Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 825: Rolling battle

Shibuya. ????·?k?a book n·

The wind is in the call sign, blowing the gravel that is rolling on the ground.

The wall collapsed and a huge gap was broken. The gravel fell from the gap and fell to the ground, presenting a broken scene.

All around, people have already gone to the sky, and all the people in Shibuya are terrified, fleeing and fleeing to the towers in Shibuya.

As the safest place in the city of Xian, the Diaolou Square has become a place of hope and refuge in the hearts of all Shibuya people.

The guards could not stop the three devils.

The three people who are in the air, the raging powers and the dark clouds, the dark clouds cover the sky, cover everything, the darkness surging in the dark clouds, as if to devour everything.

The three nights stood at the entrance of the city of Xianxian, and looked at the group of ants who wanted to resist.

Moss pouted, and there was a slap in the mouth. He was very excited, at least... there are still a few foods to eat.

For example, a silver-haired teenager, such as a young man with a chest and a drink.

There are also saints who are so beautiful as the immortals, these are the rare delicacies of Moss.

Especially the saint, at first glance, is pink and tender, very delicious.

The night's eyes are indifferently staring at the celestial saint. Is the star Luotian plate on this woman's body?

I hope that Mocha will be reliable this time, don’t make any mistakes...

"Oh... the night boss, that’s right! This time is absolutely right, the star is on the woman!"

Mocha's wings flashed, his body shape danced in the air, and he was very excited.


Mocha moved, and the wings behind him jerked like a tear to the space.

In an instant, he came to the plane of the day.

The void seems to be pierced, and there is a huge hollow.

"Hey... hand over the star of the sky!"

Mocha laughed excitedly, his palms were blue, his nails were sharp, and the sharp nails pointed to the bride's eyebrows.


Mo's eyelids suddenly condensed, and the bamboo tube in his hand was crushed by his palm.

The liquor splashed, and the Moliu machine shot angrily, blocking it in front of the saint and marching toward the Mocha.

A square sarcophagus appeared in the hands of the Moliu machine. The stone sarcophagus was engraved with mysterious lines. These lines were like a net, and they lived in the sarcophagus.

The stone suddenly burst into a sly light, and it was picked up by Mo Mou and smashed toward Mocha.

The stone smashed the sky and the power was able to skyrocket.

Mo flow machine face is very serious, rarely see him so serious, the atmosphere of the whole body is like flowing water, in a slow flow.

There was a white soul ladder on top of his head.

The first step of the soul ladder, the last nine soul ladders issued a brilliance of brilliance, formed together on the soul ladder, ????·?k?a?n?s book h?u·

The breath of the Mo flow machine suddenly became very scary.

There was a shout and roar in his mouth.

Mo mother died, watching Mo’s mother grow up so dead, which makes Mo Moyun all angry, although he has been comforting the saint, but he is more angry than anyone else.

Now that he has seen the culprit, his anger is hard to suppress.

As the most talented young man in the sacred place, he counts the world, but he does not count the limit of Mo mother!

The sarcophagus vacates, and between the rotations, the voids are collapsed.

Mocha is naturally disdainful, and the anger of the Mo flow machine is also very disdainful.

His goal is to be a sacred sacred woman. Naturally, this ants-like guy will not have much heart.

According to the night boss, they have not had much time, and they must quickly destroy or bring back the star.

"Get out!"

The wings behind Mocha were moving, and suddenly there were feathers flying down.

In the hands of the three forks, three forks and a pendulum, crossed the void, hit the stone raft, one move is to return the mighty stone sarcophagus to the bombing like a scrap of iron.

Mocha burst into a burst of water, and the eyes suddenly burst into a strong killing.

Violent like him, for the person who blocks him, there is only one word, kill!

Mo flow machine eyelids slightly shrink, his heart is becoming cold, it is worthy of killing Mo's devil's devil, this strength ... is terrible!

A flashing compass appeared in his hand, and the compass was on top of it.

The array was rotated and blocked in front of him.

boom! !

The three-pronged one hit and slammed on the formation.

The array of law broke down.

Mo flow machine snorted, the nose and nose were overflowing with blood, the whole person was beaten alive and fell in the distance.

Compared with the devil's head, it is not a lot of the flow of the gods.

Even the opponent's random blow can't resist.

Chu Changsheng also saw this scene and took a breath.

He stepped out in one step, and the clothes on his body suddenly burst.

The whole person rushed toward Nachacha.

His body shape also directly became larger in the process of speeding, and the powerful muscles swelled up and swelled. The originally slim figure was suddenly elevated.

It turned into a huge giant with a height of more than three meters.


The double fists were together, and suddenly a roar was launched. The Shentai of Chu Changsheng blossomed and slid down the energy of the road.

The figure is like to break open the space, and Chu Changsheng’s eyes are sharpened.

Mocha did not seem to have expected that Chu Changsheng would have turned into such a huge giant in an instant.

The repressed punch made him slightly surprised.

The trident swayed and blocked the punch.

Mocha’s figure was also flew out of Xu Yuan by the embarrassing.

Mossa saw Chu Changsheng after his transformation, his eyes suddenly brightened, and it seemed that his spirit was coming up in an instant.

