Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 492: Reappear black

"Where is Academician Ankalev?"

Leylo asked.

Upon hearing this, the female scholar's face darkened.

"Master, please follow me."

In Leiluo's puzzled look, she followed the female scholar to the giant furnace hanging upside down in the center of the hall.

Upon closer observation, the internal energy response of the furnace seems to be not only the power of radiation, but also some other things.

It's crackling.

Suddenly, on the wall of the furnace, the power of thunder exploded, and an old figure of Ankalev appeared, actually appearing in the form of energy elements.

Lei Luo was stunned.

"Is this a clone of the master?"

The old thunder man smiled miserably when he heard the words.

"No, this is my last means of life-saving. From then on, I can never leave this furnace."


Lei Luo said with a solemn expression on his face: "What the master meant is that after the physical body suffered irreparable trauma, with the help of this furnace, it turned into a creature similar to the reincarnation of the Sealand Principality?"

"Almost so, but it's slightly different."

Ankarev said: "Those who are strong in reincarnating elements can only stay in a dormant state. Every call is constantly consuming life and energy, but I am always in a state of survival, but as long as the furnace goes out, my life will be Go to the end completely."

Hearing this, Lei Luo thought of something, a strange color.

Taking a deep breath, Lei Luo said slowly: "Master's wisdom is really beyond the reach."


Ankarev waved his hand and motioned to the people in the hall to leave, as if to talk to Lei Luo alone.

After everyone left, only Leiluo was left. Ankarev said: "I hope your Excellency will not blame your Majesty. Back then, the Principality was forced to make such a choice. The Holy See... is too strong!"

"I do not have."

Relo's voice was calm.

The calm is horribly calm.

Seeing this, Ankalev couldn't say more.

He said in a low voice: "Your solar energy reactor has really benefited me a lot. The academic exchange lies in the equal exchange between the two parties. Since I have benefited a lot from your solar energy reactor, I have been working hard in your reactor over the years. The research results of the second-generation reactor established on this basis should be returned to you."

After speaking, a space ring gradually emerged on the surface of the furnace wall.

The crack flashed, and a book of handwritten notes appeared, floating towards Lei Luo.

Seeing Leiluo taking the note, Ankarev sighed: "Since I was possessed on this furnace, I have become extremely sensitive to energy. The power of the monsters gathered outside is too strong. If nothing happens, I am afraid. This place will be completely destroyed tonight. At that time, I will try my best to create opportunities for you. I hope you will try your best to escape and pass on the results of my research here."

Lei Luo looked down at the handwritten notes.

The so-called second-generation energy melting furnace is completely different from Lei Luo's previous design ideas.

Ankalev actually combined his own knowledge of natural potential energy with a solar energy reactor to create a mixed energy source.

This kind of energy source, in the eyes of Lei Luo, is a lot worse than the real second-generation qualitative change solar energy source reactor, but for Lei Luo's first-generation solar energy source reactor, it does have Made some progress.

He is ultimately bound by the cognition of the older generation of academic circles.

"Maybe, there is still a chance."

Lei Luo said suddenly.

Ankalev heard this and shook his head slowly.

"You don't need to comfort me, you and I know that the power of the monsters outside has exceeded the limit of resistance here. With just such a little guarding power, we Kenben could not have a chance."

Lei Luo put away the manuscript notes.

"The most powerful force of scholars lies in the brilliant moment of the big bang of wisdom, perhaps just because of a trivial little scholarship of a certain knowledge, and then they have become a powerful existence that once opponents could not reach, the power of scholars, and It's not a smooth straight line, a brutal one-to-one collision."


Under Ankalev's gaze, Lei Luo slowly took out a mysterious object.

This substance, after being transformed by Lei Luo, was about the size of a palm, in the form of a six-pointed star, with an evil smiling face in the center of the six-pointed star.

"this is?"

Ankalev was puzzled.

Lei Luo said in a low voice: "One of the pinnacle technologies of the Quran civilization, the guardian of the source of energy! And its design limit, when the source of energy is adequately supplied, is comparable to ancient creatures."

The thing that Lei Luo took out was the Xiao Hei who had been placed for a long time!

"This... is this true?"

Ankalev said in disbelief, rekindling hope.


Relo's deep response made Ankalev overjoyed.

He murmured: "If there is another existence comparable to ancient creatures, given the geographical advantage, there may be a real opportunity to wait until the main army of the principality comes."

"Master, don’t be happy. This is just its theoretical design limit. It’s a pity that even the second-generation solar energy reaction furnace here, compared to the ecosystem furnace at the bottom of the Quran Pyramid, seems to only barely reach the total energy. About one-third."


Under Ankarev's gaze, Leylo took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.

"So I have to add my strength."


The thunderous Ankarev frowned on the furnace wall.

At this moment, he is extremely sensitive to energy, and in his induction, Lei Luo's energy response is at most three levels, far from being able to influence and change such a large-scale battle.

"I will do my best, and ask the master to buy time for me as much as possible."

After finishing speaking, Lei Luo did not delay any further time, and stuck the meteor on the solar energy reactor.

There was a "hum".

The little six-pointed star, like a bottomless pit, was constantly absorbing the energy from the furnace, and even caused the guardian magic circle mask outside to fade slightly.

Seeing this, the workers in the town screamed.

They don't want to directly face the overwhelming monsters outside.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

In the dark shadow on the top of the tower, there was a weird and sharp laughter of "Jie Jie Jie Jie".

Light is the key to awaken it.

The ghosts in the dark, ghosts and grotesque illusions, gradually absorb the power of fear, awakening the Gulan energy guardian in the final form!

"Be honest!"

In Leiluo's stern beating, his fingers flicked the hexagram face on the energy furnace.

Jie Jie laughed strangely and stopped abruptly.


He seemed to recall something.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became quite awkward.

"Not out yet?"

In Lei Luo's side gaze, in the dark shadow, a little boy with dark circles slowly walked out, only five or six years old. He seemed a little afraid of Lei Luo, head down, some autistic drawing with his feet Circle.

Leiluo stroked the back of his head and walked towards Ankalev.

"This is the legacy of the pinnacle technology of the Quran civilization?"


The change in the energy source just now caused panic in the town. Several scholars who were signaled to leave by Ankalev ran into the room.

"Instructor, the guardian magic circle has just changed! Uh, who is he?"

The female scholar saw in the room, there was a little boy with dark circles squatting on the side of the furnace and drawing circles. His skin was terribly pale, and she couldn't help but ask in amazement.

The little boy looked up at her.

But when he saw Leiluo's condescending and severe appearance again, he pouted and looked aggrieved, and continued to lower his head and draw circles.


The nightmarish horror that Lei Luo brought to him once, he really didn't want to experience it again.

"Uh, this is... ahem, it's okay, let's go out."

Ankalev motioned everyone to leave again.

He looked at Lei Luo solemnly: "In that, I will cooperate with you with all my strength. If I can escape this disaster, this tower yours.

"Do not."

Lei Luo said in a low voice: "I only need your consent. In a future Royal Academician Committee vote, you will reveal your right to vote according to my wishes!"


Ankarev said, "Go, just use my media partner as a voucher!"

The electric mouse in the corner of the room appeared on Lei Luo's shoulder in a flash.

After thinking for a while, Lei Luo shook his head.

"No, there is a dangerous thing in my space bracelet. There is something wrong. I believe in the master's promise."

Leiluo slowly placed the electric mouse on the ground, under Ankalev's gaze, slowly walked to the corner of the room and sat down on the sofa, and then closed his eyes.

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