Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 875: Domineering

A golden light is coming.

The great emptiness of the konjac who stood on the wall and made a loud laugh, suddenly felt a tremor, and was slammed by a huge force. The figure was turned directly from the wall.

Kneeling on the ground, and plowing a ditch on the ground, the smoke is rolling.

A cold voice resounded above the scorpio, and the next moment, a dark, ink-filled secluded ship swayed out of the sky.

The golden light flashed and landed on the shoulders of the graceful figure standing on the front of the Nether Ship.

The little slinky wears a long black dress, the face is cold, arrogant and frosty, and the indifference scans the audience.

On the small skin, the golden light has not been exhausted, and it is on the shoulders of Xiao You, and the dripping eyes are turning.

Above the wall, all the breeze empire guards were shocked.

In the army, Ji Chengxue looked up at the small secluded day on that day, and his face was shocked and blurred.

"Is this the fairy to come to save us the Qingfeng Empire?"

There is an excitement in the eyes of Ji Chengxue.

Many people are crouching on the ground and continually bowing.


The gravel collapsed.

The next moment, a figure rises into the sky, and the horrible atmosphere continues to burst into his body.

The sorcerer’s big savvy eyes reveal the color of anger.

He was actually beaten by people, when he was under the pressure of the world!

Who is this dare to fly him at this time?

The sorcerer's strong man's face was stunned and looked at the secluded ship suspended in the empty wall of the Qing Dynasty. The horrible glory was boiling.

His eyes suddenly shrank.

"Nether woman?!"

Looking at him with a small faint look, no expression.

The people like Luohe were also slightly shocked. The people who appeared on the Scorpio were not others. It was the cursed Nethered Woman who was quite famous in the ruins.

It is not that the strength of the Nethered Woman is strong, but the legendary Nethered Woman is exiled by the curse of the top presence in the ruins.

But how can this woman appear here?

Shouldn't he still be lost in the secret?

"A cursed Nether woman in the district... Do you want to save this ignorant ants? Who is throwing the face of the ruins?"

The sinisters of the konjac chilled and screamed, and the next moment, the energy fluctuations on the body spread out.

The roaring sound is thorough.

His figure is like a galloping arrow, and it is very fast.

I passed through the sky.

boom! !

The horror of the horror turned into a sly konjac against the small sing.

However, when it was close to a small area, it was blocked by a mysterious force, and it could not advance.

"You are also qualified to dare to talk to me like this? Even if the devil of your konjac is coming... I dare not talk to me like this." Xiao You said coldly.

The next moment, raise your hand.

An invisible volatility suddenly spread.

"You Wei."

Xiaoyou palm lifted up and slowly pushed forward.

Suddenly, the invisible power suddenly acted on the strong man of the konjac, and the eyes of the strong man suddenly shrank.

A loud bang, the strong person seems to be suppressed by the power of horror, directly from the sky above the sky to the ground, the ground is cracked by the cracked turtle!

Xiao You took out the Nether Boat, and his body shape was like a teleport. In the twinkling of an eye, it was swept over the sky and suspended above the head of the konjac strong man who was squatting on the ground.


"You are a ghost."

boom! !

A palm is pressed against the bottom.

Suddenly the ground was deeply sunken, and the invisible shock wave burst forth.

The ground directly bombed and turned into a huge deep pit...

The gravel rolled around and opened.

Everyone in the Breeze Empire is stunned and feels a sense of terror.

This woman... is so strong!

But the next moment, they are excited, this woman is their savior, the woman is strong, that means they are safe.

Among the ruins, the strong man of the konjac slowly climbed out.

There was a strong anger in his eyes.

"Nether woman... deceiving too much!"

While roaring, his heart was also shocked.

Doesn't it mean that the cultivation of the Nether Woman is just a big mistake?

How is the cultivation of this Nether woman getting stronger and stronger in exile and cursing?

Can exile and curse increase the repair?

Impossible... Every day is suffering from the curse of pain, where is there time to practice?

The konjac strongman’s eyes were big, and the next moment, a burst of bang, the figure climbed out of the ruins.

He was all ragged, but his body suddenly expanded and became bigger.

Turned into a huge konjac.

The konjac landed, roaring, opening mouth, mucus flowing, and screaming at the small secluded suspended in the void.

The huge pliers waved and the barbs swayed constantly.

The small faint look turned into the original virtual konjac, the tip of the toes in the void, the body suddenly floated and opened, and soon it floated back to the Nether ship.

This big chunk, let the little skin come.

The small skin on his shoulder, straight and round eyes.

next moment.

The shape of the little skin is turned into a golden stream of light, and the speed is so fast that it appears in front of the huge konjac.

Everyone is sluggish.

