Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 511: Mysterious black body

Through the blood token, Lei Luo could feel that he was constantly approaching the canary.

The gravitational channel established with the main body is constantly collapsing, and the energy brought from the main body is constantly fading away, but Lei Luo dare not stay here too much.

Almost every time, the shadowy shadow on the surrounding black ice, the mysterious Wall Shadow Demon, will gradually emerge.

Quack quack!

The cry of the abyss tyrant unexpectedly came again.

The harsh screams mixed in the blizzard, like the wailing of the duck before the slaughter, and it seems to have discovered the appearance of Lei Luo first, covering the sky and the horrible shadow, and attacking here at an alarming speed.

Leiluo stared at the past and finally witnessed this powerful creature that was only seen in the portrait before.

It has two pairs of wings, spread out about forty meters, and it looks a bit like an abyssal dragon at first glance.

But it is different from the Abyssal Erosion Dragon.

In addition to its almost insect-like appearance, its body surface is also filled with layers of weird black smoke. It is not even accurate to describe it with black smoke. It is the same thing as the black unknown in the black ice!

This black unknown object, although it will continue to diffuse like smoke, once exposed to the air or illuminated by strong light, it will gradually dissipate, and it seems that it can only exist in some special media.

When it is in the medium, it will be in a very stable state, just like a kind of colored ink.

The weird thing is.

It is not particulate matter, because Lei Luo's portable microscope can't observe it at all. Under the microscope, it flashes and dims like a planet in the night.

It doesn't seem to be energy either. Otherwise, as a Lei Luo scholar, it would be impossible to have innate perception of energy without any perception of it.

If you want to conduct in-depth research on it, you can only return to a large laboratory and start with basic particles.

"It seems that the wall demon, called the rebel by the underground creatures, is indeed likely to have mastered some unknown ability. According to information, the area of ​​black ice in the abyss seems to be increasing."

While muttering to himself, Lei Luo stared at the abyss tyrant himself.

This creature, at least in the abyss of death, did possess a power comparable to that of a legendary creature.

But at this moment, the power of Lei Luo summoned, Yu Wei is still there, and there is not much pressure on such a legendary creature that appears alone.

At least if the opponent doesn't have any special talents.


A silver flame emerged from the volley of the index finger of his right hand, shining with varying brightness.

In the short time the opponent dived over, after Lei Luo's four-layer collapse bubble technique, it was generated at his fingertips. With the silver flames of his right index finger jumping rapidly, dozens of energy solidification symbols were added to the bubble technique. Wen, then the inconspicuous bubble flew towards this giant with a "shoo" sound.

boom! !

Earth-shattering explosion.

Layers of flames, heat waves surging.

A giant fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters rose slowly.

Lei Luo, who was in the real form of the lava giant on the ground, looked up.

Compared with singularity, bubble technique has a faster trajectory, a wider range, is more suitable for long-range attacks, and is less likely to be evaded. Although the attack power is relatively low, it also reaches about 650 degrees, plus The blessing of "Mithril Sealing the Dust" is enough to cause a heavy blow even to the legendary creature, and it even turns into a lethal blow!

However, this earth-shattering explosion of the fireball, although it has reached more than ten meters in diameter, is nothing compared to the abyss tyrant who has opened its wings for more than 40 meters. In terms of volume, it is nothing.

One of its claws converged into a fist, violently slammed toward the four-layer collapse bubble technique.


The black scales on the surface of the magic object, although it suffered some damage, were just the surface of the body, almost negligible, and it pierced the fireball with one blow, and continued to pounce on Leiro.

The pupils of the sun and the moon flickered, and Lei Luo noticed the power of his collapsed flame bubble. A large part of the black unknown on his body surface was offset, and only a small part of the power was effective.

The flames on his body were majestic and vigorous, turning into a fireball with a diameter of 15 meters.

Immediately afterwards, this black giant claw broke through the real body of the fireball and caught Lei Luo at the core.

"It's worthy of being a legendary creature, but if that's the case, hum."

Lei Luo at the core of the fireball body, with a small human posture, also threw a punch at him, unexpectedly going to make a head-on collision with him.


