Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1530: Tenjin Treasure [Second! 】


A roar of resounding sounds, the entire remains of the ancient gods seem to be at this moment, trembled.

The embarrassing light broke out, as if it had become the gathering place of countless powerful people, everyone was locked tightly there.

The position of the treasure of the gods, the formation is broken, and the secret red strips are exposed to everyone's sight.


The strange fluctuations are spreading, that is the power of the laws of the gods, and the complete gods that are finally available!

Taifei was blown up.

It’s beyond the expectations of everyone, and many people are surprised by the strength of today’s dog.

I don't know how far this dog is.

Of course, Taifei has not yet died, turning into black gas and drilling into the ground, fleeing away.

Some people pay attention to this, but they don't have time to chase.

They locked their targets on the treasure of the day.

Compared to the escaped Taifei, everyone pays more attention... or the treasure of the gods.

This is why they came to this world, and now they finally have to touch the true secret of this world.

Like a lotus flower, it glitters.

The beams of the sky are shining into the sky.

The breath of the gods spreads, and people can't help but rise and fall.

God is a very powerful level.

That level is astounding and heart-rending.

In the remains of the ancient gods, the burial gods were once killed, and the gods claimed to be immortal, so many people are puzzled. Where did these gods come from?

Of course, some people think that these gods are from the ancient gods of the ancient gods.

Although the gods are immortal, they are not obscured in the long rivers of the years.

Fighting will still lead to the fall of the gods.

No matter how.

These have nothing to do with the step, he is breathing a little short now, what he has to do is to use the power of the laws that belong to the gods to use the fire, swallowing and burning!

As long as the incineration is successful, his temporary tasks will be completed.

Can get the law, and once again awaken a law of the universe to be strong!

The bird in the fog is also a slight light at this moment.

Obviously, he is also very interested in the treasure of the gods.

Of course, no one is interested in the treasure of the gods.

In particular, there is still a chaotic chaos in the treasure.

That is the foundation of the realization of the gods!

The shape of the dog's body spurted out quickly, and at the moment when the law opened, he flew away toward the treasure. His goal... is chaotic.

He doesn't care about other rules.

The gods have fallen, and those laws are of little use to them.

However, the chaotic gas is different, that is the key to the realization of the realm of the gods!

Only those who get it will have the opportunity to attack the gods.

Missed this opportunity, then I don't know how many years to look for.

In every era, the chaotic universe will have a chaotic gas.

However, the chaotic gas is fleeting, and it is too difficult to get it. It is far from the convenience of this chaos that is close at hand.

Moreover, the chaotic gas that once appeared in the first era is easy to become the object of competition for the great gods.

It is too difficult to win chaos in the hands of gods, gods and gods.

Steps blinked and followed behind the dog.

His goal is different from that of the dog, so there is not much conflict.

The goal of the bird does not know what it is.

Step and the dog are too lazy to pay attention to him.

If the bird is also chaotic, then you can only compete with the dog.

If the bird wants the law... What do ordinary people want to do with the laws of the fallen god?

Steps will definitely not let.


The speed of the step is very fast, and it suddenly bursts out and suddenly gallops.

In the distance.

The hearts of the kings of God were once again hot.

These classes are all treasures of the gods, and many people look at each other.

They all saw the excitement of each other's eyes.

They all came out and joined the army.

For a time, countless powerful blasters rushed into the treasures of the gods.

Their goal is not the power of the law, nor the chaos, but the **** of heaven and the blood of the gods!

These things are the real treasure for them!

The steps are suspended in the sky.

The brow wrinkled and stared at the two **** bones underneath.

That is the **** bone, and it is the complete **** bone.

Once the integration is successful, you can even create the **** of the gods, the kind of soaring strength.

However, the step always felt that the bones of the day were strange.

The gods and phalanx that the two gods and the steps have once received are vastly different and have different breaths.

"No matter... the power to devour the laws of the gods! So many rules... this time should make the fire full."

I thought of the heart of the step.

Afterwards, raise your hand, the index finger and thumb gently rubbed and snorted.

A silver flame suddenly broke out and burned in the palm of the palm of the step.

Give a shot.

The step suddenly popped the flame and flew away toward the dense force of the law.

The power of the law underneath, the lord of nothing, floating in no purpose, created a variety of mysterious colors, dazzling and fascinating.

However, it seems to be dazzling and actually has no eggs for others.

The power of this law cannot be absorbed by the flesh and cannot be the force of the law of their sentiments.

It is not as good as the benefits of the gods and gods!


Sweeping the wind.

The silver fire, the sudden rise of light, began to devour the power of the law.

The power of the laws of the road was drilled into the silver fire, burned and purified by the fire, and the pure energy was poured into the fire.

The fire of God has already swallowed up a lot of rules.

Nowadays, as the rules are swallowed more and more, the power is becoming more powerful.

Of course, because of the strength of the step, the power of the fire can not achieve a qualitative leap.

