Gourmet: Re-Engraving Extinct Famous Dishes Starting From Dragon Scales

Chapter 458 Chatting During The Live Broadcast 】

Jiang Feng agreed with Xu Mao's words with both hands and feet.

His brain has been blank recently, and he really doesn't have much energy to develop new products.

If he was forced to develop new products at this time, it would be to squeeze out the last cells in his brain, and what he finally researched might not be a good thing.

For the idea of ​​new products, it takes time. Sometimes when the inspiration comes, there will be it.

"Yeah." Jiang Feng agreed.

Not long after Xu Mao left, Jiang Feng's cell phone rang suddenly, and it was from Zhang Yi.

Thinking about it carefully, I haven't paid attention to the things over there for a long time.

What Xu Mao said was indeed true. How could I have so much time and energy to open a new store? I was already too busy with many things. If it wasn't for Zhang Yi's call, Jiang Feng would have been over there for a while. I can't really remember half of the time.

I remember the last memory of that place, the store has been closed for a long time, and it is about to close. I don’t know how they choose.

With a curious attitude, Jiang Feng answered the call.

"Zhang Yi?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Jiang Feng! I have a lot of questions about cooking recently. I don't know if we can live broadcast together. This way, we can also use your popularity to drive the popularity of the store.

I can also learn from you. "f

Zhang Yi's request is very reasonable for Jiang Feng.

How the store develops is very important to Jiang Feng.

Although he has temporarily handed over the shop to Qing Wan and the others, in name, he is still the manager of the shop.

Zhang Yi is also his apprentice. As a master, it is very normal to teach some skills to his apprentices.

The live broadcast started soon.

"When I was frying this bean pod recently, I couldn't keep it crisp and at the same time let it cook, and the final product was very ugly." Zhang Yi said.

This kind of pod is a seasonal dish in this period. It tastes very delicious and is loved by many people.

But Zhang Yi couldn't make it delicious, and he was almost dying of worry.

"When frying bean pods, you need to add water in small amounts and many times, and as soon as you see that there is no water in the bones, you must add it immediately, so as to maintain the taste of bean sprouts.

As expected of a chef, Jiang Feng found a solution right away.

0...asking for flowers...

Many netizens watched this live broadcast. Originally they wanted to watch Jiang Feng cook, but they found that Jiang Feng was not cooking, but teaching others to cook. They felt very uncomfortable

"Hey, Jiang Feng didn't cook today?"

"It seems to be here to teach us how to cook. Everything is the key point. Hurry up and take a notebook and write it down."


Netizens began chatting in the live broadcast room in a hurry.

It's rare today that he didn't pay too much attention to his friends' comments. He put all his attention on Zhang Yi who was cooking.

"Add water a few times, not many times!" Jiang Feng said.

"Oh oh oh my hands are shaking more and more." Zhang Yi said.

Zhang Yi had many problems in cooking, and Jiang Feng started chatting with him.

"You can hold a container so your hands don't shake."

"Don't put so much oil!"

After looking at the side of Southwest for a long time, he finally plucked up his courage and walked to Jiang Feng's side.

"Hmm... May I ask your name? I think you've done a great job. Can I follow you?" Southwest asked timidly. .

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