A weird scene appeared.

When Lei Luo carried his unmatched power, he slammed a punch and landed on the ‘black smoke’ on the opponent’s body, as if hitting cotton, giving rise to a feeling of nowhere to force.

Immediately after.

The power of the giant claw fell on Lei Luo’s fist front, first suffered a huge impact, Lei Luo’s body surface 1024 night guardian shield instantly shattered, and then “buzzed”, layers of ultrasonic wave-like violent vibration, transmitted Every corner of Lei Luo's body, that is the highly evolved use of muscles, caused a special blow.

Unspeakable pain.

Leiluo estimated that if he suffered two more attacks of this level, he would probably be overwhelmed.

And what caused all of this was the land of the abyss of death, those black unknown things closely related to the Wall Shadow Demon.

Just as Leiluo was preparing to deal with the opponent's next attack with Level 4 Singularity, suddenly, from the ‘black smoke’ that pervaded the opponent’s body, an astonishing amount of indistinct shadows appeared.

They have no breath, no sound.

It seems to drag Lei Luo into the depths of the black smoke, drag into the body of the abyss tyrant like before dragging into the ice wall!

Under the astonishing pulling force, Lei Luo hurriedly interrupted the fourth-level singularity technique and launched another academic.


A low groan deep in the throat.

Leiluo endured the drag of these wall shadow monsters, and at the same time wanted to use the technique of siphoning to remove the life essence of these wall shadow monsters.

The light green light blended into his body.

After a short stalemate, after all, these weird wall shadow demons retreated and disappeared one after another, and the giant claws of the abyss tyrant also broke free from the fireball.


It's obviously not good.

One paw burned a large area, and the weird light green radiant fire was like a bone-eating maggot, constantly trying to infiltrate its body, just as it was about to blast into the huge fireball in front of it with the other paw, attacking the small spots inside, Lei Luo also launched another academic.

The pupil of the moon flickered.

A light blue flame suddenly appeared on the surface of this abyss tyrant.

"Astral Siphon!"

It was a huge celestial body with a diameter of more than 100 meters from the distant atmosphere, emitting light and heat. It crushed, destroyed, and absorbed everything along the way, slowly sweeping the night sky like stars in the eyes of surface creatures.


The gravitational channel that was gradually disappearing between it and Lei Luo suddenly changed the direction of the channel and locked it on this abyss tyrant, and with this, launched the unparalleled attraction of the astral body.

The gravitational channel, like a tube, is locked on the body of the abyss tyrant.

On the other end of the tube is Lei Luo's body!


The Abyssal Tyrant stopped attacking Leiro, struggling constantly in the air, trying to break free from the gravitational lock from the unknown. However, after a short stalemate, it was not only unable to break free, the horror **** from the unknown. On the contrary, its strength became larger and larger, and it was horrified, and it sensed the crisis of life and death.


Leiluo roared, trying to pass it through the gravitational channel, using the power of the real body like sucking jelly through a tube, sucking it into the real body, and then slowly digesting it with the power of the real body's natural laws.

When it comes to the real body, not to mention whether it is dead or alive.

The power of the real body is comparable to that of the god-level creatures, and no matter how weird its power form is, it will be swallowed up by various ‘natural disasters’ and ‘ecological food chains’ under the cycle of the real body’s natural laws.

Roar! ! !

The Abyssal Tyrant’s attack on this unknown form was obviously scared to death. He was struggling hysterically at this end of the gravitational channel. After a stalemate for a long time, he finally screamed and broke free from the siphon of the stars. Fleeing away without looking back.


Leiluo stared at the fleeing figure of the abyss tyrant and muttered.

On the one hand, the gravitational channel between him and the main body is already on the verge of collapse, on the other hand, the main body is still too far away from him, otherwise this abyss tyrant would never escape so easily.

That being said.

Leiluo stared at the almost endless black ice on the surface of the earth in all directions, and his research on the abilities of these wall monsters became more determined.

Must crack the mystery!

This kind of mystery that allowed ancient creatures to migrate underground from the land of the star screen and plan to migrate back from the underground world!

:. :

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