Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 986: Invincible dog, a palm off! [The third! Wan, ask for a subscription! 】

A shit, how many people are scared of urine.

The crowds around us, under this shit, their legs are soft.

They felt that listening to this shit, not facing a dog, but an ancient beast, the kind of roaring heaven.

Some people's legs are soft and soft, and they are soft on the ground, and they look terrified.

Some people are shaking and their bodies are stiff.

They did not think that a dog in the district would reveal such a terrible side.

Is this a special dog?

This is a dragon in a dog skin!

However, with the screams of the dog, the surrounding crowds have become more enthusiastic about the Yinjun army.

In their view, the Jubilee Army is like a warrior who goes to the demon.

The black dog that erupted a terrible shit, like the legendary demon, was being attacked by the Silver Jubilee.

Onlookers, naturally, the Silver Jubilee, who hopes to represent justice, can win.

Of course, in fact, there is no justice.

The dog **** a shit.

The body of the Jubilee Army, which came from all directions, was a tremor.

A silver sergeant, wielding a rifle, and agitating muscles, has already reached the front of the dog.

The silver lance was like a whip that slammed the world. He slammed toward the dog, and wanted to kill the dog.

But the dog is a dog, after all.

A shit.

Let the silver sturdy body be in the same place.

There are squally waves in the mouth, so that the other party can't move forward.


The silver sturdy anger is mad, and it is actually stopped by a dog.

A long scream, the blue veins on the neck are all bursting out, and the silver sturdy ones must force a stick to kill the dog.



He still failed to do it after all.

The long gun was bent and broken in the terrible air of the dog, and the silver sturdy felt a huge force on the body.

The Yuan soul seems to have been collapsed by the shackles.

With a bang, a spurt of blood.

The silver sturdy man flew out.

The flow is three thousand feet straight down!

A strong man wrapped up in a gun, and the silver guns covered the sky, as if they were turned into waterfalls and poured down.

Boom! !

That is a gunmanship, the power is endless, if it is bombardment, the ground is to be smashed into a sieve.

However, it is still useless.

You can't do anything, the dog is a slap in the face.

Thousands of guns and mans under this shit, actually turned back.

Waterfall backflow?

The strong man who showed this trick suddenly felt a chill.

There was even a panic in the eyelids.

Hey! !

No resistance.

Thousands of thousands of guns went back to the back, and the caster was given a hole into the sieve.

Every gun he showed was alive and blasted into his own body.

The energy emanating from his body finally turned himself back and smashed himself into a sieve...

What a terrible picture? !

The tragic voice of the strong man came to an abrupt end, because he had no power to be miserable.

A bang.

A tattered body fell to the ground...

Blood rushed to the ground.

A silver sturdy man... died.

But... this is just the beginning.

A shit, killed a silver sergeant.

Everyone else has a strong chest ups and downs.

Looking at the dog with horror.

Tong Muhe squeezed his fist tightly and had a blue rib on his forehead.

The **** rogue flowed... Let the remaining fourteen silver scorpions, their eyes tightened, and the murderous moment burst.

They were just playing with them, and finally felt the threat of death.

Bang! !

The guns of the roads rushed into the sky and were intertwined in the void.

The next moment, turned into a gun net, covering the dog.

The energy flow in the gun network, no doubt, once covered by the gun network, will be strangled and died.

"Give me kill him!"

Tongmu River shouts.

Fourteen silver squadrons burst at the same time.

Boom! !

The onlookers around them have to hurry and almost suffocate.

They seem to have seen a tense crusade.

What the final result will be, they are very curious!

In the restaurant.

The atmosphere is a bit stagnate.

Mu Muer looked at the step and looked at the other side of the body, such as the dynasty Erha, and the breathing was slow.

Uncle Mu’s breath, he didn’t understand what these people were waiting for.

A dog... what is so good.

Step by step, holding hands, slowly paced in front of the table, he is not in a hurry, the dishes have a fairy, the existence of a million years is not a problem.

The small flower, the three-flowered snake, turned, and then jumped down from the chair. She took a small hand and walked outside the restaurant.

It seems that I want to see the graceful posture of the dog.

Little secluded is not refused, followed up.

Mu Zhen’s heart moved, she also chose to keep up, she could feel the confidence of the step to the outside dog.

This trust made her curious.

Just walked outside the door.

Stretched his head.

Mu Yuer suddenly looked stagnation, and the whole person seemed to be a bit sluggish.

Because the situation outside was completely beyond her expectation, it seemed to be different from what she imagined.

There is a **** smell in the air, which is very rich in blood.

On the far side of the ground, a silver sturdy man from a child's family was pierced into a sieve and fell to the ground without a breath.

Dead a silver sturdy?

This dog... actually killed a silver sturdy.

Did not let Mu Xiaoer have too many horror.

Because of the picture that happened next, she felt that her breathing seemed to stop.

Fourteen silver sturdy, red-eyed, holding long guns, each spurt the strongest fighting power, rushing toward the black dog.

The pressure of the diffuseness makes people's legs tremble.

It seems to be the audience behind me.

The dog's lazy twisted his head, his eyes fell on Xiaoyou and the little flower that was cheering.

The dog’s mouth was slightly pulled.

Later, slowly lifted the exquisite dog's claws.

Brush it! !

The moment the dog raised the exquisite dog's claws.

Every silver sturdy person moved, and they changed shape, and the figure was like a lightning bolt, constantly changing in the void.

