Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 892: Where did the sneak attack on the aging mother go?

The rolling aroma is filled throughout the kitchen.

The step was shocked by the action of the witch's ampoule, and turned to look at the past.

The witch Ahn quickly smashed the kitchen knife and pointed at the step, revealing a sly smile.

However, in the process of laughing, I couldn't help but shrug my nose, revealing a bit of intoxication, and the fragrance that permeates the air is too fragrant.

Fragrant to intoxicating!

Is this really an egg fried rice?

Can egg fried rice reach this level?

Step boss is the step boss... Sure enough, I can't speculate according to common sense.

The witch in the heart of the peace of mind to the step, more and more admire.

Wipe the stain around the porcelain plate with a clean cloth towel, and the blue-and-white porcelain plate flashes.

The convenience of the latter step will be carried in the porcelain plate, and the egg fried rice with dazzling brilliance will be taken away.

The scent scented as the scent lifted the porcelain plate.

"Don't be afraid, you continue to cut your radish, you have to learn to get used to it."

Step by step to the door of the kitchen, looked at the witch aunt, and said faintly.

That discourse, let the witch's face feel awkward.

Looking at the back of the step, the witch's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Sure enough, the step boss is still the boss of that step... or the boss who used a stinky tofu to blow up the whole platform... belly black, thief is bad.

Sighing, the deep aftertaste of a deep smell of the rich fragrance in the air.

The witch Aunt continued her boring and tasteless action of cutting carrots.

Step by step with the light-colored egg fried rice out of the kitchen.

Soon, he came to the restaurant.

The eyes of everyone fell on him.

The eyes of Pluto Erha and the dog's lord fell on the egg fried rice, all of which were slightly shimmering.

After all, this is an egg fried rice cooked with a beast egg.

It seems that it is really different from ordinary egg fried rice.

Putting the dishes on the table and sweeping through the crowd, I saw a few surprises in the eyes of everyone.

There are essences in the beast eggs, but this essence is not so easy to absorb.

If Xiaoyou didn't encounter the steps, if you deal with the Phoenix egg, the best way is to choose ****.

However, this absorption method will cause most of the energy to be lost.

Even if you break the egg and eat it directly, the absorption effect will still not be too good.

But the steps are different, the cooking skills of the steps can perfectly condense the essence of the ingredients, and be absorbed by the body. It is much easier to expel the curse.

An egg fried rice, although not completely preserved the essence of the Phoenix egg, but the energy left is much more than the phoenix egg that has not been cooked.


Can this phoenix egg fried rice really save Ni Yan?

Ni Yan is because the spirit is broken!

The general spirit of the sea collapse has long since died, Ni Yan is because of the power of the star in the mind, so she has not fallen.

But even if you want to save it, even a fairy shot is impossible!

Even Pluto is only able to make Ni Yan's spiritual sea no longer collapse.

Step by step will lift Ni Yan's body.

Ni Yan’s face at this moment has become very pale, but it is also lack of blood.

The brows of the step were wrinkled, and a blue-flowered egg fried rice was picked up with a blue-and-white porcelain spoon. Then the fried rice was smashed toward Ni Yan's mouth.

An egg fried rice entrance.

The spirit of the step suddenly spread from the spirit sea, pushing Ni Yan's mouth to wriggle, so that the egg fried rice slipped into the belly of Ni Yan along the throat.

Under the spirit of the step, when the egg fried rice enters the abdomen, it is the energy of the sputum. The energy is divided into two kinds, one is the spiritual energy and the other is the physical energy.

Two kinds of energy flow in the body, stimulating Ni Yan.

Soon, Ni Yan's face was **** at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The color is very obvious, and even some are red.

White and tender skin is getting redder, and in the end it almost drops like bleeding.

Step by step, looked up again and picked up a spoon and smacked into Ni Yan's mouth.

Soon, a spoonful of Phoenix egg fried rice is once again into the abdomen.


There is a white gas filled with Ni Yan's body, and Ni Yan's spirit seems to have become more active.

Everyone else around is watching.

Yang Meiji looked at the steps with a dull look, looking at the spoonful of the spoonful of the spoonful of the egg-fried rice, she could hardly imagine the meticulousness of the memory, even the black-bellied boss and the man in front of him. stand up.

She must have met a fake step boss.

Nangong’s eyes were filled with complex colors, and he sighed deeply.

Nangong's mouths are all round and the eyes are almost out of the way, like a ghost.

Where is this woman sacred?

I was able to concede the boss to feed myself... this is not even the treatment he did not have!

The old step has changed, the old step is not like this!

The dog-in-law lifted the dog's head, his eyes gazed, staring at Ni Yan, who had eaten the egg fried rice cooked by the beast egg, and the light was a bit deep.

Pluto is also frowning.

Suddenly, the eyes of one person and one dog are all shrinking.

boom! !

A wave of air erupted from Ni Yan's body, and the air waves rolled.

A little bit of starlight filled the way, and the whole restaurant was shrouded in an instant.

