Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 804: Shameful Chu Changsheng

After the washing, the steps went out of his room and walked downstairs. At the intersection, Xiaobai stood in a daze, and after swallowing the sacred bow that Yancheng had, Xiaobai began to daze and evolution. .

After this evolution, Xiaobai’s combat power did not know how much it would be promoted.

But it should be much stronger than before.

Step by step touched the white belly, then stepped into the kitchen, into the kitchen, a golden light is flying quickly, lying on his shoulder.

Small eyes twitched and turned, and there were countless bubbles in his mouth.

Stepped over the head, looked at the small skin, and then the mouth was curled up, touched the head of the small skin, it was the morning cooking training.


In the kitchen, there was a rapid rise in hot air and a scent of scent.

Soon, the steps came out of the kitchen and brought the dishes to the restaurant.

The dog-in-law under the tree of enlightenment, the dog's nose moved, the eyes suddenly opened, and the figure was instantly thrown out. At the table, the dog's paw pressed against the table, spit his tongue, and his face was full of excitement.

The little flower sat on the side of the dog's body and vomited, but was shocked by the sudden movement of the dog.

Opened a beautiful three-flowered snake, full of confusion and coercion.

Suddenly, the small flower's nose was moving, and it was impossible to climb to the table, sit in the position, and wait.

Xiao You also climbed out from the Nether boat, stretching and stretching, the enchanting figure, the small flower that looked at the face was sluggish.

The slender legs were stretched out, and then sat on the table, one hand propped up the chin, and the long, straight hair was scattered, and there was a sense of tranquility in the years.

"Little black drunk ribs, small secluded dragon blood rice." Step by step placed two dishes on the table, pushed to the front of a dog, said lightly.

After that, one person and one dog started to eat and eat.

Xiaohua looked at the two people who were eating the dishes with a dull look. They turned their heads in confusion, and after swallowing their mouths, they looked at the steps.

The step is also a slight glimpse, he seems to forget the little flower this gimmick.

Touching the head of the small flower, the eyebrows were picked and finally turned and entered the kitchen.

In a short while, the scent of the scent rises and a dish is finished.

Out of the kitchen, the dish was placed on the table and pushed to the front of the flower.

The hot air is fascinated, so that the eyes of the flowers are not easy to pick up.

The three-flowered snake of the small flower turned and finally fell on the porcelain plate in front of him.

There are very few dishes in the porcelain plate... there is only a round golden fried bag.

What is this package? Why is it so cute?

"Sea bream bag, very delicious, very suitable for you." Steps touched the head of the small flower, a serious nonsense.

The little flower was a bit stunned, and he ignored the step, grabbed the hot sea bream bag, and was not afraid of hot, and smacked it into his mouth.

The small flower opened its mouth and two sharp little tiger teeth emerged.


Under a bite, the rich scent in the jellyfish bag is diffused, the scent is very rich, and the milky white soup flows out of it.

The small flower nose can not help but shake and open, so sweet...

Let’s go...


The small flower was completely intoxicated. The first time I ate the jellyfish bag, the small flower was deeply attracted.

Just a moment, the whole sea bream bag was cleaned by small flowers, and the little **** even put the oil on the fingers to suck.

After eating, I turned to look at the steps, screaming at the big three-flowered snake.

Her eyes are like talking, saying: Come again.

Of course, there are steps in the steps, and definitely will not come again.

Dog and Xiao You have already been familiar with the stench of the step, although they still want to come back after eating, but the steps are ignored.

The steps were not impressed by the big eyes of Xiaohua Shui Ling.

Just touched each other's head, stretched out a finger, shook, and said no.

You can only eat once a day.

Xiaohua feels aggrieved.

Step by step patted her head, it was walking towards the kitchen, but just two steps, it was the tearful flowers of the two ears to hug the thigh.

Because the small flower is still a colorful scorpio in childhood, she can't talk, but her big eyes with water and spirit seem to be able to speak.

Step by step licked the head of Xiaohua, or silently refused.

Xiaohua suddenly turned back to the dog's side, and fell silently on the body of the dog who was full of sleep.

Chu Changsheng walked downstairs, and the beautiful face was shining in the sunshine.

The silver hair is full of attractive eyes.

The young Chu Changsheng is really handsome and not like words.

"Change the waiter's clothing." The step handed the set of waiter's clothes prepared by the system to Chu Changsheng.

Chu Changsheng's mouth curled up, revealing a soft smile, then went back upstairs and changed clothes.

Going down the stairs again, I still take a look at the bag.

“Today, the restaurant opened, and the target traffic of 1,000 people can be done?” Step by side looks at Chu Changsheng and said.

One thousand business turnover?

Chu Changsheng gave a glimpse of it, and then looked at the strange side of the eccentric, here is the city of Zhu Xian, the place where the most Qianlong mainland has the most food gathering.

There are so many delicious food here, there are so many delicious restaurants, why do diners eat in a restaurant?

Want to reach a thousand people's traffic... It's really a bit difficult.

Therefore, Chu Changsheng licked the silver hair on the hoe, solemnly said: "No."

Looking at Chu Changsheng with no expression on the steps, he seems to have no surprise at all. Why can he say that he can't, as if he had expected it.

Chu Changsheng's good-looking sword eyebrows suddenly picked up, and the breathing suddenly became heavy.

What does the step boss want to do? Why is there a bad feeling in the bottom?

