Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 878: A little golden light comes first, then the shrimp is like a dragon

The huge space under the big pit is a secret.

The Nether Boat has a character that can shuttle between any secrets.

So this is one of the reasons why Xiaopi is looking for Xiaoyou. Xiaoyou can reach the secrets most quickly.

For this side of the secret, Xiao You is also a little surprised, if it is not a small skin, she simply does not know, there is still a secret here.

As an expelled in the mysterious world, the cursed Nether Lady, she has almost walked through various secrets of all sizes, but this mystery has never been seen before.

Now that she is in this secret, she does not know why her heart is actually a little trembling.

The small skin became a golden light, and the speed of the rapid speeding away, the speed is very fast, just in a blink of an eye, it disappeared.

Xiao You naturally also followed.

The Nether boat straddles the sky and is extremely fast.

Soon, it was washed out of the dry area and came to a huge valley.


A loud bang.

The Nether ship lost its ability to vacate and fell from the air.

The ground was pulled out of a deep pit, the smoke was rolling, and the small secluded from the Nether boat.

This side of the world is actually forbidden...

Looking at the distance is still a golden light, flying small skin, the face of the small face is pumping.

Say good air ban?


The Great City of the Snake.

There was a slow breathing in the quiet room.

Ni Yan is lying in bed, quietly screaming and sucking, and the white skin seems to have Yingying Guanghua in bloom.

As she exhaled and inhaled, a little bit of star energy spread out.

The room was quickly flooded by a starlight.

Ni Yan seems to have turned into a sly star, and blooms.


The appearance of Zi Zun attracted everyone's attention.

Liu Mobai, the first owner of Shibuya, turned his head and looked at it. He held his hand and the dry white hair was floating slightly.

The step also saw Zi Zun and frowned.

"I finally found it..." Purple Zun opened his mouth and showed a touch of excitement.

His gaze fell on the huge figure that crouched before the palace, the body of the most powerful demon.

Purple Zun slowly paced, above his arm, there was a rising spirit, turned into black smoke wrapped around his arm.

"Zi Zun? The little guy in the Tianquan Holy Land?"

The old man saw the purple statue, and the brow suddenly wrinkled, revealing a touch of doubt.

When he saw the sigh of the purple arm, his eyes narrowed.

"You guys... the devil who actually turned to the prison!"

Purple Zun squinted and looked at the old man and seemed to have not recognized it at first sight.


Purple respects shrink.

"The first grain owner in Shibuya?!"

When the old man’s mouth was pulled, he finally showed a smile. Sure enough, there are people who know the goods. Not everyone is like the kid who doesn’t know Taishan.

"Yes... it’s the old man!"

The old man’s hand is proud.

On the arm of the step, the soul of the scorpion is roaring. He looks at Zi Zun and looks at the old man again. He feels a bit tricky.

"You are not dead..." Zi Zun stared at the old man and said.

The fascinating worldly arrogance of the year was not yet degraded and lived to the present.

Although it was already late, the pressure on his body was a surprise to him.

"The old man has not yet sought detachment... How can he die like this?!" The old man’s eyes suddenly widened, revealing a touch of unwillingness.

He spent his great youth to seek detachment. He spent his whole life seeking detachment. Now he is about to find a way. How can he give up? !

"Stop... the road that the Holy Land can't find, why bother to find it!"

Purple respects.

"You know a fart! The group of holy masters know a fart! When I pressed them, they were not qualified to talk to Laozi!"

The old man seems to be a little emotional.

He jerked his head and his eyes fell on the steps.

"Now, the old man has found a way... I am about to step into the path of detachment! With a kitchen detachment, no one can stop the rise of the old man!"

The excitement of the old man is getting heavy.

"This kid... is the hope of the old man detached!"

The old man raised his hand and pointed to the step.

Step by step blinked.

The light flashed in his hand, and suddenly the Xuanwu pot emerged.


The keel kitchen knife was also held in his hand.

The appearance of these two kitchen **** suits makes the old man's eyes more tight, and the excitement almost roars, and the envy and envy look in his eyes.

"It's another... it's one! Let's take a look at the old man!!"


The old man's foot slammed on the ground, and the body suddenly burst forth and flashed like lightning.

A palm is caught against the steps.

Step by step, the arm of Xuanwu pot slammed, and the next moment, waving the Xuanwu pot to the old man was smashed.


The air waves are rolling.

Step by step feels a huge force coming from the Xuanwu pot, the whole person's figure is a churn.

The old man keeps up with the shadows.

In the hands of the keel kitchen knife played a knife flower, the overlord thirteen knife smashed out.

The knife light is lightning fast.

However, the old man's body shape is moving at a rapid speed, and it is easy to hide the knife and knife of this knife.

"The old man stayed in this world for thousands of years, on the fight... the ten holy Lords are not the opponents of the old man! You are a little cook in your area... let it be awkward!"

The old man took another shot.

A bang, the convenience of the step is to be beaten again, the body shape rolled over, fell to the ground, gently spit out a breath.

The step has an arm, but it is only empty and brute force, can not cause any harm to the old man, so he can not help but frowned.

