Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 969: Invitation [first, ask for a subscription]

a paw thing...

Yeah, it’s really just a paw!

Pluto looked at the golden cockroach that was photographed as scum, and his mouth slammed. He didn’t think that the Lai Pei dog would suddenly shoot.

The most important thing is... this is obviously a good business for him!

The delicious ten spicy strips left him like this.

The heart is almost sad to breathe.

The dog spit out his tongue and exhaled, faintly glanced at Pluto.

"The dog is only a drunken rib, it is best to be a dragon meat, which is like you, but also bargaining ... there is that effort, it is better to solve the problem."

Dogs said.

The eyes of Pluto Erha are full of sorrow and anger. What you said is justified. How can I refute it?

The Black Dragon King is actually very painful. He doesn't understand why the black dog always wants to make a decision. He wants to make him a success. The dragon has nothing to eat. Ben Long Wang has never eaten it.

Besides... We are partners, partners who love each other, how can we eat dragon meat?

The black dragon king's bald head is clear, as if to bloom like a brilliance.

The little flower rides on the neck of the Black Dragon King, and the small palm is on the bald head, giggling.

"Let's go, let's go to the restaurant..."

Said the step.

Everyone nodded and kept up.

Although there is sorrow in the heart of Pluto, but he has no way, he is really tempered with a fur dog.

If it was before, he taught the fur dog to be a dog in minutes!

The pedestrian disappeared on the long street.

The people around are afraid to come out and watch this group of people leave.

The surrounding ground has already been shattered and shattered. The onlookers thought that there would be a big battle. The result was not that the final result was so direct.

The golden shackles of the shot, the strength is very powerful, as if it has reached the true state of the shackles, actually was smashed by a dog and a paw...

Are the dogs so bullish now?

This makes them dare to eat dog meat casually in the future?



A blood spurted out suddenly.

The child who is sitting in a teahouse drinking wine has changed instantly, and finally his mouth is open, and the blood of the wine is sprayed out...

His eyes were covered with blood.

The head is like the pain of countless needles. This pain makes him almost crazy...

"It hurts! Damn! Is it that the fairy is blown up again?!"

The child was full of bloodshot eyes, sitting in a chair, holding his fists and squatting at the corners of his mouth.

When the first immortal to the lower bound was blown up, he had already suffered such pain, which was the situation in which the mental power of his sacred scorpion was smashed.

This time, there is no doubt that the fairy tales he sent to deal with the mortal cooks must have been blown up...

That mortal... It’s really a slap in the face!

Grabbing the wine, slamming down his face, the icy cold liquid immediately poured on the face of Tong Cheng, making him sober.


The wine in the jar of wine was emptied, and it was smashed on the ground by him, and it was torn apart.

"I will never let you go! After three days... it is your death!"

Tong Cheng endured the needle-like pain in his mind and swears.



Pushed the restaurants.

Pluto Erha and Black Dragon King and others suddenly sneaked in.

"I wipe it! Step by step young and young, where are you looking for a restaurant? How is it as small as a kennel?"

Pluto looked at the restaurant that was smaller than a restaurant in the Qianlong mainland, and suddenly he was shocked.

The Black Dragon King is also a bald head, wide-eyed.

The terrain is remote, the restaurant is still small... Step by step Xiaoyou, do you want to do business?

The dog stepped into the restaurant with an elegant catwalk, the dog's eyes lifted slightly, and the faint glance was over the audience. Finally, the eyes fell on the body of Pluto.

"Why do you look down on the kennel? Say it... Who told you that the kennel is small?"

"This king will not look down on the kennel, squatting? Are you going to fight with this king? This king has long seen you are not pleasing to the eye... Come!"

When Pluto was suddenly blind, he immediately began to squat his sleeves and looked like a scorpion.

The dog’s dog’s eyes turned over and he was too lazy to pay attention to the idiot.

"Intelligence barrier..."

After the dog said a gentle words, he found a corner in the restaurant and went down.

The small flower leaped from the neck of the Black Dragon King, and the body shape was stable. After all, it was a colorful scorpio, and it was not weak. It was a small foot scorpion, and it ran to the dog’s side, holding the dog’s thigh. Full of coziness.

The black dragon king's face is a little black, and the prostitute is treating him as a mount?

"It's a little small, there is no place for the Nether boat."

Xiao You glanced at the whole restaurant and wrinkled a good-looking brow.

"There is a special room upstairs, you can live upstairs." Step by step looked at Xiaoyou and said.

After that, the convenience is the first to go upstairs.

Going upstairs, the upstairs space is quite wide and there are many rooms.

The eyes of Pluto Erha suddenly brightened. He also has his own belonging room?

Xiao You is also a corner of his mouth, and his heart is a little happy.

The room was allocated and everyone went downstairs.

The Black Dragon King’s death is also a room, but wanting a room naturally comes at a price.

Step by step to look at the Black Dragon King, and finally said: "You will be a restaurant waiter, in order to repay the rent."

Hearing this, the Black Dragon King suddenly looked at his eyes.

"I am infinitely endless, the black dragon king... the cloud and the rain, the supreme existence... How can I be a waiter in your broken restaurant?" Black Dragon King suddenly said that his nose was wide.

However, the step did not respond to him.

It was so faint to look at him, watching the black dragon king look awkward.

