Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 475: Scholar civilization (middle)

"Dear Dr. Lei Luo!"

A young scholar wearing a light green bachelor's uniform got up in the back row of the auditorium and asked Lei Luo boldly.

On his shoulder, stood a hedgehog.

There are three red active fruits on the hedgehog's back, where they yawn boredly.

And this so-called young scholar is only the general age for higher scholars. In Lei Luo's perception, the cell activity and spiritual soul of the other party should be slightly older than himself.

"I'm from Traby, just an unnamed academician. It is a great honor to be able to participate in this Royal Academic Exchange Conference!"

The young man’s expression was very excited, and the hedgehog on his shoulder also screamed, causing everyone in the conference to smile.

"You just mentioned the level of civilization, which is based on the degree of recognition of the law. Dare to ask the master, since we humans are just an ordinary group of creatures on the peninsula of Stormwind, this world has many powerful creatures that we have never encountered before. Civilization, how many levels of civilization are per barrel of oil, and what level are we humans at? What level is the so-called superhuman civilization that interrupted the light miracle two days ago?"

Sicily heard the words in the front row of the auditorium, showing a look of expectation.

Regarding the level of civilization, she also researched and contacted through the remains of the Qulan civilization.

It's just that she didn't expect that the top scholars from the Grand Duchy seemed to have done some research in other ways.

Through this academic exchange conference held in St. Granburg, she happened to be able to discuss with Gran academic circles.

This kind of thing, if it weren't for being judged by the Holy See as a heretical scholarship, it wasn't any advanced knowledge that needed to be kept secret.

Lei Luo looked at the young scholar.

"Hehe, you don't have to be humble. If I'm not mistaken, these red fruits are cultivated by grafting techniques from ancient seeds. Your future is boundless."

After complimenting a sentence, Lei Luo said: "As for the level of civilization you asked about, according to my current knowledge, civilization can be divided into 6 levels based on the level of knowledge of the law. The first is level 1 primitive civilization. Refers to those weak and small groups that have been protected by legendary creatures and ancient creatures. This civilization can barely survive in Stormwind. Their knowledge of the law is only left over from the ancients, or the talents of legendary creatures, ancient creatures, or some implications. Among the treasures of the power of the law, it is barely enough to summon a trace, and the level of awareness is very primitive."

Many scholars in the audience, many of them quietly took out the handwritten notes, and carefully recorded the brand-new knowledge concept proposed by Lei Luo at this academic seminar and exchange conference.

"Secondly are the Level 2 Temple Civilization and Level 3 Theology Civilization. They have been able to create their own guardian deity through the power of faith, and use this to open up their own ethnic inhabitants in Stormwind. As for us humans... The Holy See is one of the level 3 civilizations, but our scholars are different."

Lei Luo's voice was full of ambition and expectations, and everyone in the hall could clearly feel it.

He said in a low voice: "At this stage, scholars, whether it is the Principality of Gran, which has developed radiation catastrophic weapons, or the Principality of Sealand, which has developed alpha catastrophic weapons, have successfully stepped into the fourth level of civilization and successfully This law is used as a weapon of war, and it is regularized. As long as we have enough time, we will crush the war of level 3 civilization in the ordinary sense."

"Dr. Reello, are you saying that you are too adored by law weapons?"

The one who speaks, it is [Warlord] Fladik!

Naturally, many eyes from the venue gathered on this famous academician.

Radek's influence in the Principality of Gran is almost not below Antonio, even above Corleone!

And the relationship between it and Lei Luo, in the eyes of many scholars in the Principality of Grande, seems to be a bit of an alternation of new and old.

"It turned out to be Master Fladic."

After saluting respectfully, Lei Luo stared at the famous and far-reaching war weapon master, but said in a firm tone: "Absolutely not!"

Fladick frowned.

"As for the research on weapons of war, I and you have different research directions, but from your words, it seems that you compare gods to a low-law weapon. Although such a statement is novel, it is a bit too rash. Regardless of whether it is the Principality of Sealand or the Principality of Gran, the law weapon has never been actualized. How do you judge that the Fal weapon is better than those great gods? You have no idea about the power of the creator of light!"

Fladik's words are undoubtedly a blockbuster on the venue.

The Holy See has been oppressing academia for too long.

The unparalleled deterrence of the Holy See has been deeply rooted in everyone's hearts, including these renowned top scholars.

There were more and more doubts in the audience.

Lei Luo on the stage, more and more can feel the overwhelming pressure is sweeping on him.

Bang bang bang...

"Ha ha ha ha."

Along with hearty laughter, there was a burst of warm applause from the audience, which attracted everyone's attention.

Antonio frowned and looked at the man beside him with Vladick.

This person is impressively the invited Sealand Principality [Bio-Exterminator] Sicily!

In the surprise of Lei Luo on the stage, the female academician of Sealand stood up resolutely.

"Worthy of the legendary scholar who developed radiation weapons, respectable Mr. Lei Luo, your wisdom has gained my respect. Here, I am also willing to publish some of my research as a support and supplement to Mr. Lei Luo ."

Lei Luo said in surprise, "Master, please come on stage."

Sicily did not refuse. In the gaze of many academicians in the front row of the auditorium, she took out a crystal ball, stepped onto the stage, and came to Lei Luo.

After nodding, Sicily replaced Lei Luo's crystal ball, and the light curtain information at the venue changed accordingly.

"As early as 80 years ago, I accidentally learned about the existence of law weapons through the Quran civilization. As Mr. Leiluo said, the civilization of the Star Curtain was extinct frequently during the Great Glacier and the Little Glacier, and it is very likely that it was suffered. When it came to the blow of a certain ice law weapon, it was also from this that I learned the reason why ancient creatures hide underground."

Ancient creatures underground?

Sicily's words immediately made everyone breathless.

This is the biggest threat in the Principality. Even after this academic exchange conference, the primary task of the Grand Principality is to remove the monsters that invaded the surface of the Dubite Province.

Antonio and Fladick glanced at each other quietly.

In this academic exchange conference, the main reason for inviting Sealand scholars is to use the superhuman message to resolve the contradiction between the Principality of Gran and the Principality of Sealand and prevent the Principality of Sealand from taking advantage of the Principality of Gran and Dubit. A possible sneak attack during the provincial monster war.

"The reason is... the ancient demons revolutionaries who developed the weapons of law failed in the war with the ancient demons. In order to prevent the revolutionaries from rising again, the ancient demons ordered all believers to migrate to the underground world. The eye of the wind sanctuary ancient magic revolutionaries also declined from this, and were destroyed by other unknown civilizations!"

She sneered evilly: "Those ancient demons revolutionaries seem to be in a very similar situation to us here."

Sicily's words made many awakened people's complexion stiff and their backs chilled.

This is not over yet.

She turned her eyes and said, "Hehe, hehe, and now, those ancient demons have returned to the surface. Apart from the so-called dark world conspiracy, is there such a the underground world, born again? With the new revolutionaries, those demons plan to use the same method against them?"

It is really whimsical!

Even Lei Luo had never thought of this possibility.

At this moment, his look at Sicily changed.

From her body, Lei Luo saw something unique, that was a friend who walked with her!

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