Garp’s defection.

Even in such a chaotic era, it was a major event.

A naval hero actually defected from the navy?

Things that would definitely make you laugh out loud if you tell them, but they actually happened.

For a time, there was a storm.

A new world, somewhere in the sea.

Aboard the Red Forth.

Seeing the news of Garp’s defection, the red-haired man remained silent.

“Garp actually defected from the navy?”

Even after seeing such news, the red-haired man was still a little unbelievable and couldn’t believe it.

“It is said to be related to the Gotei Thirteenth Team.”

Ben Beckman said something.

Then, the two of them were silent.

After a while, Ben Beckman suddenly said:”Shanks, I suddenly feel that this sea is so strange now.”

The red-haired man was stunned for a moment, and then he also had a wry smile on his face.

Isn’t it strange?

The resurrection of ancient powerful men?

What an unreliable thing!

But it really happened.

To be honest, even if there are a lot of people appearing now, Although there was no evidence, the red-haired man still didn’t quite believe in the resurrection of an ancient powerful man.

In the face of the war, because of the sudden appearance of the Five Old Stars, he finally retreated. He did not succeed in trying to persuade him to break up the fight.

Although it was impossible to break up the fight, he did not. I didn’t go to the scene, and I didn’t see the final battle.

Although the Seven Nights King’s Battle first appeared, the Warring States Period and Whitebeard joined forces.

But in the red-haired view, Whitebeard was already old.

Before the war on the top, he saw When Whitebeard was young, he already knew it in his heart.

Even he knew very well in his heart that Whitebeard was actually seeking death.

He tried to persuade him, but he couldn’t.

And such Whitebeard’s own strength has dropped a lot. In addition, joining forces with Sengoku?

Hongfa thinks this is impossible.

With Whitebeard’s character, it is impossible to join forces with others, let alone with Sengoku.

The hearts are not aligned.

Without experiencing the scene, Hongfa naturally doesn’t know.

Where is it ? In this case, no matter what Whitebeard’s character is, and no matter what Sengoku thinks, there is only one way to join forces.

The red-haired man has never experienced that kind of power, so he doesn’t know. He also doesn’t know that when Whitebeard is furious,

He didn’t even know how powerful he was to sacrifice his life for everything.

Sometimes, ignorance is also a kind of stupidity.

Therefore, the red-haired man didn’t believe in the resurrection of the ancient strong man at all.

Even if it appeared When Madara Uchiha defeated the BIGMOM Pirates alone, he also felt that the entire Nanaya Throne came out.

Then, he destroyed the BIGMOM Pirates.

As for the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, it was not Uchiha Madara alone, it must also be Nanaya. Together with the throne. Alone


Hehe, even I, the red-haired one, can’t do it.

It’s not that the red-haired man is overly confident, but that he does have the strength. It’s just a ship of people, but he can become the four emperors.

The cadres under him are all They are all famous, and the average bounty in the group is very high. They are called the most balanced Iron Wall Pirates.

Red Hair actually has this confidence in destroying the BIGMOM Pirates.

The only one who killed Charlotte… Lingling, it is impossible to do it.

Therefore, in the red hair, it is definitely indispensable for the Seven Nights Throne to have four emperors with strong combat power.

There may even be at least three.

Because only in this way, can it be possible to kill Charlotte Lingling Death.

And in the entire BIGMOM pirate group, Charlotte Lingling is a bit difficult to deal with.

In addition, there are four generals.

And even among the four generals, there is only one Charlotte Katakuri. He has figured out the role, and the rest is not difficult at all.

If a war breaks out between the red-haired pirates and the BIGMOM pirates, then if he stops Charlotte Lingling, his men will be enough to destroy the BIGMOM pirates.

You must know that his deputy captain Ben Beckman is not much weaker than him.

Even if the two of them join forces, although they cannot kill Charlotte Lingling, they can definitely defeat Charlotte Lingling..

Thinking about it this way, it seems that what the Throne of Seven Nights can do, they, the Red-haired Pirates, can almost do it.

As for the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army… at best, its location is mysterious and no outsiders know about it.

If it had been exposed long ago, the World Government would have destroyed the headquarters seventeen or eighteen times.

And based on the current dynamics of the Revolutionary Army, Hongfa already believed that the strong men of the Revolutionary Army were not at the headquarters at that time.

After all, such a huge army of the Revolutionary Army cannot be dispatched so easily without strong people at the top.

That’s easy to say.

The masters and strong men are not at home, so you knock on the door.

Destroying other people’s headquarters is naturally not that difficult.

The only thing that surprised him was that the Impel Down City was completely destroyed by the Masked Legion under the Throne of Seven Nights.

However, the red hair did not witness the live broadcast at that time.

Not even on the red-haired pirates.

After all, the red hair knows that some people with special abilities can sense the location of the phone bugs based on some special phone bugs.

This is also the reason why there are only a few extremely ordinary phone bugs on the red-haired ship.

Impel Down was destroyed, and Red Hair only learned about it from newspapers.

This frightened him a little.

But based on the description and some intelligence, Red Hair guessed the strength of the Masked Legion. Although it was powerful, it did not reach the Yonko level.

The strongest one, Hirako Mako, is probably better than the general, but still not at the Yonko level.

Moreover, the strength of the entire Masked Legion might be equivalent to that of one Yonko.

This is the redhead’s analysis.

And he felt that it must be the case.

He even determined that this masked army was probably the strongest fighting team under the Throne of Seven Nights.

I wonder if becoming the Yonko made Shanks take it for granted.

He also said that he was too confident in himself and the strength of the red-haired pirates.

In the end, this suspicion came into his mind.

This is actually his understanding of the overall strength of the Seven Nights Throne.

Perhaps the Throne of Seven Nights is powerful, but it is not invincible.

It can also be defeated.

This is what the red hair said about the Throne of Seven Nights.

And the reason why I feel that the current sea is a bit strange.

That’s all because there are so many strong people.

How many general-level combat capabilities can there be in the entire sea?

But the Seven Nights Throne has so many, and what makes the red hair curious the most is.

Where did these people come from?

The ancient strongman resurrected?

The red hair expressed disbelief. Instead of believing this, it is better to believe that they are the hidden power of the world government!

If the red-haired man knew that one of the Five Old Stars had been killed, he would definitely not think so.

But Wulaoxing was killed, which was a shame for Wulaoxing.

How can this be spread out?

There was no time to cover it up!

I have to say that the red-haired person’s speculation actually makes sense.

But the premise is that he speculates based on himself and his understanding of the world.

Otherwise, he didn’t think about it at all.

Perhaps in the red-haired view, the one he can really fear is the Holy Land Marie Joa, the king of the Celestial Dragons who sits on the void throne in the deepest place among the flowers.

No matter how powerful the rest of them are, they are only not much different from his strength.

It’s a bit stronger than him, but it’s impossible to kill or even defeat him.

But the redhead would never have thought of that.

The world now is no longer the original world.

Because in this world now, the phenomenon of transcending categories has appeared.

A powerful force that does not belong to this world has appeared.

And not just one or two.

So, that was that sentence.

Sometimes, ignorance is not wrong.

The mistake is to mistake ignorance for omniscience.

This is stupid


Fourth update!

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