Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 873: a dish in the palace

The shaking of the chain was unexpected.

Step by step did not think of it, obviously there is no one above the chain but there will be a sudden appearance.

The man seems to be trying to stop him from boarding the bronze palace.

The steps frowned and looked straight at the figure that fell on the chain.

The chain is shaking violently, and the tremor is very fierce, as if it accidentally falls to the bottom of the **** big lake.

The man was wrapped in a black robe, his black robe was broken, and some years old, the clothes were even more broken, and looked very old.

The other's head was wrapped in a black robe, and the figure of the figure could not be seen at all.


The figure raised his head and made a creepy laugh.

It seems to be full of points.

This laughing and laughing step is very uncomfortable.

Don't want me to go to the bronze palace? Is there anything in the palace that is to be guarded by the figure?

Step by step.

I looked at the figure deeply, and the next moment, he raised his hand.

Steadily step on the chain.

The step took a deep breath and raised his hand to make a forward throw.

Power, throw.

"Crayfish! It's you!"? Step by step, a light drink, then, with a wave of hand, take a bundle of blood lobster from the system space bag, and untie the string above the blood lobster.

A red light crossed the void.

The figure was a slight glimpse.

Looking up, the scarlet eyes were stagnation.

The next moment, the dawn of the dawn...

What the hell? !

In the air, a blood lobster came out of the claws, and the two sharp tongs exude a cold, very sharp.

Rub and rub!

The blood lobster quickly fell down and landed on the chain.

Da da da!

The calf crawled and the blood lobster swiftly flew toward the figure wrapped in the broken black robe.

Very fast.

The figure was somewhat unexpected, and I did not expect that the step would actually use this method to deal with him.

Standing at the end of the chain, how terrible it is to boil over the spirit sea, in this case, this guy actually thinks of using blood lobster to deal with him...

This guy... a little bit interesting!

However, a blood lobster in the area...

The figure smiled coldly.

Then the hand was lifted up, and the blood lobster was caught in the blink of an eye. The technique was similar to the method of catching the shrimp.

The step is also a slight glimpse.

How can he grasp the blood lobster, but the difference is the same.

Is the other party a chef? !

There is a chef in this place... this is a bit of a sense.

After all, there is a strong vegetable fragrance in this bronze palace.

The white and the konjac man looked awkward.

The two slowly walked on the chain, and in their perspective, there were no other people around, quiet.


Just as they were halfway through, the spiritual sea in their minds was almost blasted.

A **** lobster with a claw and a claw appeared in the void.

The whites almost didn't get scared and the legs were soft.

There was nothing in front of it, and suddenly a blood lobster appeared...

Who is this scared? !


The white man and the konjac man did not say anything, and crouched down, hugged the huge chain and trembled.

The other party's means are unexpected.

It is so easy to catch blood lobsters.

It seems that the other party... is a bit unfathomable.

Step by step blinked.

Afterwards, without saying anything, the brush brushed out three blood lobsters.

Three blood lobsters were continuously thrown away at the distant figure.

The figure was also slightly staying...

Later, it seems that there is a bit of sorrow and sorrow. After a turn, it is back on the black ancient ship.


The two blood lobsters lost their support and fell into the lake.

The remaining one may be the reason for the stepping of the step, a pliers actually caught the chain of the next white.

The chain suddenly swayed.

I saw the black robe silhouette fleeing.

Step by step is too lazy to chase, his current mind because of the pain of boiling, let him keep his eyebrows.

As for the other blood lobster hanging on the chain, the step is too lazy to pay attention.

Turn around and walk slowly.

In a short while, the convenience is to set foot on the bronze palace...

I can't say that I arrived at the bronze palace.

The place where the footsteps are stepped is a layer of bronze stairs. When you walk to the top of the ladder, there is still some distance from the bronze palace.

It's like a small land made of bronze.

On this small land, a magnificent bronze palace was established.

Stepping on the bronze floor, the face of the step suddenly showed a wrong color.

He turned to look at the chain in the distance, where there was a crying noise.

The white is holding the chain tightly, and a face is to be twisted. On the chain behind him, a blood lobster slowly climbs up and stabilizes on the chain.

The steady blood lobster eyes suddenly stared at the distant white, the calf crawling, swaying on the chain and climbing towards the white.

Hemp skin!

I really want to cry, "Big brother... you don't come over! It's all shrimp, why bother it?"

The blood lobster straight and the eyes are slid and turn, and continue to move forward, the big pliers waved.

The white body shook and swayed from side to side, making the chain more and more violent.

He wants to smash the blood lobster down the chain.

When I saw this scene, I felt a little funny...

I can't smile.

I remembered the arrogance of the former white standing on the cliff, I am afraid that the valley is a darkness of life for a lifetime.

Step by step turned to look at the side.

There, the big man of the konjac was very safe, and almost arrived at the bronze ladder.

In this regard, the corner of the mouth of the step can not help but reveal a touch of curvature.

The white and the konjac can't see the steps, it seems to have entered a mysterious environment.