But... the power is already good.


"Two thousand five hundred..."

The pace is sinking.

Many laws are repeated, and the rules of repetition are not devour.

Therefore, the more it grows behind, the more difficult it is to grow after the gods devour the law.

"Two thousand nine hundred..."

"Three thousand!"

"Well... still up!"

The eyelids of the step are shimmering and the breathing is a little short, and I feel very excited.

Yes, it is excitement.

He can feel the rapid increase of the power of the fire.

In addition to the pace of the harvest, in the distance, others are also madly plundering resources.

The dog is moving toward chaos. He needs the chaos. The goal of the dog’s beginning is chaos.

The gods and kings approached the gods.

Fight against the gods.

After all, no one will think about giving up the gods.

So there will be competition.

God's blood, the gods and bones have become the focus of their contention.


The king of God pulled out a **** bone and suddenly gave a ecstatic laugh.

Full of infinite joy.

Someone got a blood of the gods, without the slightest scruples, opened the cover, and the embarrassing thing was to start to swallow...

Each person has various states and various states.

It seems that there are some distortions and ugliness.

Soon, these are all divided by the gods and kings...

The gods are cluttered to the ground.

Every **** is holding this **** bone, crouching on the ground, and falling into a strange atmosphere.


The fire of God is burning, and the power of countless laws is absorbed.

The step does not know how many laws are absorbed by the current fire.

at last……

The fire is saturated.

No longer absorbed.

Thoroughly turned into a silvery white light, returning to the palm of the palm of the step, like a child who is full of food and drink, quiet and motionless.

"Congratulations to the host to complete the temporary task... Now let's issue the task reward..."

The system resounded the system, serious and serious voice.

The corners of the steps are slightly twisted.

The task is really a complete failure.

However, the step is not anxious to explore the mission reward.

Instead, it falls.

The power of the beautiful laws is absorbed by the steps, and all disappear.

In the field, the rest are those who hold the bones of the gods and drink the blood of the gods and crouch on the ground.

This scene is a bit creepy.

far away.

Xiaoyou suspended the void.

In the summer, Luo Sanniang, Pingyang Wang, and some unconformed strongmen are all pale.

Even if they are stupid, they understand that there is a problem with the gods and the gods.

The dog is approaching the chaos.

The closer you get to the chaotic gas, the more you can feel the terrible power.

That is a breath from chaos.

The dog’s eyes flashed.

Among the three heads, they are all sacred.

Opened his mouth, revealing a sharp dog's teeth and making a shit.

Flying fast.

The chaotic gas floats and sinks, and a chaotic gas seems to crush the void.

But the dog is not afraid.

When he opened his mouth, he rushed toward the chaos, his mouth opened, and he suddenly turned into a shadow.

Instantly bite, suddenly swallowed up the chaotic gas.


Chaos gas continues to collapse around.

The bird did not care about chaos.

He is walking slowly and walking in this treasure of the gods.

He did not pay attention to the law, did not care for the gods, and even did not care about chaos.

He is walking slowly here.

It seems to be looking for something.

No one knows what he is looking for.

Finally, the bird's action stopped.

Standing on the sand, kneeling, reaching out, planing in the sand.

In a short while, the sand was cut out and a soil bag was opened.

The bird grabbed an artifact from the bag.

Pulled it out slowly.

Oh la la...

It seems as if the liquid collision of the majestic sound is ringing.


The step of landing is a color.

Turned his head and looked at the position of the bird.


The bird actually grabbed a jug from the soil bag.

Jade made of jade.

The liquor in the jug is constantly flowing.

"Oh, find it!"

The bird is happy, I can imagine that his face wrapped in fog at the moment is absolutely enjoyable.

He waited for so long, just for this jug.

It seems to have sensed the gaze of the step.

The bird stared at the jug and raised his head toward the step.

"Would you like a cup?"

Birds Road.

Step by step, glanced around, a strange atmosphere, plus the birds who invited to drink at the moment.

Step by step suddenly hesitated.

Drinking in this atmosphere seems to be not very good.


This wine was dug out of the land where the ancient gods buried the bones.

Will there be any problems?

"Don't worry, this wine is fine..."

The bird seems to have expressed his hesitation in the steps and suddenly laughed.

Put your hand on it.

In front of him, there was a table and two chairs.

On the table, two wine glasses were placed.

The bird is holding the jug.

Stretched out his hand and patted it on the jug, and suddenly it roared like a wave of sea waves.

The step did not say anything.

Faceless and negative.

Came to the wine table.

The atmosphere around it was weird, but the steps were to open the chair and sit on it.

Put your hand and push the glass out.

The bird laughed.

A meaningful look at the step.

After that, oh yeah...

The turbid yellow wine was poured out of the jug and poured into the cup of the step, and the wine was still circled in the cup.

The bird is screaming, "This wine... drink a cup, match the gods!"

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