Steps raised his hand and pressed it on Chu’s chest, his mouth slightly twisted.

The pores of Chu Changsheng are all blasted. What do the step bosses want to do? ! This kind of action? ! Is it...


The palm of the step was violently forced, and then Chu Changsheng was introduced to the restaurant and stood at the door of the restaurant.

"Your mission today is to stand here and attract customers..."

The stepping party pushed Chu Changsheng to the door, letting the latter stand in the same place, then turned back to the restaurant, and took out a huge plaque and handed it to Chu Changsheng.

"What?" Chu Changsheng blinked.

"Hold..." The steps are faint.

Chu Changsheng's nose is shaking, and the sorcerer can't be humiliated! Chu Changsheng's gangsters are shaking.

"Come on, look at you."

Step by step looking at Chu Changsheng holding the plaque, took a step back, solemnly raised his hand, pinched his fist, said with a blank expression.

After that, he turned and entered the kitchen.

Chu Changsheng’s beautiful face appeared a sigh of relief. He raised his head and resisted the tears.

The plaque on his chest was written with words that made his nostrils trembling.

“The new store opened a big bargain! There are discounts in the audience!”

“The former Shibuya Grand Elder Chu Changsheng recommended it, and the most delicious restaurant in Shibuya opened today!”

"The former Shibuya elders Chu Changsheng tears on the spot, was convinced by the delicious, bursting clothes and bursting pants of the best food!"


Chu Changsheng felt that he was cheated into the wolf's nest.

He is so arrogant... Before the elders of Shibuya, he was doing such a shameful thing!

Hemp skin!

This pit is better than the step boss. It’s just a waiter...

As the light of the morning light slowly projected down.

There are more and more people flowing on the Long Street in Xianxian City.

The restaurants on the long street are also slowly opening, and the hawkers on both sides of the street are also starting to work.

The appearance of Chu Changsheng, the horror of the shocking people's eyes, many people suddenly attracted.

"Wow! The little brother of Haojun...It’s a bit like the big elders of my family! Just rush to my little brother and go to this restaurant to eat.”

An aunt supported her hands, and when she saw Chu Changsheng, her eyes suddenly brightened.

Many people were attracted by the words on the forehead, and then they saw Chu Changsheng and finally decided to enter the restaurant.

Chu Changsheng did not know whether to cry or laugh.

He has always been a step-by-step person who should be a very serious person.

But whoever wants to play, this guy actually has this means.

Although it is true that the wine is not afraid of the alley, it takes time to settle. The time is not long, the wine is fragrant, and no one will enter it.

But if you add some promotion, such as ... the words of the former Elders of the Valley, recommend it, it will certainly attract a lot of people's interest.

It’s just like a restaurant in the day.

The original restaurant was suddenly hot.

In particular, the opposite side of the restaurant is Fengxuan Pavilion of Mu Orange. There are many people who go to Fengxuan Pavilion for dinner. Some of these people happen to see the promotion in front of the door, so it happens that someone will enter the restaurant...

As long as you enter the restaurant, it will be easy.

The step is very confident. He believes that the quality of his dishes will definitely make the diners linger, and once they want to eat.

Mu Orange's long hair smashed, and walked up to the second floor, leaning against the window, the towering high in the chest, she was drinking with a cup of steaming tea.

Leaning against the window, Mu Orange habitually looks at the restaurant where the boss is located.

From this point of view, the tea that has just been drunk is unstoppable.

What's happening here? !

The man standing at the front door of the door... Why are you so familiar?

Mu Orange has experienced the battle of Liu Jiali, naturally it is known that the long elders of Chu Changsheng came back to life.


After Mu Orange figured it out, he couldn't help but laugh a little, licking his stomach, and his chest was ups and downs and trembled.

"It’s not a step boss, it’s really fun!"

That being the case, if you don’t want to join, it’s really not giving face.

So Mu Orange returned to the room and changed into a gorgeous costume, then took a few people and walked towards the opposite restaurant.

Not just Mu Orange.

When I learned that the restaurant in the step-by-step restaurant was opened, many people couldn’t wait to see it.

The face of the king Ouyang Shenfeng with his apprentices are swarming.

Wen people still poured bamboo wine into the mouth, swaying and walking, saw a figure at the door, the figure raised the plaque to cover his face.

"Good morning, great elders..." Wenren still smiled and shook his bamboo wine, and then stepped into the restaurant.

Chu Changsheng under the plaque was speechless, and why the ghost's face was recognized.

Many people know Chu Changsheng, the battle of the scale jade museum yesterday, so that many people have seen the appearance of Chu Changsheng after the young, people thoroughly admire.

Now Chu Changsheng actually greets the guests personally, they naturally come to the face.

There are more people greeting, and Chu Changsheng is also becoming rude.

He put down the plaque, the Saobao stood in the same place, the eyes were blurred, the silver hair was scattered, and many young fans were shining.

The diners who entered the restaurant... were attracted by the cooking skills of the step boss.

Shibuya is famous.

Thoroughly famous throughout the Wangting Holy Land, many disciples were originally no strangers to Shibuya, and now they are even more eloquent.

There are many disciples in the court of Wang Ting. As many holy places have relaxed the blockade against Shibuya, these disciples who had gone to Shibuya every day to eat and drink are once again active.

Shibuya's transmission array flickered, and a group of people walked out of the transmission array.

They took a step and went straight to Xianchang Street.

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