Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 894: Pastoral development

Ni Yan’s repair was a breakthrough, which was beyond everyone’s expectations.

Looking at the repairs that are like flying rockets, everyone is feeling silent and envious.

Others practiced for decades, even less than the growth of this woman's breathing. People are more than people, mad.

On the contrary, Ni Yan did not have any feelings. Perhaps it was too fast to make a breakthrough. Ni Yanlian did not have any horror, only the numbness left.

The repair has broken through so much, she is at least more confident in dealing with the guy who attacked her.

Although the step is surprised, but there is not much envy, after all, the system is in, his cultivation is not weaker than Ni Yan.

Ni Yan screamed that she would kill the strongest demon master, but she still didn't go because she didn't know where the strongest demon Lord went.

In the restaurant.

After Nangong’s absence and others ate a dish cooked by themselves, they left the restaurant with satisfaction.

They haven't tasted the dishes of the step boss for a long time, and now they can eat it, it is an unexpected surprise.

The night is quiet.

The steps closed the door to the restaurant.

He pulled a chair and sat at the table.

Xiao Ba excitedly ran wildly with his legs, and the feathers of his body fluttered under the wind of running.

It ran to the front of the step, suddenly raised his head, looked at the steps, and then giggled, it was once again stepped forward.

Step by step is contemplating at the moment, his mood is a little excited.

Ni Yan finally recovered, and also mastered the Star Luotian dial, which means that Ni Yan can give him the opportunity to cook Huang Quannai wine?

Looking forward to such a long time, Huang Quannai wine has finally had a look, and the heart of the step is also quite happy.

However, this matter is not urgent.

Step by step did not immediately let Ni Yan teach him how to drink wine. After all, Ni Yan is a woman who is blessed in disguise. At this moment, she is still in a state of arrogance. She is somewhat ignorant of her ability.

So now let Ni Yan help, but also do not drum up too much things, let Ni Yan calm down.

Step by step, he began to study the pastoral space.

His eyes narrowed and he stared at the small eight who ran wildly in the distance.

He stood up, and the little eight-body in the rushing chicken legs suddenly became stiff. The next moment, it was locked by the step, and a bad premonition enveloped the heart of Xiao Ba.

A raised head raised his head and found a figure in front of him.

Step by step, reaching out and picking up Xiao Ba from the ground.

"Don't worry, take you to the wider world and run wild."

The step is faint.

Xiao Ai's face is so aggressive, can he refuse?

However, there has been no sound, and everything in front of me has changed.

The sky is green, the wild, the wind blows the grass and sees the lion.

The three-eyed lion is struggling in the pastoral world. He does not dare not cultivate the land. The human fist has been remembered until now.

The weak humans suddenly became so powerful, and the three-eyed lions were really not used to it.

The soil on the ground was ploughed by him, and the fertile soil was smashed, as if it could give oil, very high quality and fertility.

This side of the world is really comfortable, the wind is blowing gently, the grass is gently shaken, although the concentration of the heavens and the earth is not very rich, but it is enough for the three-eyed lion.

The only shortcoming is the lack of life, so that the three-eyed lion is somewhat lonely and depressed, there is no way to have a meal.

Humans are gone.

After three-eyed lions ploughed for a while, they squatted on the ground full of spirit grass, sniffing the earthy aroma mixed in the air, slightly closing their eyes and preparing to slumber.

This comfortable environment makes the three-eyed lion feel a little comfortable.


A figure appeared in front of the three-eyed lion, accompanied by a giggling chicken.

The three-eyed lion stunned and slammed openly.

In front of his eyes, a fat fat chicken with multicolored feathers swayed the chicken **** and ran wildly.

Running wild on grass covered with grass.

It seems to be a mobile delicious!

A chicken, or a fat chicken!

The mane of the three-eyed lion is erected in an instant, and there are hurls in the mouth.

In his seriousness, only the mad chicken was left.

After being hungry for so long, I finally have something to eat.

It seems that the human being is still very reasonable, knowing that this mad lion needs food to comfort.

That's it. This mad lion is free to work as a laborer. Naturally, I need some food to help me. The chicken is very good.

The three-eyed lion is extremely excited.

Open mouth, fangs revealed, and made a scream, then the four limbs on the ground, it is to chase toward the running small eight.

The soil that has just been ploughed is flying, and the domineering three-eyed lion is like a rainbow.

The screaming, scared, is screaming and screaming, and the cockroaches on the chicken skin are all taking up.

A crisis of no reason suddenly shrouded Xiao Ba.

When Xiaobai stayed and twisted his head, he saw the violent three-eyed lion.

Three-eyed lions are red in the eyes, chasing the little eight.


The little eighty-one mad, a look of arrogance.

The next moment, a scream, slammed the small wings and opened his legs toward the distance, and continued to run.


The pressure of the three-eyed lion was bursting with a roar, like the courage to shatter the mad chicken.

