That is a top blood beast king.

The superior gods in the distance are also eccentric.

I don't know what to say.

Blood Phoenix... actually was done!

The **** phoenix, the top of the blood beast king, exists in the ruins of the invincible, attracting countless gods and the horror of the dark blood phoenix was actually given...

A bang!

Scorpio suddenly exploded!

The blood beast kings around have burst out.

They have to save the blood phoenix.

The fall of a top blood beast king is huge for the situation in the ruins.

They naturally can't watch the dark blood phoenix being cooked.

Steps raised his head, put out his tongue, and licked his lips.

"A lot of ingredients..."

While stepping on the fire, he whispered.

There was a deafening sound in his belly, like a thunderous sound.

Hunger makes him crazy.

In his eyes, the blood beast king flying down on the sky is like a delicious dish.

For example, roast ducks, such as roast suckling pigs, such as ... steaming tiger soup, etc...

"Ha ha ha!!"

"It’s rare that we have created such a enchanting sorcerer in our dynasty. All of your beasts are rolling!"

The sound of a chuckle of voices resounded.

"The blood of the Phoenix... The deity really wants to taste it! Hahaha!"


The void is tearing open.

A terrible breath filled the sky.

A respected superior king is coming out.

These gods, each with dignity, some hold long scorpions, some hold spears, hold swords, and hold knives.

The kings of the gods stepped into the air, and the breath of the Megatron world swayed in front of these fierce beasts.


The moment of the battle is an explosion.

These blood beasts and the gods are fighting together.

The forces of the law collide with each other, and the power of the gods and the blood of the beast are boiling.

Because the number of people has an advantage, coupled with the blood beasts are all bombed because of blood phoenix, the momentum is somewhat low.

Therefore, in this battle, the ultimate victory is the human king.

The blood beasts have sneaked away.

For them, losing a top blood beast king is simply a disaster!


The void was continually torn, and the Blood Beastmaster escaped.

This canopy has become a piece.

Only the kings of God stood on the scorpio, revealing the color of happiness.

This battle is counted as their human god, the most painful battle ever.

Those blood beasts, the fleeing of the fart.

Many gods turned their heads and stared at the bottom steps.

There, the steps stood in front of the huge mud ball.

The mud ball seems to have turned into a mountain peak, and a silver fire is surging in it.

The steps control the fire of the gods.

Inside one layer, one outside.

Two layers of flame under the grill.

Definitely will create the top of the delicious.

Of course, the meat of the blood beast king... is very good in itself.


On the scorpio, another black cloud emerged.

This time, it is not a purple thunder.

Because it is a normal dish, it is a blue thunder.

For the step, this kind of thunderbolt is very easy to resist.


After a blast from the Thunder, the gaze of the step was staring at the huge mud ball.

The gods and kings are all falling, curiously gathered around the body of the step.

"Little brother, are you really cooking the blood phoenix?"

A **** king swallowed a subconscious sensation and looked at the steps and asked.

The step did not answer him.

Summer came over.

Actually, I was able to give the blood beast to the king, and to what extent did the current cooking level of the step party reach?

Is it the same as that of Muhongzi?

If this is the case, it will be a bit horrible.

"Put the blood phoenix in the mud ball... can it really make a good meal?"

"This cooking method is so strange..."

"It should be possible to eat, otherwise this top ingredients are not wasted?"


The surrounding gods are all smashed.

They are not the top kings, because they happen to be in this world, so they rushed over.

The results did not come to mind, actually caught up with such a feast.

I saw the enchanting against the sky, the scene of cooking the blood beastmaster.

"Are you ready?"

Looking at the huge mud ball in the summer, I was a little curious and heart-felt, and asked the step.

Step by step took a look at the summer, and slightly pulled the corner of his mouth.

"All right!"


The words of the step are falling, and the figure is rising from the sky.

Xuanwu pot is caught in the hand.

Stepping on the empty sky, I immediately vacated and went up to the top of the huge mud ball.

Both hands grabbed the Xuanwu pot and went straight to the mud ball.


A crisp sound!

The next moment, the solid mud ball suddenly spread a cracked road of dense turtles.

Rubbing and rubbing...

A crack spread along the center of the mud ball, spreading the entire mud ball.


The step is standing above the mud ball.

The index and middle fingers are slightly bent and gently tapped against the mud ball.


The mud ball suddenly broke and fell off.


The silver flame erupted from it, turning into a silver phoenix that rose from the sky and wandered around the body of the step.

Finally, it turned into a silver fiery wire and got into the palm of the palm of the step.


It seems that there is a faint warm sound.

A rich and majestic meat scent spread from the mud ball.

Silky, stunned inside, let people ... in the mouth, suddenly filled with saliva!

This fragrance... is simply... invincible!

The gods, summer and step, are deeply inhaled, indulge in this fragrance, unable to extricate themselves!

This is the charm of food, this is the charm of top food!

How long has the **** of the gods in this ruin not smell this scent?

They are very hungry for a while!

The pace of feeling that you are hungry is almost paralyzed.

This taste is too embarrassing.

The hand trembled.

The keel kitchen knife starts.

Knocking down.

Rub it.

The whole mud ball is divided into two.

The step grabbed the crack and separated it to the sides.

A shout.

The mud ball suddenly exploded!

Jin Guang shot from the mud ball, straight above the sky, smashing, dazzling and dazzling.

Accompanied by the fragrance.

Let the gods and the summer are not allowed to show amazement.

The top blood beast king, the dish cooked by the blood phoenix...

How delicious is that? !

Everyone... looks forward to it.


The shell of the mud ball landed, and suddenly the crack cracked open and splashed.

But everyone's eyes are not attracted to this scene.

Instead, they all look at the front.


A huge huge phoenix like a mountain is suspended there.

Without feathers, the flesh and blood are golden, and there are even oil droplets flowing in it...

Steamy, rich and fragrant.

Golden phoenix, beautiful people... drool DC.

Steps can't stand it.

Step out.

Reaching out, grabbed the **** phoenix's leg, and slammed it!

The oil juice splashes and the flesh is separated!

Holding a huge phoenix leg, the stepping mouth does not hesitate to open the mouth... it is a bite.

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