Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 846: Pluto

"I took the liberty to interrupt, saying that the store can't keep Ni Yan... Who gave you courage?"

Step by step, said this sentence without expression, this sentence questioned the words of the heavenly master.

Everyone did not think that the step would actually export the rebuttal. Is it true that the heavenly priest said something wrong?

The disciples around the celestial sacred places are all inevitably looking at the steps.

The celestial division is also a slight bun, blinking, holding hands, faintly looking at the steps.

"Before Mother-in-law is deducing that the store can protect the Highness of the Virgin, but... the end result is that the star-studded sky is broken, the holy woman is seriously injured... Step boss, not the deity does not believe you, but... Today's saints can't be lost."

The celestial priest looked at the step and continued.

Step by step, waving his hand, did not believe that this set of rhetoric.

"You can rest assured that I can tell you very well that no place is safer than my restaurant, even if it is a holy place...not, don't believe, you can try."

"Ni Yan doesn't want to go, then she stays here."

Ni Yan listened to the steps of the party, suddenly grinning, and sure enough, the boss is enough loyalty.

Ni Yan, who is happy, raised his hand, and took a picture on the shoulder of the step. The figure of the step was a slam.

A sharp pain came, and the concession turned his head and looked at it.

This woman... is it sick? !

Want to slap him to death?

"No...sorry...power is a little..."

Ni Yan is a little embarrassed, she does not seem to think how much strength on her arm will become so big.

"I said that Ni Yan is no longer an ordinary person. She has integrated the Star Luotian dial. Do you know what the Star Luotian dial means? That is the power of the Qianlong mainland to connect the heavens." Not the power of mortals!"

"If she can control the power perfectly, her cultivation will skyrocket to an incredible level, she will become the supreme existence of the entire Qianlong continent! Control the existence of Qianlong Tiandao! But now she I can't control it."

There is a touch of excitement in the eyes of the celestial priest.

"What about that? Why do you say that I can't keep Ni Yan?"

After listening to the celestial sect, I said a lot, and the pace is still concerned about this. The high tone of this guy makes him very unhappy.

The celestial division is naturally aware of the mystery of this restaurant.

The dog who was screaming in the distance, he couldn’t see through. With this dog, it would be easy to protect Ni Yan.


That dog is a martyr!

Nowadays, the martyrdom of the martial arts is going to attack the Qianlong mainland. The celestial priest is relieved to let the martial arts soul protect the Ni Yan?

This is simply a joke about the future of the mainland, he can't do it.

"Step boss, do you know if you insist on the consequences of the chanting of the Virgin? All the martial arts who are pouring into the Qianlong mainland will kill Ni Yan as the main target. Your restaurant will face a steady stream of ruins. The assassination of the soul, and the presence of the assassination will become stronger and stronger."

The celestial priest stared at the gaze of the step.

"What about that? Why do you say that I can't protect Ni Yan?"

The step is still said with a blank expression.

Mo Tianji feels that he is almost going crazy. This guy... How is it as stinky and hard as the squat?

How can he not understand his own words? !

"What is your restaurant protecting Ni Yan? That dog? You know... the dog is a martyr!"

The celestial division is cold and cold.

No matter what, he must take Ni Yan away today, even if it is hands-on, he has to take Ni Yan away.

He really wants to see this dog well.

When Pluto was no longer happy, he was ignored. Why did this guy only see the fur dog and ignore him?

He can also protect women for spicy strips!

He is also the guardian of the backbone of the store!

"You are a young man who is really unreasonable. People and sisters say that they will not go back with you. Are you still awkward? The martial arts are stunned. Do you think that every martyr is a rare land?"

Pluto tilted his legs and leaned against the chair, faintly looking at the celestial division.

Ziyun is on one side, beautiful eyes are big, my brother, this is the celestial division, his father is very jealous of existence, can you be a little polite when you speak?

Don't take a bite a little young...

"And, how many young people know that the ruins are vast?"

Pluto's scornful tone made the heavenly priest suddenly frown.

How big is the ruins, many people don't know, even if he is a celestial priest, he only saw a little above the ancient books, and he did not see it personally.

However, the star-roof is related to the future of the Qianlong continent. How can he leave it in a dangerous area because of the one-sided words of a martyr?

"No matter what... I must take the saint today! Who dares to stop me?!"?

The celestial priest is not nonsense, and the robes on the body are automatically raised without the wind. Since the reason is useless, then the fist must be used.

Whose fist is big, who is the truth!

The power of the scorpion radiated from the body of the celestial division. The power of the sacred place made the sacred disciples all tremble, and some people couldn’t stand it and quit the restaurant.