At the moment, there is only one thought left in the heart of the three-eyed lion, that is, eating chicken!

In addition to eating chicken, it is to eat chicken!

The fat chicken completely filled his three eyes.

However, after the three-eyed lion was chasing the little eighty-one, suddenly it felt a chill.

In the distance, the fat chicken actually fell behind a human being.

That human...

The three-eyed lion was awakened, but it was still too late.

On the side of the step, wearing a cheongsam robe, long hair under the prestige of the wind, slowly floating.

Three-eyed lions rushed toward him, and the steps were a little surprised.

This is a simple and not artificial lion...

Step by step, he sighed, and then lifted the arm with the black and white bandage attached to it, facing the lion's head, and punched it out.


This punch was just on the head of the three-eyed lion, and the three-eyed lion's lion was traversed a few meters, and the scorpion fell to the ground.

The three-eyed lion was so aggressive that some of the grievances climbed from the ground.

Say good to let him eat chicken? !

"In the future, this chicken is your little friend. You must protect him and protect him. You can't eat him."

Step by step, seriously speaking to the three-eyed lion.

Three-eyed lions blinked, this fat chicken is his little friend in the future?

He is a lion, and his little friend is actually a chicken?

This human meaning is that he will love this chicken in the future?

The lion snorted and wanted to resist.

However, the step raised his hand with no expression, and the black and white bandage was tied to the arm with the sound of the beast.

Ok, the lion is soft.

Hiding behind the small square of the step, he stretched out the chicken head and giggled against the three-eyed lion.

Step by step is very satisfied, Xiao Ba and Xiao San, he believes that these two guys will get along very well.

Afterwards, the convenience of the step was to pick up the hoe, squat on the shoulder and walk towards the place where the lion was ploughed.

He will use the **** to turn over the soil again.

“System, is there any good food seed available?”

Step by step, while renovating the soil, he asked the system silently.

Silence for a while, the system is the opening.

And the step is a flower in front of you, and there is a list of names that are dense.

In the distance, the three-eyed lion squats on the ground, and the small eight tightens his wings, swaying his **** in front of the lion and strolling.

The three-eyed lion looked at the fat chicken from time to time, and there was a hare in his mouth.

His little friend is especially delicious at first glance...

"Abyss Chaotian pepper seeds, Hell Huangquan grass seeds, Tianshan Bailian seeds..."

Step by step, looking at the dazzling panel in front of his eyes, the dense seeds on the panel, watching his heart.

Many of the seeds here will become the best ingredients if they are grown.

The United States is very eager to look forward to.

"If the host wants to obtain the panel seed, it needs to complete the development of the idyllic world. After each stage of development, the seeds that are randomly given by the system can be obtained."

The serious and serious words of the system resounded.

Step by step, nodded.

"The host can also bring the seeds of the outside world into the pastoral world and promote the prosperity of the pastoral world."

The system continues.

All in all, there are many ways to get seeds. One is to bring in the seeds from the outside world, and the other is to complete the development and get the seeds donated by the system. These two methods are not difficult for the step.

The development of the pastoral world, the pace has been started, and the land renovation is almost the same.

Steps feel that the first phase of development may be completed soon.

Gently took a breath and stepped down the **** and walked over to the slowly flowing river.

This small river is clear and sweet, and the aura contained in the water makes people feel good.

Three-eyed lions in this pastoral world, did not have to eat, basically drink this river, and drink plenty of water.

A heart move.

The step took out a blood lobster that was only **** by a string from the system space bag.

The ropes were untied, and these blood lobsters fell into the river.

Oh la la!

When these blood lobsters entered the river, they wandered wildly, and soon they broke into the river.

Standing on the shore, through the clear river, you can see the slowly crawling blood lobster in the bottom of the river, but it is also quite amazing.

The blood lobster was raised into the river, and the steps also took out many of the ingredients originally stored in the system space bag.

Some fish are also put into the river by him.

The clear rivers make these fish swim very happy.

The river is screaming and swaying.

Step by step, drumming for a while, took out a lot of elixir.

He split the refurbished ground into an area dedicated to planting elixir, planting elixir into it, neatly organized, and well organized.

The elixir swayed in the wind and rooted in the land, taking the nutrients in the land.

The steps began planning the ground.

The three-eyed lion has been cultivated for such a long time, and it has only just cultivated two areas, one is the area where the elixir is planted, and the other is the area where the ingredients are grown.

But this is enough.

In addition to planting elixir and ingredients, the past is the breeding of living creatures.

Nowadays, the step-by-step has not yet begun to introduce large-scale creatures, which is enough, and it is considered to be a preliminary development.


Sure enough, after the initial development of the step, the mind was full of serious and serious voice.

“The initial development of the pastoral world was completed, and the seeds of the fire-baked cabbage began to be distributed...”

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