Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 818: Will it be too high-profile?

The terrible breath in the distance, as if it were like a hot sun, the sun is shining, like tearing the darkness.

There is also a figure, and the whole body is surrounded by a sly atmosphere.

The void is tremble, these strong people come quickly, and the mouth bursts with anger!

One of the eyelids that opened at night was like being covered by a circle of apertures, as if with a terrible wave that could see through everything.

He glanced into the distance and saw the strong guys who came from the gallop. His face suddenly showed a dignified color.

His figure was like a lightly floating leaf, flying to the front of Mossa, with one hand grasping the huge body of Mossa.

Mocha also flew out from the ground, suspended in the void, and fell on the side of the night. There was a sly wound on his back, and the flesh and blood on the wound was creeping.

However, because of the divine energy on the sacred god, Mocha's resilience lost its effect and did not quickly restore the wound.

"Damn... this stinky old woman!"

Mocha wiped out a touch of dark blood from the corner of his mouth, and some were angry.

"Don't make trouble, since the star is not here, we will withdraw. The reinforcements of other holy places have come. I have already felt the temperament of several horrible gods," said the night.

"Well? The efficiency of those guys is very fast!" Mocha's long tongue sticked out, a roll around his mouth, and he said.

At night, Mocha glanced at Mocha. "It is your efficiency is too slow."

Rumble! !

In the distance, a golden figure was torn apart quickly, and the horrible atmosphere made the void tremble.

The nine rounds of the sun are suspended in the void.

This is the martial arts of the Kaiyang Holy Land. There is no doubt that the reinforcements of the Kaiyang Holy Land are coming.

Moreover, it is not the ordinary existence of the Kaiyang Holy Land, but the strongest of the Shengshi level.

The brilliance that is released around the body is to open the darkness.

The cultivation of the sage is stronger than that of the mother-in-law, and the night is the three devils. Naturally, it will not be stupid to stay with the sage!

Although they took the lead in tearing the law of the road and came to the Qianlong continent, they also knew that although the high priest had blinded them to the road, if they were too arrogant, they would still suffer from the suppression of the avenue.

"Remove it first," said the night.

Mossa and Mocha did not speak and agreed.

The shape of the three demons is to rise up and want to retreat in the distance.

However, soon, the eyes of the three demons are a glimpse.

Because, a huge array of law fell from the top of the sky, covering the three demons.

The pressure of terror suddenly broke out, and the three demons felt great pressure.

"Is it really my backyard, is your back garden? Come and go?"

The sound is awkward, and then the figure is slowly falling from the air.

Yuheng Shengshi, the hair of the black hair floating up, the deep light in the light, the hand pinch mark, the air machine blocked.

In the distance, the nine rounds of the sun are approaching, and the horrible atmosphere spreads. The void seems to be burned.

"Hey animals! My brother is coming!!"

The holy place of Kaiyang Holy Land roared.

The night of the night glanced at the audience, and then the corner of his mouth was pulled, slowly showing a sneer.

The one eye that opened was suddenly radiant, and the void was shaking and being torn.

The next moment, the three people stepped into the void and disappeared.

Yuheng Shengshi was shocked and his eyes narrowed. Under his formation, these three devils could actually tear the void and leave? !

damn it!

Kaiyang Shengshi punched in the illusion of the air, nine rounds of the sun, the void will be collapsed!

"Why did you escape?! You are not saying that your formation is there, will they die?!"

Kaiyang Shengshi was angry to the extreme.

Yuheng Shengshi swept his eyes coldly, and then he was swaying and falling, heading for the position where Mo’s mother was.

Among the ruins of the ground, Mo mother was covered in blood and lying on the ground.

Her beautiful face was stained with a little bit of red, and it seemed that I saw pity, her face was very pale.

Yuheng Shengshi fell, and looked at the peerless beauty in front of him.

"Glass..." Yuheng Shengshi looked at Mo's mother.

The familiar face, the familiar and extraordinary style, made him feel the memory.

Mo mother was calm and calm, she was lying on the ground, her hair was spread, and the whole person was staying and staring at the sky.

Looking at the stars every day and night, I have seen countless stars and turns, but it has never been like this moment, so easy to look at the stars.

That is a different kind of mood.

Mo's mother's body is full of anger, and these angers continue to corrode her little life.

"I will save you." Yuheng Shengshi opened the door, stepping forward, raising his hand is the proliferation of formation.

However, he is desperate.

Because no matter what method he uses, it is impossible to dispel the anger that hangs over Mo's mother.

"No need to worry, lived for so long, already tired, and the old body is also a time to rest." Mo mother sat up hard and sat cross-legged.

Her beautiful face began to age with her movements, and the next moment, it became white and gray.

Detonated the fire of God, broken the Shentai, her life has long been left.

All of them are covered with age spots, from the peerless face to the ruined old man, just for a moment.

The disciples of the heavenly sacred place looked at the mother-in-law who was on the verge of death, and all of them felt the infinite sorrow.

Some people burst into tears, and some people burst into tears.

The sorrowful atmosphere haunted the audience.

