Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1522: Bite the little quiet [first, ask for a monthly ticket]

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The dark green hair step floats the void and opens up the khaki turtle shell.

The shells are very large, as if they have propped up a world, and the little celestial bodies, even the treasures of the gods behind them, are contained in them.

It is ok to save the little secluded nature, but once it comes to the treasure of the gods, it will attract everyone’s attention and become the goal of all.

Even though, he just unintentionally shrouded the treasure of the day.

The power of destroying the dry pot is beyond everyone's expectations.

Everyone did not think that destroying the dry pot could burst out of such power, extremely horrible, perhaps for the top gods, this is nothing, but if this means comes from a demigod, it is very shocking!

The sword **** Yu Qiu deep has experience, thinking that his Yu Qiu vertical and ancient ruins of the ancient gods for thousands of years, in addition to the Emperor, Xuankong, and the mysterious king of the king list first, basically no one is his enemy of a sword.

But now, he actually ate in the hands of a demigod.

This is not only a matter of the treasure of the gods, but also the third place in his gods list, the honor of the **** of the autumn sword.

The talent of the step is indeed very enchanting, and comprehend the three laws of the universe.

But... this can't be the reason why he blocks himself, and the reason to make himself sullen!

The sword behind it slammed soaring, except for Yu Qiu, Xuan Kong was also shouting.

He is the Eucharist, with the body of the infinitely close to the body of the gods, the strength of the flesh is extremely powerful, and relying on the flesh alone can shake the top blood beast king, his strength, terrible horror!

However, although his body is strong, there is a huge gap in the realm of the gods.

This makes him crazy, he wants to go beyond the limit, he wants to be the first person in the world.

Therefore, anyone who blocks him will die!

Everything has to be avoided!

Even if the first king of the gods list exists here, he will not hesitate to wave his fist!

As for the two top blood beast kings, they didn't think so much.

The ruins of the wild and the colorful ruthless butterflies simply do not think so much. Their goal is to win the treasure of the gods and become the true top.

Be at the top of the food chain of this **** relic!

boom! !

The sword of the sword **** Yu Qiu, the incomparable horror.

Thousands of Jianguang, as if turned into a torrent, vented from the scorpio, the dense swords, such as the Milky Way fall.

The cockroach's cockroaches lie on the turtle shell that shrouds the steps, and wants to completely smash the turtle shell.

In front of his swordless god, the turtle shell in the area... what counted!

His sword can be starred!


The sword is filled with light and finally falls on the turtle shell.

Many of the gods around them stopped the movements in their hands, and everyone showed a strange color.

Half-god, want to fight against the sword **** and boxing holy.

I really don't know how to live and die.

The goalkeeper also sighed, his hands bursting into the air, suddenly turned into a terrorist attack, falling down.

The goal is straight, the steps in the turtle shell.


A terrible explosion broke out.

The glare of the light makes everyone afraid.

The gods are vacated.

far away.

Luo Sanniang and the summer are also deeply inhaled, and Luo Sanniang’s eyes are even more desperate.

She can imagine that the situation facing the step at the moment is absolutely desperate.

Summer is also helpless, for the step-by-step behavior of sending death...

Can only spit out a breath.

Really think that comprehending the three laws of the universe to be strong, can not be lawless?

I have never broken through to become a god, I dare to be so unscrupulous...

boom! ! !

A violent tremor broke out.

The entire remains of the gods seem to be shaking.

The ground is constantly cracking, and many of the creatures in the remains of the gods are horrified.

The superior gods and kings are hand in hand, enough to shatter the stars. If it is not the remains of the gods, even the Xia dynasty gods are afraid to destroy them.


The smoke is spreading.

The sword **** Yu Qiu suspended on the scorpio, holding a sword, his face has an incredible color.

Xuankong is also a blushing face, squinting!

The goalkeeper, many gods, are sucking in the air, only feeling a strange.

The smoke scattered.

The terrible attack energy disappears.

The khaki turtle shell emerged again and was safe and sound.

On the surface of the turtle shell, there is not even any crack path of the turtle, which makes it safe... I don't know what to say.

The demigod's realm, the outbreak of defense, can actually withstand the attack of the four top gods!

This... Is this enchanting?

Comprehend the three laws of the universe, can you really do whatever you want?

"Impossible! It is impossible to block..."

In the eyes of the sword **** Yu Qiu, the shocking color surged. He swayed his head, and his heart seemed to have suffered a huge impact.

That turtle shell, really hard!

Actually resisted his sword!

The point is... not only his sword, but also the boxing of Xuankong and the attack of two blood beasts!

What is this turtle shell?


In the turtle shell.

The step is suspended in the void, showing the position of the chaise, and his eyelids are not able to fight up and down.

When people are old, they just like to sleep.

"You haven't eaten? Just this strength?"

Dark green hair step, said faintly.

Everyone was in a hurry.

So crazy?

Behind the step, the body of Xiao You and the female body suddenly changed.

The dark green hair step in the turtle shell looked at the doubts.


The body of the female corpse began to emit a faint green light, and the light slowly lingered, like a silk thread and a chain, wrapped around the small body.

Xiao You’s eyes are a bit sluggish.

The next moment, the female corpse suddenly burst out of the green brilliance, opened her mouth, and bit the long neck.

In the eyes of the dark green hair step.

The teeth of the female corpse suddenly become sharp, and the long fangs are so terrible.


A little quiet.

The next moment, with a bang, I felt a sting on my neck.