Purple Zun's arm is lifted up, and the magic eyes in the palm of his hand are open, full of excitement.

"Really the strongest demon Lord... finally found it!"

The voice of the magic eye is a little hoarse.

"He seems to be dead." Purple Zun frowned.

"Dead? It's best to die. The strongest demon is not dead. It's hard to die... The dead is a treasure! The Lord has a chance to occupy his body! It is a demon body that dares to challenge the top of Hell. what!!"

The magic eyes in the palm of Zi Zun made a hoarse voice, and said excitedly.

Purple Zun’s eyes shrink.

The next moment, the eyeball in the palm of his hand is a brilliance of black and ink, entwining the body of the most powerful demon.

The black brilliance, the silky scorpion penetrated into the flesh of the strongest demon Lord.

"Go help the old man to win the kid... The kid has the secret to open the bronze palace."

Shot a black brilliance, the magic eye seems to be a little weak, hoarse.

Purple face is indifferent, and after hearing the words of the magic eye, it is also inevitable.

This bronze palace is mysterious, as if it has a big mystery.

That kid actually has the secret to open the bronze palace?

It is no wonder that the first owner of Shibuya shouted to master the path of detachment. The original road was on this kid!

Purple Zun opened his mouth and spit out a breath.

The gas is like a long sword, tearing the air.

His body is very strong, and his body moves, and he is forced to move toward the position of the step.


The old man is in the palm of his hand, and it is a step back to the step by step. The old man is also worthy. Every time he is hard-pressed with the step.

Although the step has the power of the arm, but it is still not the opponent of the old man.

With the addition of Zi Zun, the pressure on the concession side has become enormous.

The goal of the old man is to take away the keel chopper in his hand, but there is a basaltic pot in the step, plus the arm, the old man will be difficult to win for a while.

However, with the addition of Zi Zun, the old man suddenly increased the intensity of persecution.

The old man's punch and palm are able to bombard the air, and even can make a powerful air cannon, so that the ground is blasted.

This is the ultimate performance of physical strength.

There is no expression on the steps, and the body of the bird’s robe is hunting.

He felt a little wrong in his heart, and he was constantly forced by the two men, and the steps were also filled with anger.

"Is it really good for me to bully?" Steps said coldly.

Suddenly, the step back a few steps back and stood up.

His heart was moving, and the steaming dishes suddenly flew out of the system space bag.

Several dishes were suspended around his body, and aura rose from the air and plunged into the body of the step.

The old man’s eyes suddenly shrink...

What is this little cook doing?

Use food to arrange the array?

Why is this kid not going to heaven!

The formation of the food array method, holding a bowl of noodles in the step, screaming, is under the eyes of the old man and Zi Zun, ate a fine light.

A bowl of violently pulls the ramen and the belly feels that his strength is breaking out again.

Together with the food array, the combat power of the step has increased.

Holding the Xuanwu pot with one hand, looking straight into the old man of Shibuya.

"Want to take my chopper? Just eat me a pot..."

Step by step, said with no expression.

The next moment, the arm slammed hard, and the Xuanwu pot was suddenly thrown out.

With a tear, the Xuanwu pot seems to have broken through the void, and the speed is extremely fast toward the old man.

Using food to form the formation, the old man seems to be amazed, the whole person is immersed in the mystery of the food array.

As the first owner of Shibuya, his cooking skills are very strong, and even his detachment is a kitchen.

So for the study of cooking, he is intoxicated.

However, he never thought of the food array method...

Is it... is this something in the bronze palace?

This kid... absolutely has a big relationship with the bronze palace!

In the face of the basaltic pot, the old man screamed and the white dry hair fluttered.

A punch against the basaltic pot is a slap.

boom! !

However, this time, his body froze.

The power contained in this pot is completely beyond the reach of the old.

The old man was directly squirted with a blood, and his body fell to the side.

what's the situation?

Purple respect is slightly forced.

The next moment, I found that the figure of the step has appeared on his side, holding a black pot in one hand, and slamming it.

He raised his hand to resist.

Hey! !

But the huge force he couldn't stop, the black pot slammed on his head, and almost didn't break his head.

In the same way as the old man, he also turned into a shell and was smashed out.

I almost fell into the **** lake.

With a dull face, he found that this human being completely refreshed his world view.

Obviously a weak chicken, why is it getting stronger and stronger? !

Why isn’t he special?

The old man stood up and coughed up blood in his mouth, but he gave a very excited smile.

Because he can finally be sure that the road to detachment and this man can not get rid of it!

"You little chef can't escape the palm of the old man... heart, ah!"

The old man laughed.

However, his laughter has not stopped. The next moment, a golden light suddenly came from a distance, and the speed was extremely fast.

The figure in the old man's laughter was suddenly shocked by the golden light, and the whole person slammed into the ground.

Step by step, white and stay, just climbed up from the ground and forced the immortal purple is also a god.

With a tear, the golden light was suspended in the air.

The light dissipated, and a small golden prawns appeared.

Look at this Pippi shrimp.

The longer the mouth is, the bigger it grows.

"What is special about me?"

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