Gourmet: Re-Engraving Extinct Famous Dishes Starting From Dragon Scales

Chapter 51 Sturgeon Worth A Maybach, Full Of Caviar! [Kneeling For Evaluation Of Flowers]

"Don't worry, everyone, up will not be punished."

"Xiaofeng wanted to restore the most luxurious and top-notch [glazed keel] in ancient times,"

"I deliberately bought a 15-year-old artificially raised sturgeon a year ago, and then carefully fed it for a year before it grew to this size."

Jiang Feng explained.

The audience breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that Jiang Feng did not need to wear a small silver bracelet to sing Tears behind bars.

"That's good, that's good."

"I almost thought up was going to be punished."

"I'm also engaged in aquaculture. Such a big sturgeon must be worth a lot."

"Needless to say, it can be seen that it can grow to this level, can it be cheap?"

"A few thousand yuan less?"

"The pattern is open. Any adult Sturgeon Arowana on the market costs several thousand yuan."

"The fish in front of up must be at least a few."


Such a large Sturgeon Arowana caused the audience to speculate on the price.

Jiang Feng smiled lightly, thinking that the network of netizens is still small.

Thousands of dollars can buy sturgeon arowana.

However, after ten years, the price of Sturgeon Arowana will increase explosively every time it grows up a year and grows in size.

How many do not slip away,

You can't even buy two fish bones.

"It's actually not that expensive."

"The value of this Sturgeon is probably only a Maybach."

Jiang Feng waved his hand lightly.

"A Maybach?!"


"Up is too rich."

"I'm numb, there is actually a car in front of up that is my ultimate goal?"

"Grass, what a prominent family?"

"Normal. After all, Up is the one who waters a whole mountain of crops with ginseng water."


The audience clicked their tongues.

Jiang Feng's handwriting was too ruthless.

Even many chefs who often cook high-end ingredients can't help but raise their eyebrows.

Chef Lin is no exception.

A fish is worth a Maybach,

How arrogant!

"This [Glass Dragon Bone] is a famous imperial dish from the Manchu and Han banquets."

"According to ancient records, it takes more than ten years of sturgeon bones, and then simmers them in nine-bone thick soup. The final product is crystal clear and looks like glass."

"Sturgeon arowana has two treasures all over its body, one is the keel, and the other is the dragon tendon."

"In the imperial dining room of the ancient palace, there is a saying that goes like this--shark fin and beluga fish bones, one bone is worth ten abalones."

"It can be seen from this that this [Glass Dragon Bone] was highly valued in the ancient court."

"After finishing [Glass Dragon Bone] today, if you have enough time, then Xiaofeng can show you another famous extinct dish that is as famous as [Glass Dragon Bone] - [Jade Dragon Tendon]."

Jiang Feng described it vividly and vividly, and the audience was enthralled directly.

"I'm lucky tonight."

"God's blessing of taste is obviously a blessing of eyes."

"It's enough to see this kind of royal dish through the screen."

"I really want fish to quench my thirst."

"Hey~ Why don't you think about it and randomly pick a dish for the brothers?"

"Thousands of blood books, just ask for a mouthful of fish soup."


The audience went all out.

But everyone is clear in their hearts.

It is impossible to smoke, and it is impossible to give away.

Eat the meal while it's hot,

It is estimated that the nutritional content and deliciousness will have been lost by the time it is delivered.

Pure waste.

"An ordinary sturgeon has two treasures, but the fish in front of me has one more."

"Before making the famous extinct dishes, let's take out the third treasure first."

As Jiang Feng said, he turned the Sturgeon Arowana over, with the white belly facing up.

Then he brought an extremely sharp scalpel, and cut open the stomach of the Sturgeon Arowana smoothly, exposing a large black mass in the belly.

"What's this?"

"It's dark, it can't be Yubaba, right?"

"Ouch, stop talking, disgusting."

"??? Is the one in front really ignorant or fake? This is caviar!"


"Damn it, don't tell me that this fish has roe that is more expensive than gold."

"I'm confused, is there any brother who understands, please explain?"

"Don't even understand caviar? The caviar in the belly of the sturgeon is the most authentic caviar raw material, and it is also the most expensive. With so much caviar, I can buy several Porsche 911s!"

Those who knew the goods were immediately dumbfounded.

Such a big sturgeon is so expensive, I didn't expect to have such precious "babies" in my stomach.

The belated audience clicked their tongues one after another, saying that it was outrageously expensive.

"Everyone is right, this is the raw material of caviar, the caviar of Sturgeon arowana."

"As caviar, one of the three major contemporary delicacies, the value of these caviar is extremely high, and it is called black gold in the market."

Jiang Feng randomly took out some caviar, put them in a basin, and weighed them.

20 catties.

"It's worth about a million dollars."

Jiang Feng's understated tone made the audience unable to hold back.


This is worth a million!

Do you want to say it so lightly?

Those who didn't know thought it was a pack of spicy strips.

As the audience might expect, Jiang Feng isn't bothered about the value of the caviar.

He just took out all the roe, processed it a little, and put it aside.

Although caviar is valuable, delicacies related to caviar also appeared in the Tang Dynasty.

But today's protagonist is not it.

"We have taken out the caviar, now we can officially enter today's main course."

"Next, let's get the keel!"

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