Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1520: Lost in the quiet? [Second more! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

Green energy, familiar feeling...

It really looks like a little quiet.

The gaze of the step is far from the stone sarcophagus that sits on the beautiful mountain peaks.

The show hand that protruded from the stone sarcophagus was pale and bloodless, but it lingered with the green energy.

However, the step can be sure that the other party should not be Xiaoyou.

Although the energy seems to be homologous, the breath is a little weird, and it is much more powerful than the quiet atmosphere.

The most important thing is that Xiao You should now practice in the cultivation ground of the God’s Kitchen.

If it is not small...

The woman in the stone in front of me... Who is it?

The curse of the previous generation?

Step by step took a deep breath and thought.

"It’s finally out! The first existence of the blood beast king list... finally you can see it."

The sword **** Yu Qiu chuckled, he held his sword and pointed a sharp sword around his body.

Each of these swords is made up of the power of the law.

His breath is soaring, terrifying and sharp.

Xuankong is also staring curiously.

The space seems to be stagnant.

The attacks of the four powerful players all stagnate in the void and cannot move forward.

This approach seems a bit strange.



The woman in the stone squat sat up.

It seems to have been sleeping for a long time, and finally wakes up.

The blue silk was scattered down, and in the stone sarcophagus, it was not a peerless beast.

Instead, it is a soft and weak woman.

There is no angry woman...


Everyone is stunned.

The blood beast king list first... is actually a woman?

The sword **** Yu Qiuyi, the sword in the void is a stagnation.

Xuankong is also a big mouth, a little weird.

How could it be a woman?

The wild elephant is no matter whether you are a woman or not. In his eyes, there is no difference between a woman and a man...

It's all human!

The strongest of their blood beasts, is it a personal class?

This is a shame!

And he is going to wash this shame!


With a long nose, the Xinghe River was broken, and a terrible attack erupted, and the weak woman sitting in the stone sarcophagus underneath was bombarded.

Around the woman's body is a faint green glow.

That energy is not many times more powerful than the energy of Xiaoyou.


The green energy was practised, and the slamming slammed out and squatted in the void.

In an instant, the attack of the four powerful players will be blasted!

Practicing and elephant trunk impact together.

A roar.

The terrible explosion was alive.

The demon feels like his nose is going to explode.

There is a blood in the nose of the elephant's nose that is constantly flowing down.

Just a trick, his nose was hurt!

The ruins of the wilderness reveal the color of horror.


The stone sarcophagus was completely opened.

The woman stood up straight, white clothes, long black hair.

The blue face is like a corpse.

"This is a dead body!"

The sword **** Yu Qiu face is very dignified.

"This is the birth of a corpse, the incarnation of the beast, saying that it is not a blood beast king." The face of the sword **** Yu Qiu is more and more dignified.

"Since it is a beast... then the deity does not need to keep a hand!"

Xuankong screamed, his eyes condensed.

The next moment, his flesh slammed like a thunder.

The body is like a comet, tearing the sky, and moving toward the woman.


The body of Xuankong fell to the top of the mountain, and the waves came and the whole mountain was blown up.

The trees are open and the soil is flying.

Xuankong eyes condensed, and a punch was toward the female corpse.

On the fist, there is a terrible law of destruction!

"Holy body punch!"

Xuankong shouts.

The female corpse turned a little, facing the mysterious space, without speaking.

The palm of the hand raised stiffly.

A bang.

The palm of the woman’s body and the sacred body of the mysterious space were huddled together.

The green brilliance spreads instantly...


Xuankong suddenly stunned, a fear born in the bottom of my heart, instantly filled the whole body.

"this is……"

Xuankong is in the shape of a sky, showing the color of vigilance.

He looked at his fist, above his fist, and the green energy was spreading.

"This is the power of the curse! This female corpse is cursing the goddess! Damn!"

Xuankong felt a little scared!

He found his arm constantly being corroded.


Above his head, the law rounds up and is suppressed on the arm, and the force of the curse on the arm is forced out.

Cursing the goddess?

The cursed goddess of the chicken ribs?

Many people are sucking up the air. They naturally know the legend of the cursing goddess. The curse of the goddess born in each era is rare, but not so strong.

So many people have not paid attention.

However, this cursed goddess actually repelled a top-ranking superior god.

Strong is a bit too much!


The colorful dying butterfly moved.

Butterfly wings fanned.

The seven-colored light floated out of her wings, turning into a seven-colored fog, lingering, trying to cover the female body.

The female corpse looked up and the blue silk was scattered.

The palms are open and black nails grow longer on them.

The palm of the hand is moving toward the void.

The green brilliance is lingering, and the colorful brilliance emitted by the colorful annihilation butterfly turns into a secluded green.


The colorful and dead butterfly shape turned into a secluded green, bursting out.

Instantly adapted to the green energy of the female body.

Approaching the side of the female body.

The best thing about the colorful killing butterfly is the assimilation energy.

The huge body is full of horror.

The butterfly wings fanned down like the sharpest sharp knife.

Want to cut the female body into pieces!

The buzzing sounds.

The female body reached out and grasped the butterfly wings.

Actually issued a voice of gold and iron.

The demon emptied into the air, trampled on the void, and crossed the colorful dying butterfly to trample on the female body.

The attack of the two top blood beast kings, even the sword **** Yu Qiu did not dare to care.

But this female corpse is incomparably violent.