The body of the female corpse fell in the neck of the small secluded neck, and suddenly there was a terrible breath filled.

This breath is extremely strong and very unstable.

Rubbing and rubbing...

In the eyes of everyone.

The body of the female corpse has collapsed, and it is so strong that it can resist the body of the female body of the mysterious body... and start to break into a bubble.

This situation is terrible!

No one thought that there would be such a scene.

How can this female body be broken?

The green energy is slowly flowing.

From the broken body of the female corpse, it permeated, and penetrated into the smear mark that was bitten on the neck of the small neck.

The scent of Xiao You is also the beginning of a rapid increase.

The skyrocketing speed is extremely horrible!

Rumble! !

The dark green hair step snorted.

In his eyes, the breath of Xiao You from the semi-god of the world, suddenly began to speed up, and soon broke through.


"This curse of the inheritance of the goddess... are all so powerful?"

The dark green hair whispered a word.

After that.

The hair is discolored and recolored into black.

The shell of the turtle is gone.

The steps are suspended in the void, frowning and looking at the small secluded distance.

The small scent of the air is floating and sinking, and the more horrible.

It is as if the second female body is awakening.

Is this really a heritage?

There was some doubt in the heart of the step, looking at the toothprint that slowly healed on the neck of the small neck, and a pattern that was formed.

I only felt a bit weird.

What did the female corpse do to the Xiao You?

The small scent is floating.

Later, her black hair began to slowly change, and finally turned into a green.

The green energy is booming in her body.

That is the power of the curse.

A concession is a curse of the heart!

far away.

The sword **** Yu Qiu and Xuan Kong and other people face a sudden change!

"The power of a terrible curse! Is that cursing the goddess awakened?"

Is the female corpse resurrected with this flesh?

That would be the case, the female corpse may be suppressed by the gods, in case of resurrection, the **** treasure also has something to do with them!

"Block her!"

"Kill her!"

The sword **** Yu Qiu and Xuan Kong are bursting out.

The two of them looked at each other and saw the determination in each other's eyes.

next moment.

The two figures suddenly burst out.

They have no space rules and cannot travel through the void in an instant.

However, at their level, the speed of movement is naturally slow.

Jianguang swept 30,000 miles!

Fisting straight into the nine heavens!

The top of the two gods on the list, instantly broke out.

The gatekeepers and others are suspended in the distance. They look at each other and seem to think about it.

There was a determination in the eyes.

Shouting and killing all over the sky, killing toward the small secluded.

They must organize a small change.

"Small secluded is really robbed by the female body?"

The idea of ​​the surging is also surged in the heart of the step.

But soon, the idea was vetoed by the steps.

Because Xiao You's eyes are very clear, although the eyes are flashing through the painful color from time to time.

However, the familiar feeling is still small and undoubtedly...

If this is the case, then stop it again!

Step by step to breathe a sigh of relief.

In the face of a group of strong people who cover the sky.

The keel kitchen knife appeared, facing the many strong.

To fight, fight!

Although he is a chef, he also has a heart that wants Kerry!

The sky is empty.

The dog-in-law did not move with the bones of the gods.

In the dog's eyes, there is light shining.

On the opposite side of him.

A strong man in energy is proud.

Taifei stared at the small secluded light of the green light.

"It is a curse of the goddess! It is the cursing goddess of awakening... The flesh is evolving towards the body of the soul!"

In the eyes of Taifei, the black lacquer shines in the sky.

The heart is full of desire.

As the strongest of the Souls, he needs a strong flesh, and only then can he hit a higher realm and have the opportunity to touch the true mystery of this universe!

At this moment, the temptation of the small body is even beyond the temptation of the flesh of the step!

Longing, unlimited desire!

However, he is not in a hurry to start, they are the soul of the family, the most important thing is patience...

He needs to wait for an opportunity to move, waiting for an opportunity, plundering in one fell swoop!

So many gods, relying on him alone, no.

He must wait for other soul demons to come...

At that time... this ruins of the gods will be the beginning of the awakening of their souls!

Step by step holding the keel kitchen knife.

The breath is constantly rising.

Xuanwu withdrew.

There is no bottom in the heart of the step, I don't know if I can stop the attack of these guys.

After all, he is only a half-god, the basic strength is too low, and he relies on the three laws of the universe to force the combat power.

However, after all, it is still weak.

However, withdrawal is impossible...

Big deal... I will crush the last drop of the gods!

Step by step looking at the pouring attack.

The approaching sword **** Yu Qiu and Xuan Kong made him feel tremendous pressure.

"There is no turtle shell defense... what are you doing!"

The sword **** Yu Qiu looked at the step in front of him, and his anger was unstoppable.

A sword is thrown out, want to directly smash the step into two halves, by the way... will Xiaoyou also smash together!

Xuan Kong also did not want to be outdone, the blood in the flesh roared, and a fist burst out.

The void is broken and turbulent.

Various methods of attacking the gods fell.

Even if the gatekeeper is at this moment, the same is happening.

The genius is right, but the genius against the big trend, there is no pain in killing it!

Everything seems to be quiet, and the steps are inhaling and exhaling.

The gods are surging.

The spiritual entity in the spiritual sea opened its eyes.

The next moment, it is necessary to crush the droplets of the gods.

The last drop... the gods droplets.


Just at the moment when you want to crush it.

A lingering green hand suddenly stood on the shoulders of the steps...

"let me do it……"

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