Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 837: This king's spicy bar... it’s up to you.

The vertical eyes on the forehead of the night suddenly smashed and smashed open, and turned into a space crack. From the crack, there were actually claws sticking out, like a horrible existence crawling out of it.

The sound of laughter in the night has not been dispersed, but the body of the night has been torn.

The body split for two halves, and his laughter suddenly stopped, and the next moment, turned into a horrible snoring.

Everyone in Shibuya was trembled, and everyone took a breath.

The horrible picture made everyone feel incredible, they have never seen such a horrible picture.

When a person splits, it is turned into a crack, and a more terrifying existence climbs out of the crack.

The dog squatted on the ground, faintly raised the dog's eyes, and glanced at the horrible existence that climbed out of the crack in the night. The dog's mouth twitched and faintly snorted.

As if for the horror that is about to climb out of the crack, there is no slight concern, and there is even a slight disdain.

The face of Pluto Erha is a bit gloomy, and the black hair is fluttering in the air, slamming in the void.

He spit out a sigh of relief and pulled out a spicy strip, his mouth open and biting.

He held his hand and stood in the void, and the crack appeared in his not far away, and then slowly torn.

Pluto Erha is now a little angry in the heart, because the night of the night actually played him, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

He now wants to see what kind of tricks he wants to play at night. As the lord of the ruins, Pluto has his pride.

No matter what guys appear, they have to bear his terrorist bombardment.


Today's Qianlong continent, the law of the road seems to have begun to collapse, because the original good road rule began to appear in the gap after the destruction of the star and the sky, some strong people began to continue bombardment with the gap, to the potential dragon The law of the mainland's avenues was completely torn.

Originally, the avenue law of Qianlong’s mainland was not very strong. Nowadays... there is a gap, and it is even weaker.

咔 Wipe.

The void was torn apart.

Later, a huge monster climbed out of it.

The monster's body is navy, the body is like a violent lion, the lion has an opening in his head, and there is a drop of eyeball in his mouth.

After the three-eyed magic lion was drilled out of the crack, standing proudly in the void, the claws slammed in the air, making the air tremble and collapse.


The sound of the griffin resounded around.

Everyone feels a tremor in their hearts.

This gryphon is like a shackle in their hearts, so that each of them is soft and trembling.

The terrible gryphon, the pressure in the gryphon, like a hill-like boulders, pressed in their hearts, making them almost breathless.

"The sorcerer's eye-sharp family... Three-eyed lions? What are the spirits of the heavenly emptiness?"

Pluto erha looked at this mad lion, holding a spicy strip, and his face was light and unintentional.

"Since it is a three-eyed lion, should it naturally follow the strong eye of the magic eye?"?

The prince looked cold and icy.

Because of the night of the night, Pluto Erha did not have any good feelings for the entire family of the eyes.

Sure enough, behind the three-eyed lion, there was a figure slowly coming out of the crack. The figure was wearing a black lacquered armor with two sharp corners on the top of the head.

Powerful, horrible, this is the first impression everyone has on this figure.

However, the King of the Kings, etc., did not care about this figure.

When the figure came out, it was riding on the three-eyed lion. The navy lion was very terrible, and it was a threat to the whole world.

"I finally waited... The star of the sky is broken, and there is a shortage of Qianlong's mainland road... No one can stop us from the market!"

The strong man sneered and opened his mouth. The next moment, his gaze was to glance at the audience.

At first glance, it was on the body of the nearest prince, Erha.

The night is dead, and the strong knows that he feels a little pity. After all, the night is also a very talented younger generation in their eyes.

"Who is killing the genius of my demon eyes... I am rolling over... I am dead!"

Riding on the three-eyed lion, the strongman is in the air, and said coldly.

Pluto looked happily, and there was a spicy strip on the corner of his mouth, revealing a sinister smile. The smile made the strong feel a little hairy and weird.


The remnant of the night floats out of the broken body.

Suspended on the side of the strong man.

The strong one was slightly happy, and the remnant of the night had not yet dispersed, burning the magic lines, and the soul should be burned and burned out.

But as long as the remnant is still there, you will have the opportunity to be born again.

With the level of their jail, there is still a chance to do it.

The night was stupid, and suddenly, he widened his eyes because he saw the three-eyed lion and the strong eye of the demon eye.

However, the night was terrified. He glanced at the distant King of the West, and he saw the suffocation in the eyes of Pluto.

He used to play Pluto, and took the opportunity to destroy the star-studded universe. Pluto is absolutely angry in the heart, the majesty of the giant can not be violated, let alone the play, and the lord of the ruins actually appeared in the Qianlong continent.

This news must be told to adults.

At night, the night was full of horror and opened his mouth, looking at the strong man of the demon eye, wanting to tell something.

However, Pluto is just picking up the hot strips, and raising his hand to the night of the night is a bit.

An invisible wave spreads out, making the night of the night's wreckage in place, unable to move, and no information can be emitted.