The steps frowned and looked at the sacred sacred sorcerer on the body.

It seems that the other party is going to start...

That's it... It's time for this guy to understand how terrible the defense of the store is!

"Small ha, three hot strips, for you to throw him out..."

Step by step took a deep breath, and finally turned his head to look at the meditation of the evil spirits of the dynasty.

The eyes of Pluto Erha are slightly bright, three spicy strips? !

Hehe, I didn’t think that this little young is worth three spicy strips, and the white strips of spicy strips should not be white!

Without hesitation, Pluto raised his hand and gave a thumb to the step and pulled his lips.

"The steps are young and young, speak and count."

No one pays attention to the movements of Pluto.

But everyone heard the words of the steps.

Throw out the sage master?

That is the sage master, not a cat! Where does the restaurant owner’s courage come to let the arrogant young man glory the sage?

Really think that the Holy Master is as weak as them?

Mo Tianji laughed, and the behavior of the step was really annoyed.

Really no one dares to insult him so much, and throw it out... It’s really arrogant!

boom! !

Only in an instant, Mo Tianji is not restraining the breath on him, and the horrible atmosphere suddenly overflows and fluctuates.

Step by step blinked, took a deep breath, this Mo Tianji's breath is really powerful and terrible.


Step by step has confidence in Pluto.

Under the tree of enlightenment, the dog-in-law also opened the dog's eyes and looked at the scene with a taste.

Xiao You is holding a sour plum soup in a small mouth and squatting.

Pluto smiled and twisted his head back, and got the confirmation from the steps. Pluto suddenly got excited.

Three hot bars... Hey, it’s really not a low deal!

That being the case, then this disregards your own guys and throws them out.

"Little young optimistic, this trick is called ... Pluto 扒 扒!"

Tsang Erha said to the heavenly master.

The next moment, leaning against the chair, one finger is pointing to the Mo Tianji.


Mo Tianji is furious!

This guy... is going to defeat yourself with one finger? !

A little bit of starburst appeared around the body of the Motian machine, and the breath on the body of the Motian became more and more dusty, and the more terrible.

A star disk came into his hands, and the stars in the chart flowed.

A beam of light blooms around his body.

"Apocalypse, exorcism!"?

Mo Tian's body shape vacated, the robe hunted, and the sound of slaps was full.

He raised his hand, and gently pushed forward toward the front. The pressure of the heavens and the earth was suddenly tightened, and it turned into a thousand megaliths.

Pluto is leaning against the chair, his eyes are solid, and the smile on his face gradually disappears.

Rub and rub!

Mo Tianji’s blockade of the void collapsed.

Under one finger, the void collapsed.

In the air, the darkness of the darkness condenses into a finger pointing toward the front.

The lines on the fingers are so obvious.

boom! !

The star plate flew out and was in the same direction as Pluto.

Suddenly a sharp collision occurred.

"The arrogance is extreme! The sage master is supreme! Is it that the robes are smashed?!"

"I still want to slap the attire of the sage master! That is the sage master!"

"Sit and see this guy crushed by the Holy Master!"


The disciples around the Holy Land are full of fanaticism.

The cult of the sage is second in the Holy Land, weaker than the Lord, but not weaker than others.

The astral and the entangled fingers collide together.

The collision is silent.

The sacred astrolabe's astrolabe was faint in the moment, and under this finger, the starlight slowly dispersed, and a cracking sound rang, and the ruins were covered with cracks.

After all, I still haven’t resisted that Pluto’s finger...

The eyes of Mo Tianji shrank, and he did not think that his own astrolabe would actually collapse!

He looked up at the young man.

The eyes of the young man are as deep as a starry sky, innocent, and the breath of the body is so full that the heart of Mo Tianji is shrinking.

He saw... saw the horror of this young man!

boom! !

The astrolabe collapsed, and the entangled finger was also a quick point, and it was in the eyebrows of Pluto.

Between the square inches, advance and retreat is not allowed.

Mo Tianji grabbed his breath and stared at the finger.


The eyes of Mo Tianji once again shrank.

Everyone feels that there is a flower in front of them, and thousands of figures come out. Pluto Erha appears on the side of Mo Tianji.

Raise your hand and put it on the shoulder of Mo Tianji.

"Now young, really naughty, in the hands of the king... still want to struggle?"?

Quite a... a bomb.

Pointed at the eyebrows of Mo Tianji.

next moment!

Tearing a crack!

Everyone's eyes narrowed, and they were shocked and stunned!

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