Kaiyang Shengshi fell, this is a middle-aged man, the eyebrows are filled with masculinity.

He was silent, watching the mother-in-law who was gradually disappearing, and sighed.

Yuheng Sheng Shi turned his hand, and there was a sad color in the calm face.

"Glass, let's go with peace of mind, your hatred, the deity to report."



Sitting in the box in a restaurant, the sun-drenched sacred woman, the cup of the cup was suddenly trembled, and the wine was swaying from it, spilling the table.

"Why is there such a depression in my heart... What happened?"

The celestial saint is somewhat confused. There seems to be a starry sky in her gaze. The next moment, the hand-picked imprint, begins to deduct.

It’s just after the rehearsal, but the heart is shrouded in infinite grief.

The result of the deduction made her whole person sit in a daze.

"Mo mother? Are you leaving?"

Why did her mother, like her granddaughter, die like this?

There are tears in the beautiful eyes of the celestial goddess, and the heart is filled with grief. She stands up fiercely, and she thinks she must return to the heavenly holy land.

However, only a few steps away, it was discovered that at the doorway, a lazy figure leaned against it, holding bamboo wine, swollen nose, blocking her way.

"Mo flow machine... What do you mean? I want to go back to the Holy Land." The celestial goddess looked stagnate and said coldly.

However, beyond her expectations.

Mo flow machine did not give way, but a little sad look turned to the saint.

"His house of the Virgin, is it the mother-in-law?"

Mo flow machine is somewhat sentimental, toasting.

"If it is, then I can't let you leave Shibuya... Because Mo Mopo yells at me, I must let you stay in Shibuya. Only the step boss can help you control the star."

"The Holy Lady's control of the Star Luotian is the only wish of Mo's mother-in-law, so I can't let you leave."

Mo flow machine.

The celestial saint stayed, stepped back and sat in a chair.


Hell Hell.

Above the black pressed Scorpio, with the pressure that makes the heart shrink.

There was a loud roaring sound and the ground trembled fiercely.

There was no expression on the steps, and the position of his foot suddenly cracked open, and the cracks continued, and the gravel collapsed.


A loud beast sounded loudly.

The next moment, the ground under the foot of the step splits, and a huge beast opens its four-mouthed mouth, slamming it down toward the step.

The dense, sharp teeth made people feel a horrible look.

The small black eyes flashed, and the hand was lifted, and there was a sigh of relief.

"The danger of meditation **** is from these fierce beasts that you don't know when they will come out. These fierce beasts are extremely aggressive..." Xiaoyou said.

Suddenly, her eyes stayed.

The woman who was going to take the shot was suddenly in the same place.

A loud dragonfly rang out, Longwei bursts, and the hot high temperature surges.

The heaven and earth Xuanhuo flashed and turned into a fire dragon hovering around the body of the step.

A golden keel kitchen knife appeared in the hands of the step, the keel chopper became bigger, turned into a huge kitchen knife, and was stepped on the shoulder.

The big beast, the beast that attacked the step, was suddenly unable to be suppressed by a dragon.

After that, I fell down.

The beast is smashed for two halves, and the blood is sprayed out.

"Is this the danger you said?" Stepping on the kitchen knife, he looked up in a blank expression and looked at the small quiet in the distance.

The little red lips twitched, faintly snorted and twisted his head.

"Well? The meat of this beast seems to be very good." The stepping eyes turned and fell on the beast that was split into two halves.

The next moment, the kitchen knife became smaller, rotated in his hand, playing a knife and slamming down.

Two pieces of white and tender spirits flew up.

Suspended on the palm of the hand side.

There was a flame on the palm of the hand, and then the two pieces of the beast were wrapped around.


The temperature suddenly climbed, and the flame turned into a dragon snake in the upper body of the spirit beast, and the aura penetrated into the trace of the spirit of the beast.

The original beast that seemed to be somewhat hardened softened.

The steps are bright.

In the system space bag, a jar of seasonings emerges.

Under the control of the step, these seasonings suddenly sprinkled.

In a short while, the two pieces of the beast meat are reddened by the roast, giving off a rich fleshy...

"Can you eat?" The step looks at Xiaoyou.

Xiao Yu looked at him with no expression, and looked at the behemoth that was smashed for two halves, and could not help but grin.

Although this beast is not very strong in hell, but it is also a spirit beast that is equivalent to the five ladders of the soul, how was it made into a barbecue?


Xiaoyou thought about it, but still felt to taste it. After all, the diffuse fragrance in the air was a bit rich.

Later, the two of them grabbed a piece of barbecue and ate while walking towards the Huangquan River.

"Would we be too high-profile?" Step by step, eating a mouth full of oil, hoe, said to Xiao You.

"Have you ever planned to be low-key? Nothing... There is a Pluto, and it doesn't matter if you have a high profile."

Xiao You bite a bite of meat, the golden oil splashed, and the hot air rose from the meat, and the aroma was tangy.

Rumble! !

Suddenly, the ears rang through the roar of the river flowing.

Huge water vapor pavement comes.

In front of the step and Xiaoyou, a huge and huge **** river emerges!

Huang Quanhe, arrived.

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