One hand blocked the colorful butterfly, and the other hand was shot toward the magic elephant.


The collision of horror broke out.

The mountain peaks tremble, but what is amazing is that the mountain has not been destroyed, and it has not been polished to the ground!

has a problem!

There is a big problem!

Many people's eyes are amazed, flashing and sturdy.

The sword **** Yu Qiu and Xuan Kong also launched the offensive.

Four top-level gods and kings, fighting in the void and a female body!

The terrible turbulence swept the audience.

This battle is terrible, and most people can only choose to watch in the distance.



Someone's face suddenly changed.

Because of the void, the four strong people suddenly collapsed!

The sword **** Yu Qiu face ugly, above his long sword, dense green color, it is the power of curse, eroding his sword.

Xuankong’s fist is also covered with a layer of green.

The colorful annihilation of the butterfly is floating, and the magic elephant is covered with green plaque.

The female corpse, it really is a big horror...

The eyes of the female corpse have been tightly closed and have never opened their eyes.

Even if it is forced by four top powers, it is still the case.

"Good... so strong!"

In the summer, I swallowed a sip and was amazed.

"This female body... is it really just a dead body? It’s so strong when it’s dead, how terrible is it when it’s alive?”

Luo Sanniang also felt a cold in the body.

The gaze of the step is also a condensate, deep inhalation.

The green brilliance, the step side recognizes, and the power of Xiao You is the same.

Sure enough, it is a curse of the goddess...

Why is the body of the cursed goddess here?

What secrets exist in this ruins?


Xuankong is very angry.

He snorted and his body glowed with golden light.

Later, the body began to grow bigger, and the body was as high as a moment, standing proudly above the sky, and the body was like an oven, boiling blood.

Against the female body, slammed a punch.

This fist is full of rules, more than two thousand laws are condensed, and the horror of the atmosphere is filled, as if to destroy the earth!

Xuankong is the second in the rank of the king of the gods, and the strength is bound to be unmatched!

He broke out with all his strength, even if the sword **** Yu Qiu is inside.

The female corpse raised her hand and the black nails grew longer.

Finally, I collided with Xuankong’s punch.

The power of more than two thousand laws runs through.


The mountain at the foot burst into bursts.

The soil has collapsed and shattered, rolling and falling.

Hey! !

When the mountain bursts, everyone is sucking in the air.

Because they suddenly found out that the treasures and secrets of the gods are hidden under this mountain!

The mountain peaks that have faded away reveal the true colors.

Actually two complete gods!

Above the bones of the gods, it seems that there are two narrow oceans floating in the ocean. The power of countless laws in the ocean is spreading. In the center of the ocean, there is a milky white gas floating in the sun...

That is the rule of the sea that belongs to the gods! The law of the sea is so arrogant... is the chaos!

"This is the treasure of the gods!"

The gaze of the goalkeeper suddenly exposed blazing eagerness and greed!

He has been searching for a thousand years, for this treasure of the gods, that chance to achieve the gods!


The treasure of the gods has appeared!

Everyone finally couldn’t help it.

Even if the female corpse has the power of the world, but under the temptation, they are fearless!

Tearing and tearing!

The sound of a broken road resounded.

The blood beast king, the human **** king, are all shots, and go crazy toward the two complete gods!

The fusion of the gods and bones can make the body of the gods, the chaos of gas, and the only chance to achieve the gods!

All of this has a big temptation.

The sword **** Yu Qiu eyes are red!

In front of the treasure, no one can control their emotions.

In the unknown distance.

The cracks on the ground slowly cracked.

The black air is slowly diffusing.

A head of mysterious creatures came out of their heads, their eyes were red, and they locked in the distant scene.

Oh, la la la.

The black airflow condenses.


The void is torn.

The dog lord bears the bones of the gods, and walks out of the catwalk, staring at the dog's eyes and watching everything.

Opposite the dog's lord, one arm was torn from the void.

A figure shrouded in a vain, suspended in the void, staring at the distance, his eyes flashing.

The competition is getting more and more popular.

Numerous powerful men came out and rushed toward the treasure of the day.

Even if it is as strong as the goalkeeper, it is in madness.

At this moment, the female body suspended above the bones of the gods seems quite lonely and lonely.

It seems to be swallowed up by many powerful people at any time.


The female body raised her arm.

Later, slowly opened his eyes.

On the beauty, the eyelids are shaking and slowly open.

The eyes are dark as ink, no white eyes, just like when the initial party saw Xiaoyou for the first time.


The terrible attack blocked the sky, the blood beast king, and the attack of the human **** king instantly fell.



The void was shaking.

In front of the female body.

The void slowly split, and a black-painted ship drove out of it.

At the front end of the lacquered black vessel, a girl in a black dress sat in front of the ship's board and swayed with long, tired legs.

This scene is beyond everyone's expectations.

However, no one cares.

The girl in front of this horrible attack... is like a boat in the sea, and it can be destroyed in an instant.

Female corpse, a boat girl, a crazy animal and people.

Formed a rather eccentric picture.

Luo Sanniang and the summer are like a chicken, they naturally recognize the girl who took the boat.

In the distance, the dog’s mouth licked his mouth and looked awkward.

"The secluded head... is this lost?"

The breath of the body of the step was boiled, and the cords tied with the hair were broken.

His eyes stared at the empty space... The girl who took the boat, the face was very serious.

"Little quiet?!"

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