Starlight wants to break out of the restaurant, but the restaurant seems to have a mysterious power, so that the star can not get out.

The dog’s lord seemed to see through everything, and the dog’s mouth glimpsed, revealing a touch of color.

"This girl is blessed in disguise!"

Pluto Erha was also amazed, and then he covered his face with one hand and laughed.

“It’s a man who can make the spicy strips and spicy blood lobsters that the king is immersed in!”

The melting of the stars is getting more and more intense... In the end, almost all the restaurants are turned into stars.

The dog-in-law stretched out the exquisite dog's claws and stroked the starlight. The dog's eyes showed a memory of remembrance. The gentle and magnetic sound was resounding: "Although it is only the star of the Qianlong continent, if it can grasp... ... is also a big opportunity, not inferior to the big opportunity to enter the qualification of the celebrity kitchen..."

A sigh.

Ni Yan's face is red, red is like bleeding, and finally, the nose and nose, the blood overflows, and finally coughed up a blood, the whole person actually woke up leisurely.


Step by step on Ni Yan's gaze, there is a moment, the step feels that the boiling spirit of the sea is becoming static.

Calm and quiet, some strange.

The steps were a little embarrassing, my eyes were blurred, and my heart was suddenly stunned.

The dragon of the golden dragon in his mind made him completely return to God.

Ni Yan leisurely woke up, staring at the step of holding the porcelain spoon to feed her egg fried rice, the starlight in the eyelids, the eye waves flow... It seems that there is crystal in it.

Woke up?

Everyone is shocked... I feel incredible!

This woman actually woke up? !

Ziyun Saints is the most shocked, the spirit of the sea is broken, if this is in the Qianlong Wangting, even the Lord's shot is incurable, but a bowl of egg fried rice.

Even if it is the egg fried rice cooked by the beast egg, but it is still the egg fried rice!

A bowl of egg fried rice can save people between life and death? !

This step boss, what is the sacred? !

Ni Yan stared at the step, the water wave in the eyelids more and more, the next moment, the convenience of the step is to rush over.

The entire step was shocked.

Everyone in the restaurant couldn’t help but exclaim.

Nangong has no mouth and eyes at the same time.

The small, cold face is also a shock, and I look deeply at the scene in the distance.

Finally, in the eyes of everyone’s shock...

Ni Yan grabbed the blue and white porcelain spoon in the hands of the step, screamed with tears, and started to eat in a porcelain bowl!

The golden egg fried rice was constantly stuffed into her mouth, and the smell of the fragrant smell filled the air, and the energy was roaring.

Every time I eat a bite, Ni Yan will feel that her breath has become stronger.

However, she couldn't stop and couldn't stop. She felt like she was hungry for countless years, whether it was the spirit sea or her stomach, she was crazy about the egg fried rice.

The golden egg, the **** rice...the two are mixed, and the infinite energy is emitted.

Step by step, he touched his head a little, and for a moment, he felt that he had spent his eyes.

This woman... really naughty.

Ni Yan is like a starving ghost, and he is eating crazy fried rice.

As she eats, her breath begins to change dramatically.

The stars of the sky quickly condensed toward her body, and in a short time it was all in her body.

However, Ni Yan could not stop.

The stars disappeared, and the infuriating atmosphere above Ni Yan’s body began to change.

There seems to be a mysterious intention to churn.

On the top of Ni Yan’s head, there is a shining ladder of stars shining out, one layer of two layers, three layers and four layers...

The radiance of the stars is quickly condensed into nine layers, and the gods gather.

Ni Yan seems to have not noticed the change she has made. She is still eating egg fried rice constantly, and the mouth is contaminated with golden egg liquid and blood-colored rice.

The expression on the face of Nangong and other people is more and more sluggish.

what happened?

What happened to this world?

Is the woman breaking through? This speed of breakthrough... is it a chicken blood?

In a flash, from the ladder of the soul to the peak of the soul...

How is the gap between people so big?

Or to say ... step boss's bowl of egg fried rice has such a enchanting effect?

However, the next thing that made them sluggish happened...

Excited by the glory of the Shentai, thousands of energy gathered, and soon it was a swaying fire.

The fire of the gods is like a torn sky.

Starlight condenses, the fire sways...

A **** fire, two **** fires, three **** fires...

Until the five fires were condensed, the boiling energy was calmed down.

At the moment, the egg fried rice in the Ni Yan porcelain plate was completely eaten, but it was extended and the enamel bowl was smashed.

A spurt of spurt, Ni Yan's face is beautiful.

"I am finally full..."

With a bang, Ni Yan placed the porcelain plate on the table and opened his eyes, as if there was a star torn sky.

"Where did the sneak attack on the old lady go? The old lady wants to kill it for the present!!"

Looking at the lively jump, repaired as a sharp increase in Ni Yan.

Even the well-informed dog and the prince Erha can't help but be speechless.

This big brainless woman...

This time it really got a big chance!

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