"This meat... definitely delicious!!"

Moss exclaimed with excitement, and his body shape slid to the front of Chu Changsheng. A mountain-like punch was smashed toward Chu Changsheng.

Chu Changsheng roared, all of them were screaming of the sound of fried beans, muscles twitching, and the power quickly gathered on the fist.

A punch is also thrown out.

The fists of the two giants collided in the air.

The kind of touch of the fist to the flesh makes everyone's heart a jump.

Chu Changsheng’s eyes shrink and his heart is violently shrinking.

The unmatched feeling that the other party’s fist uploaded, made Chu Changsheng horrified.

This punch, he can't stop it!


Moss's face was full of excitement, and his fist was pressed against Chu Changsheng, and he was directly on the head of Chu Changsheng.

The huge body, flying in the air like a shell, was smashed on the ground, and made a loud noise. The ground was trembled and collapsed deeply.

This scene is enough to see how terrible the punch of Mossa is.

"Weak chicken!"

Mossa stepped on the void, grinned, and laughed ridiculously. His big hand touched the sharp corner of his head and was very excited.

It is rare to encounter a giant, but unfortunately, the strength is really weak.

Moss snorted and the voice was deafening.

The double fists were together, and the figure suddenly rose high, and the rich entanglement wrapped his body.


The figure whizzed down from the void, and the slamming sound fell to the ground.

A gust of air rushed from the ground, causing the ground to crack.

Chu Changsheng made a slap, rushed out of the ground, and double-handedly bombarded the air.

The air was hit and burst, and it was slammed into a terrible air cannon.

These air cannons squatted on Mossa's body, and they burst into flames, but they made Moss back.

"Are you scratching?" Moss grinned.

A palm to the Chu Changsheng is taken.

Mossa, who has once again risen in height, is like a mountain at the moment. The shape of Chu Changsheng, who is three meters high, has become small in front of this mountain.

After a burst of shooting, it is like a mountain peak.

Chu Changsheng raised his fists and propped up this palm.

However, Chu Changsheng’s legs were smashed into the ground.

The blue ribs on the body suddenly came up, and Chu Changsheng’s eyes were almost wide, and his body was actually under this palm, and he was slightly bent.

"Crash you...and then eat you!"

Mossa's eyes are full of light, and Chu Changsheng's strong body is absolutely wonderful.

Although Chu Changsheng is only a half-step spiritual cultivation, his fighting power is no longer weaker than the general spiritual environment.

The body after being improved by the heart is really too strong.

Let Chu Changsheng fight to the next level, it is very easy.

It's a pity... the power of Moss is too horrible and powerful.

Chu Changsheng feels that he is almost suffocating.


The heart's violent beating makes him feel like he is going to burn.

In the distance, the Mo flow machine climbed up from the ruins.

His mouth and nose are all overflowing, and the whole person looks extremely embarrassed, but his eyes are still so sharp.

He walked to the front of the heavenly saint and stopped in front of him.

He gasped in a big mouth and his body trembled slightly.

Mocha's murderous surging, watching the Mo flow machine in front of him, there is a nameless anger in his heart.

"You ant ant... really want to die?! I have to stop me... What do you want to stop me?!"? Trident turned, the next moment was pushed by Mocha, a giant force from there An explosion broke out on the trident.

With a whistling, the Trident is a spur of the swaying Mo flow.

The sharpness of the Trident is flashing in the cold, and it is entwined with the enthusiasm of the sky.

Mo flow machine stared at the trident, and the next moment, the teeth screamed, and the blue veins on the neck were densely covered.

At the foot, the array suddenly flashed and the energy vented.


Thousands of stars glory entangled in the side of the Mo flow machine, a star disk is in the hands of you.

"The heavenly machine is magical!"

The Mo flow machine flew in the air, and the eyes burst into a murderous murder.

Mocha's eyes glanced, "The means of the old woman! You are going to die!"

Tear off!

The trident is above the starlight column in front of the Mo flow machine.

However, above the Scorpio, the fallen stars that are falling down quickly are also bombarded on the body of Mocha, which is escaping.

Mocha hid many fallen stars, but after all, he was stunned and his body was smashed into the ground.

Hey! !

The energy of the stars around the Mo flow machine dissipated, and a large amount of blood was sprayed in the mouth. The back stepped a few steps, and it was straight down to the ground.

He felt the power flying fast from his body.

Mo flow machine looked at the sky covered by dark clouds, and secretly sighed.

He hates this laborious battle most.

If you are dying, you can’t drink a step-by-step wine from the boss. It’s a regrettable death!

Suddenly, a soft palm held his fallen body and slowly lowered it, making him lie flat on the ground.

The white veil fluttered past, and the face of the Mo flow machine was full of blood, so that the whole person was awkward and sluggish.

The boundless darkness above the scorpion swallowed and rushed toward the valley.

In the void, Mocha was released and held his hands, holding a trident, and his anger rose.

The heavenly saint's white veil flutters, three thousand blue silk rolls, facing the three devils.

From the direction of the tower, there was a whistling sound.

A golden figure quickly broke through.

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