Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 478: Royal Council of Academicians (Part 1)

After the academic exchange seminar of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences.

For a time, the new worldview of superhumans and the civilized class of the mainland has become a universally new topic among higher scholars.

It can be said like this.

If the war between the dark world and the Holy See is not in full swing, the scholar who proposed this new worldview at this moment is almost the same as the "Heliocentric Theory" 800 years ago. It is an absolute heretical academic and will be captured by the Central Aurora Empire to be tried by the Holy See. .

With the success of the academic seminar and exchange conference held by the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences, Lei Luo was naturally invited by the Gran Royal Academician Committee to become a new royal academician and reached the top of academics.

"Academician Lei Luo, congratulations!"

"Congratulations, Academician Lei Luo."

Leiluo slowly took up his laboratory chair in the blessings of Academician Animo from the [Starfish Touch] and Academician [Fusion and Evolution] Pernash.

Laura and Thain on the side couldn't help but smile with excitement and blessings.

The old woman Anamo smiled, her eyes flickering.

"Pernash and I are both traditional evolutionary scholars. Although the vitality of cells is far superior to ordinary people, it is hardly worth mentioning when compared with your cell vitality. Hey, you are also praised as a pioneer of Antonio. , And the pioneers also publicly announced during the exchange meeting that the path of evolution has come to an end. It seems that you will open up a new golden age like the three pioneers 800 years ago."

She tentatively said: "As a new academician, my old lady has a good understanding of the situation in the principality and some of the committee. If you don't dislike it, I will do it for you and introduce you some basic knowledge at this level."


Pernash's smile narrowed slightly.

"You old lady, say everything I want to say!"

He grunted angrily. Seeing Animo just kept laughing and remembering something, he sighed: "Fine, after that fight back, your old lady probably won't have many days to live, so let you get the chance. "

After finishing speaking, he looked at Leiluo and said: "Since Academician Anamo here is responsible for telling you some common sense, the war mobilization in Dubite province has not been delayed. I will report to Your Majesty first. You hurry up. Once the war is tense, even you may be transferred to the front line by the principality."

"Master, rest assured."

Lei Luo calmly said: "Even if your majesty does not call, I have already planned to join this war."

Pernas said in surprise: "Do you really want to go? This war is not a joke! [Source of Energy] Ankalev didn't even have a chance to escape. It is said that the ancient creatures over there have spread to Dubit. In the surrounding provinces."

Pernash sighed slightly when Lei Luo's expression was still calm.

"It's up to you, anyway, Pioneer Corleone will do everything possible to protect you, I'm leaving first."

The old man left the laboratory.

The old woman smiled rather attentively.

"The royal academician certificate, please take it away. This certificate itself is also a low-level magic weapon. If necessary, you can activate its self-detonation ability and save your life. As for your portrait, it should be within two days. If it can be done, it will be appointed by your majesty to hang in the corridors of major libraries. This is the highest honor for scholars. Let's go to the committee next."

"Master please!"

After Lei Luo bid farewell to Laura and Thain, he followed Animo towards the Royal Academician Committee.

The title is【Starfish Touch】, the meaning is simple and clear.

The research field of this female academician is obviously to develop a certain kind of starfish evolutionary meaning to the extreme, and the biggest feature of sea star creatures is the rebirth of severed limbs, with super cell vitality.

Warm sunlight sheds the earth.

The two walked side by side, and on the boulevard of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences, they could not feel the chaos caused by the interruption of the light miracle of St. Gran Fort in the past few days.

"Academician Lei Luo, Academician Animo..."

From time to time, passing scholars saluted the two respectfully, and they couldn't help but show their surprised eyes.

From the dean to the academician, Leiluo is still a little unaccustomed to it, but Animo has long been used to it and walks on his own.

"The top scholars in the academic world of our principality can generally be divided into four levels. You only need to remember not to provoke those special detached existences. Generally speaking, as your Grand Royal Academician, No matter what kind of powerful enemy they encounter, the other side will leave some affection, and even conflicts and conflicts will not rush to death."


"Which detached existence?"

Lei Luo asked curiously.

"First of all, Gauss Adolf and Antonio are two detached pioneers of the older generation, so I don't need to say more?"

The old woman sneered: "There are many famous academicians who have died in the hands of these two old pioneers. Unsurprisingly, these two should be the only scholars in the principality who can confront the middle god."

Lei Luo nodded.

"anything else?"

"Also... it is the advanced academicians of the major duchy who really master the power of the law. Of course, this is just a traditional saying. Under the proposal of the normalization of the prophets of [Bio-Exterminators] Sicily, these people have become prophets of the new era. There are three in the Principality of Lan, four in the Principality of Sealand, three in the Principality of Barda, one in the Principality of Willand, and one in the Principality of Finland that has perished."

Animo smiled and said, "The three of the Grand Duchy, I don't think I need to say more?"

"Does it mean [Dark Sealer] Corleone, [Warlord] Fladick, and the mysterious existence deep in the palace?"

"Haha, yes, although Master Fladik is quite controversial, in the hearts of Gran Scholars, he is enough to be alongside the pioneers. Many wars in history have fully proved this point. As for the pioneers of other principalities, I am here There are some data collected over the years, please take a look."

With that said, the old woman handed over a handwritten note.

"That... thank you so much."

After taking the note, Lei Luo found that it was actually the other party's personal note.

After reading it roughly, Lei Luo was surprised: "The information collected by the master is quite detailed."

"Ha ha."

The grandma said with a smile: "As the pioneer Antonio said, my research on evolutionary meanings in these years has also come to an end. No matter how many biological specimens are analyzed, it is difficult to bring me room for improvement. This is the hope that other scholars can obtain Some inspiration."

Reello smiled.

Did not care about the other side's humble words.

Anamo continued: "As for the strength of these pioneers, the strength of the royal academicians of various countries must be judged by their ability to summon the laws in a special way. Some of them are special, and they can activate some laws in some special ways. The strength and strength are also much stronger than ordinary academicians. If no accident, you should have reached this level, right? Otherwise, the radiation weapons that you have discovered..."

Hearing this, Lei Luo shook his head equally humbly.

The other party is still judging oneself with the traditional knowledge of the To be precise, the reason why Lei Luo was able to discover the radiation weapon, besides insisting on the basic accident of the "Heliocentric Theory", was luck and accident. , In the stage of knowing what is happening and not knowing why.

According to Lei Luo's estimation, if he can't continue to research on the basis of sufficient knowledge, I am afraid that even if he has obtained enough astral essence, it is very likely that he will not be able to truly enter the fifth biological level.

The gap in this is probably due to the relationship between Pan Gula ancient giant and the creator of light.

of course.

These are still quite far away for Lei Luo at this moment.

Animo continued: "Next are the royal academicians in the general sense. Haha, I am also one of them. From the perspective of ordinary people, the royal academicians are already at the peak of academia. , But I don’t know that this just means having a foundation for cognition of the law. Although countless academies have been established in various principalities in recent years, the birth of academicians is by no means an overnight event."

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