The sudden scene made everyone feel very shocked. Originally, they were melon eaters and wanted to see the final outcome of this game.

These two people look very powerful, both are chef-like characters.

Taking advantage of their PK, it is naturally good to be able to taste the skills of the two for free, such opportunities are rare in this world.

Fortunately, one of them got impatient and rushed towards them with a weapon.

"Run, run!" Those who reacted scrambled to the open space.

A mother was protecting her daughter, and also ran to a remote place.

04 "Don't come here, don't come here!" Some people are always so frightened that they squat down on the spot, holding their heads, and begging for mercy.

In short, the scene was a mess, running and hiding, adults hugging their children, and couples holding hands and running away.

It's just that there are too many people here, everyone ran very chaotically, and some people even tripped over.

Seeing that a large stampede was about to happen right in front of his eyes, Jiang Feng knew that this was not acceptable.

First, he kicked Zhao Hao, who was baring his teeth and claws, to the side.

He snatched the fork from his hand, found a rope from nearby, and tied Zhao Hao up.

Zhao Hao is definitely not as powerful as Jiang Feng, Jiang Feng subdued him with three hits and two hits.

At this time, Zhao Hao was still in a state of madness, grinning and wanting to bite off the rope on his body.

Seeing that he had no way to attack others anymore, Jiang Feng didn't waste too much time on him, but took care of the crowd, which had become extremely chaotic.

Many people were too anxious to escape, so they accidentally fell down, causing a mess, and stampede accidents are likely to occur.

Jiang Feng grabbed one of the young children and pulled him out of the messy crowd.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Feng began to work hard to maintain order here.

"Everyone, don't be in a hurry, I have subdued the bad guy now, be careful, don't cause a stampede.

Jiang Feng cleared those people away bit by bit. Some people fell to the ground, and Jiang Feng helped them up. Under Jiang Feng's leadership, the order here suddenly became better.

The police arrived very quickly, and by the time the police arrived, the scene was safe and sound.

"Who called the police, what happened here?" The police came to ask about the situation.

The situation here is already very clear at a glance. Everyone speaks out one by one, and the police can know what's going on.

"So this is the one who wants to commit murder, right?" The police backhanded and detained Zhao Hao, who had already been subdued in 520 uniform.

Then the policeman walked up to Jiang Feng: "We already know what happened, you did a good job! A crisis was avoided because of you.

Don't underestimate the stampede accident, if something happens, it is also very dangerous.

Jiang Feng is not proud at all: "This is what I should do."

The farce that happened today also ended successfully with the arrival of the police.

Everyone saw Zhao Hao's character clearly and felt that Zhao Hao was a lunatic, so the slander he said earlier must be groundless and untrustworthy.

Jiang Feng was not in a hurry to argue for himself, and he also maintained his innocence. .

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