They felt a bit funny.

Ouyang Xiaoyi and Xiao Xiaolong, who had just arrived on the wall, were still breathing, and they watched the suspension in the void, and the little skin of the huge konjac was full of strange faces...

The huge konjac is as tall as four meters, almost the size of the upper wall, the horrible figure, the oppression, so that everyone feels that their breathing has become a bit cramped.

"Small skin is really okay? That big head... so terrible!"

Ouyang Xiaoyi swallowed and said.

"You ask me, who do I ask... I want to know if I want to, but do you want to call back the little skin?"

Xiao Xiaolong said.

The konjac is like a hut. The size of the eye is red and clear.

There is also a golden light on the body of the little skin, and the straight eye is turning back and forth.


The konjac screamed, opened his mouth, and spurted the wind and waves.

The shape of the little skin is like a flat boat in the storm.

At the end of a slap, the disdain of the konjac strong eyes emerged.

This golden shrimp is so small that it is not enough for him to sew.


He is stunned.

Because in front of his eyes, the golden pimp prawn, the golden light shining on the body suddenly, the light is very dazzling.

In the glare, the light dissipated.

next moment……

The konjac is just a faceless attack.

Because the original small size is not in front of you.

The figure is a hundred times larger, like a hill, overlooking him.

I wiped it...

The konjac is sluggish.

Everyone in the Breeze Empire is also all overwhelming.



Breeze Empire, 100,000 Dachuan.

In the Manmore tree, the horror of the road rises to the sky.

Everyone who is imaginary is excited and opened his eyes. Is this signal that someone has found their strongest demon?

Actually found it? Actually, I found the strongest demon in this place!

These days of weakness do not know how to describe their excitement at the moment.

The next moment, they did not speak, they looked at each other, tearing open the void, broke into it, and rushed to the position where the signal burst.

The strongest demon Lord was found, and this news is absolutely unusual.

When they stepped into the void, the Manmo tree also circulated the news and passed it back to the prison.

This news made the attack of the squad strongman on Qianlong Tianguan more intense!



Like a meteor, the rapid flashing, and then the fall of the sinister in the illusory spirit.

The marsh waters in the ground are splashing and the mud is rolling.

Zi Zun's figure is filled with infuriating instinct, standing in the huge deep pit that is bottomless.

He raised his hand, his eyes wide and bloodshot.

"This is the breath! Just underneath! Yes! The strongest of the Lord!"

The magic eye said anxiously, the old voice was full.

Purple Zun looked at the deep pit that didn't bottom out. After that, he didn't say anything. One step was to step out and gallop down.

Can make the magic eye so excited... Is there really anything that can't be done underneath?

You must know that the master of his demon eye, but the demon of the devil's eye in the prison, is repaired to heaven.

Even if there are many things in the prison, you can't see it, let alone the poor southern Xinjiang land on the backward Qianlong continent.

Can not help, there is some curiosity in the purple respect.


Step by step and look at the crazy konjac strong, do not know what to say.

The guy was dancing in a crazy hand, crushing a ball and making it black.

He circled the ruins of the ruins before the bronze hall, and his eyes were filled with excitement and reverence.

"Sure enough, it is the martyr... the strongest demon? How is it compared to the lord?"

The steps frowned.

"This guy is afraid of being stupid..." He held the golden double knife and said that he was frowning.

I also played well in front, and suddenly I was crazy when I saw a figure.

But the figure did make him feel a little scared.

It is even more terrible than the Endless Sea Dragon Palace Black Dragon King.

"The news of the strongest demon master can't be leaked, you two... must die!" Suddenly, the magical strongman who smiled for a long time slammed his face and looked coldly at the step and white.


Just in a flash, the konjac powerhouse is moving.

The speed is extremely fast, just like a black shadow, it usually rushes toward the step.

With a tear, the tail of the scorpion is coming through the head of the step.

I want to completely crucify the steps.

The white anger, the double-knife wave, and a sweep, it is to force the konjac strong.

"You are a skunk, dare to be fierce in front of this prince, this prince said that to keep this human, you must keep this human! If you are..."

He held a pair of knives, and the golden hair blew in the wind, faintly said.

However, his words have not been finished yet, but they are abruptly stopped.

Because he looked around the konjac strong.

The ball that was previously crushed by him, the black gas that emerged from the ball, was actually condensed into a single array in the air.

The array method flashes.

From the middle, there was a scene of tearing the void.

Boom! !

Here the air ban is banned.

Therefore, these strong people who have come out of the void have fallen from the sky and crashed into the bronze platform.

Oh, la la la.

The strong group of people raised their heads violently, their eyes were sharp and sharp, and they fell on the steps and the white body.

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