But in the midst of change, it is still forced to come to the dog.

"Is the braised pork good?" asked the dog, yawning.

Mu Yuer gave a slight glimpse.

The next moment, I quickly replied: "Good... well..."

"Oh... then don't waste time."

The dog’s mouth is pumping.

The next moment, the exquisite dog claws in the air suddenly slammed down.

boom! !

From the body of the dog, the sigh of the sky rushed out.

In the twinkling of an eye, it seems that the whole scorpio seems to have become dim.

The movements of the silver sturdy are all shaking, and the next moment, the speed is bursting to the extreme.

However, soon...

They suddenly found out that they could not get close to the black dog.

The darkness of the darkness turned into a huge dog's claw that covered the sky, and the gun net collapsed directly.

Among the dog's claws, the fourteen silver scorpions were constantly swaying in them, and the guns were like dragons. They wanted to break the **** of the dog's claws and kill them.

However, with the gentle suppression of the dog's claws, their breathing became very intense, and the meaning of fear spread in their hearts.

They can't escape the dog's claws.

However, they do not want to be killed by the claws!

A shout of screams burst out of the dog's claws.


The onlookers around them felt a bit dry and dry.

That dog... is it fine?

This paw... as if one side of the world is crushing down!

Let everyone despair!

boom! !

One of the silver sturdy men was pressed to the ground. They held silver rifles and black dog claws, trying to hold up a day.

But the dog squinted his head and slowly pressed the dog's claws down.

next moment……

The long gun is bent and broken...

The silver sturdy can only witness the cracking of the dog's claws with arms.

Tongmu River’s **** roar in the distance!

A shout.

He grabbed the silver rifle in his hand and kicked it on the handlebar. In an instant... the silver lance was a whistling speed that turned into an arrow.

Speed ​​is lightning fast.

It is like a lightning bolt that wants to tear the sky.

"Give me broken!!"

Tongmu River roared, and the breath spread on the body, as if to hold up the giants of the heavens and the earth.

Rub... wipe...

A blast of sound rang.

One of the silver sturdy men was struggling to the ground, their armor bursting open, sweat and blood lingering down.


Tongmu River appeared and punched out.

This punch is like taking all the energy of this piece of heaven and earth.

"Give me broken!!"

The long gun came and slammed on the sturdy dog's claw.


The gas dog claws tumbling.

The next moment, the silver pike directly penetrated the dog's claws, piercing out, and piercing a silver sturdy man with a dog's claw...

Hey, the strong man bursts directly!

Tong Muhe took a cold breath.

The eyelids are all turned into blood.

"Damn! A dog in the area... blast you!!"

Tong Muhe slammed out and punched the boxing method.

Behind him, there seems to be a sky.

Above the sky, there are stars shining and the light falling down.

A punch, rushing out.

Hey! !

A loud bang...

The ground was deeply sunken.

The dog's claws are also blasting away.

Tong Muhe punched the dog and directly smashed it.

Tongmu River's eyelids became red.

Behind him, a silver sturdy body was smashed, and there was no life...

Actually, they were all shot by a dog's claw.


Tong Muhe was stunned, and he did not think that, just for a moment, his Jubilee Army was blown up!

Faced with a punch of Tong Muhe.

Mu Muer felt like he was caught in his throat.

The body trembled fiercely.

It seems as if death is approaching at a rapid speed.

"Hey... there is a fish that slips through the net."

The fist of Tong Muhe was still blocked.

Was blocked by the dog's exquisite dog's claws.

Tong Muhe's eyes are a bit sluggish. This episode of his whole body strength is actually blocked.

Is this dog a peak in the real world of Samsung... or is it a four-star true god? !


The dog's dog claws are raised, and then a shot.

Tong Muhe suddenly watched one of his arms burst directly under a paw!

The figure fell back and forth, and then fell to the ground, coughing blood in the mouth.

Climb up and climb.

Tongmu River has a tight eye.

He glanced around, surrounded by people, and the air was full of blood...

His fifteen silver squadrons were wiped out.

Hey stood up.

The eyes of Tongmu River became extremely sharp.

Da da da……

A crisp footstep sounded.

Steps out of the restaurant, thin body, leaning on the door panel.

Tong Muhe stared at the steps and slammed the opening.

His voice has become a little hoarse.

"You are the mortal chef who hurt the child..."

Tongmu River said coldly.

The steps leaned against the door panel and frowned.

"Oh, if there is no one else, that is me."

The next moment, Tong Muhe smiled.

The corner of his mouth is bloody, and his smile is very impressive.

"I heard that you used the pot to burst the spirit of the child, today... use the pot, let all of you die!"


The voice fell.

The breath of Tong Muhe's body skyrocketed, the light in his hand was smashing, and the rich fairy spirit continued to flow on it.

"It's a fairy!!"

"A good scent of scent, this is a medium fairy?"

"Children's homes have given the fairy to Tongmuhe! This is the killing game... Unfortunately, the fairy is too late to come out."


The people around me suddenly picked up and were amazed.

A cyan cauldron emerged above the head of Tongmu River.

The infuriating nature of Tong Muhe was poured into the cyan cauldron, and the blood was flying at a rapid speed.

He is urging the fairy in the most insane way of choosing!


There seems to be a thunderstorm on the top of the sky.


Tongmu River witnessed the use of the remaining arm to smash the cyan cauldron toward the fairy kitchen shop.

When the void traverses in the cyan cauldron, it bursts!

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