Step by step, and then took out a bundle of strong blood lobster from the system space bag.

Untie the string above the blood lobster.

The next moment, the blood lobster was thrown over the chain, close to the konjac man...

Konjac was very excited in his heart, because he was about to arrive at the bronze ladder. As soon as he arrived, it meant that he had to unlock the secret.

He was very excited because he had an instinct that the things that the hunters of the hunters had been looking for seemed to be in this bronze palace!

As long as he unlocks this secret, his position in the konjac, or the status in the sect, will reach a very lofty level!

The excitement in his heart is almost bursting out.

He struggled to move forward, no matter how fierce the boiling of the spirit sea is still unable to stop his progress.


The konjac dad stayed.

The pupil is tightening at a speed visible to the naked eye...

The next moment, the creeps are stunned.

Above the scorpio, a blood lobster emerged suddenly, and the blood lobster fell through a curve and fell toward his figure.

The slamming sound was dropped not far from him.

The blood lobster vomited a bubble in the mouth, and the gaze was locked in the shape of the konjac.

The next moment, the rapid climb to the big man, the speed is very fast.

Later, on the chain, there was another person who cried with chains.

Looking at this funny scene, the corner of the mouth could not help but pull.

Ignore the final outcome of the two, and turned and climbed over the bronze ladder.

Stepping on the bronze ladder, the boiling of the spirit sea is also stopped, and the pace of the steps seems to have gained a little improvement.

This is good news.

Climbing up the bronze ladder, in the distance is the winding bronze palace, the palace made awesome work, very fine.

Whether it is the dense and mysterious lines carved in the palace, or the style of the palace, it is particularly dazzling.

The last time I didn't take a good look at the palace, this time, I can take a good look at it.

Carrying the hand and carrying it towards the bronze palace is gone.

Black ancient ship.

The door panel is open.

A figure wrapped in a black robe climbed out of it and leaped over the chain.

A heavy gasp, the figure in the black robe, flying fast, galloping over the chain, and suddenly stepped on the bronze ladder.

Stepping on the bronze ladder, the mind of this person is trembled.

It seems to be thinking of something terrible.

However, looking at the back of the step, the figure of the scarlet eyes brightened and kept up.

The steps slowly proceeded, and the bronze palace was getting closer and closer, and the picture in front of the palace was also presented to him.

Looking at the picture in front of the palace, his eyes suddenly stagnate...some dignified.

Because he found that the figure that he had seen before... it was actually kneeling in front of the bronze door, motionless!

The air is full of rich vegetable aroma, and the flavor of the dish is plunged into the nose of the step, so that the blood in the step seems to be boiling and hot.

This feeling, the step has never been felt.

Crossing the figure, the convenience is to look at the source of the fragrance.

There, a dish that exudes warm and radiant brilliance is quietly placed on the ground.

One person crouched outside the door, and a dish in the door was placed on the ground...

This scene makes people feel very surprised.


Breezy Empire.

Square in front of the store.

Ouyang Xiaoyi and Xiao Xiaolong’s faces all showed the color of fear.

The demon has once again invaded. This time, the step boss is not... Who can help them?

In the eyes of Ouyang Xiaoyi, there is even a sense of despair.

Is this really a catastrophe?

The little skin is on the shoulders of Xiao You.

Xiao You raised his hand and touched the head of Xiaopi. The next moment, her toes smudged on the ground, and the figure suddenly flew up.

The Nether Ship emerged, and Xiao You stepped on the Nether Ship, and his body shape was galloping toward the emperor.

Ouyang Xiaoyi and Xiao Xiaolong glanced at the little skin that had left on Xiao’s shoulder. They seemed to think of something, and they looked at each other and ran outside the city.

Above the wall, all the guards were the horror of the face. They trembled and fell on the wall, completely daring to move.

In the distance, the air is coming from the sky.

A group of demons are constantly approaching, and the horrible atmosphere makes them feel tremble.

Luohe lost his hands, but he was full of anger.

This time, he brought a strong man with a big virtual level, and must tear the **** cook thoroughly!

Actually dare to use their konjac people as ingredients.

This humble human, sin must die! !

In front of him, it is the illusion of a konjac, the horror of breath.

A fist banged out, and the fist slammed fiercely, which shattered the wall of the hustle and bustle.

The humans on the wall are all horrified.

This scene makes the heart of the river very incomparable, and the pain of losing the double forceps is also covered up.

"Kill! Kill them! And the cook, Lao Tzu wants to bite his flesh and blood in one bite!" The unscrupulous destruction of the big vain is also a little excitement.

Stepping out, the figure appears like a lightning bolt on the wall.

He opened his mouth and laughed.

The air is rising into the sky, like tearing the sky.

All the human beings in the city are trembled and crouched on the ground...

This supreme invincible feeling makes this konjac's great imaginary enjoyment.

"What is the prestige of a big scorpion in the district? The face of the martyrdom is lost by you..."


In the void, there was a cold sound that exploded.

The next moment, a golden light is now!

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