"You guys played the king... Don't talk, the king sent you to hell, good... reincarnation."? Pluto said faintly.

The next moment, his body screamed a terrible power.

In the horror of the night, tearing the void behind the night, the terrible suction came from the void, and suddenly the soul of the night was sucked into it.

I struggled at night, but I couldn’t move.

The void is closed, and the remnant of the night is completely gone...

The so-called reincarnation, I don't know what kind of torture, at least, the night... very fearful.

The strong man of the Devil Eyes did not think that the Pluto Erha would dare to be fierce in front of him.

He was riding a three-eyed lion, and the man actually dared to continue, and the sudden crack of the void made him somewhat unexpected.

The souls are swallowed up, and that means that this night is really going to die.

No one is saved.

The genius of a demon eye is thus falling in front of his eyes, and the strong of the demon eye is more and more angry.

The two vertical eyes on his forehead opened, revealing the brilliance of the hustle and bustle.

"You... **** it!"

At night, the night seemed to want to say something to him. However, if the night was not finished, it was interrupted by the guy in front of him. The magic eye group who did not hear it was angry.


The Devil Eyes strong foot on the three-eyed lion.

Suddenly, the three-eyed lion screamed and the body slammed in the void, and it quickly rushed toward the dynasty.

Open your mouth, it is a beast that is full of pressure, and the snoring is deafening, making people feel tremble.

Pluto looked indifferently, his light was cold, his face was stunned.

The magic eye family... Hey!

The body was shocked.

Behind Pluto Erha, a huge virtual shadow suddenly emerges, and the virtual shadow is very large, up to ten feet, is the real demon **** virtual shadow. Just the pressure, it is to make the strong body of the magic eye family a stiff.

The three-eyed lion was originally fierce, and in a moment it was turned into a soft kitten, and it was in the void.

That pressure made him... not afraid to move.

what's the situation?

The strong eye of the magic eye family stayed.

What is this special?

Isn't this the Qianlong continent? Why is this happening?

Pluto looked indifferently, and the next moment, raised his hand, and slowly took a picture.

The gloom of Haotian was entangled, and soon it was turned into a giant palm of the sky, crushing the strong eye of the magic eye.

boom! !

The horror and unwillingness of the strong eyes of the magic eye family, in the face of the raging glory of the king, there is no way to resist.

A loud noise.

It was under the palm of the dynasty, and it was turned into ash.

The three-eyed lion screamed on the ground and did not dare to move. The previous brave appearance had disappeared.

This Devil Eyes strongman was originally the back hand of the Devil's Eye High Priest. In the case of the Moss three people who lost their hands, they could summon and destroy the existence of the Star.

As long as the night is dead, it will be summoned.

I am afraid that even the high priest himself did not think of his arrangement, but the result was a double kill.

Pluto slowly pacing, with a spicy strip in his mouth, came to the side of the three-eyed lion.

Raise his hand, gently patted it, looked at the look of the three-eyed lion, and grinned.

"Little lion, little lion, this king has no spicy strips to eat... I can only see you."

The three-eyed lion was so frightened that the lion's hair was dried up and photographed on the body.

The wind blew, blowing the hair of Pluto, and a gentle smile was on the face of Pluto, smiling and touching the lion's head.

The night is dead.

This catastrophe in Shibuya seems to have ended again, and Shibuya is safely preserved.

Everyone looked at the dark clouds scattered on the sky and looked at the slow-casting sun. The faces all showed a smile that was relieved, although everyone felt that today's Scorpio seems a little different.

The brows of the brows were slightly wrinkled, and the demon of the demon eye was stunned by the angry Pluto, and there was no reaction time, but the steps did not control those.

His gaze fell on the distant heavenly saint, which is Ni Yan's body.

Slowly took a step and came to Ni Yan's side.

Xiaobai’s eyes flickered and he followed behind the steps.

Ni Yan's face is white, and the blood in his mouth is flowing down. The whole person looks very wilting, and the breath seems to be weak at a rapid speed, and the vitality is passing.

If it is not the flash of stars shining from time to time on the body, the goddess Ni Yan may have already died.

"It's actually you..."

The gaze of the step was somewhat complicated, and he did not expect to be an acquaintance of the Qingfeng Empire.

"System... Does she still have a fight?" Steps frowned, and asked the system secretly.

I didn't reply immediately. After the system was silent for half a time, it was a serious and serious voice.

"I can't judge, but I can die.... By personal will, life is infinite, death is... there is nothing to say."

System track.

The step is suddenly speechless, which is the same as saying nothing.

Based on the fact that they are all acquaintances, the stepper also wants to find a way to save Ni Yan, but the system does not seem to intend to provide this method.

"The pace is young and young..."?

A call.

Pluto Erha rides a huge three-eyed lion from the sky.

He looked at the steps with a smile and patted the huge three-eyed lion around him. He said: "There is a small young man, you see what the king brought to you, and the best ingredients..."

Step by step, squinting at Pluto, the light is faint, watching the more common hair of the Pluto...

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