The Black Dragon King thought about it. As a black dragon, if he went out, he might not have spent a long time, and he would be slaughtered as a food.

This world is more dangerous than the Qianlong mainland.

Here, there are many strong gods, and the most important thing is...

What is really a strong **** is the cook.

If he leaves the restaurant...

What makes it so special is the moving food, the kind that people love.

At that time, it may really become a so-called dragon meat drunk ribs.

"Good! The waiter is so tall and professional, it is in line with the majesty of the Black Dragon King."

The Black Dragon King wiped his own bald head and said seriously.

"The waiter is not too difficult, it is only the end of the book to settle accounts ... no IQ has nothing to do." Step by step stunned the Black Dragon King, faint.

When the Black Dragon King stayed, was the stepping party praising him?

The step did not care for the Black Dragon King, went to the door and pushed the restaurant door open.

"Well, since everything is ready, then our business will officially begin..."


However, it is at this moment.

In the mind of the step, the serious and serious voice of the system sounded.

“Temporary Task: As a brand new new store opening, how can there be no opening ceremony? Please invite at least three colleagues to attend the opening ceremony of the fairy kitchen shop, the task reward: Dream Soup.”

The temporary task that the system suddenly released, the concession side looked awkward.

Opening ceremony?

Is there such an operation? Why didn’t there be such a operation before the opening of the store?

Step by step to touch your own head, the opening ceremony to invite three colleagues to participate?

This is a little trouble.

I am in the kitchen of the fairy, there are not many acquaintances, how to invite?

Xuanyuan Xiahui is one, Mu Yuer is one, who else? Chen Guanshi? Or is it a child?

Touching his chin, the step is finally to decide the list of invitations.

Drilled into the kitchen and the steps began to fool.

Soon, he came out and grabbed three simple invitations.

Called the Black Dragon King, the Black Dragon King touched his bald head. He was just teasing his niece, and was called by the step, and there was still some little emotion in his heart.

When he heard that the stepr actually told him to send the invitation, the first reaction in his heart was to refuse.

Just kidding, he is especially in the eyes of the chefs in the kitchen, but the moving ingredients, let him send invitations, I don’t know if I can come back alive.

Even if you come back, you will not know if you have fewer arms and fewer legs.

However, under the gaze of the expressionless indifference of the step, the Black Dragon King finally chose to compromise.

Holding three invitations and wrapping them in black robes, I left the restaurant and sent the invitations.

Sitting on the table, he spit out a sigh of relief.

I took out a template and started writing and drawing on the board with a pen.

Soon, a recipe was written by him.

There are only three dishes on the menu.

"Hot pot, barbecue, blood lobster..."

In addition, under the three recipes, it is a twisted and written line of small words, what to order if you want to eat.

The word of the step is indeed in sharp contrast with his cooking, and he almost didn't see what he was writing.

However, I was very satisfied with the steps. After enjoying my own writing for a while, I hanged the wooden board on the wall.

Just want to eat something, as long as he will do it, as long as he is willing to do it.

It is indeed a very arrogant chef.

Because the terrain is remote, and the restaurant is a little narrow, even if you open the door of the restaurant, it is still nobody cares.

On the other side, the Black Dragon King is like a stealing chicken thief, and the invitation has already arrived in front of Xuanyuan Xiahui’s nameless restaurant.

When Black Dragon King entered the restaurant, he was stopped by the eye-opening Xuanyuan.


Xuanyuan burst into a bang, and there was full vigilance in the eyes of the sneaky Black Dragon King.

The Black Dragon King suddenly laughed. "I am looking for your brother."

"There are more people looking for my brother. How old are you?" Xuanyuan said.

Because her brother has become a fairy chef, more and more people are looking for her brother now, some are congratulations, some are to win, and others are simply to be happy.

How old is it?

The Black Dragon King was almost not killed by a slobber...

Too lazy to talk nonsense with this big brainless woman, Black Dragon King took out the invitation and handed it to Xuanyuan.

"This is the invitation that the little friend of the step made the dragon to transfer, you take it."

Xuanyuan took over the invitation with a suspicious color and saw the twisted handwriting above. The eyebrows suddenly picked up. "Invitation, the opening of the fairy kitchen shop, please come?"

"What do you mean by saying that the step is to open a shop and invite my brother to go?"

Xuanyuan raised the invitation and asked.

"Yes, but it seems that I have not invited you." Black Dragon Wang honestly said.

Xuanyuan rolled his eyes. "This guy... let go of the swear words and say that after three days, I have to evaluate the chef. I don’t take the time to practice cooking. Now I have started the opening ceremony. Is this already self-defeating?"

The Black Dragon King did not say anything, he still had two invitations in his hand, and the dingy was running away.

He also needs to submit the invitation to the remaining two people.

Xuanyuan looked at the back of the Black Dragon King, took a photo of the invitation, and twitched his mouth: "The word of this invitation... thief ugly."

In the fairy kitchen shop, the step slammed a sneeze and looked around with a blank expression.

Then he stood up and stepped into the kitchen to start preparing the dishes for the opening ceremony.

At the opening ceremony, according to the requirements of the system, he needs to make dishes and let the diners feel the details of the restaurant.

The step is to prepare for Xuanyuan Xiahui and others, a big surprise.

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